Education in Nepal: Report of the Nepal National Education Planning Commission


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Education in Nepal: Report of the Nepal National Education Planning CommissionPREPARED BY
Sardar Rudra Raj Pandey-Chairman of the Commission (Chairman oftbe Board of Education of NepaI)
Kaisher Babadur K.C.-Critic Member of the Commission (Secretary of Education, Government of Nepal)
Dr. Hugh B. Wood_Educat\onal Advisor to the Commission (professor of Education, University of Oregon, USA)
AU IOghJs Rtln'Ded
The text or this publication or any part thereor may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing
from the publisher.
yM a'. jug Education
General Outline of the Plan
The: Cwric:uIum for Primary Schools
Thc: Cmric:ulu.m for Secondary Schools
U::Ii\enu!; Education
POTt IV-Educational Progrm
V 'The People Speak
Port I-TIre Survq
Presentation of the Completed Report, March I, 1955-
Sardar Rmlra Raj Pandcy, Chairman of the Commission, (third from left) presents the mimcographcd Rcr0rt tu the I-IOllorable t...linisler 01" Euu"a· tion, D~. Dilli R. Rcgmi, at a formal ceremony held in Gallery Hall. Seilted al the left is Dr. Hugh B. Wood, Educational Adviser to the Commissio1l; standing- at the right is Trailokya ::\ath Crl"aily, Sccrctal'y-Treas\lIcr of the Commission.
T in aJ fenn' with mak,
N delle is gc is th m",,' co,"" is 01
aod t
1 missi and yeM ceivt MOl nati( Ou, D,. O,~
n......nd teMby ioad~. n.e I",~ 01 imol.....ua1 a"';D"""''' ;n almc.1 aD tbt adY=ttd """,,17'" kM t-n w". "ip. ......;" in limnent. Am-c an <x>untna in A<i.a. ha", bwndl"';! ~"""rir>n plans "ith pIalh .Dd dritt ... break-neck speed 10 wipe out illilef2C! and n>at.e democnt:y • OItcu:ss.
XepaI io pasO"!I" thro..!!"h a crisio in Mt histo<y. n.. a<h't:nt of democrur ha. l>unknM 1= proplr wi.h Jtt&ter ...,.,.,D>ibilitia.. Sh~ io pUt, If> hI>Id a~ dtttioo in .hc diswu (..I....,. Education is lhe Ant. q""'.""" of ou"",,"" of <kmoc.acy. "Wc ....... ed"""'" 00. marter.," a. the Q,Hcsr p>s>iblc oppnnuni'Y. If ignononcc and mi«:racy .emain (or a I~ time, democracy will .pcn doom and disaJI",. Hcrr is onc oppnnunlly for lb..."'. of mr>l!>e' Nepal 10 m .... forwa,d and r"hl asains, dum... and bring lighl in .he country.
Th. ,<:comm.ndallOM mad. by the Nepal Educa,;on Planning eo...... miMlnn "illl~k fO, 'h.",!!Ch·... In 'he pr""n' .'moop".... ~rr,...lJ"aOnn and d""!",ir, 'hal the 'eporl c<m'd be 'ubtnl'ted wi'hin kso lhan a y~a, lJ ,t.SOlf a toslimony nf Ihe C<H>p<:,uion 'hu tb. <x>mnm.ion ,e­ ~i"ed f,om 'he people in genenJ and Ihe ed"ea,iontttl in particular. ).,Iost of ;,. memben and ovalu.lon ....."ked with ••a! in the Ipiri' of na'ional """';e<:, and the ,",creury with his .Iaff never .pared paiM. Ou. 'hanb are due to all. But Ipedal menl;on may be of Dr. Hugh B. l'Y""d, Educalional Advioo. ftoont the Univenity of Orqnn, ,,·h..e indc:!il.tigable labour ond I""'mpt<: in the p~radoD or .h;" "'POri ha,,,,, Ix>cn ;'waJ~ble.
It io hoped that the report will rcce,"C due mnaidcn.'ion ;n .he hands of the 8'>,..,rnmml and ed....don will """,Ive "'P1lriority in ill Kbane ofou, country'. <kxdopmen••
Rudra Raj Pa.nd~
I" the Fall or 19S3. I _ ;n,ited '" N~ to .....rer with the Ministry of Ed........... olliciah _ cd.......';' poobktns and polnl­ tio.litics in this anmllY, 1 >no ",Iocd to ourvey ""iYlng a",dilMms and r=tn,n=ul a plan '0< 'he d""clo",nt:n' of a ....'ionaI sysl<m of cd"".'io,,_ I """n't:rcd ,he in,ilalion wilh an olT~r to .cl '"' ed....-A· ,;"nal ail.';"", to a high·kw.! nau", cdue,u"'n planning <omm;";"" if ,,,.h w""c apl"'i,,,.d. I that ,,,ch an _gnmen, Wa! a t ..k fot ,h. lc~dc" ~r 1\<]),,1, not Ibr a [",e;!:"",, And 'he aco,mplishmcoll "r the Cnmmis$ion now Iland n. ,,,,'imon)" to 'he ..,"'''Im.... of 'hi, oV;"i"". True, ,h. m.mben h~,c made me fed that J Om """, a ~"""l "f I\'cp'l 'ha" • ("r<is,,", , thcir hoop;,,,li,)", ~nd Ih' of all the Nel""I..., hao been ovcr_whdming, But ,hi. RCI"''' i. a product of ,h,..,. JCO,.., N"f"lcoe cdu..",o,,,;rts and ka""n. TIle "'l"\~, th<; qUCSlionnai,.." ,h. outline, lh. discussion.. 11.., [,,,,,,ul_,kon of policicl and pnnciplc<. lhe en.blislunmt ..r tar!l"<I, ,hc plah, the reo>mmcnd­ a,iuns~J1 .Inn r,om lhe mcmbcn or the COOhmi.....ll, I conRdtt it a gml r.ri'~...S" '" ha''''' I""", pcnn1ntd to ~ in 1h<' crcal;"" and lixging or ,hil Rcpo." P.anicuJa..-Jy. I ha,.., a.!n,;"cd the roucd dc<crm;""'",,, of the Chain'...... and h. Ic3dcnhlp t1uoush ·'rousb tiJnQ~; J have apprttia,cd lb<: £aithr..1rlcos of the mcmbe.. and rh<:ir "';Uinc_ '" do 'htir ohan: , I ha,.., baslcd ;" ,he cnl..",rnJ~ of ...... writcn, both in ~ aDd the ~atiom; I lCnUltl!· bopc l!>ere wiP be a I1ich pUrt iD the Gfa' Bc)'OlId b tMot: ""­ t.ur1!~ who draflC(\ 10 ml>Ch or ,he Report.
nu. is the Rep..... ; bu' ,he job is no, drnlc-l' ..... only lqun. Forn,na<dy, rht:no will r>ot be the umal. pcriooJ bcrwecn lI>e '"rq><>rt" and ',,",,'ion," bcca""" :u:tiOll is al<cady und........y. SolD<: of ,he rccommcll<b.,io!1J ha,.., been implemented "" ~tcd in Cbapler x..X. Bo'1 Ihe gl'Ca1 I.... loos ah""'d. Vni..."..,1 prImary td .."",;"n, ad lilerae)'. O)mprehcnoivc ..,.,.,ndary td.....tinn, all''''' ha'i"nal uni''Cr>ily -lhcsc anI! lIUny nlher gO,.)1 beckon tOo the rncmbc,.. or the Comrnissinn and tll';, eolleag.."" in Ihe development or Ihi. de""""a.y 11<", in 'he hea,t "rtlle Himalayu.
From the dcptld "rmy he.,I, J leave my I>c1t wioh"" with }'OU.
Hug!> B. W<><>d EJ-no-I~ .

