ELC Insights - Sept/Oct 2014



A Newsletter for and about our Students and Faculty

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English Language Center Insights

A Newsletter for and about our Students and Faculty

Falling into Place Written by Katie Subra

Dear Students and Colleagues,

After spending the past academic year teaching in Belarus, I am happy to return to my ELC classes. This fall I met some of you for the first time; others I have had the pleasure of knowing for one or even five years.

It is such a joy to teach such a diverse group and to work with such dedicated teachers. My year abroad has taught me many things, not the least of which is that the world becomes very small (and opportunities infinite) when you surround yourself with good people!

If you’re experiencing any feelings of culture shock or homesickness, please come talk to me. J

Teacher Feature – Meet Susan Webber! Written by Junha Moon

1) Why did you choose your job? I love working with international students and I can experience other cultures. Also, I like helping international students.

2) What do you do in your job? I work closely with the international services office. I answer student questions, process applications, teach, help students, and several other things…

3) What do you like about your job? I like working with international students and working with my colleagues to make a rewarding experience for everyone.

Conv. Partners October 8, 5-7pm

Pumpkin Carving October 15, 4-6pm Pumpkins, candy, and spooky tunes will be provided for

this seasonal treat

Haunted House October 18, TBA We’ll go to La Crosse to shop, eat out, and visit a haunted house

S E P T E M B E R - O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4

Food, games, and conversation topics will be prepared by

ELC students!


FALL 2014


Artifacts of Life in Winona


Big Lake

Written by Abdelrahman Yehia

The big lake is one of the most

attractive places in Winona. It’s located near

Winona State University. The magnificent

view of the lake zone includes a beach, rose

garden, park, walking, and biking path that

attract visitors and residents. You can enjoy

doing a lot of activities such as walking,

running, biking, and fishing. By doing a one-

year membership at the Lake Center, you can

enjoy water sports like paddleboards, kayaks,

and other boats. In winter people can enjoy

skating rink and snowmobile races.


The Shuttle Bus Written by Dan Goon Hur

The shuttle bus from the West Campus

at WSU plays a very important role in the

lives of WSU students. There are few reasons

why the shuttle bus is important. The most

popular reason is that West Campus is the

farthest Campus from Main Campus. That's

why almost all West Campus students use it.

Moreover, the shuttle bus has a few types of

variations. In the morning, it is for 40 people

because a lot of people are trying to get to

class, but usually it is for 20 people in the

afternoon and evening. In addition it comes

every 15 minutes. If you use it, it will take you

only 5 minutes between Main Campus and

West Campus. Besides the shuttle bus looks

like a big square and there are many chairs,

but in the morning, a lot of people are standing

because there are more people than chairs. For

these few reasons, I think the shuttle bus is

very useful for West Campus students.


FALL 2014


Critical Summaries of “When hailing a taxi in Manhattan, shyness is not your friend”

Written by Ibrahim Julaih The article “When hailing a taxi in Manhattan, shyness is not your friend” written by

Lesley Carlin is about taking a taxi in Manhattan. If it is raining you cannot find a taxi, as easy

as you think, and if the time is clos to the end of his shift, he will ask you where you are going.

Also If you are in downtown Manhattan and you want to go La Guardia and he has 20 minutes

to end his shift he will not drive you there. When the cap stops to you first get in the car and

then tell him where you are going. If he did not take you to the destination that you want you

can take the number and report them. If you are having a problem with a cap just go to the

nearest place and ask the doorman to hook you up in an order and give him tip.

Written by Mami Kudo

In “When hailing a taxi in Manhattan, shyness is not your friend” the author, Lesley Carlin

wrote about how to use a taxi more easily in Manhattan. Generally, people who want to catch a

taxi have to stand the road where driver can see them clearly and raise the arm or yell to show

their appeal. Although it might be worked, she introduced some tips that

people should know about taxi in Manhattan. For example, the case of

raining, in the downtown, the time that driver’s work time will finish

for 20 minutes. But also she said that if the people are getting trouble

of taxi, they have to need the help with someone.


FALL 2014


What do you think about Winona so far? Writing students share their opinions

I like Winona because of the good food. --Cheick Diallo I like Winona because of Mississippi River. --Mohammad Dhrfan I come to America because I like to study English. --Noof Ahmed Sarhan

I like the U.S. because of the freedom. --Ali Alsagoor

Thanks to our contributors! Special thanks to everyone who contributed writing and photos: Junha Moon, Susan Webber, Katie Subra, Ibrahim Julaih, Mami Kudo, Dan Goon Hur, Abdelrahman

Yehia, Cherry Zhang, Yu Zheng, Andrea Guerrero León, Qussam Julaih, Abdullah Alburee, Noof Sarhen, Cheick Diallo, Mohammad Dhrfan, Ali Alsagoor


FALL 2014