EFFECT OF PIN PROFILES ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES …mit.imt.si/izvodi/mit201/kumar.pdf ·...


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Pandy Madhan Kumar1, Veerabathiran Anbumalar2*

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Nandhanam College of Engineering and Technology, Tirupattur 635603, India2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Rameswaram High Road, Madurai 625009, India

Prejem rokopisa – received: 2019-03-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2019-09-08


Friction-stir welding (FSW) is an unyielding-state welding process developed by The Welding Institute, United Kingdom. FSWis mainly based on the tool geometry, process parameters and welding material. The tool geometry plays the principle role inobtaining desirable microstructures of the welds, improving the strength and fatigue resistance of the joints. Currently,friction-stir-welding tools are designed using the trial-and-error method. In this study, three different types of FSW tools areconsidered for the fabrication of butt joints from AA5383 and AA7075. Various tool profiles such as the cylindrical taperprojection, cylindrical thread-pin projection and triangle-pin projection are considered in the present study. The pin profiles areassessed based on the weld quality during tensile tests and hardness tests conducted on welded samples. With the analysis, it isfound that the triangular pin produces sound welds at an 800-min–1 speed, 20-mm/min feed and 4-kN load.Keywords: friction-stir welding, microstructure, tool-pin profile, tensile strength, hardness

Vrtilno-torno varjenje (FSW) je proces varjenja, ki so ga razvili na In{titutu za varjenje v Angliji. Potek in karakteristike FSWdolo~ajo predvsem geometrija orodja, procesni parametri varjenja in material, ki ga varimo. Geometrija trna orodja imapomembno vlogo pri doseganju `elene mikrostrukture zvara oz. pri izbolj{anju trdnosti in odpornosti proti utrujanju varjenegaspoja. Zaenkrat oblikovanje orodij za FSW temelji na metodi preizkus/napaka. V {tudiji so avtorji ocenjevali vpliv treh vrsttrnov FSW orodja pri izdelavi zvarnih spojev med plo{~ami iz dveh Al zlitin: AA 5383 in AA7075. Uporabili so naslednjeprofilne geometrije trna orodij: cilindri~no sto`~asto, cilindri~no z navojem in trikotno. Na osnovi nateznih preizkusov inmerjenja trdote so ugotovili, da vse tri geometrije omogo~ajo izdelavo odli~nih zvarnih spojev. Na osnovi izvedenih analiz sougotovili, da s trikotnim profilom trna orodja lahko izdelajo dobre zvare pri hitrosti vrtenja orodja 800 min–1, njegovem pomiku20 mm/min in obremenitvi (sili) 4 kN.Klju~ne besede: vrtilno-torno varjenje, mikrostruktura, profil trna orodja, natezna trdnost, trdota


The friction-stir-welding technique is a non-consum-able unyielding-phase welding, which permits anextensive scope of parts and geometries to be welded. W.Thomas and his social group at The Welding Institute,United Kingdom, conjured it in 1991. Friction-stir weld-ing is used in modern industries such as shipbuilding,aerospace, automobile production and other modernmanufacturing industries. It is frequently used fornon-heat treatable or powder-metallurgy aluminiumalloys, to which fusion welding cannot be applied. Thus,the weld mechanism and the relations between themicrostructure, mechanical properties and processparameters have recently become fundamental studies. Adetailed observation of the material microstructure in thejoint section shows that there is an area located at thecore of the weld, called "the nugget", where the originalgrain and sub-grain boundaries appear to be replacedwith fine, equally recrystallized grains characterized by anominal dimension of a few micrometers. Friction-stir

welding, a modern and an environment-friendly solid-state joining process is used for joining a family ofrelatively light materials, especially aluminium and itsalloys.