C"APT!'.J' ,
With the rta ..'n "f dca>ncn.<J in :\<pal in 19~, ,h.".. came an awalcming of the need for e,hOOll.,.,. The ncttOSi~'~" rn:'" Iiter.l"l' and lh. 'J"'""d of cdue':llion all ""tT .he country, f,,,,,, ,he ~I<ehi to lhe ~I; and the Hi""'l.j.... ." the T<ni, hat bcflI kcmlr kIt. XcporJ hat b<cn tnllowirtll a pnlicy of ioolatinn and as ""'" has b:cn Up. in total cbr1u>ed,1IDCOflt.:Ltni,,,,ttd by .... pram......r <ivilIuUoa. tw both tood and t.d ell«..~ in .h. XlIX ""'. "" other 0J""'tD ba.s .trud ~ mol, and bring a .-irein to<!(~" ''ttT p<>(W t:ocldOIatiDn) >he an dft_ ha DVm xb<mc and pla.., 'l1Iac can be: tuilC'd 10 d.. ~phical p>loiiinn and hittorical uadil;"" of ..... COW1I')", ..'ilh ••icw to~ the r>alio<W indi>idualitj'.!'Id ;nt<'rll1li<mal oOOdari~', h hat bn:n b:od ill ,h• ......, m..t the .....Id hat ach':LDcro., fa< attd .....0. aD b:o<b.~ Ih.t h.rdIy 1>0" pttttn. of.he J'O!>lJblion ;,. the """nU')' <an rcod "00 ...-i'e. Th.... is orithcr r,,(>id """,no '" ,,:>mJ:lmnic1tion ...,.. • _ure cctmOIlIic e<>ndilKm- The problaN fO, the <'(>Un,,,· ..... 'hut qui.< h.... "nt.l.he odds "lI'ai.., Unprm.....e<>, .rc .1"",", inm"""i,-"bl.. aut ,her ",us, be ",ked, f<>r"", h,a,,, '" mardl .no..ldcr '" .tw.,k!er wi,h o,her "",ionl of lhe wocld as Wc """"me mcn,bcn IIf world ""l;'""iuliorn.
In order to ""'\co dOnlOCfll<'!'. rcaJ <ueccn wc h.,,, 10 educo.le our pc,,?I. wilhin the ,horl.,t p<l$.i~le time, cspc<:;.II)· tinGe univ.....1aduil ,,,f1ragc h.. "h"dy bee" prvdxi"..d. The dan~," of diclatOflhip or ch-il war dtle tu mi""e nl" ,he righ, lo .-,,'e mw' be ."ni<led .nd ,hi. is nut l"l"i~ic in a '''''"If)' like OUrI wi,h"u' proper ed"".,ion,
A#fi81_81 .IIM e..",..w;... Until 1950 .h..~ had hem. ""Iy limiled ed,ocational fnili,;'" in :"cpal
.nd th..., ....".., mcn~ for a ,.~. few penplf,. Wilh "'" rce<>gn,tinn nf cduca,ion as the kq.,.(",e '" democra~·. the eo....nmcnl nf X"I"'1 ......b­ Iioh«I att EdUOltinn &ard in 19~ to ,upeni>c and expand the ",,;,ling edu<-atinDal faciliti... In a mectintl; orthio &.rd MId in :-;",-.mbcr, 19~3.
lhe~ ...... made '" the Go-"CInI1>Cn' th.a. a :"aUonal Coonmi&ion ~ PIanniJ:Is Ed<OCa,im> be .~t<:d 10 tun..,. ""io<i:lfl cd..............1 frii_ tla and 10 p<q>arC a rd:ocme b natinnal~ education On Nepal. It had been poin'ed oul bcbc in the Chaioman', addrcNa to the .......1.ocn of the Bow-d. thal aun~ ~......" ofcducotion!Or the ...hole counlrJ in
2 upon or ';~'AL Inl1CATlO>l PU>lNJNO C»>OOu.:I10>l
place 0( dj,~tmcUlod.o i> ~,ial ; tl>«< "'UOI be traincd!C&dl.... in
abundan<~, and l\"<:pal mull ha'''' heT o"n uni~enilf'
Dr. HURh B. Wood. educational rpccialist from th~ Unh..,...;ty of
Or~, U. S. A.• ",'''0 ..... in India DC! a fulbri!tll leaching asignm<:nt,
~ ,m'lled '0 i"q>aI immed;"lelr to C<>o> "'i,h lhe .\lin"<cry or EdtoCllhnn
ollieialo on 'he motttt. Following Iou v_h, 'he r""'anm.n, a('pOw'ed 'h. l\"a'ionaJ EducoUoo Planning e-m~ Tb. mcml"cn ol 'hi> Cam·
miooion wen: d>a.r:n to '.po """'" ,....iou> ..- _,ion< ...r1h~ peopIc of
.'\epo.l. Include<! in 'h~ ",cmbenhip "....., rq>re«:n'.ui.... of 'he'dill'ert:n'
grOllp" of m'n and ",,,,,,cn f,om ,he :odmini."ati"c __ice., ,he !'ublie
Sen'iu eo............n. I"" MinUlry nf Edu<ati<m, rcpoacn....'i,·'" of lhe, ~', ottr>ndary, and !UKhn 1"'-dI or ed"nllion, and
Cl<p'" i.n«d bymcn (m'enllll: pn<;ticall)' the "'hole nf 'he Hirna4y:an
hi!hland', 'he central ":a1l0)~, and ,he lhin ba,,~ of 'he Ta....i bth of
i'\q>aI. The ...."'ben of.he Com", iot> "'P''''<nl<'d all "",\I,. of life and
a~ ....... of <he..-. ....,,"'nIDn« in cd"""'it>n in Sepal. In all.
H Wtte invi'ed to patticipa'., bu'lOffle ,,-e.: unable to pv'idr-te because
of distance fr"m ,10, and otheT.......,.... ("'am.. of ,h. Comm"""n
members "'110 ocn...I "'i11 be fuund in Appcndi~ I.)
Sanlar Rudra. Raj i'anrk'!' ..ilo ...,.. au " of lhe Ed"""tion
brd, Wa' appnin'c<l '" Chairman of ,h. Com ;""'n. T ...ilo~." "'a,h
Up";!},, Dcpu')' Scen·...ry of I::d",""itm appoin'ed Sc:actar)'.T "rcr
of the Com<n~ 1),-. Wo<>rI w" ked ID ""'.., ... the Ed tional
Ad,...". to ,he Cvmmiuion.
Tb<: work oflhe Commitlioa ..... ina"l"""ted on 22. 19S4, in
Gall..,..,· Hall or ,he SecT",",ia' of the Go''CnlItttO' or"'cpaI :at Kalhmarodu.
Sa'dar Rudra Raj Pand'I" Ch"irtmon or ,h. Cummiuion, .pt>l. or 'he
gioric> of ancien' Xepa when 'Ile co"n"y ......, the e",.,,,,,,,1o
and aluao..... in ,he Eas'. ",",lot "Park ,~" 'ba' <elip••d.'\epaI afoe.- .he
oiJctea1'h CCD'ury, and <he ....duaJ :a"-..kcni,,, in 'he p<cs<n' ccntuty. In
conehllion, he did :
It i' DO rime l'or the in...;""' '0 be didtc""~ncd and '0
remain aloof as <nctC opet:UOIOn ,,-bat diounMl' and mi>undenwoding
an ,·it;"'ing 'he 3'~phC'J"e. As ,10= ..."no' bc n", opin"''''
regarding 'he i",,,,,rtanee of education, i' ;s "",r... to fUld faul'
",ith i' and offtt ........... ID others. Le, CYCI)"011C .laDd ohouldc:r '0
obou.Idtt and help in b<lnP>I lOno<><d an cd",...tiona\ """ramme.
Only cd"",,'c<! people can .., :a j"" ,.,.1... nn dern<><racy. If tduca·
'ionar programme> O<:t •• "'ep~l". hi"",)" "'hieh h... faced
'wo earlier "'.baeb ·ill, fur the 'hird lime. filcc 'otal desttuetion.
Tb<: edL><:a<icmal programm. to be lOnnulalCd thould enlighten
110. very- dcptlto of Xapal', IOUI :and cnrieh il with 'he ICicnlilie
knowledge "r m"""'n ,,"'... '0 "",h the ""u"try ..If-oufficient in
.....,. ,,·ar. ..,. Wba' wc need io. nation·wide plan for c<l"ea,ion
,,'lU<:h should 'eplace tltc prcxnt I""ehpo<cll "l..tem and otir "I''' wrIve of "'''10....1r...ting frtnrt 'he Morbi in the r.u', to ,he .\fah"Uli
in .h. W ..." and from the frontier. of lIbel in ,he North '0 ,he
T......; in .10. South. I ea,-ru'Stll' "'ioh mr <:oun'Il=ell to ",I,.., their
ec:o<>oonic probfcmo, noake th.cir: country p<<>lf'<71>'l'l in ... tt1 _y
and mainl.&in thC'ir ecUJcoe<: withou'looing their idenu.)·,
­Co­"- ;t.... •'""3• ••:•••••
-------- ,
Dr. D, R. R~. <he HOllOrable Mina'., "fEd..."",;on, thm ra'-' <he i<I.a~~. He ...;.;I <hat ....., .houkl no' dcprnd upon Que
?MO ~= .... 11>:.. "'C ",ut' build IOr the fut~. for llIere i!; _ a
r.oa:~ .,. ~l<'d. ~... lit<Tatc, prop,", in Napal. Dr. Rqmi
, ...... 6A:. u.. ...... s.u..l:rj, " ...«tII <>f <'duo...,., had ou~ la
- ! ;a:IC! Iba! :'>ryoal Iud ... f.u r~lcd with lhe gll of finding a
__ "!'S"=' baood OIl Bauonal aspita';"nJ, tradition"~ and the needs of the
!. urd 0( lupponing such .. 'j",'nn rnli,,;"ally. Ho .-fl.'l'red to ,h.
6::1."'" olhooks ift IlK ='tpali la",~ and add«! tha' the lan~ Iw1
'000 made lhe Am<" p"",'U> dur~ .... Wo. 6f,y loran as the t<-isn and
~~ <>f II'dia b:l......,.
The HononIbl. ~Iini"tt lhen h.rncd IQ ,h. taSk at hand. He .. id
r.lut a JOund educational'I"'''''' could n<>' be imported from Oul>idc, but
"'::s, t.. '''..,,),-''<1 oul "fth. ntt<b and ".di,io,," ",I the «Iunt.-y. He "'cnt
<>cl to Iuget tluo,,,~ ",us, cultiv.~ <he habit or It}illl '" ol4Ind on our
-... ~ He aborted the rich<:r J>COfI:e to be~ in Ih." <'OIl".;.
boa.....,. to educ.>.tioftal ino.!i.u....... He ..,0.1 du, the tilllC Iu!I coonc wftm
t!loM: "'M M<:r~<d by oh. pMplc mus' came li>rwafd. Ho "'S8U<M
rh.:l' 'he C,mminl<>n mnuid .~llmin. npccially the oui'abilit)" nf lh.
;>!"Op<.o>ed pi."" ,,, the n<cd> of 'he counlry, Srceial $,"= 'hould all<> 1><:
~ ""- the leachin.'!' of ,,,, to that the l"'l~ and lIirll who enm•
...., of Kbooh .no...1d be able j6 earn a Jj...jll3. U. aloo j6.ochcd on
CaDdhiji·, O}-=tn of~ £dilation atid ,qreuM ,ha, che Basic orioooIo
........ DO< ~i"!l on .... well as had br:en hoped. 1-1. drew ,he allencion
of the Corn",;"';"'" CO ""m' of oh..., p>O&ibl. ckknt ",hjeb $tood in ch•
..·a~· of'hoomoo'h progreM oftho Book ""hoot..
Or. Rqm' c'"-<l by eU,ot<i"r ch. ConnmioUon co '...r ....:r ~!.Ili(\J;
MlIOtioNJ fuili".. in on;Icr Iha.' they mal' be 'nlJ"'<>'"'f:d, but conttrural•
.... <be deI~c 0( a Kbcon< .... nallo<>al ed...... tion re..- all 0 pt<:>pIe
lIu' ,,-ill ~1Cllte IgnonI\<C and ;JI'ceracy. and bring ....ppj and
proIpcricy 10 our Sl",>ou' ""untry.~
:\Ir. Paul IV, R.ooe, J)iroc,or, United S"".,. Opcra,i<l"" Ui"ion, 'hon
<;>ok<: on the place of ""'o<acion in ....,ional plano.inlJ aoo. devdopment.
H. oaid thac'h.~test ra<>uro;e ofaD)" ""tion"'1S P""I'lc ; <Mher .........n:a
ha•.,. "" .-aIuc ac:ept .... <bc:)' rda'" It> p<oplc. Ed..cabo<>;' the moo.!
61l1dar=n\.a1 part of any m .."lIy'. de-"dopmcnt prnsramme. He th."
dwelt on 'he imp<>rlaneo nfthe teacha and 'he hItS' wk of crainmg c...ehcn
'h., Ha ahead. He .aid SO,OOO ceaeha, arc needed al lOOn u po.. ibk
M,. Rote: dosed b)' offaing the full coopt::ra,ion and .up!"'" of 'he United
S... ,a Opc:n.tiono :\r...... to the -.t ofthc Com.rnission and ,h. <b""'J>­
......, ofan ed"""ti<><W~. for Nepal.
The Hn"orabIc M.mnc:r ,hen inltod..atd Dr. HP«h B. Wood,
Prof....". of FA""" ffllm ,h. U"iv.,.,ily ofO'eeon, "'ho ,,·a. to ....'. u
<h. Comma.k",', educacional eOl\ml",,,,. Dr. Wood emph..i"d once
again 'hat a ""un<! ed"....'io"aJ 'l-"Cftl wu aocntial IOr 'he ~row'h of
~'. and conlicmed whal 'he HonorabU: Minista h;ul ....d abo..c
the l>CCd of de>..\opir'lJ elI"""'ioa "" M'ionallin<s. H. u.e.. >p>k. abooot
<lte rok or ceachen and IM nca:I fat orldeopo-ead cach""' If"ain'ns- in <he
,..,.... ..hem. of ching>, ad<lin« 'hal ic ""tie< 10 na,1 &om Uso:talch"
<ItUI h.n~ precariou,ly onCo a 'ou.ring .""e, e which was on 'he verge

w.,! ~ IN Ce>oPniJ1iOJo ~
lmmcdiady following lhe inaugural cerrn\onics, the O:>n""i.. ion Opal<'<.l a r",,' bu,inc'l> .""iun. Th..... """kmg commi".." were org~n;,,,,l on /ldminiuration, C"rr;c"t"m, anrl T<'3.chcr Training. and went into <el",rote "",;">nl. 'n,. <"'m,n"'",," "",line<! the p<oblo",. rdating to their rcopr<;lh~"",""t<, Ji.",,! ",IL'en Hrd",a (0 I>< ,,>«I in moodng I <hac probkm., .nd determined their '..'rki", pwo:"<Iurcs. At lhe do.. IJ ofeach <la)' ,he ct>nu.,i,k<:'O mc' wgrther u • c."nmission ''''" • f",,- n';nute:$ to cuha.n~ ideas and pmblcmo.
T_ major compliatioos....- imlU(lia,dl'. Fint, the abom« or systematic .tpQr';n~, the lack of"""""=;"",;0,,, and the rT<:ClKI" "rCClltrsl ~t ...pen""" orcduao,ion., =ated • dutth ofinfonDa,ion .b<>ul the ~, "",,\11 of .0""""",,_ ~r1k\oLuly JM.... the p<OpIc nr the "",iotI rocl .1><>..\ I,. TIIO<':>it. ,be CcmJR..... dec:ided ... o<>c< ,,, pr~ a co....podw,..;,...q~c10 be ocn' 10 all par.. oflbc rountry. and. irI
thc <duu..i<nIal mi$tal:.<1 m.roc b,' otl.... "",mtries .nd buiW nlpidly alona nn.' ]1.-. Taltil>ll about the taSb nf the Cnrnmission, how 'he de\'eIoprnem ~~ ""md alue:otionally.u:m in l\'..p.1 .oquir", tbe Il..d)· .. the n"t~ ...-li...... and proh&tms in ,anu .... their .....'e oi ftnlont'<, possible _. 1<>Wft$ .... on"",,,,, ..·hith ,he p«>pk ..uuld be p<'qI'Ucd tl)
p&~', ~nd ..·hcth<T lher red \hi:~ fnr & _ cd"",-tionai fJnlV&t"'M for ,.....<h, &dalel<ma., and adulu, or specioJ...d alucalio>o ror Ibc ......, ou.t oi ror dwir 1Ic:n<k:r punc.
