
Citation preview

  • AD-763 716


    Steven N. Suchard, et al

    Aerospace Corporation

    Prepared for:

    Space and Missile Systems Organization

    30 March 1973


    KKn Nitionl Ttcbiicil InforaitiM Stnrict U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield Va. 22151

  • Best Available


  • Experime ts and Theory

    Los Angeles, California Roprodvud by


    U S Doport-.,en ' of CommtJCe Sp•mof·~ld v A 22151





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    The Laboratory Operatiou of Tbe Aeroepace Corporatloale coa4uctlq

    uperime•al aod tbeoretlcallaveetliJ&tiODe nece .. •ry for the eval\l&tlOG u.d

    appUcatlon of edeatUlc .clYaac .. to~~- miUtary coac.r• aod eyeteau. Ver•

    .. tlUty aod flalblllty have been developed to a blah 4earea by tbe laboratory

    pere-1 ba deaUq wtth the maay problem• -coUDtere4 in the aatloa'• rapi41y

    4evelopiq ept.ee aod miulle ayeteme. Elqlel'tlee bl the lateet ecleatlflc devel•

    opmeate Ia vital to the accompUahm•• at tub relate4 to theee problema. The la))oratoriea that coatriblrte to tble reeearch aret

    Aeroph~lca Laboratorxt LaUDch aod reentry aerodynamice, heat trau• far, reeatry Ydce, cliemlcalldnetlce, etrucharal mechalllce, fUpt dyumica, atmoepberic pollutlOIIo U4 hl1Jh•power 1u laeere.

    Chemlatrv aod Phyelce Laboratordt Atmotpheric reactlou u.d atmoe• pharic op&ca, cmcilreaC:U:oae lii po~ute4 atmotpher .. , chemical l'eacUOJle of asctte4 epedee la rocket pl-e, chemical thermoclyaamlce, plum.a u.d luer-iatv.ce4 reactloae, laeer chemietry, propweln cheml1try, epace •acuum u4 ratiatlOD effecte Oil materiale, lubrication u.d n rface pheaom.... photo· ••lltlve meteriala aod au1ore, hlah predelqsa laeer r&llflq, u.d tbe appU-catlOD of phyetce aod chemlatry to problema of law eaforcemetat aod lll~olae,

    Electroalea a .. earch LaboratOI'!I Electl'omaJaatlc theory, 4avicee, ... pro,.,atloa plieaomeaa, liicl\idliii pl .. ma electromeaaettce; quaatam electroalce, laeen, &ad electro-optlce; cOIIIIDUillcatloa ecl-cee, appUe4 electrollllce, aeml· coaductlq, aupercolldtactlaa, u.d cr,.tal devlce ]lh~lce, optical alld aewetlcal imaalal: atmoepheric pollution; milUmoter wave &ad far-blfrare4 tec!uaololf.

    W.teriale Sd-cea Laborato;J' Development of uw materiale; metal matrbl compoelt .. &Dd new lonna o cal"bon; teet &ad evaluatloa of IJr&pldte aod ceramic• ln re•try; epacecraft material• aA4 electroalc compollate ln nuclear weapOile envlrOilmeat; appUcation of fracture machaalce to atre .. cor• roelOil &JI4 fatlpe-laduce4 fracture• ln at~el metale.

    SptcG P~a Laborator~: Atmoapbel'lc aod iono•pberic pb~lce, ratlla-tlon from the ephen, d11111 ty aod compo•ltlon of the atmoephere, aiU'etl'&e aa4 alr1l-; mapetoepheric pbyelce, cetemic raye, aeneratlOD &ad prop&IJatlon of pleam.·wavel ln the ~.&IJiletoep~re; eolaz phyalce, etw!ie e of eolar m&IJI&tlc fte14a; tpue utronomy, x-ray aetrcmomy: the effect• of nuclear uploaiODa, meaaettc etorml, u.d eolar actlvlty on the earth'• atmolphere, l oooephere, aod JD81IIetoephere; the eftectl of optlcaJ.. electromaJaatlC, u.d pal'tlculete l'aclit• tlODe bl epace oa ·epace eyeteme.


  • IINCIASSintil)


  • LBCASSIEim. Security Classification

    14 KEY WORDS

    Cluiin-reaction laser Chcnical laser Chemical laser modeling Hydrogen fluoride laser Laser

    Distribution Statement (Continued)

    Abstract (Continued)

    '»k UNCLASSIFIED Security Clarification

  • mmttrnm-mm

    Air Force Report No. SAMSO-TR-73-207

    Aerospace Report No. TR-0073(3540)-l



    Prepared by


    73 MAR 30

    Laboratory Operations Tim AEROSPACE CORPORATION


    Prepared for


    LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE STATION Los Angeles, California

    Approved for public release; distribution unlimited


  • This work reflects research supported hy the Defense Advanced

    Researc,'l Projects Agency of the nepartmcnt of Defense Wlder u. s. Ail' Force Space and Missile Systems Organization (SAMSO) Contract No. F04701·72·C·0073.

    This report \'laS prepared by S • ~. Suchard, n, L, Kerber, and -- . J. S. l'lhi ~tier of the t-1echanics Research. DcpartJOOnt and r,. Emanuel of

    t.l",e Olemical Kinetics Department of the Aerophysics Laboratory.

    The author!. gratefully acknowledge the assistance of N. Cohen for his help with the kineti=s, arul A, Chin~, I.. n. Bergerson, J, F. Bott, H. A. Kwok, and J. s. Lesser for their assistance in various phases of this '"ork.

    This work, which docum.onts resesrch carried out fran September

    1971 throuah February 1972, was submitted on 31 Jam\al")' 1973 for review and approval to Capt Robert C. Bower, DYX.

    ~~ w. ft. wa ;lr.' flirector Aeroz:hysics LabOJ:'atory

    Publication of this report does not constitute Air r-orce approval of the report's findings or conclusions. It is puhlished only for the

    exchanae and stbulation of ideas.

    Robert C. Bower, Capt, USAF rroj ect Officer



    Stimulated emission predictions and measurements for an H- + F. laser

    are conqpared for H. pressures from threshold to stoichiometric, a range of

    several orders of magnitude. Slowly flowing, heliun-diluted, 50-Torr mixtures

    are initiated photolytically. TVro dilution ratios and two output couplers are

    considered, and good agreement is found for time to threshold and pulse dura-

    tion vs H2 pressure. Spiking, relaxation oscillations, and possibly mode

    beating, features not modeled, are observable in some pulses; however, pre-

    dicted intensity vs time generally agrees in pulse shape with laser output.

    Observed and predicted peak intensities nearly match for low H, pressure, and

    the predicted increase of peak intensity with low I^ is followed fairly well.

    For H2 in the vicinity of one-tenth stoichiometric, the peak intensity data

    show an abrupt leveling off, while the calculations predict a continuing

    increase. This disagreement most probably cannot be attributed to uncertain-

    ties in the kinetic model. All rate modifications considered have pvoven

    incapable of producing a change sufficiently large or abrupt to explain this

    feature of the data. Experimental results are presented supporting the notion

    that parasitic oscillations cause this change in laser output.



