Effects of estradiol treatment on voluntary and forced alcohol consumption in male rats


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Effects of estradiol treatment on voluntary and forced alcohol

consumption in male rats

Jorge Juarez*, Eliana Barrios De Tomasi, Maricela Virgen

Instituto de Neurociencias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Rayo 2611, Col. Jardines del Bosque, C.P. 44520, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Received 1 December 2000; received in revised form 24 August 2001; accepted 11 September 2001


Estrogens have been related to alcohol as a dependent variable, but scarcely as a causal variable, that affects the alcohol consumption. The

scope of the present work was to study the effect of estrogens on both the amount and the pattern of alcohol consumption. Male Wistar rats

were individually exposed to forced alcohol consumption (FAC) and voluntary alcohol consumption (VAC) in each of the following four

periods: precastration (PreC), postcastration (PosC) or post-sham castration, estradiol (E) treatment (5 mg of estradiol benzoate/day/rat) and

postestradiol (PosE). Estrogenic treatment reduced significantly the alcohol consumption with respect to the PreC and PosE periods in

castrated (C) males during VAC. E treatment showed the lowest value of alcohol intake in FAC, but differences were significant only with

respect to PreC regardless of the male gonadal condition. E treatment decreased food intake regardless of the male gonadal condition in both

FAC and VAC. Castration and E treatment modified differentially the patterns of alcohol consumption depending on the volitive

characteristics of alcohol intake. Castration reduced the size of the licking rates without affecting the number of drinking bouts in FAC. This

pattern was maintained in the E and PosE periods of C males. Castration did not affect the pattern of alcohol consumption in VAC, but

estrogen reduced both the bout size and the number of bouts during the day, which gave an additional support to the inhibitory effect of

estrogens on VAC. Results are discussed in terms of a possible inhibitory action of estrogens on the opioid system, which possibly reduces

the rewarding properties of alcohol. D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Estrogens; Alcohol consumption; Patterns of alcohol intake; Estradiol; Male rats

1. Introduction

There is evidence that sex differences in alcohol con-

sumption emerge after puberty (Lancaster et al., 1996;

Rachamin et al., 1980), which seems to be due to an

activational action of hormones after this period (Mishra

et al., 1989; Rachamin et al., 1980; Sutker et al., 1987; Van

Thiel et al., 1988). It has been described that castration

produces an increase in the alcohol metabolic rate and in

the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity and that sub-

sequent hormonal restitution with testosterone returns these

variables to precastration (PreC) values in the rat (Racha-

min et al., 1980). This action of testosterone seems to be

mediated at least partially by its metabolite dihydrotestos-

terone (DHT), which reduces the enzymatic action of the

ADH and therefore delays the alcohol clearance (Mezey

et al., 1986, 1998; Vaubourdolle et al., 1991). There is

evidence that DHT treatment reduces the voluntary alcohol

consumption (VAC) possibly as consequence of its action

upon alcohol metabolism (Almeida et al., 1998). It is well

known that besides the DHT, estrogen is a very important

metabolite of testosterone in males, however, estrogens

affecting alcohol consumption in males have been scarcely

studied. On the contrary, alcohol affecting the estrogenic

levels has been extensively studied. Therefore, it has been

described an increase in estrogenic levels after alcohol

treatment, in women (Mendelson et al., 1988), in men

(Couwenbergs, 1988) and in male rats (Esquifino et al.,

1989), and a positive correlation between estrogens and

alcohol intake in women has been documented (Gavaler

and Van Thiel, 1992; Gavaler et al., 1991; Muti et al.,

1998). There is a general consensus that estrogens increase

the ADH activity (Qulali and Crabb, 1992; Qulali et al.,

1991; Rachamin et al., 1980; Teschke and Heymann, 1982)

and the alcohol metabolic rate (Rachamin et al., 1980) in

the rat, contrary to the effect described for DHT. Therefore,

0091-3057/01/$ – see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

PII: S0091 -3057 (01 )00662 -1

* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +52-3-6-47-77-76.

E-mail address: jjuarez@udgserv.cencar.udg.mx (J. Juarez).


Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

whether DHT decreases the alcohol consumption and has

the opposite effect that the estrogens on the alcohol

metabolism, we could suppose that the estrogens should

increase the alcohol intake. The few studies in this respect

describe that, at least initially, estrogen decreases VAC in

ovariectomized females (Almeida et al., 1998; Sandberg

and Stewart, 1982; Sandberg et al., 1982). On the other

hand, the few studies that, as far as we know, has been

concerned in the estrogenic effect on alcohol consumption

in males show controversial results. It has been described

as an increase in voluntary alcohol intake under estrogenic

treatment in mice (Hilakivi, 1996) and a reduction in

alcohol consumption under acute treatment with estrogens

in selected rats that show high preference for alcohol

(Messiha, 1981). Differences in the species, in the control

groups and in the preference to alcohol in the subjects

utilized could be the cause of these controversial results.

On the other hand, these studies assessed only the amount

of alcohol consumption. Although this measure gives

valuable information about how much subjects drink, it

is also valuable to know the pattern of alcohol intake, that

is to say, how the consumption is distributed during the

day. We have described that the amount of alcohol con-

sumed and the pattern of alcohol intake can be modified

each independently of the other (Juarez and Barrios De

Tomasi, 1999). Therefore, it is possible that estrogens

could affect differentially the amount and the pattern of

alcohol consumption.

Taking into account that there is sufficient evidence that

estrogens can play an important role in the alcohol intake,

though the available data are controversial, the scope of the

present work was to study the effect of the estrogen

treatment on the amount and the pattern of alcohol con-

sumption in males rats. It has been described that forced

alcohol consumption (FAC), in contrast with VAC, can

affect differentially the alcohol intake in rats (Adams et al.,

1991; Juarez and Barrios De Tomasi, 1999), therefore,

estrogen treatment was assessed during forced and voluntary

access to alcohol.

2. Method

Wistar male rats were obtained from a colony bred in

the Institute of Neurociencias, Universidad de Guadalajara.

Subjects were maintained on a 12–12-h light–dark cycle,

lights on at 8:00 AM, and food pellets were available ad

libitum. Temperature, feeding and light–dark cycle were

maintained identical in the course of the study. Sixteen

males belong to different litters were maintained in groups

of four individuals each from weaning to 82 days of age

and placed in individual cages at 83 days of age. At

90 days of age, these males were individually exposed to

different drinking and experimental conditions, which will

be described in the following sections. The general

experimental design and treatment schedule is showed in

the Table 1.

With the purpose of studying the patterns of alcohol

consumption during the day and its possible modification

during the different experimental periods, the subjects were

periodically tested in cages attached to a contact lickometer

system (ENV-250, MED Associates, USA). This system

accurately records the rate of licking of sipper tubes attached

to bottles containing liquid (Juarez and Barrios De Tomasi,

1999). The contact signal from sipper tubes (licking fre-

quency) is sent to a computer by an interface (DIG-726,

MED Associates) specially designed for these purposes.

Licking frequency is accumulated and recorded each 10 min

throughout the day. Therefore, 144 possible values per day

and per subject could be obtained. The total intake of the

available liquids and food was measured each 24 h in all the

experimental conditions. Body weight was recorded peri-

Table 1

Experiment design and treatment schedule

Age in days 16 Males in individual cages Period

83–89 Habituation to individual home cages

90–111 FAC (four of these days in LST) PreC1 (Days 90–100),

PreC2 (Days 101–111)

112–133 VAC (four of these days in LST) PreC1 (Days 112–122),

PreC2 (Days 123–133)

134–136 Castration to eight males and sham castration to eight males

137–146 Postsurgical recovery (exposure to water only)

147–150 VAC (one of these days in LST) PosC

151–154 FAC (one of these days in LST) PosC

155–158 VAC PosC

159–166 5 mg of EB/day/male (8 days)

VAC from Day 159 to Day 162 (one of these days in LST) E

FAC from day 163 to 166 (one of these days in LST) E

167–174 VAC PosE (Days 171–174)

175–178 FAC PosE

Forced (FAC) and voluntary (VAC) alcohol consumption; lickometer system test (LST); estradiol benzoate (EB); precastration (PreC); postcastration (PosC);

estradiol treatment (E) and postestradiol (PosE).

