Elementary statistics for effecive library and information service management



Elementary statistics for effecive library and information service management Presnetation of information in a scientific enviroment Citation analysis and applied networktheory (web of science, scorpus, scimago) Role of libraries as carriers of scientific communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Elementary statistics for effecive library and information service management

Presnetation of information in a scientific enviroment

Citation analysis and applied networktheory (web of science, scorpus, scimago)

Role of libraries as carriers of scientific communication

www and wepage design: HTML and XMl Building infromation infrastructure from scratch

(developing a business plan) Internet inroduction and VUB network enviroment Study visits to selected libraries in Belgium

Unclear communication Technical requirements of laptops. VUB passwords,

access of e-resources from students home Food, poster presentation (cultural dress)

Limited time for the training Too much to cover in a short period. More group works to foster team work

Efficient program coordination Library visits well planned, met experts Time management, adherence to program

schedule, Belgian culture

Subject specialists Diverse background, countries e.g. New

Zealand, USA Friendliness

Open source software CDS ISIS Family and Greenstone

Elementary Statistics Useful for decision making , funding

Library visits Learn from experts

All were relevant

Develop wikis Improve knowledge management . Provide easy and fast access to tacit $ explicit

knowledge (knowledge in one’s head). Improve service at front desk.

Consortia Resource sharing (ILL, expertise). Development of information literacy courses.