  • ronEWORD ... ü

    ADSTKACT iii

    i. wmosjcrioN i




    A« Pulse Sliapc 29

    U. Tine to Threshold 21

    C. Pulse Duration 23

    D. Peak Intensity 25


    VI. RliPERBICES 37


    Preceilnf pi|i blink -V-

  • - •


    Trace Concentrations of IIF in Various ll.,:r7:lle Mixtures Before Flash Initiation f , 9

    2. Plashlanp Inteasity vs Time Ohservcd Tlirouph a 290 ♦ in nn Spectral Filter 7 16

    3. Observed and Predicted Effect of 112 on Intensity and Pulse Shape for II-, ♦ IS Chain Reaction Laser 20

    4. Observed and Predicted Time to Achieve Laser Threshold as a Function of Ih for Initial Composition Ratio IfotfyHB " 112:1:20 and for 25 and 65t Transmitting Outnut Mirrors 22

    5. Observed and Predicted Pulse Duration vs Parts l^ . 24

    6. Observed and Predicted Intensity vs IU 26

    7. Predicted Values of Maximum Small Signal lain vs IL for Mixtures with Initial Composition Patio ll,:F:IIe - II2:1:20 and Il2:l:40 7 27

    8. Effect of Laser Tube Length Exposed to Photolysis on Observations of Peak Intensity vs IL 33


    A-I. ileactions and Pate Coefficients. * A-2



  • ■WWiMIWIiJli i »i—TIMT-


    Measurements and theoretical predictions of stimulated emission fox an

    H- ♦ F- laser are compared in this report over a wide range of initial !!,, con-

    centrations. While such comparisons were heretofore unavailable, several

    earlier studies of pulsed H, + F- chemical lasers have been reported.

    Experimental investigations have shown the existence of lasing for several

    mixtures and initiation methods, and have presented the laser's spectrtm * » 7 8 12 or time-resolved spectrum. »0»" Most of this work, however, gives very

    limited information about the effect on the laser pulse of changes in mixture 11 7 composition. Notable exceptions are the works of Hess and Dolgov-Savel'yev.

    Hess investigated the effect of total pressure with a fixed composition ratio

    H2:F?:He - 0.33:1:40 and the effect of varying the H^/^ ratio over a limited

    range. Hess also presents results of simplified rate equation calculations

    for the reacting mixture but without including the effect of stimulated

    emission. He finds that his experimental laser pulses terminate at times, for

    which his calculations indicate substantial cowpletion of the reaction.

    A previous work that gives calculations of stimulated emission for the 17 H2 + F2 pulsed laser contains no comparisons with experiment. Tt neverthe-

    less identifies the relative importance of the mechanisms in the theory and

    shews the predicted effects of varying initial composition, teayerature, and

    the optical, cavity.


  • nw» m ill mmm*** WBH

    PioneerinR conqparisons of pulsed c)iemical laser experiments with theoret-

    18 ital calculations are given by Airey for an HC1 laser pumped by the reaction

    between hydrogen bromide and photolytically produced atomic chlorine. We ex-

    tend Airey" s approach to the more complicated iL * F, system where vibration-

    rotation bands cascade and where chain-react ion pumping can extend the laser

    pulse well beyond the duration of the flashlamp used for photolytic initiation«

    Moreover» the larger gain of HF as compared with HC1 gives rise to experimental

    complications apparently not present in the work of Airey.

    19 Emanuel and co-workers formulated a multilevel chemical laser theory

    and computer simulation for prediction of laser perfomance from a rate model,

    thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties, and parameters describing the

    20 laser cavity. In addition, Cohen gives a critical assessment of rate coef-

    ficients for reactions in the f^ ♦ F^ laser system, along with a recownended

    set of "best" values for these rates. We incorporated the rate model suggested

    by Cohen* into the theoretical model and present the first comparison of pulsed

    H, ♦ F- laser experiments with complementary theoretical predictions.

    The experiments measure output intensity vs time as a function of the

    hydrogen-to-fluorine ratio. The reacting mixture has a fixed total pressure

    of 50 Torr with varying initial composition, and the ^/F, mole ratio is

    varied from 0,0008 to 1 with the He/F- mole ratio at 20 or 40. Tvo different

    output coupling mirrors are used. Traces of HF in the reacting mixture before

    initiation are measured by determining the attenuation of a probe beam fron a

    *The rates used in our calculations reflect some new values obtained since the preparation of Ref. 20, Details are given in the Appendix,


  • line-selected HF laser. Our experiments are distinguished from earlier work

    by their detailed study over a wide range of initial hydrogen concentrations

    and by the measurement of initial HI-' concentrations, a precaution not included

    in previous work.

    Experimental and predicted pulse shapes are qualitatively very similar.

    Measurements and predictions of time to laser threshold and pulse duration vs

    hydrogen partial pressure are in good agreement. For H-ZF, ratir.» less than

    0.1, modeling and experimental results have the same trend in peak intensity

    vs hydrogen partial pressure. For H^/F, ratios greater than 0.1, our calcula-

    tions predict a continuing increase of peak intensity with increasW hydrogen;

    however, the experimental data for peak intensity in this region exhibit an

    abrupt leveling off. With H^/F, - 1.0, the peak intensity is barely larger

    than at H-ZF, "0.1. This behavior most probably cannot be attributed to un-

    certainties in the kinetic model. All rate modifications considered have

    proven to be incapable of introducing a sufficiently large or abrupt change

    in the peak intensity vs H- curve to explain the data. Supplementary experi-

    mental results are presented supporting the notion that parasitic oscillations

    are the cause for this df crease in laser output. This indicates that previous

    pulsed HF laser work may, in part, be misleading because of the presence of

    parasitic oscillations.

  • ii. i-vn.mjMTAL nRnannmufi

    12 Experiments were performed with a flash photolysis laser apparatus.

    A quartz laser tube with a 1.27-ai i,d( and 53*3 en in lonptli was attached to

    aluminum window holders machined to the Brewster angle for NaCl. The tube en-

    closed a continually flowing reactant mixture. A laser cavity 100 on in length

    was formed by a spherical mirror of 8.8-m radius and a dielectric-coated flat

    of either 251 transmittance (sapphire substrate) or 65% transmittance (silicon

    substrate). The spherical mirror was gold-coated to a nominal reflectivity of


    Helium (Matheson, 99.99t) and fluorine fMatheson, 981) are premixed at a

    mole ratio of 10 to 1 and a pressure of 7.1 atm in a passivatod stainless steel

    bottle having a perforated sting to ensure complete mixing. The remainder of

    the gas sample, H- (Matheson, UO.'.vin'L), nnd additional lie is flow nonitorcd an;',

    mixed with the F^-He sample in an aluminun mixing block. The F.-He mixture is

    injected through a calibrated sonic orifice into the FU-He flow. As a pre- 21 caution against preignition of the mixture, tubing from the mixer to the

    laser tube and from the laser tube to a carbon trap is of Teflon and aluminum.

    The carbon trap protects the vacuum pump from unreacted F,. Flame propagation

    from the carbon trap back into the laser tube is discouraged by an aluminun

    screen flame arrestor in this exhaust line. Gases from the laser tube are ex-

    hausted by a 15 ft /min mechanical vacuum pump (Kinney KC-15). Pressures are

    measured with gauges (Heise) having Cu-Be Bourdon tubes.