Dr. Wood ...""""rited his eonrer.:n_ wiu. manben of,l.., I:dl«'.li.... :\linimr in 'he r.n of J933. He ",,-id mal lIIe:"" tw.J been generat 4'..... men' on f"'e po;",,;
I. Educ.lion i> essential to dnnoalr:y. 2. A" Muuli"n "-"<110 ",,,.1 be ~d IOn the nen!! and culture or
Ihe IP«;~< ....';ntr)" in "hieh it i> lo f""r.lion. 3. ,\ ."r"oy of ;ndi,'id"al ~1\d OO<"ial ncod. i...",,,,ial to Ihe d",,,Jop.
menl ur on od"(ali"nal ""heme. 4. Th~ k"\'",u"o or a" edlleation~J .\..1.", ;, [he ,e~d\« an'! ,hi.
e~rr. rtle <a",ful training in C<lmmon l'u'I-"'''''', wmffi(l" ",.\h"d., and eommun und....tandingo.
3. ,'Ut eduatio....1 o,...em m"", JlCO'~d< "' ,he 'op!Or ,he ttaining "rlca<k-uhip in all "·all,. o(li(c.
Dr. Wnod ,he" 1t'Jtll:e<trd .h.>, I.... Corn ........... :drould be: dj,1dcd in.....,b-<:nmmill.... tu nomi<k'o o""h probl<ml •• M"catio...I .un.. ""rn. ",.Ium and ,,,,,,butoks ; :.<law>i>tnotK>n., ~ntt, ~nd~ ; a.<~l ._hen' t",.ininR:. He .up:<'I<d thaI ..... <WDDtitl«S C'" 10 ..-""k immcdi:atCII' .not rn>duu • dr31'1 of" rq>or' ror tho: ..-.nHd<ra...... of \.he mtircc.n............

, :odditiotl, ... ocnd ~ number of ;"'CI'\"ic:wm ID......u,;,. ar... '" dct<:rm.;ODeduc:uional «>ndi'io.... and ...pinlio.... , TI,e """'m;ll= wc<c ••ked toIIJbmi' quesl.l<>... r..... the ques,Oo",,,,,iTc It>." would dicit ;nf""r=.ion <IQiudby their group.
S«ond, it immcd;;,'cly became "I'P....<nllhat «r1ain p«lpOS&h, on"'hieb th..., could bt 11!1I. <;onl"""enl', tt't.lnly ",,,,,Id be rcconun.nd,dby the Conuna.inn, and Iba' IlOmc of th_ propooal, wet. of .uffi<i"".w gcncrt0 rftjui,c ea,ly 1CUon by the Min.~·<If &I"",,';"... 'I"b<:rri:>rc. !he co""mi"... WO'<:~ I<> tomi<kr lheoe problmu fits, "nd to1"""1'''''' rerommcnd3lion. le be " • ...."ine<! to the Minis,... by,he close arth. March 22-23 JaSio....
nu.. by tile ~ or lhc: lint ......,'n. me....,..k or <h<: Commiosionhad~ ebalk<d OU', "'i,a'ionn>.;"" P"'J>lI,«\ (lhe ,tru)u of ..-hieh lUC:d_ri!M:(\ in Choptcr V), and .ction .tarled 00 lOIn" of the mOOt urgentr«ommcndatiorn oftll. Commasion.
In 'M "",n'''' tha' "e.:...~. the O>mnoNion n>et ... " ...n..k 01 ...•"",,,,inea "br..., ...-ice" mnnlh and continued In ...".k 0'" ,he manrprobl"""', HI' S<:pl<mbet, lha" w«<: !ulT"'kn' ret""" from 'h. '1Llf",;',n­nai,e, in,''';'''''''' tile eo.."" Bun'''", ~nd ",her ...,,,... tu atart d'ahingthe l"C1K""' <If tbe CoI1'\mil$iuD. This " .... <lono by ,,·nten who ..-orkedwiLh \he: ,...n..m oommillca and a>mpiled .ou'" draf.. oC,heir ",eTe m-iclo"Cd r"" bj' the ttlmmi'......nd then bv ,he Comonislir>n... a whok. An 011''''' ...... made Wl"Cr,ne 'he draf't 'n the' ...tiofacUoo oraame",bon <If ,he CODuni'lion--obvioulJy•• dilliooul' feu--.nd .hhoo,."'"thit clfor...... no< ..b<JIly lU<UtOful, ,he R<f"I" J'Cllf"XnlJ 'be nc.>rtyu....nm-.s opinion of the CotnmAoion.
T......JHLJtr.... The CotnmiJlinn h guided by the mlJ....~"ll: l<Jm< of rdU-enoo"." oc, rorlh by the Min;', ofF.d""a,;"n in ale"er rnllowinl{ 'he in~"lI'"ra-"on..".".,...,,,,,,,, ,
I. The OornmiDlott """'Id 0e\'<Itt: il>df '" .tudying 'M .j....,.. of <:d"......" obtooioing in the .....n1c}·lOdaJ·.
2. It """'Id prepatc an ",,'l;ne r." ,he '_ll~ni...tinn oroch",,1o onmode...., pUdital Hp.., with .pecial C1nph",io On the d",-dopmeo'ofprinI.lry <>.llK.l.tion for all. S. ".h""ld d....... an o"LlinelM the prq>a.... tiop "r >land.ord I">:'·
book< !'or na'ional education "'Id «comm""d ad«luatc """""""to 'he CO"ern"""" f"" the JlKV"""io" of '''''boob by """,pete..,aotlvn .Dd. publish them by "I'. P>d printi<1c pi'"adequ.,e M 'he purpooc.. 4. It mould l'C><Qmmend to 'he (love,,,,,,",,' the co'abliohmen' or a
N..tional Unr.-enity within fi,~ ye nku"'''':! '" t .... the.W>datd of «"","tion within ble tifM I.'(ImDOet'dUt'te..;t!t the immedia,e needs of the people. 3. It should immedia'dy give ito opinion to the Go''-'"'II''O''' aboutteacher.' 'rainmg and sce 'ha' the ~mmend"lkm isimplftDe<Oted.
6. n.e C"",,"....ion ohoul<l lry 11> find and mea.. !Or (Olle<:tint;
fund> ..hccva poosibk tor th< bia;job~.
1. Thc CommD:sion >houId _!hc Government &>t.P"'"'"! to a>-<>pC
members d=ned eompetent by them, """'''ling the Govcrn_
ment t<> lend a circular to 'he C""crnmenf, "fVlInll SO 'hal they
,."..Id aid llte Co!tlDiiloion whel'C\'CO" vouii>le,
Tbc: CommiJlion l"dltd 011 !hat: terms 01 rcf<nn<:e 10. r=ncnI KUidancc ; 011 Ihe Edu<a.1an..1 Mviooo- b p..)«(h~t and ptOr.:.ionaI
ad'it<: ; and _ lIoe Education Ministry offices, thc ecr.u. Du..... and
..d ... G<>vnnmtnt nlf""", and the q.....inn.."i,... and ;nte.."ic"," flit ,pecifIC
information. The "bsen<t of P"'Y;ou. 'ep<>m as a f.ame of or
.....rling poin' ,,,clnl Ih~, ,h. C<>mrniulon lQ.oed \(I exerdoe ito ini,i.­
li,oc and .......<i>·i'y. As a 1"C>O,1,. thillin< ooml""henW.oc 1"Cp<>r1 in a ,';fIln 5ad rdI«'U <t>rIIpleor frc«lnm £mm nditiona/ patterlJl.
PI_ ofW Rt/O'I
It "'"Y be ..en ,h.1 Ihe ....\; of the Cornmisaioll fe111"1licatty into two
par.. , a ,,,,,ocy ofti;.,ing t:undi'lons and needI. Ind a <dIeme for " rom­
pine 'l"'ml of national. cd"""ion, indoding primary. occondary. uPi,~
oily, and adult odlIcation.
