Educator Evaluation Implementation Overview. Agenda Welcome and Overview Agenda Review Overview of...


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Educator Evaluation Implementation Overview


Welcome and Overview• Agenda Review• Overview of Home Base

System Deployment DPI• Phases of deployment and timeline

LEA Training, Roles & Responsibilities

• Approach• Timeline• Registration Process

Overview of 2013/14 NCEES Process• Closing 2012/13• Beginning 2013/14

Questions and Answers


In the novel, what motivated Sarah’sbehavior? Support your claim with evidence from the text.

Student Information and Learner


Professional Development &

Educator Evaluation

Instructional Design, Practice

& Resources

Data Analysis and


Information Instruction

PowerSchool Pearson a simpler, better information system to replace NC WISE

Integrated Instructional Solution(SchoolNet – OpenClass – Test Nav)Pearson

a new standards-aligned tool for instruction, assessment and data analysis

EE and PDTruenorthlogica simpler, better information system to replace McRel

Home Base Overview

New Technology

• The overall NCEES process is not changing. The performance standards, elements and overall method of evaluating teachers and leaders will remain the same.

• What is changing is the underlying technology used to support the current NCEES process.

Who is Truenorthlogic?

• Truenorthlogic provides a single, integrated and hosted solution that provides a seamless experience to end users

• Specialize in K12 public education

• Clients include the Georgia DOE, Los Angeles Unified School District, NYC, Chicago Public Schools, Miami-Dade, Gwinnett County, Fairfax County and Montgomery County Public Schools

• Easy step-by-step interface

• Integrated feedback analysis

• Building level administrators can assign rights to others for certain parts of the process

Educator Evaluation System Features

• View, register for, participate in PD

• Get suggestions for PD based on class performance or observation/evaluation data

• Implement educator evaluation processes

Professional Development System Features

Home Base Overall Timeline

Rollout of Select Components of Home Base to Year Round


Rollout of Select Components of Home

Base to Traditional Schools*

July 2013 → August 2013 →

* Includes the Student Information, Curriculum and Instruction, Classroom and Benchmark Assessment, and Educator Evaluation with other components to follow.

• In September 2012, NC began transitioning to a new student information system by upgrading from NC WISE to the new Student Information System (SIS)(PowerSchool).

• In the fall of 2012, Home Base staff began identifying, vetting, tagging and aligning instructional resources for Home Base.

• In December 2012, a contract was awarded to Pearson for the instruction, assessment, and dashboard components of the instructional improvement system.

• In February 2013, the contract for Educator Evaluation & Professional Development components was awarded to Public Consulting Group (PCG) and Truenorthlogic.

Integration of the SIS and the Instructional Improvement System


Early 2013 →


Educator Evaluation Phased Implementation

Significant LEA Involvement

• Through requirement gathering, tool selection and design

• Participating LEAs include: – Granville County Schools– Orange County Schools– Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools– Buncombe County Schools– Guilford County Schools– Newton Conover City Schools– Hyde County Schools

Weekly Configuration Meetings

• As developers code parts of the online system, LEA reps and NC DPI staff are reviewing and providing feedback

• Report requirements• System reports• Ad-hoc reporting• Dashboards

Educator Evaluation Phased Implementation

• Unlike the McRel deployment, all NC LEAs will migrate to the new teacher evaluation tool at the beginning of the 2013/14 school year.

• Principal evaluation tool will begin in October.

• PD tool will be launched in early 2014.

Educator Evaluation Phased Implementation Timeline

Home Base Integration

Teacher Evaluations

Principal Evaluations

Professional Development

February Discover DiscoverMarch Model ModelApril Model ModelMay Test TestJune Train & Deploy Train & Deploy DiscoverJuly Train & Deploy Train & Deploy ModelAugust Test DiscoverSeptember Train & Deploy DiscoverOctober ModelNovember ModelDecember TestJanuary Train & DeployFebruary Train & Deploy


Educator Evaluation Training

Home Base Trainings

Fall 2012 to date:LEA/charter school representatives have attended the Home Base: Powerschool Training.

Summer (June 20 – July 2) Trainings: • Home Base: Classroom Instruction/Assessment • Home Base: Educator Evaluation

Educator Evaluation Training NCDPI Approach

• Train-the-trainer model• Regional face-to-face training• Multiple Webinar Offerings• Technical Support Webinar Offerings• Quick Reference Guides• Captivate Video Modules• User Manuals• Continued Support by DPI

Regional Training

• Training Sites in all 8 Regions – Working with RESAs to finalize locations

• Half-Day Session• Two sessions offered per day (AM and PM)• Multiple days in each region• Training spans from June 20 – July 2

across the state

Home Base: Classroom Instruction/Assessment Training

• HOME BASE: Classroom Instruction/Assessment Training will also be offered at the same locations

• Full-day session• Two sessions per day• Multiple days in each region• Training spans from June 20 – July 2

across the state

Details for Regional Trainings

• Each attendee must bring a laptop with wireless capability

• LEAs will be allotted slots based on ADM (allotment information available no later than April 24)


• An LEA/Charter will receive the same number of slots for both Home Base: Educator Evaluation and Home Base: Classroom Instruction/Assessment training.