´260 J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

odically. Males had not any experience in the intake of any

other liquid besides tap water before to start the study.

2.1. FAC in the PreC period

At 90 days of age and after 1 week of habituation to

individual home cages, the 16 males were continuously

exposed to a solution containing 6% ethanol (99.8%,

Merck) v/v, water and 2 g of sucrose/100 ml (EtOH 6%)

for 22 days. This solution was the only available liquid in

the home cages. All subjects were individually tested on

the lickometer system each 4–6 days for 24 h in this

period. Therefore, the pattern of FAC of each male was

assessed in four of these 22 days in the PreC period. The

amount of alcohol intake was measured daily within the

same hour.

2.2. VAC in the PreC period

After 22 days of continuous access to forced alcohol

intake, one bottle containing a solution of water plus 2 g of

sucrose/100 ml (vehicle) was added to each cage, therefore,

free choice to EtOH 6% and vehicle was permitted con-

tinuously for 22 days. All males were individually tested on

the lickometer system each 4–6 days for 24 h. Therefore,

the pattern of VAC of each male was assessed four of these

22 days in this PreC condition.

2.3. Castration and sham castration

Immediately after the previous condition, eight of the

16 males were surgically castrated (C) under pentobarbital

anesthesia (35 mg/kg). At the same time, the remaining eight

males were sham-castrated (ShC), performing the same

anesthetic and surgical procedure as that in the C group,

but gonads were maintained intact in the ShC group. A

period of 9–10 days of recuperation was permitted after the

surgical procedure. Tap water was the only available liquid

during this period.

2.4. VAC and FAC in the postcastration (PosC) period

Taking into account that the exposure of only water in

the postsurgical period could influence in the consumption

of the subsequent alcohol exposure, VAC was assessed after

the postsurgical period and after a period of forced alcohol

intake. Therefore, males were exposed to VAC for 4 days,

later on, to FAC for 4 days and, finally, to VAC for

4 additional days. The analysis to assess possible differ-

ences between these two periods of VAC showed that there

were no differences in the alcohol consumption between

them, therefore, the two VAC periods were averaged for

analysis purposes. The exposure of liquids in the forced and

voluntary conditions had the same characteristics described

in the PreC period. In this PosC period, the males were

tested on the lickometer system in the third or fourth day of

the first period of VAC and in the third or fourth day of the

only period of FAC (1 day in each condition).

2.5. VAC and FAC in the estradiol (E) treatment

Immediately after the previous period, 5 mg of estradiol

benzoate/subject/day was administered subcutaneously for

8 days to both groups of males (C and ShC). Both groups

were exposed to VAC during the first 4 days of this

treatment and later on to forced intake during the last 4 days.

In a previous study using the same doses of E during the

same period (8 days), we did not find differences in alcohol

consumption either between the 8 days or between the

average of the first 4 days with the average of the last

4 days of treatment. Considering the apparent absence of

significant changes in alcohol intake during the course of

the estrogenic treatment, we chose the VAC exposure

followed by FAC. All males were tested on the lickometer

for 24 h in the third or fourth day of each condition of

alcohol consumption (voluntary and forced) in this period of

E treatment.

2.6. VAC and FAC in the postestradiol (PosE) period

The same schedule of alcohol exposure used during the

estrogen treatment was analyzed after the E treatment (PosE

period), that is to say, 4 days of voluntary alcohol exposure

and 4 days of forced alcohol exposure. Males were exposed

to VAC immediately after the E treatment, but we analyzed

the PosE period starting off in the fifth day after the last

injection of E to permit the clearance of the exogenous

hormone. As in the previous period, the males were tested in

the lickometer for 24 h in each condition of alcohol

consumption (voluntary and forced).

2.7. Lickometer system test

On the lickometer test, males were individually placed

in the cages of the lickometer system for 24 h, starting off

at 2:00 PM. The frequency of licks to drinking spouts

recorded each 10 min was used to analyze the distribution

(throughout the day) and the size of the drinking bouts

(licking rate/10 min) in each male and in each experi-

mental condition. Considering the changes in activity

depending on the daily light–dark cycle, the hours of

each day were divided and analyzed in two phases: light

phase from 8:00 AM to 7:59 PM, and dark phase from

8:00 PM to 7:59 AM. We analyzed different intervals of

licking frequency (21–150, 151–300, 301–450, 451–600,

601–750 and higher than 750 licks/10 min) to assess the

size of each drinking bout/10 min.

