Elements of the Comet of 1585


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The orbit of this binary star has been computed by Sir John Herschel and Mr. Madler, a s detailed i n the memoirs of the Astronomical Society and in the Astrononiische Nach- richten. M y elements depend very materially on the measures taken at Mr. Bishop's Observatory since the year 1839, indeed

Per. Passage.. ................. Node ......................... Pro-jected place or perihelion ..... Angle between the lines of Apsides and nodes on orbit ""

Inclination ..................... Mean Annual Rlotiori ............ Semi -axis major ............... Period ........................ Eccrritricity ....................

the later results quite alter tho form of the orbit. I have not had leisure to compare the computed and observed angles further than was necessary to prove the accuracy of the cal- culations.

1699,26 11'24'

8 15

At present we have been unable to find Bielu's comet. Mr. Lassell is searching about the computed place with a 20 foot - reflector, o f h i s o w ii w o r k m a n s h i p : the spew-

In the angle of position (6) we have. E -- ( 2 , 9 1 7 3 9 ) S ~ h E = [I,53355] (t - 1699,26)

fa/& 3~ = [0,10653].tun &E

lum is 24 inches in diameter. Hitherto the comet has not been detected even with the great optical power of this

, telescctpe.

356 22

4 3 14 0,2405 -34' 163

fnn (Il"24'-6) = [9,86247].tan (\?-356'22')

.6''300 632,27 Years.

Nachdem wir einige Tage vergekens gesucht hatten, fand Herr Dr. GuZle am 28*"Novbr. ganz in der Nshe des Ortes, wo nach der berechneten Eyhenieride der Bielu'sche Comet stehen sollte, einen ungeniein schwachen, nur im Refractor sichtbaren Nebel. Die Nahe eines Sterns erschwerte noch seine Sicbtbarkeit, so dafs wir UDS begniigten, ihn nur einmal im dunkeln Felde einzustellen. Sein Ort war darnach

Elemelits of r Coronae.

Nov. 28 6h11'35'' 336'49' +3'40'5. h i 29. Novbr. fand Herr Dr. GalZc die gestrige Stelle

leer, und dagegen an der Stelle wohin der Comet geriickt seyn sollte, einen lhnlichen schwachen Nebel, der jetet hes- ser zu heohachten war, da er isolirt staid. Der Nebel ist so scbwach, dafs ich ihn nicht gefunden habeo wiirde, und mich an jedem Abende nur mit Miilie von seiner Existenz

Per. passage ................ 1826,48 Node ...................... 21' 3' Projected perihelion .......... 88 25 Angle between n' and ...... 69 2 4 Inclination .................. 25 3 9 Eccentricity ................ 0,7256 Mean Annual Motion ......... Semi . axis major ............ 5"194 Period ..................... 737 Years

+29'3 13

Both orbits were deduced by Sir John Herschel's method: but in the case of orGeniinoruni I applied some improvements in the original plan of procedure, for which I have been in- debted to S i r Job's Kindness

For the angle ot positioii (4) we have E - [3,39698].& E = [1,46706] (1826.48 -t)

fan 3. = [O,39928].tUlt 4E tan (8--21'3') = [9 ,95494] . t~n (V+69'24')

and for the distance ( p ) sin E cos -(u+ 69'24') scn .o COB (6 - 21'3')

p = [ 0 , 5 5 3 1 9 ] . ~