District Size

Classroom Instruction/Assessment (Full-day)


small 3 3medium 7 7

large 10 10Charter Schools will have 1 slot

HR Director Role

• Serve as the point person for information related to EE Training

• Work collaboratively with C & I Director to review training dates, locations, and allotment for training and plan how to cover all slots (information available no later than April 24)

• Select who will attend training each type of training and on which date and time (morning, afternoon, or full-day).

HR Director Role (continued)

• Ensure one person in the LEA completes the registration form to fill in names and contact information of attendees for training in your region.

• Ensure all attendees are informed that they are expected to train local staff after completing the training

• Ensure all attendees are informed that they must bring a laptop with wireless capability

• Establish district level training/implementation plan

EE Training Target Audience

Human Resources Lead

Person involved with district-level personnel, processes, and procedures

District NCEES Lead

Person who manages and coordinates district-level training on the Educator Evaluation Processes

Professional Development Lead

Person who manages and coordinates district-level professional development (training) priorities

Principal Lead

Current sitting principal in a district who can serve as a lead expert trainer on the Educator Evaluation System

Assistant Principal Lead

Current sitting assistant principal in a district who can serve as a lead expert trainer on the Educator Evaluation System

EE Sample Training Agenda

Educator Evaluation (Half- Day Session)• Home Base Portal Overview

• Teacher View v. Principal View

• Teacher Professional Development Plan • Orientation• Self-Assessment• Professional Development Plan

– Mid-Year Review– End of Year Review

• Teacher Evaluations• Staff Performance Tool• Snapshot of Reporting Functions• Targeted Announcements

Dates for Regional Trainings

• Region 1 - Monday, June 24-Tuesday, June 25• Region 2 - Monday, June 24-Tuesday, June 25• Region 3 - Tuesday-Thursday, June 25, 26, 27• Region 4 - Wednesday, June 26-Thursday, June 27• Region 5 - Wednesday, June 26-Thursday, June 27 • Region 6 - Monday, July 1-Tuesday, July 2• Region 7 - Monday-Wednesday, June 24, 25, 26• Region 8 - Thursday, June 27, Monday, July 1, Tuesday,

July 2

Early Training

• Note: LEAs with Year-Round Schools can send some staff to attend early training in a Raleigh location

June 20: Classroom Instruction/Assessment

June 21: Educator Evaluation

EE Training: Registration Process

• Sample Registration Site:

• Registration Dates: April 24 - May 24


Educator Evaluation Process

2013/14 Process

2013/14 Teacher Process


2013/14Open of Schools

Sept-Dec Jan-June

Close 2012/13


Complete Orientation

& Create PDP

Observations & Publish 2012/13

Standard 6/8

Observations & Mid-year Summative


Upcoming NCEES Webinars

Educator Effectiveness Update with NCAE

April 25, from 4:00-5:30pm• Please join the NC Department of Public Instruction and the

NC Association of Educators for an update on the state’s educator effectiveness work. Topics covered will include the sixth standard, overall effectiveness status, EVAAS and the Measures of Student Learning (including the Common Exams and pilot programs in other grades and content areas).

• You may register at

Upcoming NCEES Webinars (continued)

HR Director Educator Evaluation Update II

May 17, from 1:00-2:30pm • Check in on training readiness• Project updates• Meeting logistics will be distributed soon

Archived Evaluation Process Webinars:

Questions and Comments?

Minimum Technical Requirements

Home Base North Carolina’s Instructional Improvement (IIS) and Student Information System (SIS)Minimum End-User Technical Requirements

The Minimum Technical Specifications document will be updated as needed. Please visit the link below to find the most current version of this document.

Website and Updates

• Home Base website is

• To sign up for Home Base Biweekly Newsletter, please email as ask to be placed on the newsletter listserv.

• We will continue to email the biweekly updates, but you can also find them archived on the Home Base website at

• Educator Effectiveness website is


• You can email your questions about Home Base (the system, implementation or training)

• Questions will be logged into Remedy for assistance

• Support personnel provide the answer, research or assign to the appropriate area for resolution

• Incidents are categorized for statistical reporting to aid in identifying problem areas as well as providing a knowledge base 

• If you have a question that is not about the system, implementation or training, you may contact the Home Base staff at

District Next Steps

• Determine who will attend training• Establish district level

training/implementation plan• Stay informed by reviewing Home Base

and Educator Effectiveness websites• Today’s presentation will archived at:
