EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEPage 5 PUBLICATIONS 1. Mosnaim, A.D.: Synthesis of 3, 5-Diiodo L(-)...


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Aron D. Mosnaim, Pharm.D., Ph.D. Professor, Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology

Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science/

The Chicago Medical School 3333 Green Bay Road

North Chicago, Illinois 60064 Telephone: 847-578-8675

Fax: 847-578-3268 E-mail address:

EDUCATION 1962 Pharm. D., University of Chile, Santiago, Chile 1969 Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry), Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Great Britain 1977 State of Illinois Pharmacy Board License 051-032662 (RPh) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Current appointments 1998-pres. Professor, Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, RFUMS/CMS 1990-pres. Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, RFUMS/CMS 1986-pres. Honorary Professor, College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile 1985-pres. Scientific Advisor, College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univ. of Chile 1973-pres. Member, Faculty of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science/Chicago Medical School, Chicago, IL PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS 1990-1998 Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Biology, Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School 1994 Visiting Scientist, Mailman Research Center, McLean Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Belmont, Massachussets, June-August. 1995 Visiting Scientist, February-April, and Guest Worker, February-December, National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, D.C. 1989- Member of the University Neurosciences Program, University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School 1985 Visiting Scientist, Mailman Research Center, McLean Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Belmont, Massachusetts, June-October 1982 Guest Worker, June-December, National Institute Mental Health Washington, D.C. 1982-2001 Consultant (Psychiatry-Research), N. Chicago VA Med. Center, N. Chicago, Illinois 1980-90 Professor, Department of Pharmacology, UHS/CMS 1975-76 Research Consultant to Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, Illinois 1975-76 Member, G.D. Searle Laboratories/Chicago Med. Sch. Certification Advisory Board 1975-76 Acting Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, UHS/CMS, Chicago, Illinois 1974-80 Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, UHS/CMS, Chicago, Illinois 1971-74 Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Illinois 1971 Postdoctoral Fellow in Biochemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

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1971 Postdoctoral Fellow, Brain Research Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 1969-70 Academic Member, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile 1969 Member Graduate Faculty, Dep. of Biochemistry, Fac. of Medicine, Univ. of Chile. 1966-69 Instructor, Depart. of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Strathclyde University, Glasgow 1963 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile 1961-63 Instructor, Department of Radiochemistry, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile HONORS 1966-69 British Ministry for Overseas Development and Univ. of Chile Research Fellowship 1970-71 Organization of American States Fellowship 1974 Board of Trustees Research Award for Significant Research Contributions by a Younger Faculty Member, University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School. 1975-76 President, Sigma Xi Soc., Univ. of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School Chapter. 1986 Honorary Professor, College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile 1986 Reprentative of the College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Chile, to the Pan American Developmental Foundation, Washington, DC 1996 Listed in Who'sWho in Science and Engineering……etc MEMBERSHIP IN PROFFESIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (Past and Present) Association for Medical School Pharmacology Honorary Member of the British Brain Research Association Member of the European Brain and Behavior Society Society for Biological Psychiatry Society for Neurosciences United States Pharmacopeia, Inc. Federation American Societies for Experimental Biology (Pharmacology) American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics EDITORIAL BOARDS Research Communications in Alcohol and Substances of Abuse, 1982-2001 American Journal of Therapeutics, 1994-present Neuropharmacology Section Co-editor 2008-present Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research, 1989-present BioTechnology, 2007-present Neural Regeneration Research, 2009-present Health,, 2010-present Pragmatic and Observational Research, 2010-present MANUSCRIPT REVIEWER (Occasional) Biochemical Pharmacology, Biological Psychiatry, Cephalalgia, J. Neurochemistry, Diabetes, Headache, Life Sciences, Science, J. Pharmacol. Experimental Therapeutics, Peptides, Neurosciences and others. GRANT REVIEWER (Past and present)

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National Headache Foundation, Chilean Science Research Council, State of Illinois Department of Public Health's Alzheimer Disease Fund, Psychopharmacology Research Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health, National Foundation/March of Dimes, Easter Seal Foundation and others Chair Scientific Sessions and Round Table Discussions, as well as Invited Speaker and Invited Discussant, at various National and International Scientific meetings. Invited Seminar speaker at a number of Universities, Government research laboratories and Pharmaceutical Companies. Speaker at various Continuing Medical Education Programs…….

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MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS Biochemical, molecular and clinical pharmacology of biogenic amines, particularly phenylethylamine and related noncatecholic phenylethylamines. Pathophysiology of tardive dyskinesia and other movement disorders. Vasoactive amines, endogenous peptides with opioid-like properties and the immune system in migraine and cluster headaches. Triptan drugs and the immune system. Endogenous peptides and the immune system in stress-related disorders e.g., post traumatic stress disorder and septic shock. Stress, endogenous peptides and asthma. Matrix metalloproteinases as markers for various neurological disorders, including vascular lesions, demyelination, inflammatory, degenerative and prion diseases

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PUBLICATIONS 1. Mosnaim, A.D.: Synthesis of 3, 5-Diiodo L(-) Tyrosine (131) and some uses of its in vivo rate of deiodation. Pharmaceutical Chemist Thesis. University of Chile. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, 1963. 2. Mosnaim, A.D. (co-author with other members of the teaching staff): Guide to Laboratory Work, Chair of Chemistry, University Publications Office, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 1964 and 1969. 3. Mosnaim, A.D. (co-author with other members of the teaching staff): Guide to Seminars, Chair of Chemistry, University Publications Office, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 1964 and 1969. 4. Litvak, J., Riesco, J., Atria, A., Lopez, O., Armedariz, R. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Diiodotyrosine metabolism in endemic goitri. Rev. Med. de Chile. 91:653-655, 1963. 5. del Villar, E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Effect of DDT on incorporation of C14-labelled glucose into protein and soluble intermediates of nymphal triatoma infestans. Exp. Parasitology. 21:186-194, 1967. 6. Mosnaim, A.D. and Nonhebel, D.C.: Reaction of cupric halides with organic compounds. II.9-Halogenoanthracenes. Tetrahedron. 25:1591-1595, 1969. 7. Mosnaim, A.D., Nonhebel, D.C. and Russell, J.: Reaction of cupric halides with organic compounds, III. 9-Alkyl and 9-arylanythracenes. Tetrahedron. 25:3485-3492, 1969. 8. Gibson, S., Mosnaim, A.D., Nonhebel, D.C. and Russell, J.: Reaction of cupric halides with organic compounds, V. Reactions of 9,10-dialkyl- and 9-alkyl-10-arylanthracenes. Tetrahedron. 25:5047-5057, 1969. 9. Mosnaim, A.D.: Ligand-Transfer reaction of cupric halides with organic compounds. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Great Britain, 1969. 10. Mosnaim, A.D.: Ligand-transfer reaction of cupric halides with organic compunds, National Lending Library, Walton Spa., Yorks, Great Britain, 1969. 11. Mosnaim, A.D. and Nonhebel, D.C.: Reaction of cupric halides with organic compounds. VI. Reactions of 9-alkyl-and 9-aryl-10-halogenoanthracenes. J. Chem. Soc. (C):942-946, 1970. 12. Mosnaim, A.D., Nonhebel, D.C. and Russell, J.: Reaction of cupric halides with organic compounds. VII. Reactions of 9-alkoxy- and 9-acyloxy-10-alkyl-anthracenes. Tetrahedron. 26: 1123-1129, 1970. 13. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Effect of temperature over alcaline phosphatase isoenzymes. Rev. Med. de Chile. 97(12):772-774, 1969.

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14. Flood, J., Mosnaim, A.D. and Nonhebel, D.C.: Bromination of some substituted 9-methylanthracenes. Chemical Communications. 12:761-762, 1970. 15. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Nonhebel, D.C.: Gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatographic determination of some 9- and 9,10-substituted anthracenes. J. Chromatography. 70:154-157, 1972. 16. Sabelli, H.C., Giardina, W.J., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.H.: A comparison of the functional roles of norepinephrine, dopamine, and phenylethylamine in the central nervous system. Acta Physiological Polonica. 24:33-40, 1973. 17. Mosnaim, A.D. and Inwang, E.E.: A spectrophotometric method for quantification of 2-phenylethylamine in biological specimens. Analytical Biochemistry. 54:561-577, 1973. 18. Mosnaim, A.D., Inwang, E.E., Sugerman, J.H., DeMartini, W.J. and Sabelli, H.C.: Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of 2-phenylethylamine in biological samples and its correlation with depression. Biological Psychiatry. 6(3):235-257, 1973. 19. Inwang, E.E., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Isolation and characterization of phenylethylamine and phenylethanolamine from human brain. J. Neurochem. 20:1469-73, 1973. 20. Mosnaim, A.D., Inwang, E.E., Sugerman, J.H. and Sabelli, H.C.: Identification of 2-phenylethamine in human urine by infrared and mass spectroscopy and its quantification in normal subjects and cardiovascular patients. Clinica Chimica Acta. 46:406-413, 1973. 21. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Saavedra, I., Amaro, A.M., Cordano, G. and Nonhebel, D.C.: Reaction of cupric (II) halides with organic compound. VIII. Pyrene and some 3-substituted pyrenes. Tetrahedron Letters. 17:1491-1494, 1973. 22. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Saavedra, I., Rosenkranz, A., Diaz, S. and Nonhebel, D.C.: Gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatographic determination of some 3- and 3,X-substituted pyrenes. J. Chromatography. 80:259-262, 1973. 23. Inwang, E.E., Madubuike, U.P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Evidence for the excretion of 2-phenylethylamine glucoronide in human urine. Experientia. 29(9):1080, 1973. 24. Mosnaim, A.D., Sabelli, H.C. and Inwang, E.E.: The influence of psychotropic drugs on the levels of endogenous 2-phenylethylamine in rabbit brain. Biolog. Psychiatry. 8(2):227-234, 1974. 25. Sabelli, H.C. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine hypothesis of affective behavior. American Journal of Psychiatry. 131:695-699, 1974.

26. Sabelli, H.C., Vazquez, A.J., Mosnaim, A.D. and Madrid-Pedemonte, L.: 2-Phenyle- thylamine as a possible mediator for 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced stimulation. Nature.

248:144-145, 1974.

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27. Sabelli, H.C., Pedemonte, W.A., Whalley, C., Mosnaim, A.D. and Vazquez, A.J.: Further evidence of a role of 2-phenylethylamine in the mode of action of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Life Sciences. 14:149-156, 1974. 28. Borison, R.L., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Biosynthesis of brain 2-phenylethylamine: Influence of decarboxylase inhibition and D-amphetamine. Life Sciences. 15(10):1836-1848, 1974. 29. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D. Vazquez, A.J., Madrid-Pedmonte, L.: (-)-Trans-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced increase in brain 2-phenylethylamine: Its possible role in the psychological effect of marihuana, in J.M. Singh and H. Lal (eds.): Drug Addiction/Volume 3: Neurobiology and Influences on Behavior. New York: Stratton 1974, pp. 271-284. 30. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D. and Vazquez, A.J.: Phenylethylamine: Possible role in depression and antidepressive drug action, in R.R. Drucker-Colin and R.D. Myers (eds.): Advances in Behavioral Biology/Volume 10: Neurohumoral Coding of Brain Function. New York: Plenum Publishing 1974, pp. 331-357. 31. Borison, R.L. Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Brain 2-phenylethylamine as a mediator for the central actions of amphetamine and methylphenidate. Life Sciences. 17:1331-1343, 1975. 32. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D., Vazquez, A.J., Giardina, W.J., Borison, R.L. and Pedemonte, W.A.: Biochemical plasticity of synaptic transmission: A critical review of Dale's principle. Biological Psychiatry. 11:481-524, 1976. 33. Borison, R.L., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Qualification of brain 2-phenylethylamine content by gas-liquid chromatography and its modification by marihuana. Clinical Research. 23: 550A, 1975. 34. Silkaitis, R.P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Pathways linking L-phenylalanine and 2-phenyl-ethylamine with p-tyramine in rabbit brain. Brain Research. 114:105-115, 1976. 35. Pedemonte, W.A., Mosnaim, A.D. and Bulat, M.: Penetration of phenylacetic acid across the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Res. Comm. Chemical Pathol. Pharmacol. 14(1):111-116, 1976. 36. Rubin, R., Patel, D., Singh, S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Influence of hyperthyroidism on ethanol metabolism in rats. Clinical Research. 24:369A, 1976. 37. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L. and Wolf, M.E.: Possible role of 2-phenylethylamine in the modulation of extrapyramidal function in B.N. Dhawan and P.B. Bradley (eds.): Drugs and Central Synaptic Transmission. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1976, pp. 164-173. 38. Zeller, E.A., Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L. and Huprikar, S.V.: Phenylethylamine: Studies on the mechanism of its physiological action, in E. Costa, E. Giacobini and R. Paoletti (eds.): Advances in Biochemical Pharmacology/ Volume 15: First and Second Messengers-New Vistas. New York: Raven Press 1976, pp. 75-86.

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39. Ungar, F., Mosnaim, A., Ungar, B. and Wolf, M.E.: Tyramine binding by synaptosomes from rat brain: Effect of centrally active drugs. Biological Psychiatry. 12:661-668, 1977. 40. Mosnaim, A.D., Edstrand, D.L., Wolf, M.E. and Silkaitis, R.P.: Evidence for an enzymatic p-tyramine-dehydroxylating system in rabbit brain preparations in vitro. Biochemical Pharmacology. 26:1725-1728, 1977. 41. Ungar, F., Mosnaim, A.D., Ungar, B. and Wolf, M.E.: Preliminary studies of the sodium borohydride stabilizable binding of phenylethylamine and tyramine to brain preparations. Res. Comm. Chemical Pathol. Pharmacol. 19:427-434, 1978. 42. Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E.: Biochemical and pharmacological characterization of the phenylethylamine metabolic pathway, in A.D. Mosnaim and M.E. Wolf (eds.): Non-Catecholic Phenylethylamines Part 1: Phenylethylamine: Biological Mechanisms and Clinical Aspects. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1978, pp. 3-22. 43. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Huprikar, S., Singh, S.P. and Zeller, E.A.: Reduced monoamine oxidase activity in blood platelets from insulin-dependent diabetics. Diabetes. 28:455-456, 1979. 44. Ungar, F., Ungar, B., Alivisatos, S., Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.D.: Non-enzymic interactions of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide of some of its synthetic analogue and other compounds with orthophosphate. Res. Comm. Chemical Pathol. Pharmacol. 25:395-398, 1979. 45. Mosnaim, A.D., Silkaitis, R. and Wolf, M.E.: Rabbit brain metabolism of phenylethylamine and tyramine: Drug effects. Life Sciences. 27:557-566, 1980. 46. Hansen, T.R., Greenberg, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Direct effect of phenylethylamine upon isolated vascular smooth muscle of the rat. Europ. J. Pharmacology. 63:95-101, 1980. 47. Alcorn, W.C., Cromarty, F.M., Flood, J., Mancilla, J.M., Mosnaim, A.D., Nonhebel, D.C. and Scullion, I.: Reactions of copper (II) halides with aromatic compounds. Part XIII. The mechanisms of halogenation of some substituted 9-methylanthracenes. J. Chemical Research. 3:102-103, 1980. 48. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Callaghan, O. and Ungar, R.: Tyramine: metabolic and binding studies, in A.D. Mosnaim and M.E. Wolf (eds.): Non-catecholic Phenylethylamines Part 2: Phenylethanolamine, Tyramines and Octopamines. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 201-229, 1980. 49. Mosnaim, A.D., Callaghan, O.H. and Wolf, M.E.: Determination of non-catecholic phenylethylamines and monomethylated derivatives of phenylethylamines. J. Chromatography. Biomedical Applications 224:481-487, 1981. 50. Wolf, M.D., Bowie, L., Keener, S., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Prolactin response in tardive dyskinesia. Biological Psychiatry. 17:485-490, 1982. 51. Wolf, M.E., Ryan, J.J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Organicity and tardive dyskinesia. Psychosomatics. 23:475-480, 1982.

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52. Wolf, M.E., Almy, G., Toll, M. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Mania associated with the use of Baclofen. Biological Psychiatry. 17:757-759, 1982. 53. Mosnaim, A.D., Karoum, F., Zeller, A., Callaghan, O.H., Singh, S.P. and Wolf, M.E.: Platelet monoamine oxidase activity and plasma levels of non-catecholic phenylethylamines in insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. Clinica Chimica Acta. 126:237-242, 1982. 54. Mosnaim, A.D., Wine, R., Karoum, F., Diamond, S. and Wolf, M.E.: Methionine enkephalin, phenylethylamine, phenylacetic acid, platelet monoamine oxidase and prolactin in plasma of migraine patients. Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics. 31(2): 251-252, 1982. 55. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine in neuropsychiatric disorders. Gen. Pharmacology 14(4):385-390, 1983. 56. Wolf, M.E., Keener, S., Mathis, P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine-like properties of Baclofen. Neuropsychobiology. 9:219-22, 1983. 57. Wolf, M.E. Chevesich, J.E., Lehrer, E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The clinical association of tardive dyskinesia and drug induced Parkinsonism. Biol. Psychiatry. 13(10):1181-1188, 1983. 58. Mason, M., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Studies on the mechanism of phenyle- thylamine uptake by rabbit erythrocytes. Compar. Biochem. Physiology. 76C:215-219, 1983. 59. Wolf, M.E., Almy, G., Mathis, P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Baclofen therapy in psychiatric patients. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 33(2):244, 1983. 60. Wolf, M., Ryan, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Cognitive functions in tardive dyskinesia. Psychological Medicine. 13(3):671-674, 1983. 61. Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Trunkal tardive dyskinesia. Neurology. 33(4), Supp. 2:198, 1983. 62. Karoum, F., Chuang, Lin-Whei, Mosnaim, A.D., Staub, R.A., and Wyatt, R.J.: Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentration of phenylacetic acid in humans and monkeys. J. Chrom. Sciences. 21:546-550, 1983. 63. Mosnaim A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Madubuike U.P.: Presence and biosynthesis of phenylacetic acid in the rabbit brain. Biochem. Pharmacology. 33(12):1993-1996, 1984. 64. Wolf, M.E., Koller, W.C. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Electroencephalogram studies in tardive dyskinesia. Clinical Electroencephalography. 15(4):222-225, 1984. 65. Wolf M.E. and Mosnaim A.D.: Tardive dyskinesia subtypes. Hospital Community Psychiatry. 35(8):828-830, 1984. 66. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., and Szanto, P.: Butaperazine effects on plasma methionine-enkephalin levels in patients with tardive dyskinesia. Res. Comm. Substance Abuse. 5(4):313-316, 1984.