The effectiveness of such a joint is strongly de-pendent on the geometry of the tool, process parametersand welding material. The tool geometric parameters,such as the height, the pin shape and the shoulder surfaceof the head, have a large influence on both the metalflow and the heat generation due to friction.28 Duringfriction-stir welding, various stirrer geometries are usedfor producing AA6063-T1 butt joints. For this reason,we have to investigate the mechanical properties of ajoint and compare them with the microstructure of thejoint. It was reported that a rotational speed of2000 min–1 and a welding speed ranging from50 mm/min to 200 mm/min produced a good weld;mechanical properties such as the tensile strength andhardness of the joint were also investigated.20 Theright-screw- and left-screw-geometry stirrer designsprovide for a sound joint with no blemish in the weldmetal, exhibiting an increased joint strength, better thanthat of an aluminium-based metal.7 Researchers also

Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 1, 3–9 3

UDK 620.1:621.7:621.791 ISSN 1580-2949Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 54(1)3(2020)

*Corresponding author's e-mail:dranbumalarv@gmail.com (Anbumalar Veerabathiran)

investigated the effects of the tool geometry ondissimilar friction-stir welding of polyethylene-poly-propylene.18 Four different pin profiles, includingthreaded cylindrical, squared, triangular and straightcylindrical ones were considered. The interaction effectsof welding variables, including the rotational speed andtraverse speed were also studied. In order to control thematerial flow, the tools used were equipped with astationary shoulder.14 Tensile tests and durometer hard-ness tests were carried out and a microstructure analysiswas conducted for all welded joints. It was observed thatthe threaded-cylindrical-pin profile produced mechan-ically strong welded joints.15

Tool-pin profiles were also examined to determinethe influence of the shoulder geometry on friction-stirwelding of 1-mm copper-DHP plates. Tool welds wereformed using three different shoulder geometriesincluding flat, conical and scrolled ones at a varyingtraverse speed and rotation of the friction-stir-weldingtool. The flat-shoulder tool proved to be insufficient forthe welds because several defects were found in all theweld samples. On the other hand, the scrolled-shouldertool is more effective than the conical one for the pro-duction of defect-free welds. However, both geometriesrequire the lowest rotational speed to evade internaldefects. At the same welding parameters, superior grainrefinement, higher hardness and better strength areachieved in weld nuggets also by means of a scrolledFSW tool.12 Studies proved the influences of variousrotational speeds and friction-stir-welding tool geomet-ries on the macrostructure, microstructure and jointstrength. Four tool-pin profiles (a conical-thread pin, acylindrical conical-thread pin, a stepped conical-threadpin and a flared Triflute-pin tool) and two rotationalspeeds, 600 min–1 and 800 min–1, were used. The resultsindicated that the friction-stir-welding tool geometryconsiderably influences the material flow in the nuggetzone and, consequently, the weld mechanical proper-ties.26

The influence of the pin geometry on various pro-perties of friction-stir-welded samples made with toolswith different pin profiles was proved. In the case offour-flute cylindrical-pin profiles, friction-stir weldingcould not be performed on an aluminium alloy.5 It wasfound in a research that tool geometries such as thecylindrical geometry, cone geometry, left-screw geom-etry and right-screw geometry affect the weld propertiesat a welding speed of 50–200 mm/min and rotationalspeed of 2000 min–1. The mechanical properties such asthe tensile strength and hardness of a joint were alsoinvestigated and compared with the microstructure of thejoint. The results show that the shapes of the left- andright-screw stirrer provided for sound joints with novoids in the weld metal and with an increased jointstrength that was higher than that of the aluminium-based metal.19

The effects of the shoulder geometry of a tool usedfor milling-machine friction-stir-welded joints of alumi-nium alloy 1100 on the microstructural evolution andmechanical properties were studied. Three designs of theshoulder geometry were evaluated to induce differentdistributions of thermal cycles in the welding regions.Thermal cycles were measured using thermocouples anda data acquisition system. The system results showedthat the featured shoulder tools produced an importanteffect on the thermal cycles, generating a wide plasti-cized region and the biggest grain size in the stir zonewhen compared with the flat-shoulder tool.32 Resear-chers studied the production to forecast the ultimatetensile strength and hardness of the weld zone with andwithout tool profiles. The response-surface methodologydeals with the movement of the material flow infriction-stir-welded aluminum alloy 6082.9