    Preceding page link


    —■'■ """■mmMnj&t.M

  • A 14.7 uF/20 kV capacitor CSangamo), it,nitron triggered, is discharged

    through a xenon flashlamp (Kemlite) with an active length of 56 an to initiate

    the laser reaction. The lamp and laser tube are 5 am apart and are optically

    coupled by a closely wrapped aluminum foil reflector. Flashlamp output is

    monitored by means of a 929 photodiode (RCA).

    Laser radiation is monitored with a Au:Ge detector (Raytheon) placed

    100 an from the output coupling mirror. The sensitive area of the detector,

    which measures 2 im in diameter, acts as an aperture so that only radiation

    very near the laser axis is monitored. Calibration against a black body source

    indicates that, for the wavelengths of interest, the detector has a sensitivity

    of 0.97 V/W with a 50-0 load. Total risetime of the detector and oscilloscope

    is known from other experiments to be about 20 nsec.

    Precise values for initial concentrations of the various reactants are

    desired. Therefore, we measure the extent of the prereaction between the H,

    and F- before flash initiation and the amount of HF initially present in the

    Fy- Two independent techniques are employed: the first measures the change in

    the fluorine concentration as H. is introduced, and the second measures the HF

    pressure in the reactants prior to photolysis.

    In the first method, uv radiation from a high pressure Jc mercury lamp

    is split into two beams; one beam passes through the laser where it is partially

    absorbed by the F,, while the other is used as a reference. By means of a

    mechanical chopper, the beams are displayed alternately to a photomultiplier

    22 covered \yy a band filter, 290 ♦ 10 nr», centered near the ^ absorption peak."


  • The phctomultiplier output (square wave) is displayed on an oscilloscope and is

    interpreted by a differencing procedure." With this technique, we are able to

    measure changes of a few percent in the F., partial pressure. Under the condi-

    tions of the present experiments, the F- partial pressure was found to remain

    constant, independent of the H- partial pressure.

    The second method uses infrared absorption to measure directly the HF(O)

    concentration in the laser tube, A transverse electrical discharge HF laser is

    used for this purpose. In this laser, ninety 100-ft resistors in parallel act as

    pin electrodes for discharge of a 1500-pF capacitor charged to 15 kV through an

    H- + SF, mixture (mole ratio 1 to 10) at a total pressure of 50 Torr. The

    optical cavity consists of a spherical mirror with a 3.15-m radius of curvature

    and a 2-mm hole for output coupling, gold-coated to a nominal reflectivity of

    981, and a plane reflectance grating (PTR) with 7200 lines/in. blazed at 2.6 urn.

    With this arrangement, individual transitions in the v ■ 3^2, 1*1, or 1-K) bands

    could be selected. The present measurements used the PjCS), P1(5)> and ?^p)


    Absorption coefficients associated with each of these laser lines are

    determined, in place, by measuring the attenuation of each line with a known

    pressure of HF(O) in the laser tube. A dual-beam experiment is used to avoid

    error because of variability of the line-selected laser's pulse amplitude

    (typically ^15%). The line-selected laser beam is split with a reference beam

    sent directly to a detector and a probe beam sent through the photolysis laser

    tube before detection. Nominally identical Au:Ge (Raytheon) detectors are used

    for the two beams. The attenuation of the probe beam is calculated from


  • measurements of the ratio of the probe to the reference beam with and without

    HF(O) in the laser tube. Values determined for absorption coefficients of the

    probe transitions are: K^P^S)] - 6.50 * O.ZUcm-Torr)"1, ^[PjCS)] - 1.92 ±

    O.lSCon-Torr)"1, and K [PjC?)] - 0.27 ± O.OZCon-Torr)"1.

    After calibration, the dual-beam laser absorption apparatus is used to

    determine the amount of HF(O) present in the F- or in the FL-^-He mixtures

    before initiation. As shown in Fig, 1, the ?- sample contained approximately

    1.6 ± 0.3 mTorr of HF(O) per Torr of F-. In addition, trace amounts of pre-

    reaction of H« + F- are indicated by the rising portions of the curves in Fig. 1.


  • ►2 10' E

    g 10 CO CO Ui QC a.


    H2 : tF2: 20 He

    J I l—U I I l_L

    H2: 1F2: 40 He

    10 r2



    J I UJ I L_L_L .0 .x-2 .«-I ,«0

    I0W 10 10



    Piß. 1. Tr.-icc Concent rat ioas or l!T: in Various lu^rllc Mixtures Ueforc T:L'isli Initiation


    The chemical laser computer similation used is described in Ref. 19, but

    a resum£ of its features is presented in this section. Rate equations are used

    to represent the chemical kinetic and stimulated emission processes occurring in

    a representative unit volume within a Fabry-Perot cavity. All processes are

    assumed uniform throughout the cavity. Rotational equilibrium at the transla-

    tional temperature T is assumed. Only the transition with maxinun gain in each

    band is assumed to läse; this is always in the P-branch. Combined Doppler and

    collisional broadening (Voigt profile) is modeled. During lasing, the gain at

    line center is held constant at the threshold value for the cavity; the gain

    profile is assumed to saturate homogeneously.

    Reaction of the H? * ^2 * ciiluent mixture is represented by:

    1. Photodissociation of F-

    F2 ♦ hw —► 2F

    2. The H2 - F2 chain

    F •■ F^^SäHFO) ♦ H

    H + F25=iHFCv) ♦ F

    3. Vibrational-translational (VT) deactivation

    HF(v) + M 5^ HF(v-l) * M

    H2(v) ♦ M 5=^H2(v-l) ♦ M

    4. Vibrational-vibrational fW) quantum exchange

    HF(v) ♦ HP(v') ^^ HF(v*l) ♦ HF(v'-l)

    HF(v) ♦ H2(v') ÄHF(v*l) ♦ H2(v'-1)

    Preceding pic« blank -ii-

  • 5. Dissoc iat ion-recombinat ion

    F2 + M^e-M + F ♦ F

    H2+M^=tM + H + H

    HF(v) +M^=iM*H + F

    This reaction system is approximated by the 79 reactions and rate coefficients

    listed in the Appendix. Except as noted, the rate coefficients are those sug-

    20 gested by Cohen.

    Photolytic initiation, i.e., dissociation of F, by the flashlamp, is

    modeled by the F-atom production rate

    -jl-ZZ^Ct) |l -expR^)) CD

    where I(t) is the flash intensity normalized to have a maximum of unity, Z. is

    the maximum output of the lamp in moles oT photons per unit laser volume per sec,

    and Z7 is the product of a ncan absomtion coefficient and absorption length.

    The chemical reactions are written as

    L a .N n i L ß,;N. n i (2)

    where N. is the molar concentration of species i. a . and ß . arc stoichionctric i ri ri

    coefficients, and k, and k „ are forward and backward rate coefficients. r -r The rate of change of concentration N(v) for vibrational level v is given


    ^ - ^rad(v.J) - >rrad(v.l,JL) ♦ ^(v) (3)



  • where ^ ^(y,J) is the rate of change of concentration resulting from lasing

    from v + 1 to v. Lower level rotational quantum numbers J and J. are selected

    as those giving maximum gain for transitions v + 1 ■* v and v -► v - 1, respectively.