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67. Mosnaim, A.D., Wine, R., Diamond, S. and Wolf, M.E.: Plasma methionine enkephalin levels during migraine episodes, in F.C. Rose (ed.): Progress in Migraine Research, Vol. 2. London, England: Pitman Book Ltd. 151-161, 1984. 68. Paulos, M.A., Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Tessel, R.E.: Phenylethylamine, phenylacetic acid and methionine enkephaline levels in humans following profound acute stress, in A. Boulton, G. Baker, W. Dewhurst and M. Sandler (eds.): Neurobiology of Trace Amines. New Jersey: Humana Press 563-569, 1984. 69. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine and tardive dyskinesia, in A. Boulton, G. Baker, W. Dewhurst and M. Sandler (eds.): Neurobiology of Trace Amines. New Jersey: Humana Press 557-562, 1984. 70. Callaghan, O., Mosnaim, A., Chevesich, J. and Wolf, M.: The kinetics of hydroxylation of phenylethylamine, amphetamine and phenylalanine in rodent tissues, in A. Boulton, G. Baker, W. Dewhurst and M. Sandler (eds.): Neurobiology of Trace Amines. New Jersey: Humana Press 307-312, 1984. 71. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond, S.: Non-catecholic phenylethylamines and MAO activity in diabetes and migraine, in A. Boulton, G. Baker, W. Dewhurst and M. Sandler (eds.): Neurobiology of Trace Amines. New Jersey: Humana Press 549-566, 1984. 72. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, ME. And Zeller, E.A.: Degradation kinetics by MAO of PEA derivatives. A model for the molecular basis of their analgesic and behavioral effects?, in A. Boulton, G. Baker, W. Dewhurst and M. Sandler (eds.): Neurobiology of Trace Amines. New Jersey: Humana Press 299-306, 1984. 73. Wolf, M.E., Javaid, J.I., Mosnaim, A.D. and Davis, J.M.: Butaperazine kinetics in patients with tardive dyskinesia. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition. 6:223-227, 1985. 74. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J., Callaghan, O.H. and Diamond, S.: Plasma methionine-enkephalin levels. A biological marker for migraine? Headache. 25(5):259-261, 1985. 75. Wolf, M.E., De Wolfe, A., Ryan, J., Lips, O. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Vunerability to tardive dyskinesia. J. Clinical Psychiatry. 46:367-368, 1985. 76. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D., Owens, R., Paulos, M. and Hoffman, H.E.: Molindone pharmacokinetics in psychiatric patients. Res. Comm. Psychol. Psychiatry Behavior. 10(3):215-220, 1985. 77. Mosnaim, A.D., Chevesich, J., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, D.O. and Diamond, S.: Plasma methionine-enkephalin. Increased levels during a migraine episode. Headache. 26(6):278-281, 1986. 78. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lithium and molindone interactions: pharmacokinetic studies. Res. Comm. Psychol. Psychiatry Behavior. 11(1):23-28, 1986.

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79. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J., Callaghan, O.H. and Szanto, P.: Phenylethylamine metabolism by postmortem human brain and liver preparations, in A. Boulton, et al., eds.: Neuropsychopharmacology of the trace Amines. New Jersey: Humana Press 487-498, 1986. 80. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D., Callaghan, O.H., Chevesich, J. and Caro, M.: Phenylethylamine metabolism to tyramine by postmortem human brain preparations. Life Sci. 40(5):489-494, 1987. 81. Wolf, M.E., DeWolfe, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Risk factors for tardive dyskinesia according to primary psychiatric diagnostic. Hillside J. Clinical Psychiatry. 9(1):3-10, 1987. 82. Mosnaim, A.D., Diamond, S., Freitag, F., Chevesich, J., Wolf, M.E. and Solomon, G.: Plasma and platelet methionine-enkephalin levels in chronic cluster patients during an acute headache episode. Headache. 27(6):325-328, 1987. 83. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Pharmacological interventions in Vietnam Veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. Res. Comm. Psychol. Psychiatry Behavior. 12(3):169-176, 1987. 84. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Aids related complex in a Vietnam Veteran with drug abuse. Res. Comm. Substance Abuse. 8:117-123, 1987. 85. Diamond, S., Mosnaim, A.D., Freitag, F., Wolf, M.E., Lee, G. and Solomon, G.: Plasma methionine-enkephalin in patients with cluster headache, in F.C. Rose (ed.): Advances in Headache Research, Vol. 4, London: John Libbey & Co. Ltd. 4: 209-219, 1987. 86. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Post traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam Veterans: Clinical-EEG findings; possible therapeutic effects of carbamazepine. Biological Psychiatry. 23:642-644, 1988. 87. Mosnaim, A.D., Puente, J., Wolf, M.E., Callaghan, O.H., Busch, R. and Diamond, S.: Studies of the in vitro human plasma degradation of methionine-enkephalin. Gen. Pharmacology. 19(5):729-733, 1988. 88. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Pain, dermatological and allergic conditions in post traumatic stress disorders. Res. Comm. Psychol. Psychiatry Behavior. 13(3):237-240, 1988. 89. Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E.: Administration of butaperazine and plasma methionine- enkephalin levels in schizophrenic and affective disorder patients with tardive dyskinesia. Journal Clinical Psychopharmacology. 8(4):Suppl. 275-315, 1988. 90. Mosnaim, A.D., Callaghan, O.H. and Wolf, M.E.: Hydroxylation of phenylethylamine by rat liver preparations. Gen. Pharmacology. 19(5):729-733, 1989. 91. Ayre, S., Skalestski, B. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Blood-brain barrier passage of azidothymidine in rats: effects of insulin. Res. Comm. Chemical Pathology Pharmacology. 63(1):45-52, 1989.

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92. Mosnaim, A.D., Diamond, S., Wolf, M.E., Puente, J. and Freitag, F.: Endogenous opioid-like peptides in headache. An overview. Headache. 29(6):368-372, 1989. 93. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Lee, G., Puente, J., Garmnerdsiri, S., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Plasma degradation of methionine-enkephalin by cluster headache patients. In vitro studies. Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. 1(1):79-83, 1990. 94. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond, S.: Platelet monoamine oxidase in female migraine patients. Headache. 30(8):488-490, 1990. 95. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D., Puente, J. and Ignacio, R.: Methionine-enkephalin in post traumatic stress disorder. Plasma levels and degradation. Res. Comm. Psychology Psychiatry. Behavior 15(1-2):73-78, 1990. 96. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D., Ignacio, R. and Puente, J.: Plasma methionine-enkephalin in post-traumatic stress disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 29:305-307, 1991. 97. Maturana, P., Miranda, D., Sepulveda, C., Puente, J., Wolf, M.E., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Natural killer cell activity in patients with septic shock. J. Critical Care. 6:42-45, 1991. 98. Wolf, M.E., Caro, M., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lithium-neuroleptic interactions: Electroencephalographic studies. Res. Comm. Psychol. Psychiatry Behavior. 16(1-2):35-40, 1991. 99. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Studies of platelet monoamine oxidase activity during an acute cluster headache attack. Cephalalgia. 11(supp.11): 254-255, 1991. 100. Wolf, M.E., de Wolfe, A.S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The association of tardive dyskinesia with cognitive deficits. A review. Res. Comm. Psychol. Psychiatry Behavior. 16 (1-2):15-27, 1991. 101. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Studies of platelet monoamine oxidase activity in female migraineurs. An old story revisited, in F.C. Rose (ed.): New Advances in Headache Research: 2, London: Smith-Gordon and Co. Ltd. 135-139, 1991. 102. Puente, J., Maturana, P., Miranda, D., Navarro, C., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Enhancement of human natural killer cell activity by opioid peptides: similar response to methionine-enkephalin and B-endorphin. Brain, Behavior Immunity. 6:32-39, 1992 103. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S., Wolf, M.E., Callaghan, O.H., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in cluster headache patients. Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. III(2):172-176, 1992. 104. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, G., Farinha, P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Reinduction of neuroleptic malignant syndrome by lithium. Res. Comm. Psychol. Psychiatry Behavior. 17:69-72, 1992

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105. Mosnaim, A.D.: Role of enkephalins and endorphins in headaches. In: Symposium "Neurobiologic Mechanisms as an Approach to the Pharmacology of Headache. (G. Solomon, ed.), Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. 3(3),309-318, 1992 106. Mosnaim, A.D.: Role of enkephalins in the regulation of pain in migraine and cluster headaches. National Headache Foundation Letter, pp.13, Summer 1992. 107. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M. E., Maturana, P., Mosnaim, G., Puente, J., Kucuk, O. and Gilman-Sachs, A.: In vitro natural killer cell activity in post traumatic stress disorder patients. Response to methionine-enkephalin challenge. Immunopharmacology. 25:107-116, 1993. 108. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M. E., Maturana, P., Puente, J., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: In vitro studies of natural killer cell activity in migraineurs. Changes in response to methionine-enkephalin challenge during an acute migraine episode. Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. 4(1):36-41, 1993. 109. Puente, J., Carvajal, T., Parra, S., Miranda, D., Sepulveda, C., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro studies of natural killer cell activity in septic shock patients. Response to a challenge with alpha-interferon and interleukin-2. International J. Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics Toxicology. 31(6):271-275, 1993. 110. Wolf. M.E., Richer, S., Berk, M.A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Cutaneous and ocular changes associated with the use of chlorpromazine. International J. Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics Toxicology. 31(8):365-367, 1993. 111. Mosnaim, A. D.: Symposium participant "New and Old Therapy for Vascular Headaches" (proceedings edited by Journal's staff). P&T (Pharmacy and Therapeutics. A Peer Reviewed Journal for Formulary Management). 18(6):575-582, 1993. 112. Mosnaim, A.D.: Biochemical and immunological studies in migraine and cluster headaches. In: Symposium "New and Old Therapies of Vascular Headaches: Immune Approaches and Serotonin Receptors in Therapy". (A.D. Mosnaim proceedings ed). Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. 34-38: 1994 113. Puente, J., Carvajal, T., Parra, S., Miranda, D., Sepulveda, C., Wolf, M. E., and Mosnaim, A. D.: Enhancement of natural killer cell activity in septic shock patients by a mixture of the calcium ionophore A23187 and the phorbol ester TPA. In vitro studies. International J. Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics Toxicology. 32(1):19-23, 1994. 114. Wolf, M. E. and Mosnaim, A. D.: Improvement of axial dystonia with the administration of clozapine. International J. Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics Toxicology. 32(6):282-283, 1994. 115. Mosnaim, A. D., Wolf, M. E., Maturana, P., Puente, J., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: In vitro studies of natural killer cell activity in migraineurs. Changes in response to a B-endorphin challenge during an acute migraine episode. Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. 2:142-148, 1994. 116. Mosnaim, A. D.: Biochemical and Immunological Studies in Migraine Headache. National Headache Foundation Newsletter, pp. 4-5, Winter 1994 (No. 87).

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117. Ranade, V.V., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Generic drug industry: Current status and future prospects. Drug News & Perspectives. 197-204, 1994. 118. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Polypharmacy: a problem of the decade of the nineties. Drug News & Perspectives. 581-584, 1994 1119. Ranade, V.V., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Developments in antiarrhythmic drugs: An overview. Expert Opinion Investigational Drugs. 4(11):1-29, 1995 120. Puente, J., Diaz, M.A., Salas, M.A., Miranda, D., Gaggero, A., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Studies of natural killer cell activity in a drug-free, healthy population. Response to a challenge with taxol, estramustine and lipopolysaccharide. International J. Clinical Pharmacolology Therapy. 33(8):457-461, 1995 121. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Curr, M., Mosnaim, J.M., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Myths in migraine research: 1. Migraine and cluster headache patients are characterized by significant alterations in platelet monoamine oxidase activity. Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. 7(3):225-234, 1996 122. Mosnaim, A.D., Freitag, F., Ignacio, R., Salas, M.A., Karoum, F., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond, S.: Apparent lack of correlation between tyramine and phenylethylamine content and the occurrence of food-precipitated migraine. Reexamination of a variety of food products frequently consumed in the United States and commonly restricted in tyramine-free diets. Headache Quarterly. Current Treatment and Research. 7(3):239-249, 1996 123. Puente, J., Salas, M.A., Cañon, C., Miranda, D., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Activation of protein tyrosine kinase: a possible requirement for fixed-bacteria and lipopolysaccharide-induced increase in human natural killer cell. Int. J. Clinical Pharmacology Therapy. 34(5):212-218, 1996 124. Wolf, M.E., De Wolfe, A.S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Cognitive deficits in tardive dyskinesia, in: R. Yassa, V. Nair and D. Jeste (eds.): Neuroleptic Induced Movement Disorders. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom 196-206, 1996 125. Sepúlveda, C., Puente, J., Weinstein, C., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A. D.: Enhancement of natural killer cell activity in HIV-1 infected subjects by a mixture of the calcium ionophore A23187 and the phorbol ester TPA. Lack of response to a similar challenge with interleukin-2 or alpha-interferon. American J. Therapeutics. 4(11-12):413-421, 1997 126. Karoum, F., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Effects of the administration of amphetamine, either alone or in combination with reserpine or cocaine, on regional brain beta-phenylethylamine and dopamine release. American J. Therapeutics. 4(9-10):333-342, 1997. 127. Mosnaim, A.D., Kulaga, H., Adams, J.A., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F. and Diamond. S.: Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte subsets in migraine patients during and outside of an acute headache attack. Cephalalgia. 18(4):197-201, 1998.

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128. Wolf, M.E., Moffat, M., Ranade, V., Somberg, J.C., Lehrer, E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lithium, hypercalcemia and arrythmia. J. Clin. Psychopharmacology. (Peer reviewed Letter). 18:420-423, 1998. 129. Miranda, D., Puente, J., Blanco, L., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on the cytotoxicity of human natural killer cells. Res. Comm. Molecular Pathology Pharmacology. 100(1):3-14, 1998. 130. Valenzuela, M. A., Cartier, L., Collados, L., Kettlun, A. M., Araya, F., Concha, C., Flores, L., Wolf, M. E. and Mosnaim, A. D.: Gelatinase activity of matrix metalloproteinases in the cerebrospinal fluid of various patient populations. Res. Comm. Chemical Pathology Pharmacology. 104(1):42-52,1999. 131. Ranade, V., Molnar, J., Khokher, T., Agarwal, A., Mosnaim, A.D. and Somberg, J.: Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme therapy on QT interval dispersion. American J. Therapeutics. 6:257-261, 1999 132. Wolf, M. E., Ranade, V., Molnar, J., Somberg, J. and Mosnaim, A. D.: Hypercalcemia, arrhythmia and mood stabilizers. J. Clin. Psychopharmacology. 20(2):260-264, 2000. 133. Puente, J., Blanco, B., Montoya, M., Miranda, D., Contreras, I., Vinés E., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Effect of S. Typhi wild type and O-antigen mutants on human natural killer cell activity. Intern. J. Clin. Immunology. 355-364, 2000. 134. Mosnaim, A. D., Wolf, M. E., Tao, D.N., Puente, J., Freitag, and Diamond, S.: Degradation kinetics of leucine-enkephalin by plasma samples from healthy controls and various patient populations. In vitro drug effects. American J. Therapeutics. 7:185-194, 2000. 135. Puente, J., Blanco, L., Carrasco, C., Miranda, D., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Effect of Salmonella-infected human monocytes on natural killer cell cytotoxicity. In vitro studies. International Immunopharmacology. 1:1285-1293, 2001 136. Miranda, D., Puente, J., Blanco, L., Jara, P., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Human natural killer cell lysis of Salmonella typhi intracellularly-infected U 937 cells. Res. Commun. Molec. Pathol. Pharmacology . 111:3-12, 2002 137. Mosnaim, A.D.: Invited editorial. Cephalalgia 22(7): 614-615, 2002 138. Mosnaim, A. D., Puente, J., Saavedra, R., Diamond, S. and Wolf, M.: In vitro human plasma leucine-enkephalin degradation is inhibited by a select number of drugs with the phenothiazine molecule in their chemical structure. Pharmacology. Intern J Experim and Clin Pharmacology. 67(1):6-13, 2003 139. Miranda, D., Puente, J., Blanco, L., Jara, P., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lysis of Salmonella typhi intracellularly-infected U.937 cells by human natural killer cells. Effect of protein kinase inhibitors. American J. Therapeutics. 10:32-39, 2003

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140. Kettlun, A.M., Collados, C., García, L., Cartier, L.A., Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D. and Valenzuela, M.A.: Matrix metalloproteinases profile in patients with Creuztfeldt-Jakob Disease. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 57(6):475-478, 2003 141. Mosnaim, A.D., Puente, J., Hoang, C., Ranade, V. and Wolf, M.E.: Inhibition of human plasma leucine-enkephalin aminopeptidase hydrolysis by various endogenous peptides and a select number of clinically used drugs. American J. of Therapeutics. 11:459-465, 2004 142. Valenzuela, M.A., Cartier, L.A., Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Ketllun, A.M., Collados, C. and Garcia, L.: Proteinases and Prion Diseases, in Proteases in the Brain (U. Lendeckel and N. Hooper, eds). Springer, USA, pp. 179-202, 2005 143. Mosnaim, A.D., Ranade, V.R., Wolf, M.E., Puente, J. and Valenzuela, M.A.: Phenothiazine molecule provides the basic chemical structure for various classes of pharmacotherapeutic agents. American J. Therapeutics. 13:261-273, 2006. 144. Puente, J., Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.: Stress, Opioid Peptides and the Immune Response, in Stress, Cytokines and the Immune Response (N. P. Plotnikoff, R.E. Faith, A.J. Murgo and R.A. Good, eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, pp.125-142, 2006 145. Mosnaim, A.D., Nguyen, T.D., Tse, R, Puente, J., Couceyro, P. and Wolf, M.E.: In vitro methionine-enkephalin degradation kinetics by human brain preparations. Neurochemical Research. 33(1):81-86, 2008 146. Mosnaim, A.D., Nguyen, T.D., Puente, J. and Wolf,, M.E.: Degradation kinetics of methionine5-enkephalin by select brain areas from patients with chronic schizophrenia. American J. Therapeutics. 15(2):126-130, 2008. 147. Puente, J., Jaque, M.P., Carrasco, C., Cruz, C., Valenzuela, M.A., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim A.D.: Triptan drugs, natural killer cell cytotoxicity and neutrophils pro-matrix metalloproteinase-9 secretion. Headache. 40(10): 1482-1489, 2008. 148. Mosnaim, A.D., Saavedra, R. and Wolf, M.E.: Bacitracin-sensitive aminopeptidase(s) degradation of methionine-enkephalin by human brain putamen and hippocampus preparations. Inhibition by phenothiazine drugs. American J. Therapeutics. 16:512-516, 2009 149. Mosnaim, A.D., Abiola, R., Wolf, M.E. and Perlmuter, L.C.: Etiology and risk factors for developing orthostatic hypotension. American J. Therapeutics. 17(1):86-91, 2010 150. Mosnaim, A.D., Puente, J. and Wolf, M.E.: Biological correlates of migraine and cluster headaches: an overview of their potential use in diagnosis and treatment. Pragmatic and Observational Research. 1:25-32, 2010 151. Mosnaim, A.D., FuCheng, C. and Wolf, M.E.: Degradation kinetics of methionine-enkephalin by human cerebrospinal fluid. In vitro studies. American J. Therapeutics. 18:9-13, 2011

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152. Perlmuter, L.C., Sarda, G., Casavant, V., O’Hara, K.,Hindes, M., Knott, PT. and Mosnaim, A.D.: A review of orthostatic blood pressure regulation and its association with mood and cognition. Clinical Autonomic Research. 22(2):99-107, 2012 153. Mosnaim, A.D., Maturana, P, Puente, J. and Wolf, M.E.: Decreased plasma methionine-enkephalin levels in cluster headache patients. American J. Therapeutics. 19(3):174-179, 2012 154. Mosnaim, A.D., Callaghan, O.H., Hudzik, T. and Wolf, M.E.: Rat brain-uptake index for phenylethylamine and various monomethylated derivatives. Neurochemical Research 38(4):842-846, 2013. doi: 10.1007/s11064-013-0988-1. PMID: 23389662

155. Perlmuter, L.C, Sarda, G, Casavant, V. and Mosnaim A.D.: A review of the etiology, associated comorbidities, and treatment of orthostatic hypotension. American J. Therapeutics. 20(3):279-291. doi: 10.1097/MJT.0b013e31828bfb7f. PMID: 23656967

156. Mosnaim, A.D., Maturana, p., Callaghan, O.H. and Wolf, M.E.: Changes in plasma methionine-enkephalin levels associated with a cluster headache episode. American J. Therapeutics. E-pub, January 24, 2013. PMID: 23353772

BOOKS EDITED 1. Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E. (eds.): Non-catecholic Phenylethylamines. Part 1: Phenylethylamine: Biological Mechanisms and Clinical Aspects. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1978. 2. Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E. (eds.): Non-catecholic Phenylethylamines. Part 2: Phenylethanolamine, Tyramines and Octopamine. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1980. 3. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D. (eds.): Tardive Dyskinesia: Biological Mechanisms and Clinical Aspects. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC 1988. 4. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D. (eds.): Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Etiology, Phenomenology and Treatment. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC 1990.

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1. Feferholtz, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Accion refleja de la dilatacion del cuello uterino sobre la corteza suprarrenal. 1st Chilean Meeting Endocrinology and Metabolism. Chile 1967. 2. Del Villar, E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The effect of DDT on the incorporation of C14-labelled glucose into protein and soluble intermediates of nymphal Triatoma Infestans. First Latinoamerican Meeting of Parasitology. Santiago. Chile 1967. 3. Mosnaim, A.D.: Halogenation of Organic Compounds. Natural Products Research Group,. Dep. of Pure and Applied Chemistry. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. UK 1967. 4. Mosnaim, A.D.: Recent Studies in Aromatic Reactivity. Natural Products Research Group. Dep. of Pure and Applied Chemistry. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. UK 1967. 5. Mosnaim, A.D.: Ligand-Transfer Reactions of Cupric Halides with Organic Compounds. Natural Products Research Group. Dep. of Pure and Applied Chemistry. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. UK 1967. 6. Flood, Jr., Mosnaim, A.D. and Nonhebel, D.C.: Substituent effects of bromination of some substituted 9-alkylanthracens. Chem. Soc. Great Britain. Southampton 1969. 7. Mosnaim, A.D., and Sabelli, H.C.: Quantitative determination of the brain levels of a Beta-Phenylethylamine-like substance in control and drug-treated mice. Pharmacologist. 13: 267, 1971. 8. Inwang, E.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Determination of Beta-Phenylethylamine by its reaction with ceric sulfate. Fed. Proc. 56: 604, 1972. 9. Inwang, E.E., Sugerman, J.H., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of Beta-Phenylethylamine-like substances in biological samples and its possible correlation with depression. Biolog. Psychiatry. TX 1972. 10. Sabelli, H.C., Giardina, W.J., Mosnaim, A.D. and Inwang, E.E.: Evidence for a Role of Beta-Phyenylethylamine as an Adrenergic Modulator. 5th Inter. Cong. Pharmacol. CA 1972. 11. Mosnaim, A.D., Inwang, E.E. and Sabelli, H.C.: Phenylethylamine-like substance(s) in mammalian brain and their increase by repeated electroshock seizures. Soc. Neurosciences. TX 1972. 12. Mosnaim, A.D., Sabelli, H.C. and Inwang, E.E.: The influence of psychotropic drugs on the levels of endogenous 2-phenylethylamine in rabbit brain. Biolog. Psychiatry. Canada 1973. 13. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D. and Vazquez, A.J.: Possible roles of 2-phenylethylamine and L-dopa in extrapyramidal disorders and their drug therapy. Pharmacologist. 15(2): 1973. 14. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D. and Vazquez A.J.: (-)-Trans 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced increase in brain 2-phenylethylamine. 2nd Inter. Symposium Drug Addic. LA 1973.

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15. Madubuike, U.P., Inwang, E.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Evidence for the excretion of Beta-phenylethylamine glucoronide in human urine. Chicago Med. Sch. Sigma Xi, 1973. 16. Whalley, C.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The in vivo biosynthesis of 2-phenylethylamine from L-phenylanine in rabbit brain. Chicago Med. Sch. Sigma Xi, 1973. 17. Sabelli, H.C. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine hypothesis of affective behavior. Amer. Psychiatric Association. Hawaii 1973. 18. Mosnaim, A.D., Whalley, C.E., Pedemonte, W.A., Vazquez, A.J. and Sabelli, H.C.: Further evidence for the role of 2-phenylethylamine as a major mediator for the stimulant action of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Soc. Neurosciences. CA 1973. 19. Vazquez, A.J., Giardina, W.J., Madrid-Pedemonte, L., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Direct role of DOPA in the central nervous system. Soc. Neurosciences. CA 1973. 20. Whalley, C.E., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: 2-Phenylethylamine in rabbit brain and liver: its synthesis, metabolism and role in the action of imipramine, pargyline and marihuana. Pharmacologist. 15(2): 258, 1973. 21. Mosnaim, A.D., Madubuike, U.P., Inwang, E.E. and Sabelli, H.C.: The brain regional distribution of endogenous 2-phenylethylamine, a putative ergotropic neuromodulator. Pharmacologist. 15(2): 258, 1973. 22. Sabelli, H.C. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine: Possible role in depression and antidepressive drug action. Satellite Symposium "Neurohumoral Coding of Brain Function". Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. Mexico 1973. 23. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D., Pedemonte, W.A., Vazquez, A.J., Giardina, W.J. and Borison, R.L.: Biochemical plasticity of synaptic transmission: A critical review of Dale's principle. Biolog. Psychiatry. MA 1974. 24. Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L., Madubuike, U.P. and Sabelli, H.C.: Synthesis and metabolism of brain 2-phenylethylamine. Soc. Neurochemistry. LA 1974. 25. Borison, R.L., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Biosynthesis of brain 2-phenylethylamine: Influence of decarboxylase inhibitors. IXeme Congress du Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum. France. J. Pharmacologie. 5: 10, 1974. 26. Madubuike, U.P., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Brain phenylacetic acid, a major metabolite of 2-phenylethylamine in rabbit brain. Invited paper, Proceed. XXVI International Congress Physiol. Sciences. India 1974. 27. Pedemonte, W.A., Bulat, M. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Penetration of phenylacetic acid across the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Soc. Neurosciences. MO 1974. 28. Silkaitis, R., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: A procedure to quantify 2-phenylethylamine and p-tyramine in the same biological sample. Chicago Med. Sigma Xi, 1974.

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29. Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L. and Sabelli, H.C.: Biosynthesis and metabolism of phenylethylamines. Drug effects. 1st World Congress Biolog. Psychiatry. Argentina 1974. 30. Sabelli, H.C., Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L. and Wolf, M.E.: Possible role of 2-phenylethylamine in the modulation of extrapyramidal function. Invited paper, Proceed. XXVI International Congress of Physiol. Sciences. India 1974. 31. Borison, R.L., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Quantification of brain 2-phenylethylamine content by gas-liquid chromatography and its modification by marihuana. Midwest Student Medical Research Forum. 1975. 32. Borison, R.L., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Differential effects of D-and L-amphetamine on heart 2-phenylethylamine levels: Possible role in their cardiovascular action. SAMA-UTBM National Student Research Forum. 1975. 33. Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, Arora, R.L. and Sabelli, H.C.: The metabolism of brain 2-phenylethylamine as a major target for the action of D-amphetamine. Soc. Neurochemistry. Mexico 1975. 34. Borison, R.L., Mosnaim, A.D. and Sabelli, H.C.: Amphetamine and methylphenidate increase brain 2-phenylethylamine. Fed. Proc. 1975. 35. Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L., Wolf, M.E. and Sabelli, H.C.: Further studies in the urinary excretion of 2-phenylethylamine in schizophrenic, depressive and control subjects using gas-liquid chromatography and ultraviolet spectroscopy. Biolog. Psychiatry. NY, 1975. 36. Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L., May, J., Wolf, M.E. and Sabelli, H.C.: Specific synaptic and axonal 2-phenylethylamine (PEA) receptors as a target for amphetamine. Intern. Congress Pharmacology. Finland, 1975. 37. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S.V., Borison, R.L., Schoch, D. and Zeller, E.A.: 2-phenylethylamine: Its identification in the rabbit iris and ciliary body. Assoc. Research Vision Ophthalmology. Florida, 1975. 38. Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L., Wolf, M.E., Arora, R. and Tabakoff, B.: Brain 2-phenylethylamine (PEA) and ethanol mechanisms. Pharmacologist. 17(2): 240, 1975. 39. Zeller, E.A., Mosnaim, A.D., Borison, R.L. and Huprikar, S.V.: Phenylethylamine: Presentation of a new model for its role as a modulator in adrenergic transmission, based on in vivo and in vitro studies of its interaction with monoamine oxidases types A and B. "New First and Second Messengers," Satellite Symposium 5th Inter. Meeting Neurochemistry. Italy, 1975. 40. Madubuike, U.P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylacetic acid: Levels and biosynthesis in rabbit brain; possible implications in phenylketonuria. Soc. Neurosciences. NY, 1975. 41. Silkaitis, R.A., Cann, S., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vivo and in vitro rabbit brain conversion of 2-phenylethylamine to tyramine and vice versa. Soc. Neurosciences. NY, 1975.

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42. Silkaitis, R. and Mosnaim, A.D.: New brain pathways for the biosynthesis of 2-phenylethylamine and p-tyramine. Chicago Med. Sch. Sigma Xi, 1975. 43. Cann, S.R., Edstrand, D.L. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro conversion of p-tyramine to 2-phenylethylamine in rabbit brain preparations. Chicago Med. Sch. Sigma Xi, 1975. 44. Inwang, E.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Determination of urinary 2-phenylethylamine by immunoassay and gas-liquid chromatographic techniques. Role of this amine in narcotic addiction and methadone withdrawal in man. Chicago Med. Sch. Sigma Xi, 1975. 45. Ungar, F., Alivasatos, S.G.A., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The inhibition of the binding of tyramine to midbrain synaptosomes by various drugs. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1976. 46. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Plotnikoff, P.: Possible involvement of the 2-phenylethylamine pathway in the central effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1976. 47. Mosnaim, A.D., Cann, S.R., Edstrand, D.L. and Wolf, M.E.: In vitro dehydroxylation of p-tyramine by rabbit brain preparations. Soc. Neurosciences. Canada, 1976. 48. Silkaitis, R.P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Conversion of phenylethylamine to tyramine in brain subsequent to intra-arterial injection. Fed. Proc., Ohio,1977. 49. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D., Bieber, M., Huprikar, S. and Zeller, E.A.: Platelet monoamine oxidase: Reduced activity in patients with juvenile diabetes mellitus. Fed. Proc., Ohio, 1977. 50. Mosnaim, A.D., Mason, M. Silkaitis, R.P. and Vazquez, A.J.: Phenylethylamines as mediators of the CNS effects of amphetamine. Fed. Proc., Ohio, 1977. 51. Huprikar, S., Mosnaim, A.D., Jones, L.B., Oltmans, G., Nair, V. and Zeller, E.A.: Changes in monoamine oxidase activity in rabbit platelets and brain regions during pregnancy. Soc. Neurosciences. CA, 1977. 52. Mosnaim, A.D. and Feingold, D.L.: Phenylacetic acid in blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Soc. Neurosciences. MO, 1978. 53. Mason, M.F. and Mosnaim, A.D.: 2-phenylethylamine uptake by rabbit red blood cells. Soc. Neurosciences. MO, 1978. 54. Greenberg, J., Hansen, T. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Direct effects of phenylethylamine on vascular smooth muscle. Fed. Proc. TX, 1979. 55. Callaghan, O. and Mosnaim, A.: N-methylation of phenylethylamine, species differences. Fed. Proc. TX, 1979. 56. Callaghan, O. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro methylation of phenylethylamine. 7th Meeting Intern. Soc. Neurochemistry. Jerusalem, 1979.

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57. Mosnaim, A.D., Arora, K.L., Wolf, M.E., Callaghan, O.W. and Zeller, E.A.: Monomethylated phenylethylamine derivatives. Interaction with receptors and metabolism by monoamineoxidase. Fed. Proc. CA, 1980. 58. Okafor, C., Mosnaim, A.D. and Ehrenpreis, S.: Uptake of D-phenylalanine (DPA) by mouse brain: Correlation with analgesic activity. Fed. Proc. CA, 1980. 59. Mosnaim, A.D. and Myles, S.B.: Monomethylated phenylethylamines. Behavioral and analgesic effects. Fed. Proc. CA, 1980. 60. Ehrenpreis, S., Balagot, R.C., Mosnaim, A.D., Kubota, K., Greenberg, J. and Okafor, C.: Analgesia in mice and humans by D-phenylalanine (DPA): Relation to inhibition of enkephalin (ENK) degradation and brain uptake. ASPET. 1980. 61. Ehrenpreis, S., Balagot, R.C., Mosnaim, A.D., Kubota, K., Greenberg, J. and Okafor, C.: Analgesia in mice and humans by D-phenylalanine: Relation to brain uptake and inhibition of enkephalin degradation. Soc. Neurosciences. 1980. 62. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D., Smith, P.M. Gaztanaga, P. and Zeller, E.A.: Studies on prolactin and neuroleptics in psychiatric patients. IL Psychiatric Society. Fall Meeting, 1980. 63. Wolf, M.E., Mason, M., Karoum, F. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Regulation of blood phenylethylamine levels. IL Psychiatric Society. Fall Meeting, 1980. 64. Mosnaim, A.D., Arora, K.L., Wolf, M.E., Mox, S. and Zeller, E.A.: N-methylated phenylethylamines: Degradation by monoamino oxidase and potentiation of their pharmacological actions by type A and B inhibitors. Fed. Proc. GA, 1981. 65. Huprikar, S.V., Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Zeller, E.A.: Action of snake venom (B. JARARACA) on transfer of phenylethylamine into mouse brain. Fed. Proc. GA, 1981. 66. Wolf, M.E., Farrow, S., Gaztanaga, P., Keener, S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Clinical studies in tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. LA, 1981. 67. Callaghan, O.H. and Mosnaim, A.D.: 5-Methyl-tetrahydrofolate: A phenylethylamine N-methylating agent. 8th Intern. Soc. Neurochemistry. Nottingham, England. 1981. 68. Wolf, M., Ryan, J., Matuga, T., Lange, H., Keener, S. and Mosnaim A.D.: Brain damage and tardive dyskinesia. Midwest Pharmacol. Society. N. Chicago. IL, 1981. 69. Wolf, M.E., Almy, G., Mathis, P., Toll, M. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Tardive dyskinesia in chronic psychiatric patients. Midwest Pharmacol. Society. N. Chicago. IL, 1981. 70. Wolf, M., Ryan, J., Lange, H. and Mosnaim, A.: Organicity and tardive dyskinesia. Academy Psychosomatic Medicine. TX, 1981. 71. Wolf, M.E., Almy, G., Diamond, S., Keener, S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Baclofen and mania. Biolog. Psychiatry. Toronto, 1982.

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72. Wolf, M.E., Ryan, J., Wine, R., Ehrenpreis, S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Affective disorders and tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. Toronto, 1982. 73. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Vulnerability to tardive dyskinesia. Amer. Psych. Association. Toronto, 1982. 74. Ehrenpreis, S., Balagot, R.C., Mosnaim, A.D., Szanto, P., Myles, S., Hyodo, M., Okafor, C., Ellyin, F.E. and Singh, S.P. Acute and chronic toxicity of D-phenylalanine (DPA) in animals and humans. 1st World Congress Toxicology and Environmental Health, Washington DC, 1982. 75. Mosnaim, A.D., Vazquez, A.J. and Nair, V.: Studies on the neurotoxicology of phenylethylamine derivatives. 1st World Congress Toxicology and Environmental Health, Washington DC, 1982. 76. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond, S.: Plasma phenylethylamine and phenylacetic acid levels and platelet monomamine oxidase activity in migraine patients. Amer. Assoc. Study of Headache. LA, 1982. 77. Wine, R., Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond, S.: Plasma methionine enkephalin levels during migraine episodes. IV Int. Migraine Symposium. England 1982. 78. Callaghan, O.H. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Enzymes which hydroxylate phenylethylamine, amphetamine and phenylalanine in rodent tissues. The Pharmacologist. 24: 165, 1982. 79. Mosnaim, A.D., Diamond, S., Szanto, P. and Wolf, M.E. Analgesic properties of monosubstituted phenylethylamines. Fed. Proc. Chicago, 1983. 80. Chevesich, J.A., Callaghan, O.H., Wolf, ,M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Behavioral effects in mice produced by monosubstituted phenylethylamines. Fed. Proc. Chicago, 1983. 81. Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J.A., Diamond, S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Stereotyped behavior in mice produced by monosubstituted phenylethylamines. Fed. Proc. Chicago, 983. 82. Wolf, M.E., Jeste, D.V., Mosnaim, A.D. and Rawlings, R.: The clinical association of tardive dyskinesia and parkinsonism. Biolog. Psychiatry. NY, 1983. 83. Wolf, M.E, Quirk, K.R., Koller, W., Diamond, S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Clinical subtypes of tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. NY, 1983. 84. Mosnaim, A.D., Wine, R., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond, S.: Plasma methionine enkephalin levels during migraine episodes. Biolog. Psychiatry. NY, 1983. 85. Wolf, M.E., Pandey, G.N., Mosnaim, A.D., Dysken, M. and Davis, J.M.: Lithium ratio in patients with tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatty. NY, 1983. 86. Wolf, M.E., Javaid, J.I., Mosnaim, A.D. and Davis, J.M.: Butaperazine kinetics in patients with tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. NY, 1983.

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87. Paulos, M.A., Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., and Tessel, R.E.: Phenylethylamine, phenylacetic acid and methionine enkephalin levels in humans following profound acute stress. Trace Amines and the Neurosciences. 9th Intern. Meeting Neurochemistry. Canada, 1983. 88. Wolf, M.E., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine and tardive dyskinesia. Trace Amines and the Neurosciences. 9th Intern. Meeting Neurochemistry. Canada, 1983. 89. Callaghan, O., Mosnaim, A., Chevesich, J., and Wolf, M.: The kinetics of hydroxylation of phenylethylamine, amphetamine and phenylalanine in rodent tissues. Trace Amines and The Neurosciences. 9th Intern. Meeting Neurochemistry. Canada, 1983. 90. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., and Diamond, S.: Noncatecholic phenylethylamines and MAO activity in diabetes and migraine. Trace Amines and the Neurosciences. 9th Inter. Meeting Neurochemistry. Canada, 1983. 91. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., and Zeller, E.A.: Degradation kinetics by MAO of PEA derivatives. A model for the molecular basis of their analgesic and behavioral effects? Trace Amines and the Neurosciences. 9th Intern. Meeting Neurochemistry. Canada, 1983. 92. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Diamond, S., Madubuike, P.U., and Callaghan, O.H.: Brain phenylacetic acid as an index of phenylethylamine neuroactivity. Trace Amines and the Neurosciences. 9th Intern. Meeting of Neurochemistry. Canada, 1983. 93. Callaghan, O.H., Chevesich, J., Murry, E., Mosnaim, A.D., and Wolf, M.E.: Rat liver phyenylethylamine hydroxylase. Structure-activity studies on its inhibition by monosubstituted PEA derivatives. Fed. Proc. MO, 1984. 94. Wolf, M.E., Ryan, J.J., Toll, M., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Cognitive functions in tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1984. 95. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J.A., and Diamond, S. Plasma methionine enkephalin in tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1984. 96. Wolf, M.E., Koller, W.C., Mosnaim, A.D., and Chevesich, B.: Electroencephalogram in tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1984. 97. Wolf, M.E., Bates, H., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Tardive dyskinesia subtypes. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1984. 98. Mosnaim, A.D., Chevesich J., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond S.: Plasma methionine enkephalin. A biological marker for migraine. Amer. Soc. Study Headache. CA, 1984. 99. Callaghan, O.H., Chevesich J., Murry E., Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E.: Inhibition of rat liver phenylethylamine hydroxylase by monosubstituted PEA derivatives. 9th Intern. Congress Pharmacology. England, 1984. 100. Wolf, M.E., Javaid, J.I., Mosnaim, A.D. and Davis, J.M.: Butaperazine kinetics in tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. TX, 1985.

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101. Wolf, M.E., Szanto, P., Caro, M., DeWolfe, A.S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Risk factors for tardive dyskinesia according to primary psychiatric diagnosis. Biol. Psychiatry. TX, 1985. 102. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J., Caro, M., Callaghan, O. and Szanto, P.: Phenylethylamine is hydroxylated and N-methylated by in vitro human brain preparations. 2nd Trace Amines Symposium. Germany, 1985. 103. Mosnaim, A.D., Chevesich, J., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F.G. and Diamond, S.: Plasma methionine-enkephalin as a predictor of vulnerability to migraine. Amer. Assoc. Study Headache. NY, 1985. 104. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Callaghan, O.H.: Studies on the molecular mechanism of phenylethylamine analgesic and behavioral effects. Intern. Symposium Molecular Aspects of Neurobiology. Italy, 1985. 105. Wolf, M.E., Koller, M.C., Caro, M. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Electroencephalogram in tardive dyskinesia. IVth World Congress Biolog. Psychiatry. PA, 1985. 106. Wolf, M.E., Caro, M., Chevesich, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Tardive dyskinesia subtypes. IVth World Congress Biolog. Psychiatry. PA, 1985. 107. Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Plasma methionine enkephalin levels in psychiatric patients. Biolog. Psychiatry. Washington DC, 1986. 108. Wolf, M.E., Caro, M., Rosenberg, D., Gomez, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Phenylethylamine hydroxylation by human brain preparations. Biolog. Psychiatry. Washington DC, 1986. 109. Mosnaim, A.D., Callaghan, O.H., and Wolf, M.E.: Phenylethylamine N-methylation by human brain preparations. FASEB. MO. 1986. 110. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F.G., and Diamond, S.: Differences in plasma methionine-enkephalin levels between migraine and cluster headache patients. Amer. Assoc. Study Headache. IL. 1986. 111. Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D., and Callaghan, O.H.: Clinical and pharmacological characterization of tardive dyskinesia subtypes. III Intern. Congress Clinical Pharmacology Experimental Therapeutics. Sweden. 1986. 112. Diamond, S., Freitag, F., Solomon, G., Wolf, M.E., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Plasma methionine-enkephalin in patients with cluster headache. 6th Intern. Symposium Migraine. England. 1986. 113. Callaghan, O.H., Wolf, M.E., Chevesich, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: N-Methylation of phenylethylamine by postmortem human brain preparations. Biolog. Psychiatry. IL, 1987. 114. Wolf, M.D., Alavi, A., Lips, O. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The electroencephalogram in post traumatic stress disorder. Biolog. Psychiatry. IL, 1987.

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115. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Treatment of tardive dystonia with baclofen. Biolog. Psychiatry. IL, 1987. 116. Wolf, M.E., Callaghan, O.H., Mosnaim, A.D., Chevesich, J. and Szanto, P: Phenylethylamine metabolism to N-Methyl PEA by postmorten human brain preparations. 6th Intern. Catecholamine Symposium. Jerusalem, 1987. 117. Puente, J., Wolf, M. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Studies of the in vitro plasma degradation of met-enkephalin. Soc. Biologia de Chile. Chile, 1987. 118. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: AIDS and Vietnam veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. Psycho-Oncology III Syllabus. Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. NY, 1987. 119. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Carbamazepine in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veterans. Biolog. Psychiatry. Canada, 1988. 120. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Pain, dermatological, and allergic conditions in Vietnam veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. Biolog. Psychiatry. Canada 1988. 121. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Pharmacological interventions in post traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veterans. Biolog. Psychiatry. Canada, 1988. 122. Wolf, M.E., Alavi, A. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Cognitive sequellae of tardive dyskinesia. Biolog. Psychiatry. Canada, 1988. 123. Mosnaim, A.D., Puente, J., Wolf, M., Callaghan, O., Busch, R. and Diamond, S.: Studies of the in vitro human plasma degradation of methionine-enkephalin. FASEB. NA, 1988. 124. Diamond, S., Freitag, F., Shulman, B., Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E.: Migraine through the ages. Research Exhibit. Amer. Psychiatric Association. Canada, 1988. 125. Mosnaim, A.D., Ignacio, R., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, D. and Diamond, S.: MET degradation in headache patients. Amer. Soc. Clin. Pharmacol. Therapeutics. TN, 1989. 126. Ayre, S.G., Skaletski, B. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Effect of insulin on the BBB passage of AZT in rat brain,. Amer. Soc. Clin. Pharmacol. Therapeutics. TN, 1989. 127. Wolf, M.E., Ayre, S., Skaletski, B. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Brain-uptake of azidothymidine in rats. Effect of insulin. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1989. 128. Mosnaim, A.D., Callaghan, O.H. and Wolf, M.E.: Amphetamine metabolism to p-hydroxyamphetamine by postmortem human brain preparations. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1989. 129. Wolf, M.E., Puente, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Plasma methionine-enkephalin in posttraumatic stress disorder. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1989. 130. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Tardive dyskinesia: New perspectives. World Fed. Soc. Biolog. Psychiatry. Regional Congress. Jerusalem, 1989.

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131. Mosnaim, A.D., Diamond, S., Wolf, M.E., Suhattai, G. and Freitag, F.: Neuropeptides, vasoactive amines and headache. World Fed. Soc. Biolog. Psychiatry. Regional Congress. Jerusalem, 1989. 132. Ayre, S.G., Skaletski, B., Mosnaim, A.D.: Enhancement of antiviral therapy in HIV infection using blood-brain barrier (BBB) modifications with insulin: animal data and clinical considerations. V Intern. Conference on AIDS. Canada, 1989. 133. Mosnaim, A.D., Ignacio, R., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Methionine-enkephalin (MET) degradation in cluster headache patients. 4th Internat. Headache Congress. Australia, 1989. 134. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E. and Puente, J.: Headache, neuropeptides and the immune response. Iberoamerican Soc. Cellular Biology. 4th Congress, Chile, 1989. 135. Diamond, S., Freitag, F.G., Gallagher, R.M., Chu, G. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The analgesic efficacy of transnasal butorphanol (TNB) in the acute treatment of migraine. Cephalalgia. 9(Suppl 10): 357, 1989. 136. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Brain, behavior and the immune system. Iberoamerican Soc. Cellular Biology. 4th Congress. Chile, 1989. 137. Wolf, M.E., Lipper, S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Carbamazepine and the kindling hypothesis of PTSD. Biolog. Psychiatry. NY, 1990. 138. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E.: Stress, neuropeptides and the immune response. XVI Intern. Congress Intern. Academy Law and Mental Health. Canada 1990. 139. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in migraine patients, an old story revisited. 8th Migraine Trust Intern. Symposium. England, 1990. 140. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro plasma degradation of methionine enkephalin in post traumatic stress disorder. 2nd Eurp. Confer.Traumatic Stress. The Netherlands, 1990. 141. Marks, S., Tse, R.V., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro metabolism of methionine-enkephalin by human brain preparations. ASPET. WI, 1990 142. Wolf, M.E., Maturana, P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: The electroencephalogram in patients treated with psychotropic drugs. Implications for the neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Biolog. Psychiatry. LA, 1991. 143. Wolf, M.E., Maturana, P. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lithium and neuroleptic pharmacokinetic interactions. Biolog. Psychiatry. LA 1991. 144. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Studies of platelet monoamine oxidase activity during an acute cluster headache attack. 5th Intern. Headache Congress. Washington DC, 1991.

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145. Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E.: Lithium-neuroleptic interactions. Amer. Psychiatric Association. LA, 1991. 146. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Methionine-enkephalin in post traumatic stress disorder. Amer. Psychiatric Association. LA, 1991. 147. Wolf, M. E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Vulnerability, resilience and post traumatic stress disorder. 8th Intern. Conference on Multiple Personality / Dissociative States. IL, 1991. 148. Wolf, M. E., Maturana, P., Farinha, P., Kucuk, O., Puente, J. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Natural killer cell activity in post traumatic stress disorder patients. Response to methionine-enkephalin and B-endorphin challenge. Amer. Psychiatric Assoc. Washington DC, 1992. 149. Mosnaim, A.D., Maturana, P., Kucuk., Wolf, M. E., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Natural killer cell activity in migraine patients. Response to methionine-enkephalin challenge. Amer. Assoc. Study Headache. Canada, 1992. 150. Wolf, M.E., Maturana, P. and Mosnaim, A. D.: Natural killer cell activity in PTSD. Response to methionine-enkephalin challenge. Biolog. Psychiatry. Washington DC, 1992. 151. Mosnaim, A.D., Huprikar, S., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond.: Platelet monoamine oxidase activity during an acute cluster headache episode. Biolog. Psychiatry. Washington DC, 1992. 152. Lee, H., Tung, N.P., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Methionine-enkephalin degradation by human brain preparations. 3rd. EurAsia Conf. Chemical Sci. Thailand, 1992. 153. Puente, J., Tung, N.P., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Methionine-enkephalin degradation by human plasma preparations. 3rd. EurAsia Conf. Chemical Sci. Thailand, 1992. 154. Wolf, M.E., Tung, N.P., Lee, H., Shen, J. and Mosnaim, A D.: Leucine-enkephalin (LEU) metabolism by human brain preparations. FASEB. LA, 1993. 155. Tung, N.P., Maturana, P., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro leucine-enkephalin (LEU) degradation by human plasma. FASEB. LA, 1993. 156. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Natural killer cell activity in migraine patients. Response to methionine-enkephalin (MET) and B-endorphin (B-EP) challenge. Amer. Soc. Clin. Pharmacol. Therapeutics. Hawaii, 1993. 157. Tung, N.P., Shen, J., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: In vitro methionine-enkephalin (MET) degradation by human plasma. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1993. 158. Wolf, M.E., Szanto, P., Marks, S., Tung, N.P., and Mosnaim, A.D.: Methionine-enkephalin metabolism by human brain preparations. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1993. 159. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Cutaneous and ocular side effects with Chlorpromazime therapy. Biolog. Psychiatry. PA, 1994.

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160. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Treatment of axial dystonia with Clozapine. Biolog. Psychiatry. PA, 1994. 161. Mosnaim, A.D., Wolf, M.E., Freitag, F., Maturana, P. and Diamond, D.: Endogenous opioid peptides and the immune system in migraine. Amer. Assoc. Study Headache. IL, 1994. 162. Mosnaim, A.D., Curr, M., Conran, J., Lesley, B., Frenkel, C. and Wolf, M. E.: Inhibition of plasma methionine-enkephalin degradation by neuroleptic drugs. Biolog. Psychiatry. FL, 1995. 163. Wolf, M.E., Bukowski, E., Conran, J., Sirotovskaya, L., Kagan, V. and Mosnaim, A.D.: An analysis of the factors contributing to polypharmacy. Biolog. Psychiatry, FL, 1995. 164. Mosnaim, A.D., Freitag, F., Karoum, F., Wolf, M.E., Diamond, D. and Salas, M.A.: Migraine and the contents of tyramine and phenylethylamine in food. Biolog. Psychiatry, NY, 1996. 165. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Analysis of factors contributing to polypharmacy. X World Congress Psychiatry. Spain, 1996. 166. Mosnaim, A.D., Freitag, F., Karoum, F., Wolf, M.E. and Diamond, D.: Reexamination of the contents of tyramine and phenylethylamine in foods commonly restricted in tyramine-free, migraine friendly diets. Course "The Practicing Physician's Approach to the Difficult Headache Patient", Palm Springs. CA, 1997. 167. Sepúlveda, C., Puente, J., Weinstein, C., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Studies on the mechanism of natural killer cell activation in HIV-1 infection. Exper. Biology. CA, 1997. 168. Sepúlveda, C., Puente, J., Weinstein, C., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Alterations in the mechanism of natural cytolysis in HIV-1 infection. Biolog. Psychiatry. CA, 1997. 169. Wolf, M.E., Gazmuri, R., Moffat, M. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lithium, hypercalcemia and arrhythmias. Amer. Psychiatry. Inst. Psychiatric Services. Washington DC, 1997 170. Puente, J., Miranda, D., Blanco, L., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Natural killer cell signal transduction mechanism mediated by lipopolysaccharide activation. Exper. Biology. CA, 1998. 171. Wolf, M.E., Ranade, V., Lutz, G. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Bipolar disorders, arrhythmia and anticonvulsants. Biolog. Psychiatry. Canada, 1998. 172. Mosnaim, A.D., Salas, M.A., Nguyen, T.D., Puente, J. and Wolf, M.E.: Inhibition of plasma leucine-enkephalin degradation by phenothiazine drugs. Biolog. Psychiatry. Canada, 1998. 173. Wolf, M.E., Ranade, V., Lutz, G. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lithium and electrocardiographic findings in hypercalcemia. Amer. Psychiatric Association. Canada, 1998. 174. Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Lithium and electrocardiographic findings. APA Institute on Psychiatric Services. CA, 1998.

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175. Wolf, M. E., Ranade, V., Somberg, J., Lutz, G. and Mosnaim, A. D.: Hypercalcemia, arrhythmia and psychotropic drugs. Biolog. Psychiatry. Washington DC, 1999. 176. Mosnaim, A. D., Puente, J., Carrasco, C., Freitag, F. and Diamond, S.: Effect of triptans on natural killer cell activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Biolog. Psychiatry. Washington, DC, 1999. 177. Wolf, M.E., Saavedra, R., Hoang, K., Freitag, F., Diamond S. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Leucine-enkephalin metabolism in various patient populations. Drug Effects. Biolog. Psychiatry. Chicago, 2000. 178. Valenzuela, M. A., Cartier, L., Wolf, M.E., Collados, L., Kettlun, A.M. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Metalloproteinases activity in various neurological disorders. Biolog. Psychiatry. Chicago, 2000. 179. Valenzuela, M.A., Cartier, L., Collado, L., Kettlun, A.M., Araya, F, Concha,., Flores, L., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Metalloproteinases and neurological disorders. Amer. Psychiatric Association. Chicago, 2000. 180. Mosnaim, A. D., Tao, N. D., Freitag, F., Diamond, D. and Wolf, M.E.: Effect of Psychotropic drugs on leucine-enkephalin metabolism. Soc. Biolog. Psychiatry. New Orleans, 2001.

181. Wolf, M. E., Tao, N. D. and Mosnaim, A. D.: Leucine-enkephalin metabolism and psychiatric disorders. Amer. Pychiatric Association. New Orleans, 2001. 182. Mosnaim, A. D., Wolf, M. E., Hidalgo, K. and Puente, J.: Triptans-induced immunological changes. In vitro studies. Soc. Biolog. Psychiatry. Philadelphia, 2002. 183. Mosnaim, A. D., Hidalgo, K., Diamond, D, Puente, J. and Wolf, M. E.: Triptans and immune response. Amer. Pychiatric Association. Philadelphia, 2002. 184. Valenzuela, M.A., Cartier, L., Collados, L., Kettlun, AM., Araya, F., Concha, C., Flores, L., Wolf, ME and Mosnaim, AD.: Gelatinase activity of matrix metalloproteinases in the cerebrospinal fluid of various patient populations. Amer. Pychiatric Association. Philadelphia, 2002. 185. Mosnaim, A.D. and Diamond, S.: Human plasma leucine-enkephalin degradation. Inhibition by a select number of phenothiazine drugs useful in the management of migraine. American Headache Society. Seattle, 2002 186. Mosnaim, A. D., Saavedra, R., Wolf, M. E. and Diamond, S.: Human plasma leucine-enkephalin metabolism. Modulation by selective drugs useful as migraine rescue medication. 14th Intern. Symposium Migraine. London. England, 2002. 187. Kettlun, A.M., Collados, C., García, L., Cartier, L.A., Wolf, M.E., Mosnaim, A.D. and Valenzuela, M.A.: Matrix metalloproteinases profile in patients with Creuztfeldt-Jakob Disease. Soc. Biolog. Psychiatry. San Francisco, 2003.

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188. Mosnaim, A.D., Hoang, C.D., Freitag, F., Diamond, D. and Wolf, M.E.: Inhibitors of enkephalin degradation as therapeutic agents for migraine and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Int. Congress of Biolog. Psychiatry. Sydney. Australia, 2004. 189. Valenzuela, M.A., Kettlun, A.M., Collados, C., García, L., Cartier, L.A., Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E.: Matrix metalloproteinases and protein 14-3-3 in Creuztfeldt-Jakob disease. Int. Congress of Biolog. Psychiatry. Sydney. Australia, 2004. 190. Wolf, M.E., Puente, J., Freitag, F., Diamond, D. and Mosnaim, A.D.: Inhibition of plasmatic enkephalin-aminopeptidase degradation. Target for novel therapeutic agents. Soc. Biolog. Psychiatry. New York, 2004. 191. Mosnaim, A.D., Valenzuela, M.A., Cartier, L.A., Kettlun, A.M., Collados, C., García, L., and Wolf, M.E.: A new biological marker for Creuztfeldt-Jakob disease. Amer. Psychiatric Association. New York, 2004. 192. Mosnaim, A.D., Puente, J., Tse, R. and Wolf, M.E.: In vitro human brain methionine-enkephalin metabolism. Experimental Biology. San Diego, CA, 2005 193. Mosnaim, A.D., Diamond, S., Freitag, F. and Wolf, M.E.: Role of enkephalins in migraine headache. 4th Annual Headache Research Symposium. Palm Spring, CA, 2006 194. Couceyro, P., Mosnaim, A.D. and Hagshenas, L.: A novel role for CART peptides in aggression and social interaction: implications for social and psychiatric disorders. Society for Neurosciences. Atlanta. Georgia, 2006 195. Mosnaim, A.D., Nguyen, T.D., Tse, R. and Wolf, M.E.: In vitro methionine-enkephalin degradation kinetics by human brain preparations. Soc. Biolog. Psychiatry. San Diego, 2007 196. Jaque, M.P., Carrasco, C., Cruz, C., Valenzuela, M.A., Puente, J., Wolf, M.E. and Mosnaim, A.D. Triptan drugs, natural killer cell cytotoxicity and neutrophils pro-matrix metalloproteinase-9 secretion. 5th Annual Headache Research Symposium. Phoenix. AZ, 2008 197. Mosnaim, A.D. and Wolf, M.E.: Decreased plasma methionine-enkephalin levels in cluster headache patients. Amer. Psychiatric Association. Philadelphia, 2012
