Effective leadership




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Effective Leadership for Today’s Learnershttp://www.flickr.com/photos/mushon/282287572/in/faves-14579369@N04/

What We’ll Do

I want you to learn the specific challenges facing your school community today,

so that

so thatin the long run, you

will be able to

on your own

create innovative and collaborative

solutions to overcome them.

My Bias

First Universal Issue: Misconception Analysis


Deceptively Native

Well I’m on like Google or Google images like at least everyday.  I use it for everything . . . . [S]chool or like if somebody is talking about something and you have no idea what’s going on so you’ll go home and you’ll Google it.  And you’ll be like oh, that’s what they’re talking about.– 9/11th Grade Girl, Southwestern City.

Source: Lenhart, Amanda, Arafeh, Sousan, Smith, Aaron, MacGill, Alexandrea, Writing, Technology, and Teens, Pew Internet & American Life Project, April 2008, http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2008/Writing-Technology-and-Teens/05-Teens-and-Their-Writing-Habits/06-The-internet-is-a-primary-source-of-research.aspx?r=1, Accessed on July 17, 2010. "Teens and Their Writing Habits,"

Innovative Thinkershttp://www.flickr.com/photos/jasoneppink/80772661/in/faves-14579369@N04/

I am wrong.

I am wrong.


Fear of Acting


It Begins With You


Second Universal

Issue:Listening to What Good

Data Tells Us

Things we analyzed


Transfer wasn’t


Analysis, Synthesis,

and Creation

Writing with voice

An expanding definition of


Allowed us to provide students with access to skills that Colleges are

clamoring for.

Kill the Mothershiphttp://www.flickr.com/photos/jongorr/203440092/

Third Universal Issue: Consumables

In school, where do we get our word intake from?

Image Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pointofdesign/2371903317/

x 4

Image Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pointofdesign/2371903317/


We have to work as a faculty to create novel



Challenge People’s Belief Systems


Give to Get

The mission of the ..., valuing our tradition of excellence, is to develop all of our students as passionate, confident, life-long learners who have competence and strength of character to realize their aspirations and thoughtfully contribute to a diverse and changing world.

Point to Your Mission in Action


Measure Your Melon Missionhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/amalthya/274662591/

Be the lead learner, because we need you to be.


What is your next step after today?

How will you create change?


Patrick Higgins, Jr.Orangehiggins@gmail.com