    The rate of change of N(v) resulting from chemical reactions Af-uCv) is

    *chM ■ E feri " »rl> Lr ^ r


    ^ - K y ^0rj ■ Bri

    The laser cavity is assumed to have a uniform photon flux with active

    i.-ridium length L and mirror reflectivities RQ and R.. Lasing initiates for any

    v ♦ 1 -»• v band vhen the gain for the highest gain transition of that band is

    equal to the threshold gain ath , where

    1 a thr 21 inCR^) (5)

    The gain is assumed constant over length L. As only P-branch transitions need

    be considered, the gain of a transition with lower level v, J is

    a(v.J) "^ uc(v.J) ♦(V,J) B(v,J)[|f4^ N(v + 1. J - 1) - N(v,J)l (6)

    The wave number of the transition is w (v,J), BCv,J) is the Einstein Isotropie

    absorption coefficient based on the intensity, and N. is Avogudro's number. Line-

    broadening constants ana resonance constants used in the Voigt profile at line

    center ♦(v,J) are those of Ref. 19.


  • The Boltzmaiin distribution of the rotational populations is given by

    N(v,J) - N(v) 2J-li2 exp f-hcEVkrl (7) qf cn L

    where values of the rotational partition function (/ (T) and rotational energy

    lij are from the data of Mannf et al. Planck's constant, the speed of light,

    and üoltzmann's constant are denoted as !i, c, and k, respectively. The

    energy equation for a constant density gas is written in the form

    picPi f" a? -" "L - ? ür "i (« where C is the specific heat at constant pressure and H. is the molar enthalpy

    of species it p is the pressure, and P. is the output lasing power per unit

    volume. The pjwer is

    5 PL(t) ■ Eo hcNA »c (v.J) Xrad (v,J) (9)

    Numerical integration of Eqs. (1), (3), (8), and the equation of state de-

    termines the pressure, temperature, and species concentrations until, at some

    time t. and for some value J • J0, the gain on a given vibration-rotation transi-

    tion reaches athr. At this time, the laser pulse begins. Then Eqs. (1), (3),

    (S), (8) and the equation of state are solved for the transient temperature,

    pressure, concentrations, and, for each band that is lasing, output power and

    active J. During lasing, this value of J shifts sequentially to larger values

    because of HF concentration growth and temperature rise. Lasing terminates when

    all o(v,J) become less than othr.


  • The laser power P. (t) in fiq. (8) is the sun from both mirrors of the

    cavity. The power extracted from mirror lU is

    prt . U - Bfl] ,-__ P, (t) 0 [1 MR0/V

    i/ZH1 - (RoV1721 (10)

    Initial conditions and model parameters are determined to reflect con-

    ditions of the experiments. In these experiments, the laser has an active

    medium length of 53.3 cm. The optical cavity is fonned by a gold-coated mirror,

    with nominal reflectivity of 0.98, and one of two partially transmitting

    mirrors — a 25% transmitting dielectric-coated sapphire flat or a 65% trans-

    mitting ar-coated silicon flat. Other losses in the cavity were lumped with

    the 981 reflecting gold mirror for an estimated value R. - 0.9. The output

    mirrors were taken as RQ - 0.75 and 0.35, respectively. Initial concentrations

    were matched to those of the experiment, including the effect of prereaction

    (Fig. 1). The normalized flashlamp profile was determined (Fig. 2) and taken

    as I(t), At these low concentrations, the mixture is optically thi.i, i.e.,

    Z2NF ** 1' hence» &!• C1) beeves


    ar^W^ (11) Therefore, only the product Z.Z- is necessary to model the flashlamp coupling.

    Because an independent measure of Z.Z. was not available, we determine this

    parameter to be 2.1 x 10 sec" by matching the computed time for the laser


  • >-I-


    z w 1-z

    TIME- ~ l--1 0 fLSec Fig ,. 2. Hashlanp Intensity vs Time Observed

    111rough a 290 .:!:.. 10 run Spectral r:iltcr



  • to reach threshold to the measured time for the case H-F-Iü: - 0.1:1:20 with

    the 25t transmitting output mirror. This procedure seemed most satisfactory,

    as time-to-threshold predictions for this case depend on only a few parameters

    (Z.Z-, pumping rates, and 0^.-.).



  • <


    In the sections that follow, the results of our experinental and theo-

    retical investigations are compared. Interpretation of the character of the

    laser pulse is given in regions where experiment and theory agree. In regions

    of disagreement, the probable cause for deviation of experiment and theory is

    isolated and additional experimental results are presented to enhance the inter-

    pretation of the disagreement.

    A. PULSE aiAPE

    Experimental intensity vs time records are found to exhibit three types

    of pulse shape. Pulses for vexy low H, have peak intensity at the beginning

    and then an irregular decay to zero. Additionally, these records have pro-

    nounced transients superposed on the basic pulse shape. Pulses for experi-

    ments with somewhat larger H- rise from threshold to peak intensity in several

    distincf steps. After peak intensity, there is a smooth decay to zero. Addi-

    tional transients are less pronounced in these records. Finally, for R^ near

    stoichicnetric, the pulses have small initial steps and a smooth rise to peak

    intensity and decay to zero. Records of the observed pulse shapes with the 2SI

    output coupler for F^/He - 1/20 and 1/40 are presented in Fig. 3. Also shown

    in this figure are predicted intensity vs time pulse shapes. In order to facili-

    tate comparison, the intensity scale for each computed pulse is selected so that

    the peak intensity is approximately the same fraction of the ordinate as the

    observed pulse; the time scales are identical. locccpt for the transients in the

    experiment, tl« main features of these pulse shapes arc predicted quite well by

    Preceding pue blink -19-

  • - — -

    CO P ■ -

    o L II \ \

    HHHi CO - ^^^^^^^B o " - HH o 1" ^fl o _

    M| II a: ^ :

    o oo



    I 2 1

    i g

    o *i I •H V)

    11 13 $1

    • •H E

    A1ISN31NI— AilSN3lNI—


  • the theoretical mcx.lel. Tile tine location nf the ohscrvetl laser pulses is somewhat

    arhitrary hccause, in sOI'le cases, rlashlamr triggering Has tlelaycd relative to

    oscilloscope tri~erine. In the ne.·t sectj on.c; He find that, Nhen these trigger-

    ing problems were averted, the observed ll.lK1 predicted tir:tc locationS '"ere in g•>Od


    With the knowledge that observed and predicted pulse shapes are similar, we

    selected three pulse characteristics for quantitative comparison. These are:

    time from onset of the flashlamp until laser thresh.~.>ld, pulse duration measured

    from laser threshold to the point in the tail of the pulse where the intensity

    has fallen to one-tenth its peak value, and the peak intensity during the pulse.

    For brevity, we refer to these parameters as: time to threshold, pulse duration,

    and peak intensity.

    B. TIME TO TIDmslkJLn

    Observed and predicted values of time to threshold for F z!He = 1/20 and

    for both output couplers are in good agreement as seen in Fig. 4. As expected,

    the time required to reach thr~shold increases as the initial H2 decreases. For

    small Hz• threshold is not achieved. Synchronization difficulties caused erratic time-to-threshold data for the F2/He = 1/40 mixtures; however, results similar to those in f-ig. 4 were fotmd for these mixtures in earlier experi.Jilents.

    Chester and Hess26 compared theoTe~ical and experimental values of time t o

    threshold for a pulsed HF laser based on flash photolysis of MoF6

    + H2 mixtures.

    They found good agreement over a r:m~c of 1 tixturc pres sures. Detailed predictior. ,. \·

    of other features of the laser pulses wns not included within the scope of their ~,



  • a>

    Q _J O X CO UJ cc




    0 10 H


    10 ,-3

    2 : IFg : 20 He




    UJ I LLU I II II I I I II I III «-2 H 10


    10^ 10' I0£

    Tic. 4. ni)scrved and lYedictoil Tinn to Acliicvc Laser ThreslwlJ as a Tunction of II-, for Initial Connosition Ratio lL:r,:lio « iLtliWanl ror 3.r) .UKI 6St Transnittiiv; fTatpflt Mirrots


  • c. i'iiit:;i. iHii'Ano:.

    In vii\. .1, observed and prc.lict.fvl rnUsp durations are cnnparcl as a func-

    tion of II., for the four cases stiUlc', TIP overall ayrocnont is p.ocxl. Tor

    H2:F2:He ■ Hj'.l'AO and the 25% output mirror, there is excellent agreement.

    The main trends are the same for the other cases, but there are some deviations

    between theory and experiment. For example, the theoretical point in Fig. 5d

    that is quite high stems from a condition that produced an output with a double

    spike; the small second spike results when, in the calculation, the gain on

    another vibrational transition achieves threshold. The pulse duration of the

    first spike at this same concentration is in good agreement with experiment.

    An upper limit on the laser pulse duration is imposed by the time required

    to consume the FL, i.e., the reaction duration. The reaction duration is nearly

    constant for small H- where the heat release is negligible. For increasing H-

    above ^/F- "0.1, however, there is a decreasing trend to the reaction duration

    caused by thermal acceleration of the pumping rates. This decreasing trend

    appears for both experiment and theory in all four cases of Fig. 5.

    The laser pulse is actually shorter than the reaction duration. A finite

    time interval of pumping occurs before lasing begins, and deactivation processes

    quench the laser before the reaction is complete. In the model, the dominant

    deactivators are F (Reacts. 44-50), H (Reacts. 23-29), and HF (Reacts. 37-43);

    their relative importance depends on the initial HL/F- ratio. For H-ZF, 0.01, deactivation by HF and H is more


    As H2 is increased, a "knee" is found in the theoretical prediction of

    pulse duration and is most evident for the F2/He ■ 1/40 mixture with the 651

  • CD CO





    H2: IF2: 20 He 1 1 MI 1 1 HI 1 1 in 1 MI

    H2 :1 F2: 40 He

    (a) o oq

    o A 00 OOO



    1 1 II 1



    TIM I 1 W 1 1 II

    i£c9 0 6 X)

    0 25% OUTPUT COUPLER —

    1 A ___

    cr Q

    LU CO —I





    O EXPERIMENT H^ M Fg ^ 20 He ^ THEORY H2 :1F2: 40 He

    "1—SEE TEXT 6 5°/


    (bi —oo0eq9(^0

    LLLL I I I III 1 i Hl AI I m 1 i HI 1 in



    060 0


    -4 -3 10 10

    öLiAi I III I I 111 I III 102 101 io010"4 id3


    -2 -I C 10 10 10 H2

    Pif,. S. (ll)scrv(xl ruKl Predictc.l fills« hintion vs Tarts IU



  • output, coupler, 'lliis "l.nco" occurr i.licrc tlic conputation changes abruptly

    fron prcdonination of losing on \mls associated witli the pumninp. reactions

    F + IL (Reacts. 11-13) to lasing on all bands associated with the chain and,

    hence, a much higher degree of cascading. This abrupt behavior was not ob-

    served experijncntally.

    The following section presents evidence that leads us to the conclusion

    that parasitic oscillations rob power from the observed laser beam, especially

    in the regime ^/F- > 0.1. Based on the good agreement shown in Figs. 4 and

    5, it appears that time to threshold and pulse duration are little affe:ted by

    these parasitics. This is in marked contrast to the behavior of some ruby

    lasers where the onset of parasitic oscillations causes premature quenching of

    27 the observed laser beam or of some glass lasers where parasitics reach thres-

    28 hold first and quench the observed beam altogether.


    In Fig. 6 are presented the theoretical curves and experimental data for

    peak intensity vs parts H- for the four cases studied. In interpreting the

    experimental records, an average is used when transients occur in the vicinity

    of the peak intensity. These plots show that, below one-tenth part H-, theory

    and experiment have the same trends. Above this H. pressure, the agreement

    vanishes; theoretical peak intensity continues to increase with JU, while the

    experiments exhibit an abrupt leveling off. The best agreement is observed

    in Figs. 6c and 6d and the poorest agreement in Figs. 6a and 6b. For a fixed

    H^/F, ratio, the small-signal gain is lower for mixtures represented in Figs.

    6c and 6d than those in Figs. 6a and 6b as shown in Fig. 7. The influence of

    gain on these observations will be discussed again shortly.



  • a i




    K„; rn—i I i ir—i ' 11

    IF2 : 20 Hi





    -3 O

    « 10 UJ a.


    oo GC



    T III! I I I 11

    H2 : I F? : 20 He



    j—r—r-rn—i i nj ->—r-rr

    TH? : I F? : 40 He 25% OUTPUT COUPLER


    { THEORY



    (0 -

    l 111—i—rtIT 1—T-TTT

    r»;" IF2 : 40 He j 65% OUTPUT COUPtER


    —■ .




    ''I i JMI i i ill i i nl I 'I" i '"I ' in

    I03 id2 id' io0 id5 id2 IO- io0 id3 id2 id1 io0 \ö2 id1 10

    Tin, *'• ^»scrveil ruvl IVcJictctl Intensity vs !L

  • -. I01

    E u

    S .AO IOv

    tn 10 -I

    10 -2

    10 -3


    (a) Rw


    /.XN Rw-0.l L -l.lcm


    PARASITIC (b) RL-0.90 [Oj

    RL Rw Rp RO-0.35 i?^::r: ::^ Rw-0.95

    L - 53.3 cm RLR0(RW) e '-l^g-O-Oliecm-'

    l/ZO-Fg/He -



    =r- —-=r-— -^rft^z— 65 % OUTPUT COUPLER -


    I I I J U-L IUJL I I I 10 -4 10 -J IQ'2

    PARTS H2

    10 -1 10°

    Fig. 7, ProJlctod VAIUM of Maxlrun Sruill Signal Gain v$ H, for Mixtures with Initial Conposition Ratio H;JF!HO - H-iliM anJ H,:l:4n mm —


  • A similar, but nore severe, experimental trend is reported by Hess for

    cases witb a conposition ratio lL:F_:Ile ■ 11^:1:40, pressures near 160 Torr,

    and a 99-cm laser tube. His data show that, on incrcasinc the IL/F-, ratio from

    0,33 to 1.0, the observed peal; power decreases by nearly a factor of three.

    The discrepancy shown in Tig, ö is investigated by an evaluation of the

    effect of uncertainties in rate coefficients for the deactivation mechanisms.