2.8. Statistical analyses

The length of the PreC period as much in the forced

as in the voluntary consumption (22 days each) was

´ 261J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

selected to permit a sufficient familiarization with the

taste and the conditions of liquid availability (Juarez and

Barrios De Tomasi, 1999). Considering the possible

occurrence of tolerance to alcohol due to the length of

this period, VAC and FAC periods were divided in two

periods each (11 days per period). Therefore, two periods

(PreC1 and PreC2) for the forced condition and two

periods (PreC1 and PreC2) for the voluntary condition

were obtained and analyzed separately.

Two-way ANOVAs [Sham-Castrated�Experimental

Periods (PreC1, PreC2, PosC, E and PosE)] were used to

analyze the food intake and the amount of alcohol and

vehicle consumption. Two-way ANOVAs [Phases (light–

dark)�Experimental Periods (PreC1, PreC2, PosC, E and

PosE)] were used to analyze the frequency of accesses to

drinking spouts for each liquid and for each group of

males separately. Two-way ANOVAs [Phases (light –

dark)� Intervals of Licking Rate (21–150, 151–300, 301–

450, 451–600, 601–750 and more than 750 licks/10 min]

were used to analyze the distribution and the size of licking

bouts for each period and for each group of males separately.

Tukey’s t test was used to compare pairs when ANOVA

main effects or interactions were significant. A P value

of < .05 was considered statistically significant.

3. Results

3.1. Alcohol consumption in forced condition

Analyses of the amount of alcohol consumption in the

different periods during the forced condition showed the

following results. Significant differences between experi-

mental periods [F(4,56) = 36.09, P < .0001] regardless of

the male gonadal condition (C or ShC) were observed. This

result indicated that the alcohol consumption in the two

periods previous to castration (PreC1 and PreC2) was higher

than in PosC, E and PosE periods. At the same time, alcohol

consumption was lower in PreC1 than in PreC2 (Fig. 1).

Neither there were differences between male groups nor

interaction between the analyzed factors.

3.2. Alcohol consumption in voluntary condition

Analyses of the amount of alcohol consumption during

the voluntary condition showed the following results:

Significant differences between periods [F(4,56) = 17.93,

P < .0001] regardless of the male gonadal condition were

observed. This data indicated higher alcohol intake during

PreC1 with respect to all the other periods and higher

alcohol consumption in PreC2 than in the E period. There

were no significant differences between C and ShC males

regardless of the experimental periods, but interaction

between these two analyzed factors was significant

[F(4,56) = 3.98, P=.0065]. This interaction showed that

the alcohol consumption was steadily decreasing from

PreC1 to PosE period in the ShC group and the analysis

of differences between periods indicated higher alcohol

consumption in PreC1 than in PosC, E and PosE periods

and higher alcohol intake in PreC2 than in E and PosE

(Fig. 2). On the other hand, the C males showed a steady

decrease in the alcohol consumption from PreC1 to

E treatment, but a significant recovery in the alcohol

intake was observed during the PosE period (Fig. 2).

The analysis of differences between periods showed that

the alcohol consumption was significantly lower in the

E treatment than in PreC1, PreC2 and PosE and the

differences between PreC1, PreC2, PosC and PosE were

not significant in this group of C males.

Analysis of the amount of vehicle consumption, when

free choice to alcohol and vehicle was available, did not

showed any significant difference.

Fig. 1. AC (ml) regardless of the male gonadal condition in the different

experimental periods: precastration 1 (PreC1), precastration 2 (PreC2),

postcastration (PosC), estrogen treatment (E) and post-estrogen treatment

(PosE). Bars show means ( ± S.E.M.). * Significantly higher than PreC1,

PosC, E and PosE. z Significantly higher than PosC, E and PosE.

Fig. 2. VAC (ml) in ShC and C males in the different experimental periods:

precastration 1 (PreC1), precastration 2 (PreC2), postcastration (PosC),

estrogen treatment (E) and post-estrogen treatment (PosE). Bars show

means ( ± S.E.M.). z Significantly higher than PosC, E and PosE.