Tb< 6",1 part or the R.epon is Iatgcly d"''>!td u> " survey 0( thc
present ...",. ef eduea'ion in I\"epal. The .lC<'>nd par1Ial" out a ""h<:nlc 0(
nll;"nal cdu,,"'ion. TIle Ih;nl pUI 'u,nma';'l" Ihe Ttcommendatio... of
thc Commissicm. The fourth fmtt .. pe,hl". unique innovation fur"
docwnen. o('h" kind_ The urgency of lOme <of the prob!cm$ d.":,,,.cd
hCf'Cin lcd lIoe~ arll· ill iu ddiberatio"" to malo: oe<tain
rca)ftUllC1>(\ations, wlliclt~ P"'",ptIr im~ted br ,be ;'\tiniolcr of
.EduCltion. (Seldom MlOre have the reallnmendatinns of Oornmiaion
been acted up"" hefore ,hel' wce Wl"iucn into • rcporl!) /Icea",e much
of 'his implemenl\l.Itiotl "'·u in p".-:"", while the Report wIU boing ....,itten,
IhcCo~ a.vee<l '0 ""ritc ,be fi....' 'hra: pa,u indcpendently oflhis
......tio<o. and then,j t bcfoo-e gni,,! 'o~. '" TC'l"icw the .... t.. of the
~srowirc rth<~" ~\iom.. Thio hao
been done in th< fourth part of th< Repon.

.... .o",-cy of Ihc <dual;"".l fac~iti", of a <(>ontry cm be: m.aningful onh inth.,.,ttingoflh. Land and .."h"re in which i. it made. 1.1..... Un""ru" .. thc de'\"lopmcnl of a nation... od""".i"" Kh.".. mml be:~ dicated .... an ondcrsundins nf thc nawo and ,u peoplc if i... In be kDainftall~ ~oed to meet tJ.ft, nccdJ, no' tJ.o.e nf..,.,.., 'x-ei~ culture. T=e and tpaCC: do> nnt pcmUt ... "",enm" ..lldy or thex radOn, but this Ca?,"" an...... In Vve a brief OlJtli"" of the ~pby nf the land, ~ bad:groundo or 11", peopl<:, ~ eha<acocriotia nf the .u1Iure, a;X """" educat............"'"
r .. G-Dl'~JIItJ of"'''' Bcn.=n Tibet, "iU<h ;. 14 tiro.. het JiD:, and ohe new Republic nt
u.o.., wlti<h ..ndwicb.. 10... to the """th, east, and wBl., Nep;ol is a toughly fi,,,, hundred miles 10"S and oinCly In 00. hundred ten =ikt broad ...ith ao app«.oaimat<: area of 54,000 atJ,...,c rnil... It it an iadep<ndcn, kiogdom ,nhabit«! hy a polrsl'" PDl'"latioo or aboo. ten cillion people.
Hntoncalll·, local 'ruli';"'" ,<JaY" Ihe name of X.pal to the oblong ~- {If Ka'hmandu, which i, ,iluated be'",<'Cn ,h. Sap,,,-Gandllk an..l Kam.>J,. ri,·., b••in,In 'he ...('1' and 'he·Koti ri,·" b",in' '" ,h. <:at'. nit ccn'....1 ,·..n.y nf Kathmnodtl, r.d by Ihe ri~\ll., B..gmati and h.r ~ all by thcm..l~<J, "and. independent of ,h. alpine ri,,,, 'l~t<t'" or :.. ,"",t of "'epal and r.... hnf...ay bet..."",, 110. (,<'1"" tnblclan<b of Tibe' ctl the tlIITth! ,h. <tuk, bu,nio.!j" ao><\ 11., plai". of;" Hind''''lan U the "Hlth ....... ,·alley .."'lIis"... · pmt.<ted _pi..., v;"'lent 'lOTmS by the ~;ng"'""nt~in,. exlu:m<ly krtik, <I<"",ly populated, and ...j'h _ ci<-:5oatin" "'00 cuI"". &,-,ing bad< to thltt lhousaoo \...... of r«UnIed ~..
:'\qW "",-y be di"ided into three -... ':d'.rioios (a) the tropical ~ "'the T.......i (....... 1Ia. landojand the: bu' 010"", <1E the Iowa­ c::. ..;> IQ .... "hicudc 0( 4,000 'oft, (h) the tempencc otn"",~ =i>1d_ ioo! :he ~-t)~ '~"ll up '" an altitude: ar 10,000 li:eo, ...... (c) thc: _ 60:::" pako-u<:Ut: rqionn <cmpri:&i:>,g the ",,,in back ai theH~)....
,,:rom 10,000 '" 29,002 flOC'. Tbcx~ tDtI"' ppon in generaJ
• a r"....... alK! flora "'bidl is c~tnini<: of <tu"" disuQCtzoo.-~ ~iO"I, of ...·hich the 10-., is cio-Cangetie, the CttItnll is tBm-Gaogelic or Himalal'''u, and Ihe noo-,h"n is JWeo-an:<k or alpine.
The 10"..,.' tropical region e<>nldla of a 'trip "fland ><lm" 70 to 30 mH", wide which (0,,,,.11," southe,n bounda'y of Kc!,al "'hh lndj~. It is "m!"""", partly of optn nat C£I\lIW>, And pa"l)' of ["r..l-cl.d hill, and hig!> y malnrious valle\'l. The richly c"h'nt«.! piaino of ,h. Tar,,; whicll extend from Ih. fOod"'m frontier ror about 10 miles Inland .'" .u""""lled hI" • ''''1' of low-[I"iJlg lJ.nd which b<>rden the roughly 12.miJe bdl of de....,10.-.... .. far u the<; lOO'-hilll. This _!rip of land is the true rani ...hieb, at pbccs, is """"posed of"",,mpy <no... "'.......,'ft by I;o)J grass and rank ""fCUliun, csp«Wly in the Tappu rtFons of <::t.I1(m :\rpol.
The: rara kllOWa in !\qW as "Bhaber" ......jh.adi,.. rile: abnopdy and stteteh from t to "'oa<. 1 h"l' ar<: IMmpooro ~nly of Sal IRQ
(Sht>Ka rubu>tus) in'....mins"=d Sill'l&1 (.i1k-co'Lon) tta:l ...,Ib a &liehl unr\ef\lrowth of gr-a. and...",1>. '/'hie; b .., ~ «l'"UJ .he sloP"" of 'he Siwariks (lhe pndltune rM'l;C) bordering the nor'hern "",.-gin "flhe ,ulrHimal"}"all region, whkh li.. bcjl(lnd.
Ho climate i, ,imU.r la that of the Indian plai,.. wilh some inerea,. of hCOI an,l a" exCC" "f_is,u'. d"" to Ih. ,~rl(ln f..,....lI and lhe high moUntain'll",' block \he mon!O<ll\ bq"(lnd, Tbe fauna i' .uppor.. is .imilar in characlcr '" <J.ooc "'hid> a~ to he f"und in 'he Ind;.n mainland of BcnpI and .b"am, ouch :lI "",ph.n'" ,hiftoCl<:<:rooto,,, buff....... dl.i<als, I"'S-dcer, and ...-amp dctt. 11", bufTaJnn. CUDlin... as far as 9,(Ql k<1 .nd ~ rq>bood b;' Tibn.on l"ala.nd Ibrir rroo:o.brerd ~Jhumm..~ {A....;c biIono) aoo.-.: !he al<i"'<k or 10,000 I;,et.
"The bin! life of me Tani~n is much <he ....... :lI1.ha1 bund in lhe ;\Iab"". """" and "-am, and indutks ",,",·bill•• I", fn,i,-pigeo... bulbuh and ""OOI:lp«ken. <he ."I,i,.,.,rn amu ."d nn 'he rog<: of ,h. fo,.m .re (oun<! some of ,h. more .Ol"'''''" bird. of 'h" Indian plai'", and many wading bird. and ,,'a'er "''''10 'rend the winlet among it. "r•• .." and ",""h... The ."Id .eMon .timula'et ,h. migrul"" of many 'p""i.. of bird. frum Till<' o<,.h u wild duck! .nd <ran"" "'hieh b,""d in tlr. mounlains.nd daccn<l t<> 'he plain< for a !>rief
Th" Omtnl Rtgion is deacribcd u a cluslO'OUS opa<e of mountai... ,"M}.... in "I.,.,....lion (,om 4.000 to 10.000 feet with ......"C" or 'empera"'T. '"V)~'" fjom ten 1.0 .,,-cl,.. dtgn:<S inIo-er- the Tani. It indudes the Mah.libara' nnze <>f mount.aino "'bido ..... to 1.000 fcet to IOrm a <onti­ 0""'" bo..riu a.r:r-.- Nepal~ """ to "U<. A' in,"", oh. """,,,!&in wall is pKT<xri by the IU"X<" nf.he .~'_ .n-..n"r,he s.,'UO Kaoio. or the ~'e1l C;uod".ko, or <lie ""'hle Tn.",. K..-""l)'. Ilet,,-un ,he ;\I.bahb..... ....uge: and <he main lIirnalala" cltain, ,""'" "'" m.n}" p"pulouo "aUO)'I like l>umja, K",b~nd... I'okhara. and many ."heT. "'hou~ the maj...i'r of ,he p"pula\;"n io den..l}" concen\ra\~d.
