EKU Large Ensemble Auditions – Spring 2014


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EKU Large Ensemble Auditions – Spring 2014 Audition Policy Auditions are required for placement into the Symphonic Wind Ensemble or the Symphony Orchestra. Scholarship recipients are required to audition and be available to play in the major ensembles listed above. Consequently, all music majors and scholarship recipients are expected to keep their afternoons conflict-free until after the audition results have been posted. Audition Schedule All auditions are blind and will be held during the times listed below. To preserve the anonymity of the process, it is imperative that students audition at the assigned times. Students may sign-up via the online Large Ensemble Audition Form found at ekubands.com. Audition Times Sunday, January 12, 2014 12:00 - 12:45 Flute/Piccolo 12:45 - 1:30 Clarinet/Bass Clarinet 1:30 - 2:00 Oboe 2:30 - 3:30 Saxophone 3:30 - 4:45 Trumpet 6:00 - 7:15 Horn 7:15 - 8:00 Trombone 8:00 - 9:00 Tuba/Euphonium Monday, January 13, 2014 1:30 - 2:00 Bassoon Tuesday, January 14, 2014 6:00 - 8:30 Percussion

Audition Excerpts Audition excerpts may be accessed on the Large Ensembles Audition page found on the EKU Bands website: www.ekubands.com. The excerpt materials are designed to be challenging, thus reflecting the high level of excellence and preparation expected in the ensembles. Please prepare the materials in their entirety, ignoring any pre-marked cuts. Smaller excerpts will be determined on the audition day. It is strongly recommended that students access recordings and/or scores to assist in preparation. As always, practice slowly and meticulously with a metronome, maximizing all musical elements before increasing the tempo. Student preparation at the highest level is expected for placement in the Symphonic Wind Ensemble or Symphony Orchestra. Audition Requirements Auditions are scheduled at 5-minute intervals and consist of 4-5 Prepared Excerpts (A & B list). To be considered for the Symphonic Wind Ensemble or Symphony Orchestra, both A and B excerpts must be prepared and performed. Scholarship recipients should also prepare and perform all excerpts. Non-scholarship students may opt to perform only from the B list, but this will result in a lower score overall and could affect placement in the Concert Band or Brass Choir. Scoring and Placement Auditions are scored using the point system detailed below. The total score of all judges determines placement, and ensemble rosters will be posted as soon as possible. In cases were only four excerpts are required, an 80 point scale will be utilized.

Excerpt #1 (B list) Excerpt #2 (B list) Excerpt #3 (B list) Excerpt #4 (A list) Excerpt #5 (A list)

20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points

TOTAL 100 points

David Clemmer
David Clemmer
#2B American Overture for Band

5 USMB French Horn Audition Excerpts

March from Symphonic Metamorphosis (Hindemith/Wilson)

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hHorn in F

David Clemmer


'Presto e leggiero X{YMN(Ben Joneoa)


***Also be prepared to play all major scales (2 octaves)and a chromatic scale covering your full range. ***


Malcolm Arnold Linkshttp ://i l. youtu be. comAruatch ?v=0 PyE H 5G QG 18


Britten Linkshttp ://www. yo utu be. co m/watch ?v=pi Xl Kl kG pV Ehttp ://www. youtu be. co m/watch ?v-yn I z hcn H J Mo

Kopprasch Link(wrong key but it gives you the idea)

http :/Arvww.youtube. co m/watch ?v=A-l m-YxrKR U

David Clemmer
David Clemmer