* Significantly lower than PreC1, PreC2 and PosE. y Significantly higher

than E and PosE.

´262 J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

3.3. Food intake during FAC and VAC

Analyses of food intake (two-way ANOVA Sham-

Castrated�Experimental Periods) showed differences

between periods when alcohol was the only available

liquid [F(4,56) = 7.77, P=.0001] and when free-choice

to alcohol and vehicle was available [F(4,56) = 11.38,

P < .0001]. This data indicated lower food intake during

the E treatment than all the other periods regardless of the

male gonadal condition (Fig. 3A–B). There were no

differences between the male groups (ShC and C).

Taking into account that both food intake and alcohol

consumption decreased during the E treatment, we ana-

lyzed the correlation between the total liquid consumption

and the total food intake for each subject per day and for

each period. There was no significant correlation between

these two variables, neither in FAC nor in VAC.

3.4. Body weight

Body weight was recorded throughout the study and how

it was expected trended to increase with age. ANOVA

(Sham-Castrated�Ages) showed that differences in body

weight were significant between ages [F(8,112) = 269.31,

P < .0001]. In most cases, the higher the age, the higher the

body weight, however, the only exception was the body

weight at the final stage of the E treatment, which was

significantly lower than the previous measure recorded

1 week before the beginning of the E treatment. Interaction

between age and male gonadal condition was also signific-

ant [F(8,112) = 2.86, P=.006] and indicated that the body

weight was recovered and increased significantly 2 weeks

after the E treatment in the sham group while body weight

was significantly increased until approximately 4 weeks

after the final stage of the E treatment in the C males.

3.5. Patterns of alcohol consumption (test in the

lickometer system)

3.5.1. Forced condition

Frequency of accesses (licks) to alcohol drinking spouts

was analyzed for the light and the dark phase in the different

periods. Two-way ANOVAs (Light–Dark� Periods) per-

formed separately for each group showed significantly

higher frequency of accesses to alcohol in the dark than in

the light phase regardless of the period in the sham-castrated

[F(1,63) = 116.68, P < .0001] and in the castrated males

[F(1,63) = 45.39, P < .0001]. Differences between experi-

mental periods regardless of the phase were significant only

in castrated males [F(4,63) = 3.75, P=.008]. These differ-

ences indicated higher frequency of accesses in PreC1 than

in PosC and E treatment.

We analyzed the size of each drinking bout (licking

rate/10 min) and its distribution throughout the day in the

different periods. Taking into account that the daily pattern

of alcohol consumption cannot be averaged with other days

and with the purpose to simplify the data analyses, the

pattern of alcohol consumption in the PreC period was

assessed considering the last of the 4 days of test in the

lickometer system. Two-way ANOVAs considering phase

(light–dark) and interval of licking rate (20–150, 151–300,

301–450, 451–600, 601–750 and > 750 licks/10 min) was

performed separately for each experimental period and for

each group of males. These analyses showed the following

results: Frequency of bouts was significantly higher during

the dark than in the light phase in all the experimental

Fig. 3. Food intake (g) regardless of the male gonadal condition in forced (A) and voluntary (B) alcohol exposure. Each graphic shows the differences between

means ( ± S.E.M.) of the different experimental periods: precastration 1 (PreC1), precastration 2 (PreC2), postcastration (PosC), estrogen treatment (E) and

post-estrogen treatment (PosE). * Significantly lower than PreC1, PreC2, PosC and PosE.

´ 263J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

periods and in both groups of males, except in the

E treatment of ShC group, where the difference between

phases was not significant. Differences between licking

rates regardless of the phase indicated that the rate of 20–

150 licks/10 min was the more frequent rate of alcohol

consumption in all periods and in both groups. The specific

differences between licking rates are described separately

for each male group in the next sections.

