Electric Circuits. Electric Circuit Is a closed path for the flow of electrons. Consists of:...


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Electric Circuits

Electric Circuit

• Is a closed path for the flow of electrons.

• Consists of:

1. Source of electricity

2. Wires to conduct the flow of electrons (electric current)

3. Objects (resistors or loads) along the path that require electricity to operate (ex. Lamps)


• Current: the movement of negative charge (flow of electrons). The amount of charge that ‘flows” past a certain point in a conducting wire every second.

• If you were to describe a current of water you might state the amount of litters of water that flows past a point in a pipe in one minute. (watch)


• One coulomb of charge is equal to the amount of charge in 6.25x1018 electrons (6.2 billion billion electrons).

• The symbol for current is I

• Current is measured in amperes A

• The symbol for charge is Q

• Charge is measured in coulombs C

• Time (t) is usually measured in seconds s


• The mathematical relationship among these variables is:

Amount of current=amount of charge moving past a point time




• A current of 2.0 A means that 2.0 C of charge is moving past a point in the circuit every second.

I=Q t

2.0 A= 2.0 C1 s


• Example 1

If 350 Coulombs (C) of charge pass a point in a conductor in 20 seconds, what is the electric current (I) through that point?

Formula: I=Q/t

I= ?(unknown)

Q= 350C

t=20 s

I=Q / tI=350C / 20sI=17.5 AThere are 17.5 Amperes of current passing though that point.

Calculations• Example 2

If 200 C of charge pass a point in 3 minutes, what is the electric current through that point?

• What is your first step?

• Covert minutes to seconds

• 3 minutes x 60 s = 180s 1 min

I= ? I=Q/t Q= 200 C I= 200/180s t= 180 s I= 1.1A

There are 1.1 amps of current passing though

that point.




• Read p.324-325; 328-329• Questions p.329 (1-5)


Electricity on the Move

Source of Electricity:

• You can think of a battery as an object that has energy to make electrons move around a circuit.


Electrical Potential Energy• The purpose of a battery in an electric

circuit is to provide energy to move the negative charge (electrons) through the conductors in the circuit.

• All Energy is measured in Joules (J)


• Chemical reactions occur in a battery that result in buildup of electrons in the negative terminal

• Electrons in the battery move to the other terminal making it positive.• These “energized” electrons now have the ability to do work on


Potential Energy

•This electrical energy stored in a battery is called Potential Energy. (This is the driving force responsible for the moving charges in a circuit.)

•In order to actually do work the battery must be connected to an object (load or resistor) and the circuit must be complete. (See page 330, figure 10.3 a & b)

Potential Energy

The units for potential energy per unit of charge are:

J (Joules)C (Coulomb) or Volt (V)

Another name is given to J/C. It is called a Volt (V)


• Voltage can be looked at as how much energy is carried per unit charge

• Voltage (potential energy) = Energy / charge



Potential difference = energy/charge

Potential Difference

• When describing energy in a circuit we speak of potential difference.

• Potential Difference: the difference in potential energy per coulomb charge at one point in a circuit compared to another. This is measured in Volts (V).

• For example: If one coulomb of charge at one point in a circuit has one more joule, of potential energy, than at another point in the circuit the potential difference is one volt.

1C+ 1J vs. 1C + 2J = Potential Difference of 1 V

• Using a voltmeter, you can measure voltage by looking at the difference in energy between two points on the circuit


• In a battery, 45J of chemical energy are converted into electrical energy by separating positive and negative charges. This energy places 15C of charge at the negative terminal, leaving a deficit at the positive terminal. What is the potential difference between the two terminals of the battery?

Given• E= 45 Joules• Q= 15 Coulombs• V=?

V =

V = = 3.0 V

A battery that uses 45J of chemical energy to separate 15C of charge generates a potential difference of 3V.







Example 2

• Within a battery, 180 J of chemical energy are converted into electrical potential energy. This amount of energy produces 30 C of negative charge (electrons) at the negative terminal, and a deficit of electrons at the positive terminal. What is the potential difference between the negative and positive terminal of the battery?

Given• E= 180 Joules• Q= 30 Coulombs• V=?

V =

V = = 6.0 V

A battery that uses 180J of chemical energy to separate 30C of charge generates a potential difference of 6.0V.








• Read pages 330 to 336

• Answer questions 1 to 5 on page 336.


• When electrons move through a conductor the atoms resist the flow of electrons.

• Resistance is the property of a substance which indicates how much that substance will interfere with the flow of electrons

• Example: The resistance of Tungsten (filament in light bulbs) is 400 times greater than copper wire.


• There is a mathematical relationship between resistance potential difference and current.



resistance = potential difference / current

•The unit for resistance is V/A or Ohm (Ω)

Ohm’s Law

• The scientist Ohm did experiments that found resistance was always the same no matter how much voltage (potential difference) was placed on them.

RIV Potential difference = current x resistance

•An ohmic resistor has constant resistance. Many electrical appliances are NOT ohmic


• What is the resistance of a heating coil if a current of 10.0 A goes through it when connected to a wall outlet providing a potential difference or voltage of 120 V?










V = 120V

I = 10.0 A

Example 2

• What is the current running through a light bulb having a resistance of 5.0 Ω (V/A) when the potential difference across the bulb is 12.0 V?





VI 4.2



V = 12.0 V

R = 5.0 Ω (V/A)


• Power is defined as energy per unit time.• Electrical Power is defined as the amount of

electrical energy that is converted (into light, sound, heat or motion) every second.

• The mathematical equation for power (P) is:



Power = energy / time


• The unit for power, Joules/second, is called a watt W.

• Example: when sixty joules of electrical energy is converted into light and heat by a light bulb every second.

• The bulb has a power of 60 watts (W)• It’s not convenient to talk about power in electric

circuit this way so another equation has been developed. (page 344)


• The new mathematical equation for power (P) is:

VIP Power = current x potential difference (voltage)

•Power gives us information about how many joules of electrical energy are being converted from electrical energy into another form of energy every second.


• A current of 0.83 A passes through a light bulb which is connected to a 120 V wall outlet. What is the power of the light bulb??

IVP WVAIVP 10012083.0

V = 120V

I = 0.83 A

Power Rating

• It’s useful to know how much energy an electrical device would use in a certain amount of time.

• To calculate this we use a Power Rating

• Many electrical devices, like a light bulb have this stamped on them.

This stamp tells us that the light bulb has a power rating of 60 W, 14 W, or 12.5 W when connected to a 120 V wall


Power Rating

• If we want to calculate how much energy an electrical device uses, we would multiply the power (watts) by time (seconds).

PtE Energy (joules) = power (watts) x time (seconds)

Energy Efficiency

Percent efficiency of electrical device = (useful energy output/total electrical energy input) x 100%

•The useful energy output of a lamp is the amount of energy that a lamp actually converts to light.

•There is no electrical device that converts all of the electrical energy going into it , into the energy the electrical device is producing.

•Not all electrical energy going into a light bulb is converted to light.

•The efficiency of an electrical device can be calculated but using the following equation:


• An electric kettle has power rating of 1000 W. it takes this kettle 3.5 min to heat up 600ml of water from 22.0 °C to 100.0 °C. This required 196 000 J of energy to heat the water. What is the efficiency of the kettle?

• The energy used by the kettle is






PtE P = 1000 W

t = 3.5 min = 210s

Percent efficiency = (196 000 J/210 000 J) x 100%

Percent efficiency = 93.3 %

• Read p.337 – 339; 342-346; 358• Questions p.342 (1-6)

»p.348 (1-6)»p.350 (15, 16; 21-22; 24-30)