    As a limiting case, we examine the effect of an extreme change in the rate for

    VT deactivation of HF by H- (Reacts, 30-36). In place of the rate coefficient

    given in the Appendix, which is based on experimental data, we hypothesized

    a largest plausible rate. This rate was chosen as three times the HF - IIP VT

    rate (see Reacts. 37-43). As shown by the dashed curve in Fig, 6e, this

    hypothetical fast deactivation causes a moderate reduction in the predicted

    peak intensities for the larger values of IL. The fast deactivation effect

    is not large enough to account for the experimental results. Moreover, it

    occurs gradually; whereas, the experiments show an abrupt leveling off of

    the peak intensity,

    17 Other variations in rate coefficients were considered. It was known

    that variations in the pumping reaction rates, pumping reaction distribution,

    or in the HF - HF and HF - IL W rates within reasonable bounds were not

    capable of predicting the behavior indicated by the experimental results

    in Fig, 0, The effect of variations in the IIF - F and IfF - II VT rate

    coefficients was also examined. Multiquantui deactivation l

  • mixtures for F2/lle ■ 1/40 and 1/20 reach temperatures as high as 870oK

    and 1230oK, respectively, at pulse termination, the uncertainty in

    the temperature dependence of the major mechanisms is not sufficient to

    explain the experimental results. » These uncertainties in the

    kinetics showed less pronounced effects than that illustrated by the

    dashed curve in Fig. 6c. We therefore conclude that it is improbable

    that a purely kinetic explanation exists for the leveling off of

    experimental peak intensity shown in Pig. 6,

    Explanations for the sharp level in}, off of peak intensity may also

    l>e sought in the area of undesired optical phenomena. The actual laser

    is more complicated than assumed in the theory ml is subject to

    several problems. Spatial nonuniformity of the reaction and concomitant

    gradients of refractive index may increase cavity losses, as well as

    steer the beam away from the detector. A host of parasitic lasing modes

    is also conceivable because of the high gain of the medium and because

    the reaction occurs within a tube whose wall and windows are not

    perfectly transmitting. Because parasitic oscillations are known to

    occur in solid-state lasers under high-gain conditions, we have

    given them first attention.

    Parasitic modes are thos^ that reflect off the tube's wall and are

    regenerative. We will limit our discussion to two possible types:

    circumferential or whispering modes and axial modes. Nonparasitic modes

    are referred to as fundamental (either longitudinal or transverse)



  • The likelihood of parasitic modes is shown in Vig, 7 by an order of

    magnitude comparison between the largest small-signaj. gain of the medium

    and the gains required for threshold for several nodes of oscillation in

    our apparatus. Threshold gains for wall grazing nodes with either near-

    axial or Circumferential paths are obtained by use of expressions including

    Presnel law estimates of losses suffered in near-grazing reflections at the

    laser tube wall (Fig. 7). In making these threshold estimates, we neglect

    gain saturation due to carpeting modes. Likewise, we do not account for

    mode-coupling effects that could cause a lowering of the threshold gain for

    31 32 certain parasitic modes. •

    Figure 7 shows that variation of the IL pressure serves as a convenient

    way of varying the peak small-signal gain over several orders of magnitude.

    As expected, peak gains are larger for the less dilute mixture. As IL

    increases, the small-signal gain for either mixture becomes nearly as

    large as the threshold for circumferential modes and much larger than

    the threshold values for either fundamental or near-axial grazing modes.

    The fundamental modes of lowest loss saturate the gain down the center of

    the laser tube but not near its walls. A competition for this outer

    annulus of high gain exists between fundamental modes with greater losses

    (i.e., high-order transverse modes) and near-axial grazing modes, either

    of which can degrade the intensity along the laser axis. Grazing modes,

    once oscillating, are particularly detrimental to our comparison (Fig. 6),

    because they extract energy when passing near the tube center that might

    otherwise be emitted in a longitudinal mode that contributes to the

    28 29 measured intensity. •


  • Measurenents of the output intcasity of flash pliotolysis IJF- ♦ H-

    and MoF, ♦ 1L lasers as a function of the total sample pressure by 7

    Dolgov-Savel'yev have shown a similar behavior. As the sample pressure

    was increased, the laser output intensity for the MoF, ♦ 11. mixture

    was found to first increase with pressure, then decrease with further

    increasing sample pressure. Similar results were found in the UP, ♦ H.

    system. These observations can also he explained in terms of parasitic

    oscillations. Tliis is because an increase in sample pressure corresponds l

    to an increase in the gain of tV system if wc assume that their samples

    are optically thin to the flas'il.'tip radiation and tliat 'Vrppler broadening

    is controlling the gain. Once the system gain has reached a critical

    value, a further increase in sample pressure will lead to the onset of

    parasitic oscillations and a decrease in the fundamental mode laser


    Supplementary experimental results arc given that serve to isolate

    further the nature of the discrepancies in Fig. 6. In one set of

    experiments, total small-signal gain is varied by a change in the length

    of the active medium. In another, the effect on laser spot size of gain

    coefficient variation is studied. Both experiments lend credence to the

    idea that nonideal optical behavior is present.

    Previous studies indicate that parasitic oscillations are difficult

    to avoid when the total snail-signal gain exceeds a critical value. Thus,

    experiments that vary this gain by changing the length of active medium

    are expected to be informative. Such experiments are performed by the


  • I

    use of masks outside the laser tube to diange the length of the photolyzed

    rnediun. Measurements are made of peak intensity as a function of the IL

    pressure with illuminated lengths of 10, 5, and 2.5 on, with a laser mixture

    of Is/"0 ' ^Z20 an^ 251 output coupling. Hie results of these measurements

    are shown in Fig. 8, In the lO-on case, the trends are much the same as with

    the 53.3-an length. With the 5-cm active length, intensity leveled off at

    1/10 part iL, hut no decrease in power vas observed on further increasing

    the lU. Data for the 2.5-cm active length agree more closely with the theoret'

    ical trend, because they exhibit a nonotonic increase. Also displayed in

    11* Pig. 8 are the results of l!ess. The trend observed in this laser peak in-

    tensity agrees well with the pattern of trends we observed, ■

    The effect of decreasing the length is reflected in the theoretical

    model through Cqs. (5) and (10). For mixtures capable of attaining gains well

    above threshold, the variation of peak intensity with length is dominated by

    VJC[, (10). Therefore, the model implies that the peak intensity should vary l

    proportional to L for II- > 1/100 part. This trend is shown by the data in

    Fig. 8.

    With an active laser length of 2.5 en, a moderate leveling off of the

    peak I IF power was observed. A possible explanation for this effect, the t i

    threshold estimates of Fig. 7 notwithstanding, may be the existence of cir-

    cunfcrential modes. These modes can oscillate independent of the laser

    length, as they are dependent only on the gain and the reflection angle from

    1 *We have converted the power data of lief. 15 to intensity by dividing by a detector area of 0.0314 an2.34



  • I04 1 1—IT

    CM E o




    =3 O

    a. 10'

    1 1 TT

    o PRESENT RESULTS • HESS F2/He • 1/40

    P-160 Torr FLASH ENERGY 630J

    - o

    10° 0.001

    i V—r-r s \

    L = 99cm\ -

    Ls 53.3 cm o o -^

    o 0

    L=l0cm o 0 0 oo

    L = 5cm o o o o o 0

    Ls2.5cm 0J) rs OOO -

    J LJ. I I I L-L J I L-L Q0I 0.1

    PARTS H2 1.0

    Fig, 8, liffect of I^iscr Tul)C Ungth Exposed to Photolysis on Ohscrvations of Toal; Intensity vs H,


  • the inner surface oT the laser tube, fMnperinj» laser ncxles have previously

    been observed in a Sm liopoJ CaP7 ^.n!ler(, of radius I ntn nnd solid-state

    . , 35,36 toroids. *

    In a second set of experiments, the offect of j*ain variation on laser

    spot size was studied. V.'e define the lasor snot size as the largest diameter

    of an iris, external to the laser cavity, throuph "hich the laser beam passes

    with uniform intensity, i.e., beam power varies as the square of the radius.

