ELA/Literacy Released Item 2017 Grade 03 What Happens


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ELA/Literacy Released Item 2017

Grade 03

Narrative Task

What Happens Afterward


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English Language Arts/Literacy


Today you will view First Music. As you watch, pay close

attention to the actions of the characters as you answer the

questions to prepare to write a narrative story.

Watch the video of the story First Music. Then answer the questions.

First Music

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English Language Arts/Literacy


5. Write a story that tells what happens after the events in the video. What do

the animals do after they learn they can play together? Describe what the

animals do and how the different animals each help.


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Anchor Set

A1 – A8

No Annotations Included

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Score Point 3

The animals were so happy that the frogs sang, so they decided to make a band, and they wanted to ask if the frogs wanted to join,but they didn't know were the frogs want.( after he sang and praced they want somewere else) So they seached and seached and seached for frog, there was when the trouble started they found a mounten and rocks began to roll because a hippo was up there and didn't want them to come up! so they climed to find there friend, the frogs,and they said to eachother and said " wait!!!! If the hippo is making rocks roll how would the frog get up there?"So they want down and seached all the way till the end of the rain forest,and they decided to go back and sleep and look at the pond again in the morning. So everyday they did the same thing look around the forest ( not the same places) and then ate and seched agiain till dinner and they ate dinner and want to bed, then looked at the pond in the morning. They decided to stop looking after 2 (two) months." were is frog?" asked monkey. So they decided to go and see the animal liberay ( animals only!!!)(was the sigh) and they want in and got a frog book and the libearny said " keed it for free." The other libernen said" we are closing any books you want keep them!" so they took some books in a bag and said " thank you", and htey want on home and read the book. The book said that frogs only last about 1 year. The animals said " WHAT!!!!!!!!!" They were all sad. So they decided to not make a band without the frogs. so they want to the pond and there underneth the pond was....... the frogs!!!! The frogs said at the same time " did you miss us??" "Yes!!!!" Said the animals. So they told frog about the band idea and frog loved the idea and so he said " yes!" So they preaced and preaced and preaced and preaced untill they got it perfted. Frog always said" practice makes perfitct" if they were mad when they were practicing!! And the made the libery a restarant and hired some animals to surve, cook, and take there order and sit them. And they were the animals( in the band) were the entertaners and performed there songs and every time the frogs said " I told you practice makes perfict" And the animals would say" Yep you were right " And the adence always claped ( even if they messed up)( only once) And thats what they still do. And the animals( not the frog) would say every year" That book lied the frogs are still alive!!!" And so they were the ost popurler animals in the jungle city. They all lived in this manchin that the animals built, Everyone was happy in that house and in that restarant and they lived on music!!! Because this is what there habbit.............. Music


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Anchor Paper 1

Written Expression

Score Point 3

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Score Point 3

Ever since the frogs started to sing there was always a animal playing. They tried to make other animal play a inchshermen t or dance. Frog would say "you could make any sound if you try and belive" but one day there was some one who disgreed and it was mouse. Monkey tried to teach her to dance it was no yous her leg was to tiny. Elphant tried to teach her to play a insherment but she couldn't keep a beet. There was only one thing to do. Take mouse to king frog. King frog knew evry thing. Monkey thought. Mouse come with me and thats what mouse did. What did you try. Croaked the frog. Well we tried dancing and playing a inchsherments. Replied monkey. There is one more thing to try and thats.....singing. Singing? Skeaked the mouse . Yes singing. Answered king frog. Like this. la la la la la. the mouse tried . skeak. That sounded good. Now all animals had a talent!

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Anchor Paper 2

Written Expression

Score Point 3

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Score Point 2

first music the frogs and monkeys and elaphants all in the african forest had a show or contest to see who would be a better musisoin so after the concert the frogs one the singing contest so the other animals were like that terophy should be mine now give it said monkey know give it to me or ill step on you said elephant but us frogs one fair and square how cute now give they all said then a lost dog said you shouldnt seddle this with violence thats wrong how about you all share the trophy and then we all can share it because you all have great voices and then they all agreed with the dog so they all bacame best friends the end

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Anchor Paper 3

Written Expression

Score Point 2

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Score Point 2

There are events from this story, leasons in this story and there asre many discrading about this story. I will tell you all the events and leasons and describing wolrds.

deedeedee. The animals woke up and heard sound they sounded like muisc

shoutted''The animals.'' Frog said ''To follow that sound that sound.''they thought in ther heads what a astnoshing sound that is.They walkesd too many places. Elanht thout this aveature was a pice of cake.This pargraph shows the event about the animal finding the sound.

The animals just notice that muisc is exceedliny fun.Elanfent said that we

thought that we hated music andwe thougt that music is not fun but we know that muisc comes to having fun.I gess that we eggnore what people said about muisc and we should of listen to the really world.Igees muic alwys fun on madery what happends.

The animals just learned that muisc is fun whent every one is here. The Monky yelled'' let's do some muisc!''

In conclution, muisc can be very fun.

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Anchor Paper 4

Written Expression

Score Point 2

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Score Point 1

The elephant could play harder and the music would be louder.

The monkey could dance more and the others animals would be dancing.

The crane could move harder on crocdials scales and the

sound would be louder. The animals could ask the frogs if

they could do somthing.

The animalswould make muisic all the time .


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Anchor Paper 5

Written Expression

Score Point 1

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Score Point 1

First the animals are singing till the seventh day. Then on the seventh day the frogs sang. Last all the animals sang and danced and the African contry was beautiful and loving! They become the best of friends forever. Monkey was cerious. All the animals animals get along. Just fine! All the animals have fun dancing and being together. They played and danced so hard that day the earth shook! Everybody had fun. Even the frogs did. They were cerious at the begining and in the middle happy. At the end they were cerious again and happy at the way end. I think this story was funny and magical! Because the animals could talk and sing. The animals are very nice to each other i can tell they all have a family

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Anchor Paper 6

Written Expression

Score Point 1

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Score Point 0

After I heared First Music by Dylan Pritchett i know one reason that they learned to play music togerther. They learned that they can work together even thouhgt the frogs can not dance the can sing it does not matter if you are small or not stong does not mean you can sing and have faith for people and say that they sing good to make them feel good about them selfs. That was my story and my reason i hope you all like it.

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Anchor Paper 7

Written Expression

Score Point 0

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Score Point 0

Thay play music all night log and all day log and evre day for awersze a day non stop.

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Anchor Paper 8

Written Expression

Score Point 0

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Practice Set

P101 - P105

No Annotations Included

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The other animals love their music so much that they all agreed that the frogs could

get a solo. All agreed except the elephent. " This is an out rage. I'm the one who

started this whole thing. If it wasn't for me, we could've never had this symphony. So

if anything, I should get the solo." The elephent would exclaim whenever the frogs

did their solo. No matter how much he cried, yelled and screamed, it made the

animals not want to help the elephent out. In fact they were thinking about kicking

the elephent out of the syomphony because of his actions. Then the lion tries to get

the elephent the solo by threatening to hurt the frogs. The lion was doing it for

money. When the elephent asked the lion to sabatoge the frogs the lion said "How

about you give me three hundred thousand dollars." But the elephent did not have

have enough money to give to the lion. The elephent had a secret plan to get all the

animals to turn on the frogs so that he would get the solo. But secretly the lion knew

that he was being double crossed, so he warned the frogs. He knew it was wrong, but

sometimes you have to do bad things to help people/animals. The animals made an

arditions for solos. On the banner, it said NO GREEDY ELEPHANTS! because

they knew what was going to happen. The frogs sang beautifully, the hyena

screeched gracefully, the crane slid carefully, and the elephent did terrible. All was

well until the show. The elephent threw rotten tomatoes, dead cabbages, half eaten

apples ect. It didn't boter the frogs. The stuff always missed them. To get back at the

greedy elephent, they threw all the stuff he tried to hit them with, they threw

everything right back at him and never missed him. The frogs aim was incredible.

The elephent learned a lesson that day. Never try to sabotage anything, it will only

blow up in your face.

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Practice Set

(Order of Scores: Written Expression, Conventions)

Paper Score

P101 2,2

P102 3,3

P103 1,2

P104 0,1

P105 2,3

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