The f.,una of Ihi. cenlral 'OM !s cbaract.ri"icalll' Him"la;-a". Ma"l' nl 'he ,pec;'" oeeudnl'( in lhio rtg;"n "'. p""ullar to ;-';'1'<'1 alone. S""b ani",ab as ,he (."·Cl, badger, racoon, c""l1"., p>..upin•• 01<., d<> 001 «CUr in the Indian pcni...ula. Th. ",hole __ of..u:hbirds ... )'ubina, .1..... minLa, iaulu. <le., an:: nearlr. if """ "'boil)) reorri"1<d to lb.
This !s Nepal
• __ ._1 ,j. 1I'....r.~. ,.. •.
•.•.Iio' ....... 11< "'0

'. . ,

.1"'-"'--..........---------- 10
,..,gioo. The majority of rep.i!"" <)Ccuring in this zone aN: purdy Hima_ laran ,pcti",.
This part of the land ha. no ,lock o[,now, but there are ,oto. plac.. whet<' 'nOW folio heavily during winter. Numerou, .(rearm and rivulet. ,pring from the mountainous range. 11.10,1 important town, of the ('{Iunt',. lie in this part. The .ultu,"" and ci,~li"ationorllle entire country i> that of t:h.i:I region.
The northcm region commences with the se<:ond ba.tion "[mountai,,., kno"'D ... the Himala;.. abo,.., an ll1titud. of 10,000 feet, which ha' oothing tTOpical about it. Onc can p"rcdve.ix .e..oni in the Himalayan and the erntral regioIU and ,h... are eel.brat..1 in lh. ancient inscriptio"" of Nepal, a charactcrDtic totally a!»ont from ,h. 'he Ihree =son, of India. Within thi' '.one, the r",-.. , i. C<lml'O"cd of <noife"', scn,bby rhoUoJendcolU, and carpe'" of Rower>. Aoove 'he 'tee-line a'ea a' 13,000 to 14,000 feet, an open COUlltry of"ark dark ",onoo;" di<covererl, with limpid 'tre~m. and .ilenllakes. With this fq;:ion, the oriental form> disappear, Ki"ing place to 'he palro-,,'c,ic t)'j)CS of fauna. Amon.~ the eh~r~cteri>lic la,ger animals, 'h"'" ~re yak<, jharal, ibex and <har. The pine foroo" eont~im many speci"" of w~rble,", ti"', ~nd Iinch"., bu' the "arious species orlaughing thru,h.. which fOTm so m~rked a feature of the bim life of low," Tegion, ~re <ompicuous by their absence wi'h the e~ception that in ea"Orn Nepal lhe b1ackf~e<d laughing 'hru'h is found ,'ight "p to the mow_line, Aoove lhe Iree ]ille, l);J<h bem",e ,carce and the kinds mo,t mmmonl)' me, Me r"''''ns, dipp<=, wall_e,eepe..., aeeellW" and the mo>! h<a,,'iful of Alpine birds known ... Hndgsoo', G'at\dala. The littlc :-'-epale>t wren is found among the rocky crags above an altitude of 12,000 feet, and flock> of mow_ pig""... are not UnCOmmon. Monal., tragopa"'. hloorl, ~nd che<r pheasants and ,now-<;OCQ occur within <hi> zone_
This region i> the nothernmo", ~nd the le",' populate,1 part of the country. It;, mainly Himalayan with huge depo.tis of .now. Her. iee~
crowned mount~in.will> angul"r outlines shine high \lp ioto the temperate .ky, gi,'ing life 10 moravian stream. and rivulets tha' gu.h forth in zig_,ag', 10 irrigale the Tarai plain. and the vast plains oflnrlia.
Th, Peopl, of N,!>"I
From the greatest pcoh of the main Him~layanrange, there run down roughly south a ocri.", of enom\Ou. 'pu"", which .tarting in the ,now> then ri.e, dip, and unduhte lor twenly or more mib be[ore finally plunging into lhe cenlral backbone of Nepal. Pcrcherl Oil the nallko of thO$/:, ridges are the village. of lhe world-bmm's climber> kno"'n ." the Sherp"', Thakses, Kathbhoti:b, and Ro:>gJ>lU, ""me of whom ha"e retainet!. unehaugod rhe phy>ical character;',;'" and religion of the tra",,_H;m~l~pn people. They. look upon the U~lai Lama "nd lhe Potola for Teiigious·leade.,hip while .till holding proudly to thei, Nepalese nationality. Gomp"-' (temple COlltres of learning) ,,'ith lhe Tibel"n mcthod of leaohing, pral'er_wheds, nag>, "",ame.., and bunting> f"nn " «gul.,. feature of 'h;, region. In ph)'.i'l"e, th",e prople are bigger. more picturesque, more curiouS,jollier, and TllOl'e carefree 'hao the Gorkluo. of mixed ex'raction who ll\'e ~long and below the.ix 'holl>and 10 two thousand foot conto\l' of ,heir mountain homes. Some of lhem weat long hair pigtail fa.hion dow'n 'heir back with Gurkha halO and ~nny boot> with laces. Unlike ll>e Gu,kh..., they are
nIl. '-"''' or "UAL u •

pal tf'aden.~ up to TIbet alld China and deooending to the Indianpb:m. a..d~..""'~ f<r. < 8y Iheir 'KW ch....c:tnio"a, theyre ... aq...bk lot 0(~......~, umpoikd people. _"""""'" a:m:! bdow the 6,(0) roo, oontour .'" the .he ,'jlla~_ of Ihe:tlCl!C " ....~ IIIafk their ......t. at lOIDe of .he ,,,,,,0$1 lighten in_ -'! ...a.... .Abc:o« <htir bom<s, up 00 <1.0 ahitudc of 15,000 f<ft,~",.,p obe Sboo;>u mmmon pu,w.. ror 'hcio- Ii,."..".,k. On .his......etal ....t • I'td 1»' \r1l1U''''''' ri,~, at"'C .imilarly c:nnftne<llribco,-a _ iII-... paniculu provinccl'rom oast .... "'COl. ouch at the U1n1Alt,..... doe hbhumuo., ,h. Kll.ambuo, the Lq>ch.u, the YUhao. 11><W ., obo \'.~"UI. ,be Xeooo"an. lbe Sunpal1, the Sun,,-a.., the Chep.a"ll'.obo T1umis, .he D""",,","I1, the: Majhio, ,he ""'"n.w, the Gurungl, the:lLl¥rt. <be Khaoeo, the Thull..... :oM .he ll<aIunin&, only the ....!a" """i<>&"~ <b<ir cla<:cn. amlpantinly pun: r""" <be adlllinom: ...-bkh is thed>ic::f Jow"<'< of difficl,Il}" in dU>ifring all other ,ril>e> from ,he Kha"", 10<be frankly :-fong<>loid ~furmil..
To <he: ma!Mic>u> ...... \""'~~:oM thl: Taai bell",!! ,,"n<:i,,",I~' ouchpeople a< the Dh;......h.. the lJo,iu, alld 'he Thanu of oemi-Mong<>loidoriJin ".!to .ptak Maithily &lid Ilhojpuri "<..,,ding to .heir local;"n. TheseyeopI< ace «mlparatiYdr ;ml11l1M fr(WD the 000"'1'" 01 ....laria:u>d li,-e~ la \he ro....u. Side ~. fide ar~ the IlM~la ab>riginab ftorn eh~ earlier eribe "rA........,\>i>,Iia of whom th~ Kuounrbs in cbe Ccncnl bd, ad Ill"~lusIW>us in the T....I rqM)n may be WI lilIlr.. Th~ Tarai ,~ion .Iso containS. 'p"inkling "f Brahmi.... Kay:asrhu,Gua.."" Rajputs, and Moslem1 ..110 in the majority..r a>a.peal eilherMaidlUl· or Ilbnjpuri or Avadlli. But. "f c<>Ur>e, ie is irn]><dllbl< to be dngmalic aOOu. thio racial dl~ Himala)'2n p<»pIe. Tloar, """ lI>ttc: MC miud villop;tS andabw>d:ant uarnpla ..11...." this racial Slra,," dips and Nmo. One an ili ..."'" ....aigllelinc cieh... in l.....iLory or in alritude.
If":Nriul .~.I<r'*'ou
O1i"" h:u Iter annals; iXep:aI, too, ha. het ehton<>lOllY. The tombs"hb< utI"'t frce.thinken like V;pa""'1I BlJddha., Sikh", Buddha, Krakue­d>:a:>d:a Buddha, Vm.-:abbu'''' !Il1ddha, Kon:ahmuni Buddha, and Huddha Siddh"'tha Oau"",,"a, within ,h. limits of Nepal,=,,- to th" woldiD! oft... oili<e1l ,aen "f the CO\l.OIry in'" • oation loneidore the J>cis/>boutiq pcnpb iV3'pcd lbe a><><q>cJ. The fin.. Atyu,.,...,.., ."""ding in rhe earl"'t !lnoI>RUIni ocript the en.hrininc: of ,h"-.n::aI remains "f Buddha Oau<.:>"'., w:as in ehe \"11lag<! ..r!"i;n.h,,,.,, in the T ..."i, ch... "..abliohinc a funcral tradition which the:ccie::lt kif>!' ..r iXtpal ha,.. --.led in all their itnpottaD, inocriptiono~ ..-hieh is fol""''C'd mClieul"",I}' even,o th;' day. 710r Kir",,"'. Xcpal ..:as a pon.-erlul~ under tlUttyI~~ti IJrIp ftoon Yalmba to G.,;, e1cwn I" lillCCll hundred }-can beforcCoo~""e of .he Lkchavi kings, wlro r<:igned in ,he d.\~n of thc~ ....._ Some of ch. 1"ll.nd..1)' Indian he""" (A,juna of :'Ilaha­~ '" particular) appear <0 ha,.. ,isiled. Nepal durina; <be reip of the
" ,;,.,11 Ki'anti King, Hut"g_';. The KirolU we'" .imple in ,he;r manntT1
and CUI"""" and carried .. "kik"," an ... r1y ....,rsion of 'he khuui the
G",~ (&<TOes lIl-day. The "'<pabe Km, and l!>fc Indian h.." cam. '"
grips "'..... 'he possnslon of "wild bo.u-.h". It> <iQ.h, but~ Indian hero
,.,... der••tod, an cpi"'>dc whi.h ,h. rarnoUf Indian P<>C' Bh'Ta''; h".
dram.alikd In,o ,b. m",' lJt,a"lif,,1 or Indilln d"..k" kn""'n •• Ih.
"Ki",llUjo."lum." h""aJ_imedu,"'~ ,h. ,.~ of S"rar"muo ,ha, Buddha Ca,,'anu 'pp<'a'S It> ha'.., ''iIJ'ed tile ,""-I!er .,( 1""1"'1 in ",<In ,,,
wonhi!, 'he 11<>1,. ,i'Q. The Kiran.1 King 'l",mk. rcign«l m'.r 1'.'"",,1
whcn A..,h ,·..ite<:l Lumbuni ill 2~ B. C. and from ,fI<1<, and oth<>"
....rI). .."tri.,. it ran b< ...tobliilil:<\ that dIe ""rim, ...... of the Ki",,,,;'
Canned _. from the high and~' plateau' "ft"'" Himal:aru d<-n 10 lbe
G.n1"" ."d adjacrnl liner.l.. The rhtonolot:r of ,h. Kif.'''' kinl:>,
re«>rdiLlg .".h na,,"" n. Y.lamb., D""k"m .od H "ing_ti, d.fmitelj' l"~n[
... ..-ne grul pttiods in the hiol".,,. or l""""I, ,n ""him the D"ddh'<l and
lAc]"in litera,,,,,, l"""r doqu<nt ,..t;"""'r. ~_l fig",.. in ."lhn,';e
and po<i'""(: Indian hio'<>I1' r...... al>o", the 4'h CCtl'''r)' a. c. ",heD
KaLltd)'a mention. "",,,,," f(Jr 'he ,,"oolen Kood. man"f~c'UT«l in
J\ep;rJ.. VnlOr'unatcl!·. d"';AlI: 'I>c "P""",,,k ;og<:" the ~ndo wandet
at raodom in tbe ""- of the Hindu pas•.
TII, Ul,~~I.'iJ. The inscriptio,," of'.... Licma"j Ir.inlt' of N:qlOll ha,..,
much in c<>mll"stl wi'h ,h. d'>Clunen" di<em""'e<\ hy Si, Aur<il.~toin in
Ce",ra1 ""a. F""n ,he ='11' dioc<n....-M .'c..........!!;..1 l'CCXlO"d> "'e
learn ,hat tM <;"il, of Sq>al ........ i<s ""ll.'n '0 ,be 1I: tll......,,'.
Aht>o",,1I ,!>er. ~t • ...n ·iden<.. .,r its ""nnu'.,.. ",,11 Sr." ,;. ,here
i,l\O proof of it. ,c1"'io,,. wi'lo ;>'lo~a.dh~. The d~a,ic .y<l.m ohhe
r.""hara' (11.. rul. or the ~«ted ft,.., or the dlag.) ,,·hich g"ided ,h.
the lile .,r the o:>m"-' people. ,,'" dc\-dopcd ., 'hi> 'i..... & ....1<ri,;e
...1"". lInt,ti;hed. Epigraphy attained perfection an<l \'<die as"..,logy
guided the life <If ,.... '"mmn" m"... 'fhetc w:u "Ii.'l:i"". ,oleat;"n and
free dlleu.ions "f "llgiB'" rrff<1<. PotU like ".ma. Usa"", Utih""l'a,i
and Anuparama«I. "!red " hlod noganittd guilch li.... the
R.,no...~". Chinne '.,.IS that d ib< ,he ,,,,,-cl> of",lI. Buddhilll
monkl'" India I",b:to ,h. Sh"nHhing-dtu "" 'I'" m....t;"n the Impcrial
Cur.... <" 'he Uni""ni')' a' NalatKIa un,iI ,h. brginin/C nf ,h. 5<'''''lh
Cent...,. .... D. On ,he basio nI ,..... rac.., L. Fled and M. Vit>C.....
Smi<h e~ ,Ita. do< Gupu. m wa' of Xq-alt:se .....i~n. and tha' the
Cup'a King> "r India ..-"re p""MJ "f tht:i, Li""lIa"i lin"'lgc,.' Ira" .hTough
maci...1.1I;"nc," wi'h 'he K'n~. of Nopal.
With the Prime .....__ Amstwannan then: came ,h. in'rod"elion
"rn""" Oi.i"it;e, and '" a d ....l.,.,,~itr••Ia..ifiea,ion nfrdig nd
'o<"lar ;n<'i.ut;""" eoml'.";,;',n "r a ........ "am",a•• ",in';n!'l" of .........
'I..'rm "r coinage ..nd 'llt r""nda'io" "f ,he ]lab.., nf K.ila...·ku'''. After
:\Of.nanb .nd ClIlUlnh .he coi.... of Amou\"'''....n-ota:n'pcd "'th the",o of. Bring .'V'1fon """iug If> the ~h. "',oh one f<a"F"w ,.iot:d in dIe ..";,,.d. nf a"tI ,h. oPJOO'''. fa•• witll the I"na, "<Km'
and 'he ",Iat ,.<1;"<1«:---<"<:"<.' imm...... a«...inn 'If pnlit;"'J ","n~,h.
I' I< ,t.-: t",<:IiOO.., with .he m.agic nanlC or ""'''1''''1'. ,ha. ~cpal rn.o
"ncr MIopIcd in her ""nda:d ..nd het ""ina~. Apin i.;. from .his ,ime
th.. , ,he Kin," or :<Icpal a..ume In 'hem""'""" ,he tid. "r ··P......"'.