Fig. 4. Differences between licking rates in each experimental period of C (A) and ShC (B) males in forced alcohol consumption (FAC). Bars show the

means/day/subject ( ± S.E.M.) of the frequency of each licking rate in the periods: precastration 1 (PreC1), precastration 2 (PreC2), postcastration (PosC),

estrogen treatment (E) and post-estrogen treatment (PosE). * Significantly higher than 151–300, 301–450, 451–600, 601–750 and >751. zz Significantlyhigher than 301–450, 451–600, 601–750 and >751. ** Significantly higher than 451–600, 601–750 and >751. y Significantly higher than 301–450, 601–

750 and >751. yy Significantly higher than 601–750 and >751. z Significantly higher than 601–750. { Significantly higher than rates >751.

´264 J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268 C group. The rate of 20–150 licks/10 min was

significantly more frequent than the rates of 301–450 and

over 600 licks/10 min in the PreC period (Fig. 4A),

[F(5,77) = 4.8, P=.001]. This rate of 20–150 was also

more frequent than all the other licking rates in PosC

[F(5,66) = 25.38, P < .0001], E treatment [F(5,55) = 14.05,

P < .0001] and PosE [F(5–77) = 20.5, P < .0001] (Fig. 4A).

At the same time, the rate of 151–300 was significantly

more frequent than the rate of 601–750 in the PreC period

and more frequent than the rates over 451 licks in the

Fig. 5. Differences between licking rates in each experimental period of C (A) and ShC (B) males in voluntary alcohol consumption (VAC). Bars show the

means/day/subject ( ± S.E.M.) of the frequency of each licking rate in the periods: precastration 1 (PreC1), precastration 2 (PreC2), postcastration (PosC),

estrogen treatment (E) and post-estrogen treatment (PosE). * Significantly higher than 151–300, 301–450, 451–600, 601–750 and >751. y Significantlyhigher than 301–450, 451–600, 601–750 and >751. z Significantly higher than 451–600, 601–750 and >751.

´ 265J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

E treatment and in the PosE period (Fig. 4A). It is note-

worthy that castration reduced the size of the licking rates

without affecting the number of drinking bouts. On the other

hand, the PosE period showed the same significant differ-

ences between rates that were observed in the E period,

which indicated a very similar pattern of alcohol consump-

tion, but the frequency of drinking bouts trended to be

higher in the PosE than in the E period in all licking rates. ShC group. The rate of 20–150 was also the more

frequent rate in all the periods studied in the ShC group,

however, the differences with the other licking rates were

less evident than those observed in the C group. That is to

say, the rate of 20–150 was significantly more frequent than

the rates over 600 licks/10 min in the PreC period (Fig. 4B)

[F(5,77) = 2.89, P=.019] and more frequent than the rates

over 450 licks in the PosC period [ F(5,77) = 6.43,

P < .0001]. Frequency of bouts trended to decrease in most

licking rates during the E treatment, but the only significant

difference [F(5,55) = 2.79, P=.026] indicated that the rate of

20–150 was more frequent than the rates over 750 licks

(Fig. 4B). The greatest differences between licking rates in

the sham group were observed during the PosE period,

where the rates between 20 and 300 licks/10 min were more

frequent than the rates over 300 licks [F(5,66) = 14.71,

P>.0001]. Finally, the rate of 301–450 was more frequent

than the rates over 600 licks in the PosC period. It is

important to point out that given the significant differences

between licking rates in the different periods, the frequency

of bouts per day did not show significant differences

between periods neither in sham nor in C males.

3.5.2. Voluntary condition

ANOVAs (Light–Dark� Periods) of the total frequency

of licking behavior to alcohol drinking spouts during the

voluntary alcohol condition did not show any significant

difference. On the other hand, the ANOVAs of the size and

distribution of drinking bouts (Phase� Interval of Licking

Rate) showed the following results. C group. The frequency of drinking bouts was

higher in the dark than in the light phase only in the PreC

period [F(1,77) = 4.37, P=.04]. The interval of 20–

150 licks/10 min was the more frequent rate in all the

experimental periods and it was the only rate observed in

the E and PosE periods (Fig. 5A). This rate of 20–150

was significantly more frequent than the rates over

300 licks/10 min in the PreC and PosC periods. The

lowest frequency of bouts occurred during the E treatment

and although the rate of 20–150 was the only rate

observed in the E and PosE periods, the mean frequency

of bouts during PosE was more than twofold the frequency

observed during the E period (Fig. 5A). ShC group. The frequency of drinking bouts was

significantly higher in the dark than in the light phase only

in the PosC period [F(1,77) = 4.49, P=.037]. The rate of

20–150 licks/10 min was also the more frequent licking rate

in all periods of the ShC group. At least three different

licking rates occurred in each period, and the patterns of

licking behavior were more similar between the different

periods in this group of males compared with the C group

(Fig. 5B).