    As the flashlamp energy increases, the fraction of r. molecules dissociated

    to F atoms increases. Consequently, incrrnsing flnshlanp energy increases the

    rate at which the 1L + P,, chain runs, anil this increases the small-signal gain.

    It was found that, as the flash energy incmased from zero, the laser spot

    size increased in diameter. A further increase in energy did not effect the

    spot size, and finally, at high flash energies, the spot size vas found to

    vary inversely with flash energy. Tie incrrnsr in spot size at low flash

    energie3 can be explained by an increase in the number of fundamental laser

    modes that reach threshold as the flash energy increases. V.'e expect parasitic

    oscillations to compete with these modes, however, and ultimately cause the

    spot to decrease.


  • v, crruir-ioNS

    Stimulated emission from an HF chemical laser is shown to be well pre-

    dicted by a theoretical model that is based on chemical rate equations and

    that assumes constant gain and rotational equilibrium. For an FL ♦ F- chain

    reaction laser initiated by flash photolysis, comparisons of pulse shape, time

    to threshold, pulse duration, and peak intensity show excellent agreement con-

    sidering the approximations of the model. Where cavity transients are observ-

    able, the constant gain predictions agree with a smoothed curve through the

    average of the transients.

    Detailed study of the effect of li? partial pressure on laser performance

    is a useful diagnostic technique for identifying the presence of undesired

    optical behavior. With this technique, we have shown the regime H./F- > 0.1

    as one where parasitic oscillations are believed to occur and to dominate the

    interpretation of the experiment. Supplementary calculations and experiments

    tend to confirm this. Spatially-resolved laser output measurements are needed

    to delineate further the character of parasiti:s. On the basis of these re-

    sults, we are led to the conclusion that previous pulsed H- ♦ F. laser inves-

    tigations may, in part, show misleadingly small laser outputs because of para-

    sitic oscillations.


    1. N. G. Basov, L. V. Kulokov, Ye. P. Markin, A. I. Nikitin, and A. N.

    Oraevsky, JETP Lett. 9, 375 (1969).

    2. 0. M. Batovskii, G. K. Vasil'ev, E. F. Makarov, and V. L. Tal'rose,

    JETP Lett. 9f 200 (1969).

    3. 0, M. Batovskii, G. K. Vasil'ev, and V. L. Tal'rose, International

    Symposium on Chemical Lasers, Sept. 1969, Moscow.

    4. V. S. Burmas'"/, G. G. Dolgov-Savel'yev, V. A, Polyakov, and G. M. Churaak,

    JETP Lett. 10^ 28 (1969),

    5. G. M. Chumak, G. G. Dolgov-Savel'yev, and V. A. Polyakov, International

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    6. N, G. Basov, E. P. Markin, A. I. Nikitin, and A. N. Oraevsky, IEEE J.

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    7. G. G. Dolgov-Savel'yev, V. A. Polyakov, and G. M. Chumak, JETP 31, 643


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    A. I. Nikitin, and A. N. Oraevsky, Appl. Opt. 10, 1814 (1971).

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    Electronika 2. 3 (1971).

    10. L. D. Hess, Appl. Phys. Letters 19, 1 (1971).

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  • 11. I,. :>. Hess, .1. C'icn. Pliys. 55, 24^ (IP?!).

    12. S, N, Sucluml, P.. W, r. ^ross, and \ "■, '.Mttior, Arnl. P'iys. Letters 10, 411 (1071).

    1^, G. c. IJolgov-Savel'yev, v. r. Zharov, Yu, S. .'.'opianov, and r>, M. Diimak, JLTP, 34 34(1972).

    14. .T. Wilson and .1. Stcnhenson, Apnl. !'!.r-;. Letter-, 2M, f.1(in72).

    15. L. P. Hess, .T. Aprü. Phy... 43, UrStV?.).

    16. J, l.'ilson, M. 'iorthan, and P. Lcvis, "i^rr nrennnte! at Tliird Conference

    on Chemical and Molecular Lasers, St. Louis, Mr>,fMay 1P72.

    17. R. L. Korl>cr, G. Lmanuel, and T. '*>, : ittier, "Cmputer ^:odolinß antl Paranetric Study for a Pulsed H? * r-> Lisor," Applied Optics 11, 1112 (1072).

    18. J. R. Airey, .T. Chen. Pliys. 52, ]r.r. (1070),

    10. C. Ijuuuiel, W. I>. Ad;ins, and I.. I>, Turner, rL.SALii - 1; \ flicnical Laser

    Computer Pngrim, Toclmical Report TK- '172(2776)-1, Tlie Aerospace Corpora- tion, LI Se^untlo, California (15 Mar l''"2).

    20. N. Cohen, A Review o( Rate Coefficients for Reactions in the H, - F» Laser ■System, Technical Report TR-oi72(277n)-:, Die Aerospace Corporation, El r.c£undo, California (3 Sept 1071).

    21. A. V. Grosse and A. 1). Kirshenhaun, T. Mtys. Soc. Tapan 77. 5012, (1955).


  • 22. P.. K. Stoimcnbors and R. C. "oftol, .T. ,\n. Cliom. .Soc. 78, 001 (1956).

    23. S. N. Sucliard and L. D, !Jernorr.on (to I'O published in Rev. Sei. Instr.).

    24. M, C, Lin and IV. H. Creen, .T. f'en. Phys. 53, 33S3 (1070).

    25. D. Ii. Mann, U, A. Thrush, '). R. Lide, ..t, .7, Ball, and N, A. Acquista,

    J. Chom. Phys. 54, 420 (1061).

    26. A. Chester and L. n. Hess, 1133: .T. Quantum Electronics. QD-S, 1 (1072).

    27. A. C. Siegnan and .1. W. Allen, Il.lii: T. Quantun Ulectronics, 'f.'l, 386 (1965).

    28. I)„ I'üss and P. Mockcl, Z. ^.,,■lt^^rrorsch ."n.-i, 40 (1065).

    29. I). Ross, Z. .'Jaturforsch 2na, 264 (1065).

    30. I/, R. Sooy, R. S, Conijlcton, H, K. Dohratz, and 17. K. NR, Proc. Third Intl.

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    31. R. J, Collins and J. A, 'liord-ialno, Proc. Tln'rd Intl. Concrrss on Qgant.

    lilcctronics. ed. P. Hrivot and :.'. Bloenhergcn, Colunhia 1'nivcrsity Press, New York (1964), pp. 1239-12 to.

    32. C, M, Varma, IliLIi J. Quantum Electronics. QE-5. 78 (1060),

    33. P. A. Miles ami J. VI, Lotus, II11 T. Quantun Electronics. QIM. 811 (1968).

    34. L, l), Itoss, private comnunication (1071),


  • 35. C. r,, j;. rHirrctt, I/, Kaiser, an.! W, L, Uotvl, l'!iys. Pev. 124, 1807


    3(). H. I'oss anJ r„ Cchrcr, IVoc. of inET, S2, 13.r.:: (1064).

