ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TRAINING PROGRAM (ECTP) Library/Images/Content... · Electrical Contractor...


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Joondalup campus Jandakot campus

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Do you have any of the following? Certificate III in Electrotechnology or equivalent EW Licence Number (please provide copy) Other (please specify)

Course Fees Please find enclosed: Cheque Company Purchase Order Credit Card Money Order

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Name on card Order payable to CET for:Electrical Contractor Training Program (all modules) Course fee $2042.00 NECA Member fee $ 1882.00

Includes Resource Fee of $65 for WAE100, EA102 & EA103BNominee Modules (EA103A, WAE100) Course fee $986 NECA Member fee $ 886 Includes $20 Resource Fee for WAE100. Business Modules (EA103B, EA102) Course fee $1612 NECA Member fee $1543 Module Fees where completed independently. Please tick which modules you wish to complete:Module EA103A Course fee $183 NECA Member fee $ 174 Module WAE100 Course fee $803 NECA Member fee $ 765 Module EA102 Course fee $1035 NECA Member fee $ 986 Module EA103B Course fee $577 NECA Member fee $ 557 Should your employer be a NECA member, please provide their NECA Membership Number (Fees are subject to change)

Paid by (if other than student, please provide name and address)

Examination Resits & Assignment Resubmission Where students are required to re-sit an examination or re-submit an assignment the following fees apply: • No fee for first resit/resubmission • $50.00 for a second resit/resubmission • $100.00 for a third resit/resubmission • $200.00 for a fourth resit/resubmission

Funding available for eligible students who work in the Building and Construction Industry. Contact the College to find out more!

Funding available for eligible students who work in the Building and Construction Industry. Contact the College to find out more!

29/01/18 | RTO code 2394

In Western Australia, the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 provide that electrical contracting work may only be carried out by persons holding the appropriate electrical licence as issued by the Electrical Licensing Board.

This EnergySafety WA approved course satisfies the Electrical Contractor Training Program (ECTP) and provides licensed electricians with the training, skills and knowledge required to identify, investigate and apply statutory and legislative requirements, manage jobs and operate a business and inspect and test electrical installation work according to regulatory requirements.

This course can be delivered fulltime on campus or through distance learning (correspondence).

COURSE CONTENTThe Electrical Contractor Training Program consists of four competency based modules: EA102, EA103A, EA103B and WAE100.

Regulation 36 of the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 provides for the issue of an Electrical Contractor’s Licence to a sole trader, a firm, or a body corporate and requires that the applicant, or at least one person in the employ of the applicant who is concerned in the management or conduct of the business, understands fully the duties and obligations imposed by the regulations, the Electricity Act 1945 and the Energy Coordination Act 1994 and has therefore successfully completed the following modules of the ECTP:

EA103B - General Legislative Requirements

Module Learning Outcomes

• Investigate and identify State and Federal legislation as it applies to: - the structure of an electrical contracting business;- workplace relations, human resources;- the marketplace

• Analyse and describe the intent and implications of the identified State and Federal Legislation;

• Establish an electrical operational plan and policies to give effect to the procedures, processes and legislative obligations of an electrical contracting business.

EA102 - Establishing a Contracting Business

Module Learning Outcomes

• Evaluate those factors that influence the performances and structure of a small contracting business;

• Establish a marketing plan for a small contracting business; • Evaluate the labour costs and profit margins associated with a small

contracting operation.

Regulation 38 of the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 provides for the issue of an In-House Electrical Installing Work Licence where an employer engages or employs an electrical worker to carry out electrical installing work other than maintenance work in respect only of premises owned, leased, or occupied by the employer. Regulation 36 requires that the applicant, or at least one person in the employ of the applicant, is the holder of a current WA Electrician’s Licence and that person has, to the satisfaction of the Electrical Licensing Board, complete the following modules of the ECTP:

EA103A - Operational (Electrical) Legislative Requirements

Module Learning Outcomes

• Investigate and identify State legislation relevant to the electrical operations of an organisation in the provision of electrical services;

• Analyse the intent and implications of the identified legislation and apply it to the procedures and processes of an electrical contracting company.

WAE100 - Electrical Requirements

Module Learning Outcomes

• Apply Australian electrical standards and relevant State publications to a variety of situations associated with small to large electrical installations;

• Describe and apply specific statutory technical and occupational requirements associated with the functions and duties of electrical personnel;

• Analyse and apply the correct sequence of procedures for inspection, testing and commissioning of electrical installations;

• Determine and observe appropriate safety and supervisory procedures in an electrical environment.

COURSE DURATIONElectrical Contractor Training Program (all modules) - full time 14 days or 12 months distance learning. Nominee Modules (EA103A, WAE100) - full time 5 days or 12 months distance learning. Business Modules (EA102, EA103B) - full time 9 days or 12 months distance learning. COURSE REQUIREMENTSEntry to module WAE100 will require applicants to hold a current WA Unrestricted Electrician’ Licence.

Fully enclosed shoes must be worn at all times in CET buildings.

Safety boots/shoes must be worn when working in the workshop.

Refer to the Code of Conduct on the College website www.cet.asn.au for details on dress code. COURSE MATERIALSApplicants are required to obtain the following resources prior to course commencement:

Available at both CET Campuses

• AS/NZS 3000 (current edition) • AS/NZS 3008.1.1 (current edition)• AS/NZS 3760 (current edition)• AS/NZS 3017 (optional)

Available at the State Law Publisher http://www.slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_1357_homepage.html)

• Electrical (Licencing) Regulations 1991 (current edition) • Electricity Regulations 1947 (current edition)

Available at EnergySafety http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/atoms/files/waer_2014_0.pdf

• WA Electrical Requirements (current edition)


Standards are subject to change without notice. Applicants should check for the latest version before purchase.

CERTIFICATIONGraduates will be issued with a Statement of Academic Record. Application for licence issue should be made to EnergySafety WA: http://www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/energysafety/licensing

(within twelve months of completing the mandatory course modules).

HOW TO ENROLTo enrol, complete and return the form over the page with full payment to the relevant campus.

Your booking is not guaranteed until payment and registration has been received. Under no circumstances will registration without payment entitle you to a place on the course.



CET CANCELLATION POLICY All cancellations must be received in writing via mail or email

8 days+ prior to course commencement 100% fee refund

2-7 days prior to course commencement 90% fee refund

1 day or less prior to course commencement No refund

CET TRANSFER POLICY Should a candidate wish to transfer their scheduled course date

Initial transfer request made 8 days or more prior to course commencement

No fee applies

1 to 7 days prior to course commencement 10% of full fee charge

Any subsequent requests for course transfers 10% of full fee charge


JOONDALUP CAMPUS Phone: (08) 9233 5000Email: joondalup@cet.asn.auAddress: 20 Injune Way, Joondalup 6027Post: PO Box 4, Joondalup DC WA 6919

JANDAKOT CAMPUS Phone: (08) 6595 6600 Email: jandakot@cet.asn.auAddress: 5 Avior Avenue, Jandakot 6164 Post: PO Box 3857, Success WA 6964