The effects of important welding parameters and toolproperties that affect the static strength of the friction-stirspot welds of polymer sheets were determined. Differenttool-pin profiles, pin lengths and pin angles were used toproduce the joints. Based on the experiments, the effectsof the pin profile, pin length, pin angle and tool ro-tational speed on the friction-stir spot-welding formationand weld strength were determined for a specific alloy.6

Improved heat-generating models for straight- andtapered-shoulder geometries with different tool-pinprofiles for friction-stir welding were developed. Theywere developed by considering the welding process as acombination of pure sliding and pure sticking conditions.According to the results, the amount of heat generation isdirectly proportional to the number of edges in pinprofiles so that the heat generated in the profilesincreases from a triangular pin profile to a hexagonal pinprofile.33 Experimental relationships among the processparameters such as the rotational speed, welding speedand axial force help us envisage the maximum tensilestrength. In addition, statistical tools, such as the cylin-drical-pin profile, are used for such investigations.4

In a study on the geometry and size effects of sam-ples on the tensile properties of FSW AA 2024 joints,2.5 times the tool shoulder is proposed for the gaugelength.9 Different tool designs and their effects areinvestigated and it is concluded that the pin profile isrelated to the mechanical properties and the maximumtensile strength is achieved for the cylindrical-pin profilewith an 8-mm diameter.34

Some studies also reported that samples made with apolygonal pin profile are hard and brittle in comparisonwith the cylindrical-pin-profile samples.22 There arestudies on the effects of three different tool geometriesand two joint geometries on the quality of AA5083-H111 T welds made with friction stir welding(FSW). All the tools have concave shoulders with diffe-rent pin geometries: a threaded taper pin, a quadrangularpyramidal and progressive pin, a partly threaded cylin-drical and partly pyramidal pin. T-lap and T-butt joint


4 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 1, 3–9

configurations are also studied. The results show that nosignificant change in the hardness is observed with anycombination of tool and joint geometries. The tensile-strength efficiency of the joints welded with the prog-ressive-pin tool was found to achieve the optimumlevel.16

According to a study on the effects of tool design,new friction-stir-welding design features such as hollow,fluted and thermally insulated designs provide for a goodwelding thermal efficiency when compared to theconventional tool for aluminium welding. The effects ofthe tool-shoulder contact found during a thermal analysisof friction-stir welding are reported in21. The resultsshow that the tool shoulder has a remarkable effect onthe mechanical properties of AA6082. Observationrevealed that the heat generation is higher between thetrailing edge and retreating side-leading edge corner inthe counter-clockwise direction and lower between theretreating side and the trailing edge in the clockwisedirection. The results show that the welds produced witha ridge shoulder tool exhibit superior properties with asignificantly lower axial force.24

A literature review shows that the tool geometry isthe most important parameter for achieving better weld-ing with friction-stir welding. It also shows that the toolgeometry is selected based on the material to be welded.In the present work, three different types of tool geom-etry are considered for joining dissimilar aluminiumalloys AA7075 and AA5383.


The welding materials used for modern investigationsinclude aluminium alloys 5383 and 7075 whose chem-ical compositions are obtained using a vacuum spectro-meter. Aluminium alloy AA5383, also called Alloy 5S,is the major alloying element. Magnesium and silicon arethe chief alloying elements; treatable precipitation-toughened aluminium alloy AA7075 contains zinc as themajor alloying element.27 Specimens of aluminiumalloys AA7075 and AA5383 are used in the presentstudy. The major alloying elements, magnesium andsilicon, are found in precipitation-hardened aluminiumalloy 7075. It is one of the universally used aluminiumalloys, formerly called the 7-series alloy.