    37. P.. V/ilKins, ^ntc Tarlo Cnlculntions of "cnction Rates and linergy DistriNutions Among Reaction Products, I. F ♦ 11^—IIP + H, Technical Ilcport TO-ni72C277f))-4, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Calif. (April 11)72).

    38. J. F, Itott and N, Co!?cn, .T. Oww, Pliys. S5, 3698 (1071).

    30. B. A. Pidley and I. IV. ». Smith, Chen. n'iys. Letters 0, 4S7 (1071).

    40. I). Rapp anJ P. Unglandor-Goldcn, T. f^m. PMys. 40, .r.73 (1064).


  • \


    The chemical kinetic model and corresponding rate coefficients used in

    this study are listed in Table A-1. The rate coefficients are mostly from a 20 compilation prepared by N. Cohen." Several additional studies have appeared

    recently, however, and the present rates reflect the new data. Implications of

    the difference in rates between the table and Ref. 20 are not serious and are

    covered in the footnotes of Table A-I.

    Some of the catalytic species listed at the end of Table A-I are multiplied

    by a constant. This is equivalent to using a rate coefficient whose value is

    larger by this factor, 'lac tlicmodynanic data were token fron the JANAP (Joint

    Army, Navy, Air Porcc) pidillcatirn (Ustributcd by the Dow Chcnical Corporation.

    The themodynamic data of excited «pecios, ''ovovcr, v.'crc generated at this



  • Table A-1. Reactions and Rate Coefficients

    Reaction No. RMCtlon*

    1 F^Mj^F.F.:^

    Z HjCO) ♦ Mj^^H ♦ H ♦ Kj

    V .,10S HFCvj ♦ MjssiH • F ♦ Mj

    n6 F ♦ HjWssiHFd) ♦ H

    u F * l!2(0)^±HF(2) * H

    13 F • HjOD^HF») * H

    u F ♦ H2(0)5=*HF(4) ♦ H

    15,16 F ♦ HjWmMWi ♦ H

    17ü H ♦ F^=fe HF(1) • F

    18 H * I-2:=±1{K(2) * F

    19 H ♦ Fi»=*PO(3) ♦ F

    20 H ♦ Pj5sSHF(4) ♦ F

    21 H ♦ F2^tHF(5) • F

    22 H • F2s=±HF(6) • F

    Zi, ...207 HF{v) » MjjstHFCv • 1) ♦ Mj

    X.. .,,3(.S HF(v) ♦ M45^HF(v - 1) » M,

    J7, ..,4J» *(v) ♦ MjS^IIHv - I) ♦ Mj

    44° HF(1) »^»-«=(0) »^

    45,, HF(2) ♦ ^5=*HF(1) ♦ H^

    46,. ...»» HF(v) ♦ ^5=*HF(v - I) ♦ ^

    51,. ..,57ln tff(v) * ^«r'-KKv - 1) ♦ H,

    5«,. ..,63 2HF(v)«a&HF(v • 1) * W(v * 1)

    64,. ...6« HP(v) ♦ WCv * DjriHFCv - 1) ♦ HP(v ♦ 2)

    69,. ...72 »(v) ♦ »(v • 2)^=tHF(v • I) ♦ W(v ♦ 3)

    731, HF(1) • HjtOj^iHFCO) ♦ Hjll)

    T41 fffC) ♦ HjCOlssiWCl) ♦ KjU)

    7511 WC3) • HjCOj^ilKl) • HjO)

    761, HF(1) ♦ HjCDssi*») ♦ ^(2)

    7711 HF(2) • ^(Da^HFd) ♦ Hj(2)

    »,1 9 HjW ♦ t^s^HjCv • n • ^

    Rate Coefficient*" k(3noT

    k, . 1.0 . lo".35-" 9.64 « in*13

    k., - iolV1-0 3,33 X 10"15

    k^ - 1.5 . lO1«!-1-0.»»-«-^» v.0 7 5,93 X 10'M

    fcy - 2.7 . lo",1-* 1,«4 XIO12

    hi • »•»*« 6,01 xIf12

    fc,, ■ 1.63^

    k.l4 - 4.0 . lO12^-".3«

    k.jo-v " »•* " «l11^-15 v - S.6

    ^ - 6.3 • lO12.2-48

    3,01 xin12

    6.14 xin>n

    2.82 XIO13

    1.12 xm11

    ^ ■ l-Slk17 H, - 2.7k17

    40 - S-3Jk17

    ^1 * 5-S6k17

    1.70 xm11


    k.T4 • 2.0 . wV*5

    1,30 x in12

    1,04 x 1012

    k 7$ -1,3. io¥-s

    k.77 • 1.4 . loV,s

    k,^ - 2.5 - 10-V-5 v - 1,2

    o.rs x lo11

    6.24 x 1012

    7.27 x 1012

    1.12 x 107


  • Mnrr-s "nn TABI,H A-F

    Catalytic species:

    H, ■ all species 7 2

    M? - L "F(v), 2.5 £ H7(v), 20H, F, F-, He v-0 v-0 ^ ^

    KL - H 3 2

    v-0 7

    "4 " K "2^

    a v-0

    l^ - F2, l.SHe 7 2

    Mo - E "W. 4 L H7(v), H. He, F, F. 8 v-0 v-0 Z i

    'Rate coefficients k+ aiK? k_ designate forward and backward rates, respectively,

    with units in terns of moles, cm , and sec. For each rej

    coefficient is determined from the equilibrium constant.

    3 with units in terms of moles, cm , and sec. For each reaction, the missing rate

    The quantity 6 - - (10 /RT), where the temperature T is in 0K and R is

    1.987 cal/mole-0K.

    4 For reactions with more than one value or v, the into coefficient at SOO'K

    is given for the smallest v.


    -**•« x

  • vibrational energy above the gronnl state is denoted as F, .

    'Overall punping or Heactioas (11) throun'1 O7') «V«' (17) t'iroiiRh (22), ami

    tlieir distribution './it!i v(v>l) are tbo s.-ino as Pof, 20; however, based on

    calail.ations by lulKinsv these reactions do not populate v - 0.

    7 ^O Hie SSIIT rate calculated by Cohen" is used. Tils rate is so large that it

    was assumed independent of v.

    8 Rates of Reactions (37) through (dii) arr r^scntinlly the sane as Pef, 20 at

    3nn0K; hoi-zcver, we have used a slightly different tonporaturr variation that

    reflects an earlier interpretation of the data of Rof, 38, Hie efficiency of

    FL in deactivating !IF(v) is assuned to lr tho snno as ÜF-IIF at high temperatures,

    TJe ratio of kjjjk.prk,,- is .assuned to be t'io sane as the rates for deactivation 44 45 4f)

    of IICl(v) by Cl, v ■ 1, 2, 3, in Ref. 39. V\c rate k4. is suggested by Cohen"0

    for all v; we use k., for v>3.

    "Die efficiency of T7, in deactivating IF(v) is assned the same as Ar, and the

    3S I IF (v)-He rate is taken as 1.5 tines tho \r rate.

    1L_ ""i ihe alternate rate suggested by Cohen" based on t'ie Harr» ami linglander-rolden

    40 theory is used after a roevaluation of fio cxr