4. Discussion

The effect of E treatment on the alcohol consumption

apparently depended on two factors, the exposure to FAC or

VAC and the male gonadal condition. The lowest values of

alcohol consumption occurred during the E treatment in the

forced alcohol exposure, however, the differences between

different experimental periods regardless of the male group

showed that the alcohol intake during the E treatment was

significantly lower only with respect to the two periods of

PreC. These data indicate that E did not have an evident

effect on the amount of alcohol consumption in the forced

alcohol exposure. This result probably was due to the fact

that castration trended to decrease also the alcohol con-

sumption, and an additional reduction would be difficult to

obtain taking into account that the only source of liquids

was the alcohol solution in this forced condition. On the

other hand, the effect of E treatment on the alcohol con-

sumption was more evident during the voluntary alcohol

exposure. This effect was different depending on the male

gonadal condition. In the ShC group, alcohol consumption

decreased progressively from PreC1 to PosE, however, there

were no significant differences between the periods of PosC,

E and PosE. Castration did not significantly reduced the

alcohol intake during the voluntary condition, but the

E treatment significantly decreased the alcohol consumption

with respect to all the other periods with the exception of the

PosC period in the group of C males. We can suppose that

PosC and PosE share similar biological characteristics

(castration without exogenous estrogens). Therefore,

although the low levels of alcohol consumption in the

E treatment did not show significant differences with respect

to the PosC period, significant differences with respect to

the PosE period were shown, which suggests an inhibitory

effect of E on the alcohol consumption. Differences between

periods were not significant in the vehicle consumption

during voluntary exposure, however, vehicle intake was

increasing from PreC1 to PosC at the same time that alcohol

consumption was decreasing in the same periods in the ShC

males. Therefore, it is possible that at least in the three initial

periods, the increasing preference for vehicle consumption

had some influence in the progressive decrease of voluntary

alcohol intake observed in the ShC group. The absence of

significant differences in the amount of vehicle consumption

indicates that the decrease in alcohol consumption during

the E period of C males cannot be explained by a com-

pensatory mechanism in the choice of liquids to maintain

either the caloric supply or the daily liquid requirements.

´266 J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

The question is why estrogens decrease the alcohol con-

sumption? It has been described that estrogens increase the

ADH activity (Qulali and Crabb, 1992; Qulali et al., 1991;

Rachamin et al., 1980; Teschke and Heymann, 1982) and

the alcohol metabolic rate (Rachamin et al., 1980) in the rat.

Therefore, an increase in the alcohol consumption could be

expected, since if alcohol elimination is faster, it would be

necessary to drink more to maintain a given blood alcohol

level in time. However, the rapid elimination of alcohol does

not necessarily should increase the alcohol consumption,

because the degree of liking to alcohol can play an import-

ant role in its consumption, mainly when the intake is

voluntary. The scarce studies that analyze the effects of

estrogens on alcohol consumption in males show contro-

versial results. It has been described that estrogens increase

the alcohol consumption in male mice (Hilakivi, 1996),

however, this effect was significant with respect to males

treated with tamoxifen (antiestrogen), but not with respect to

a placebo group. On the other hand, a decrease in the

alcohol consumption of selected rats with high preference

for alcohol has been documented (Messiha, 1981). It is

possible that differences in the species used and the utiliza-

tion of subjects with different preference for alcohol could

determine the discrepancies between these studies. The

present results agree with those obtained in the Messiha

(1981) study and suggest that the inhibitory effect of estro-

gens on alcohol consumption can occur regardless of the

characteristics of preference to alcohol in the rat. A possible

explanation to the effects of E treatment in the present study

is based on the following data. It has been described that

estrogens produce an important decrease in endogenous

opioids, particularly of beta-endorphins (Desjardins et al.,

1993; Lapchak, 1991; Schipper et al., 1994), possibly

because alcohol consumption was less rewarding during

the E treatment, producing a decrease in the alcohol intake.