Zinc as the most important alloying element is foundin aluminium alloy AA5383. This alloy is strong and its

strength is comparable to many steels. It was formerlycalled the 5-series alloy. The material properties of thisalloy include a good fatigue strength, standard machin-ability and resistance to corrosion, which is better thanthose of the other aluminium alloys. The two aluminiumalloys are used for the research. The chemical com-positions of AA7075 and AA5383 are shown in Table 1.They were analyzed with a vacuum spectrometer.29

Table 1: Chemical compositions (%) of AA7075 and AA5383

Alloy AA7075 (%) AA5383 (%)Mg 2.374 4.237Mn 0.028 0.579Cu 1.564 0.012Cr 0.251 0.064Si 0.023 0.057Al 90.05 94.78

2.1 Tool material

Tool steel is one of the commonly used friction-stir-welding tool materials, allowing a weld of up to 50mm. Here, welding deals with aluminium, copper andmagnesium alloys.1 Tool materials exhibit excellentmachinability and thermal-fatigue resistance. Tool steelsmight cause damage and deformation during friction-stirwelding of aluminium alloys and other low-melting-temperature materials. Tool steel can be used to weldboth similar and dissimilar materials as lap joints or buttjoints. During the welding using a butt-joint arrange-ment, a harder, high-carbon, high-chromium tool has aremarkably excellent wear resistance amongst differenttool steels. H13 is characterized by shock and abrasionresistance combined with red hardness. A triangulartool-pin profile is shown in Figure 1.

This tool-pin profile has a high toughness and 5-%chromium content. High-chromium stainless steel has avery high corrosion resistance. The softer material is onthe retreating side and the tool material is on theadvancing side and thus the tool is given a slight offsetfrom the butt interface towards the softer material.25

Stainless steel, high-carbon high-chromium steel, high-speed steel, H13 and C40 materials have been joinedwith tool steels. This high-carbon, high-chromium-steeltool material is used in the present investigation and itschemical composition is given in Table 2. It is noted forits high dimensional stability in addition to a good wearresistance and excellent edge-holding capabilities.

Table 2: Chemical composition of HCHCr

Components C Mg Si Ni Mo Crw/% 97.67 0.97 0.19 0.25 0.80 0.12

This composition hardens the material so that it cansustain the high temperature in the stir zone generatedduring friction stirring. The density of the material is7.7–8.03 g/m3, the melting point is 1426 °C and its


Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 1, 3–9 5

Figure 1: High-carbon high-chromium triangular tool-pin profile

elastic modulus is 190–210 GPa. Dies, cutters, measur-ing tools and finishing rolls for tier-mill sand punchesare commonly made of high-carbon high-chromiumsteel.10 Plates of 50 mm × 100 mm are machined andused as the specimens. The tool material used is HCHCr,containing C, Mg, Si, Ni, Cr and Mo. These tools showhigh dimensional stability with added wear resistancecoupled with excellent edge-holding qualities and,hence, they are selected for the present investigation.17

The welded blank of AA7075 and AA5383 can be usedin the automotive sector as well as the aerospace industrywhere a high strength-to-weight ratio is the most desir-able property.13

Aluminium alloys of the 7xxx and 5xxx series are noteasily weldable with the conventional techniques. Theelectrical-resistance technique is also used to weld a fewaluminium alloys. However, these techniques require anextensive surface preparation and prevention of an oxideformation, which is quite difficult and, thus, this limitstheir use to specific applications.8 The raw materials inthe form of plates that are 50 mm wide, 100 mm longand 6 mm thick are machined using a milling machine tomake them parallel. The clamping system of thefriction-stir-welding machine, leading to uniformity ofthe gaps between the plates is of crucial importance. Thethickness of the welding plates range from 0.5 mm to 10mm and the experiments are carried out on the friction-stir-welding machine.

