Effective Online Learning Communities eMINTS: enhancing Missouris Instructional Networked Teaching...


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Effective Online Learning Communities eMINTS: enhancing Missouri’s Instructional

Networked Teaching Strategies

Overview of eMINTS i3 Grant◊ Studying impact of eMINTS professional development

and technologies on 7th and 8th grade teachers and their students in small rural Missouri districts

◊ RCT study with three groups of schools:◊ Group 1 (30 schools) get eMINTS technology and intensive 2-

year professional development◊ Group 2 (30 schools) get eMINTS and intensive 2-year

professional development plus a third year of PD using Intel Teach® Elements courses

◊ Group 3 (30 schools) wait until Group 1 and 2 are finished but provides data for comparison

◊ Schools in all 3 groups get eMINTS technology and professional development

School Assignments

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Group 1 eMINTSYear 1

eMINTS Year 2 No PD




Group 2 eMINTSYear 1

eMINTS Year 2




Group 3 No PD No PD No PD eMINTSYear 1

eMINTS Year 2

Randomly assigned schools

eMINTS Equipment◊ Hardware includes

◊ Teacher laptop with docking station◊ SMART Board and projector◊ 1 laptop for every student in 7th and 8th grade◊ Laptop charging carts◊ Printer and digital camera

◊ Software and learning resources◊ Productivity software◊ Concept-mapping software◊ BrainPOP! online animated content

◊ Comprehensive eMINTS includes:◊ Year 1 - 100 hours + 4 full days + 9 classroom visits ◊ Year 2 - 75 hours + 2 full days + 9 classroom visits ◊ New Year 3 - 12 hours (f2f) + 30 hours (online) + 3-4

classroom visits◊ Creates communities of practice to model

and facilitate communities of learners in classrooms

◊ Other eMINTS professional development programs include: eMINTS4Administrators, eMINTS4Techs, train-the-trainer, and eLearning for Educators (short online courses)

eMINTS Professional Development

eMINTS Communication Needs

◊ eMINTS Staff – distributed around Missouri◊ Sharing of information across organization◊ Accessing materials and resources◊ Collaboration among staff on various tasks

◊ Program participants – distributed around Missouri, nationally and internationally◊ Accessing materials and resources◊ Attending training webinars◊ Communicating with cohort group

Lessons Learned◊ Strongest online communities are formed

when participants have some face-to-face interaction in addition to online

◊ Community needs to be facilitated◊ Community needs to be continually

refreshed with new information and resources

◊ Strongest online communities have a clear shared purpose and timeframe for participation

eMINTS National Center

www.emints.orgMonica BeglauLorie Kaplan

(573) 884-7202325 Clark Hall

Columbia, MO 65211emints-info@emints.org

Experience Unlimited Possibilities for Learning