This possible mechanism could be analogous to that attrib-

uted to the effect of opioid antagonists on the alcohol

consumption, that is to say, it has been described that the

opioid antagonist, naloxone, decreases the alcohol con-

sumption in rats (DeWitte, 1984; Froehlich et al., 1990;

Hubbell et al., 1986; Marfaing-Jallat et al., 1983). This

effect has been attributed to a decrease in the rewarding

properties of the alcohol.

Food intake and body weight were also decreased by

E treatment in ShC and C males. Food intake showed the

lowest values during the E treatment in both groups of males

and in both conditions of alcohol exposure. This decrease in

food intake by estrogen treatment is not surprising because

this effect has been amply described in female rats (Butera

et al., 1990, 1996; Dagnault et al., 1993; Donohoe and

Stevens, 1982; Donohoe et al., 1984; Sandberg et al., 1982;

Varma et al., 1999). This effect seems to be mediated by an

action of estrogen on hypothalamus (Butera et al., 1990,

1996; Donohoe and Stevens, 1982), involving possibly a

potentiation of the satiety effect of cholecystokinin (Butera

et al., 1996). Considering that these studies have been done

in females, the effect of estrogen on food intake is extended

to males in the present study.

The frequency of accesses to alcohol was higher during

the dark than in the light phase in forced alcohol exposure,

which is not surprising because the greater activity in

rodents occurs during the dark. However, the typical cyclic

pattern of higher frequency of liquid access during the dark

phase was absent in all periods and in both groups of males

during VAC. This result can be interpreted in two ways: the

low preference for alcohol in this condition probably pro-

duced an indiscriminate distribution of alcohol consumption

during the day, or, the subjects purposely trend to distribute

homogeneously their alcohol intake throughout the day as

consequence of the low preference for alcohol. Whatever it

may be the explanation, remains to be studied. On the

contrary, vehicle consumption showed the typical cyclic

pattern in this voluntary condition as it has been previously

described (Juarez and Barrios De Tomasi, 1999).

The main effect of castration on the pattern of FAC was a

significant reduction in the size of licking rates without

significantly affecting the number of drinking bouts. This

pattern was maintained in the E and PosE periods of C males

during this forced exposure, however, a light decrease in the

frequency of bouts was observed during the E treatment. On

the other hand, E treatment decreased both the size of

licking rates and the frequency of drinking bouts during

VAC in C males, which gives an additional support to the

inhibitory effect of E on alcohol consumption. VAC was

increased again in the PosE period after the apparent

inhibitory effect of the estrogens. This recovery in alcohol

consumption during PosE occurred by an increase in the

number of bouts, but the bout size was similar to that in the

E period of this group of C males. These results suggest that

E treatment can affect the pattern of alcohol intake modi-

fying the size and/or the frequency of drinking bouts. The

specific modification can apparently depend on the forced

or free-choice availability of alcohol. It has been described

that the level of alcohol intoxication achieved in each

individual can be influenced by the size, frequency and

duration of drinking bouts, which integrally produce the

pattern of alcohol intake in each subject (Gill et al., 1996).

Therefore, what specific characteristics of the alcohol pat-

tern is affected by any pharmacological treatment can be

very valuable to study the underlying mechanisms that

regulate or modify alcohol consumption. However, the

study of patterns of alcohol consumption has been very

scarcely studied at the present time.

The present results suggest that estrogen treatment pro-

duces an inhibitory effect on alcohol consumption, which

could depend on an inhibitory action of estrogens on the

opioid system. This hypothesis is currently studied in our

laboratory. Estrogen treatment also produced an inhibitory

effect on food intake and reduction in body weight.

Although these effects have been amply described in the

literature with respect to females, both effects are extended

to males in the present study. Besides the effects on the

´ 267J. Juarez et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (2002) 259–268

amount of alcohol intake, present results suggest that

castration and estrogen treatment can modify differentially

the patterns of alcohol consumption depending on the

volitive characteristics of its intake.

Considering the scarcity of data concerning the hormonal

action on the alcohol consumption in males, future investi-

gations are necessary to understand the mechanisms

involved in the physiological and pharmacological inter-

action between sexual hormones and alcohol consumption.


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