2.2 Experimental set-up

One of the most important aspects of FSW is theexploitation of a readily available vertical millingmachine; friction-stir welding involves a large weldingaxial force of about 2500 kN and a fixture with properclamps is designed to prevent the movement of speci-mens. The friction-stir-welding machine has a capabilityof welding plates with a thickness of 0.5–10 mm.Aluminium-alloy welded joints require a vertical headattachment, accommodating high spindle speeds thatvary between 200 min–1 and 4000 min–1, powered by22-kW AC motor and with axis-stroke length movementsof 600 mm, 200 mm and 300 mm along the x, y and zaxes, producing professional tool-pin profiles. Friction-stir-welding process parameter called the traverse feedrate of the worktable is controlled by the automatic feedsystem of the milling machine. A FSW process requires

a data acquisition system with suitable equipment foracquiring relevant parameters and monitoring theprocess.

Large forces that develop when a FSW tool pinplunges into a workpiece to be welded directly affect thebase plate and cause the plates to drift apart. Hence, arigid clamping fixture is essential to withstand the forcesand prevent the extrusion of the plasticized material fromthe joint interface to the bottom of the joint. Thethermal-expanding and buckling behavior that the platesencounter during normal FSW conditions can also berestrained by the clamping. In the present work, fixturecomponents are fabricated from mild-steel plates.

The base plate is prepared using mild steel, having asize of 200 mm × 160 mm × 10 mm and it is machinedprecisely to hold the clamping plates and stopper platefor the AA5383 and AA7075 workpieces with a thick-ness of 6 mm.

The friction-stir-welding tool and welding parametersplay a very important role, determining the weld-jointcharacteristic. The experiment involving the majorfactors affecting friction-stir-welding parameters andtool design such as the tool rotational speed, weldingspeed and axial force are considered. Various parameterstogether with their ranges are selected and presented inTable 3.

The weld joints are prepared using the ComputerNumerical Control software to maintain the consistency.The welds are made by joining both plates (100 × 50 × 6)mm to make a weld joint with a width of 100 mm and alength of 100 mm. Workpieces are clamped firmly on themachine table, with the backward tool tilted at an angleof 0° throughout the length of the weld. The friction-stirweld is initiated by positioning the FSW tool in such aposition that the tip of the pin just touches the uppersurfaces of the workpieces.

Table 3: Optimum parameters for preparing a welded joint

S. No. Axial load(kN)

Tool rotationalspeed (min–1)

Worktable feed(mm/min)

1 4 800 202 5 1000 253 6 1200 30

2.3 Tension test

The weld is recognized and a two-inch mark is madeto allow the measurement of the elongation before thetest sample breaks under tension.2 The tensile test isperformed according to the IS 1608:2005 specificationson the welded samples in a universal testing machinewith a capacity of 100 kN. The tensile-test pieces areprepared and tested for each weld joint to ensureconsistency and the data obtained for the weldedspecimens is shown on Figure 3.


6 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 1, 3–9

Figure 2: Fabricated friction-stir-welding machine fixtures

2.4 Hardness test

Hardness tests are conducted for both base plates,namely aluminum alloys AA5383 and AA7075 and alsoat the stir zone. To determine the effect of the tem-perature on friction-stir welding, the hardness of thewelded stir zone is studied. The hardness of the weldedspecimen is estimated according to the Rockwell hard-ness ASTM E8 standard.


The welded butt joints are tested mechanically byconducting an ultimate-tensile test and a hardness testused for identifying the best parameters and excellentfriction-stir-welding tool-pin profile; welded joints areanalyzed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Inthe present investigation, welding is done by maintainingboth the welding speed and axial load as well as byvarying the rotational speed and tool pin profilesindividually. The welding is carried out for the twodissimilar aluminum alloys, namely AA7075 andAA5383, as shown in Figure 4.

3.1 Tensile examination

In the present work, the operation process parameterssuch as the worktable feed, axial load and tool rotationalspeed are considered; in addition, the triangle, cylin-drical thread and cylindrical taper pins are used and theirinfluence on the mechanical properties are investigated.The experiments conducted show that for the triangle-pinprofile, the tensile strength obtained for an axial load of

4 kN is 592 MPa. The tensile strength is decreased by33 % by increasing the axial load by 1 kN.

It can be concluded that the material has highstrength when the axial load is low. In the case of cylin-drical threaded tool, a similar observation can also bemade as an increase in the axial load from 4 kN to 6 kNresults in a decrease in the tensile strength from 183.1MPa to 91.7 MPa. A similar observation is made for thecylindrical taper tool. The tensile-strength values ob-served for the cylindrical thread pin are 162.6 MPa,75.1 MPa and 93.2 MPa for the loads of 4 kN, 5 kN and6 kN, respectively Figure 5. Some researchers also useda square tool and reported a value of 211 MPa for a700-min–1 tensile strength when welding aluminumalloys AA5383 and AA7075.29 Similar tensile-strengthvalues were obtained and reported for friction-stir-welded aluminum alloys.

3.2 Hardness

The hardness ordeal conducted on the welded sam-ples are in table the hardness value of the weldmentsdone using triangle pin profile such as 4 kN is 72 frominvestigation triangle tool profile is effective whencompared to the cylinder thread and cylindrical tapertool pin profile.


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Figure 3: Tensile-test specimens

Figure 4: AA5383-AA7075 welded specimens

Figure 5: Tensile examination results

Figure 6: Hardness results

Thus it can be concluded that mechanical propertiesof the welded samples the researchers using square toolis reported as 70 HRB for 700 min–1 Rockwell hardnessvalue of welded aluminum alloys 5383 and 7075alloys.29 Similar kind of hardness values is obtained andresearcher reported friction stir welded aluminiumalloys.

Table 4: Hardness results

S. No. Pin profile Applied load(N)

Rockwell hard-ness (HRB)

1 Cylindrical thread 980.665 402 Cylindrical thread 980.665 363 Cylindrical thread 980.665 324 Cylindrical taper 980.665 385 Cylindrical taper 980.665 246 Cylindrical taper 980.665 217 Triangle 980.665 718 Triangle 980.665 65

3.3 Microstructure of AA7075 and AA5383

The surface of the welded area exhibits uniformgrains; it is smooth due to proper welding, maybe alsodue to the presence of new stir grains, improving thehardness of the welding zone. The region difficult toidentify in the microstructure shows evidence of thestir-zone grain content in the main zone. The micro-structure of the welded aluminum alloys shown inFigure 7 shows a proper and uniform fusion of thematerials because of the high temperature in the heatedzone.

In the stir zone, we recognize a very increasing hard-ness value of the welded samples. The welding prog-ression is homogeneous and controllable. As seen in thefigure, due to the result of the welding progression,bumpy surfaces developed, proving that small weld burrscan be observed on dissimilar aluminium alloys 5383and 7075. In the weld-stir zone, small microcracks canbe observed, which may be a result of the friction-stir-welding tool-pin profile.


In this present investigation, FSW of AA5383 andAA7075 dissimilar joints was successfully accomplishedusing different parameters, namely the welding speed,axial load, tool rotational speed and tool-pin profile. Theweld quality at various tool rotational speeds, axial loadsand welding-table feeds was studied, with a specialemphasis on the tool-pin profile. Based on the tool-pinprofiles and their influence on the mechanical properties,it is found that the triangle-pin profile provides for bettermechanical properties than the cylindrical taper andcylindrical thread-pin profiles. It is concluded that a toolrotational speed of 800 min–1, together with a20-mm/min transverse feed and 4-kN axial load, givesexcellent tensile strength and a hardness value of 592MPa.


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8 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 1, 3–9

Figure 7: Microstructure observations of the stir zone of AA5383 and AA7075

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