Ilhatlaralr.a Ma),.raja Dhiraja" or ki"g ,,(kings..
" ~~
nol in =d.
I' tJ,..,.o .,('h. • ".w",r..~ " "no.!OS;: ... ,, '" iI& " .......1 ~'rnlh,,=, "' ,11_-., ~", and ~
Ai,...., ". ;0;""1
n.dI"and ptb<r<'d ""Ml:ll:Dlum m Tibet, ..hit.h .1.IuCk .t .... root of the ;>,..fuia! ~uiEb<ium of ~",h••a..t Alia. Nepool had _i",ibK'd .. g.e.. Dl::ID.bef <if~ l>OX"<hcrn "l~kshJ""" (Mm ,IK: lb..." of historr. B.,t ~ to hC' y,(\ ~"ht-rn nci~bour with ,inlc, oh. had r""goncn her --u....t1 ~bo"rl "'h" < "'<ntlth"" in ,he ",Iilude nf Ti\>tt, -&r t-.....:en\Cd 1(2(1=. In" matter of Mlr l"Cir1, ,h. T'Ix'a". bee.",. _ .......~bie a.. 10 impe<:1 ,he .tabili,y "rChi...., :'\~J, Kalhmir and.....
T10e~ of India ."" oiIcn. aboo. 1ft<, uli.-i.;e, <>I".h<"e northerner., _ ChiJr,;a, ..'1>0 kad "" ".h In sult.... f...... tl><x .....then> itI,-.den, h.b a.duII)' DOl<d the , p JtloeY Wwma,.... On .his side of <he: HiaIala}'2S, :"epal abo<>rb<d .he ohock and «:n>pered and umcd 'he Tlbrto.m by _irruc of ha- ."pttiol- ci,ilisa'.......
The Chi".... annah r«OO"d: "TI•• f",t king vf Bo" (yul) c~(•.J)d.d his ,e"i,,,.-y '" 'helM>Uth·oa'l all,,-r "" ,h. CQunlry nf 1'(>.lo-mon (llrahmi""J ,\, 'he I"'&inning nf ,h. dy"auy of lbe "I"ang (lI>",ard, G20 A. D.), h. galb....... togelh.. 100,000 ..-.Iditn."
Th• ..,.. .lOO OIt<:C<>e01" or 'his ""'nckr t>C the Tibe...." Un!,i", """ his ra,~ "';,h hio ..;<.10...... lie OCt•• IQ........ com""""," t>C 16 p(nOm. und... ,he l~ip t>C 'n.o..-...;._ 10 Xfpo>I in nrtk< '" .h.dy the ><er<1> of"wr;,Uos_ The Mime ""otd ..-ilb the ,\lpbal>n. which ,'try neaTly <q>n>dU«d lb. lell,," ,h pre>"I.n, in :""1"'1, "nd .dap'ro i_If '" the mnI' del;c..,. no'a';"... or"robe.... n "'"n<l> .bsen, f,,,,,, .h....lphol.oeu ....."""t in the Gupta inoetir,;on. of '>;crthe... Incli.1 or ,h,.,.. dA)'. The TIl>clan king ",liei,ed Ihe h,nd "I' A""u""mo,,', daugh'er in ma" iAge, and ItMaman th" h. "';0.'<, ,h. Pri.... .'.linis'.r ....k"mtd ,he requC<l and 'hw .,wed :-.'''V''l NOItI im-....ioot:l by Tibet.
Nep.aI """' ......~ I , Red do<:,,," Sil,,, \'amt<>" of" llI'n"si \'ihao-.1'" u.-.. ...!tete he ,he.....,. of.he sp<.....t of Iluddh..... ioo Tibe•. H.""'lOlJow<,d~· T.b"'l& and Canutta I'r<>m Kaohn.... The "",,,,Lation of ,he Buddh'" sa il'IoITO~ undert.akm "nd... 1"""",i Sanoblu>.... with lb.....ull Iho, ,h., 'he Tibeun bngu"lle \x<:am. rot... or 'h.OImng<'>' ,'Ohicl~ of ""pt.,.,;"'n ...ft., ,h• .'.landa';n ...nd !ianlkri. in ....,;".. .'.'an)" V.ndyiU frOllt Ne""J found elninen' pla«. in ,he hierorehy of "j"il.oet.
In the ",ionc. ofmcdidne al"" N",.l n",..". bgged br ""hind other ....."'.ie!.. Chalr.ra, the r.mou. C<>""ncnta'.,.. ur S1'u,luul (a K""" booI; on onedicinc in So.mbi') lInllt"iohed 10..... A> "",ed ,,00..'0, a brillian, array of aehoUn from y"'8l" .....Ib, the ......t sqe, '0 .si! lk\", ......\;c:a :"epal .....'1'" .
In ,he ld 0( arl$ and ....fls :"cpaI boMk a hiJh po>iticot. The ,empl.. of the Ramoehehhe, Chugb K'anl o.od ,h...nd... p ..n<! tien <of 'he 1'"... 1.1"" of Ulasa a,.., hing .xamples of the paso<l.o. .~·I. of ~r<hiteeture oh,aininl; in "epal during the ,i",h and "" ..nth con!<lri.. A.D. Aranike·. """rJ<maml,,p during Ihe l~,h century ha. 'Mde him i",,,,ortal in <'1Iina. Th. p..gocb "fIe of ~rehit..",re in building> a.... illo OI"igin 10 -"eraJ. His ODn,cmporar}" .'.10.'; I)h""j ini,iated the then Chinese I'mpttor Kublai Khan into the <>«Ul, ""', of H.,..V"j",.T...n,,,,. n.. ..~ul 1<1istJ<: taknt ohibit"';g !he ......truct;on tJl Ind",-C<iha, ~b.... Grill>., KaiWlI K..... and Bhadradhivaoa buildinll" was ...\OCh ~i:ated a, that .:me. \\"00\. iD ..'00<1 """ rnnal .... ..d! .... fiDe aru likcwi>e "'""''P)' ... spa"iaJ """,ion, csperi,uy the f",""", which dispbJ OOlCQuioitc ......bDamhip.
THE lAND 0' ""'AL " -.~
~J:::,,. -;"""n'e - I~' ,"~
..-hl'"ll IJrd In ....n~~r
,ha,". :.r;nin
= -"
n...u-andpthe<edlllOalUl.umin1ibt'l • ..-hich wucll .t thr. I"OOl: J the pc>Iitia! f"luilib"i= of _,b-eut Alia. l'iepool b.od ...imilio\ed. lff<al =btt of m- .....-.h..... ··yakshr"" (mm the <b..'" of hhWf)". Bur iodinrt'lO bo:r ooft IOU.hem ~b<>u. "i,1> ';mo, oh. had foo-g<>uen ha _,. ,'" ~b<>u.. "'hn "'l!.niK<! ,hem",h..,. in the ..,li'mic of Tiho", ...... .- ~,ed l••den. in 3 matt.... ~ffif'r l"""". ,he Til>o'"n' ~J.'T!.irl'bk as ,n ;"'I.. ,ji ,h••••bHi,)' "rChi"., "".pal, ", ...h",,, .nU
T1>c Iegencb of India ",." "ko, .!><:>ut 'he ac.i,;'"'" of IhCS'< nnrllo"""o.., '- Chlna. ,"'M had ., rn.",h I<> ."If... from ,heoe ""nhern '",-aden. has ardclly noted <he '-ariuw JUga of oMir l<Innation. On <hi< .old. o£ .he lliI:I!I..Iay.,;\"tpaI:rJ::mtbrd th• .hodl aM 'tmpemland wncd the Tibftans br rir_ ofhtr ...per;'" a'-i1....';"".
The 0>,,,,,,,, annals.....",.d , MTl>c fin, king of Dud (rul) Cll,end<>! hi> '''' Ii",,}, ID lhe as far at the cnunlr!' 0( P<>-Io-~n (8rahmiM) At "'" ""sinning nr 'he dymuty or the 1'"a"" (t""",.d. (i2O A, D.), ho s:a,heud 'OfCthcr 100,000 ",loliers."
The ""n and ",cc"",,, of ,hi, fo<mrter of the Tibeta" Empire e<:lipocd his falhe, wi,h hi> vie")f;es. He "'nt a m;",~n cnn,J1"'$"'I <>f 16 J""'S'ln.. und« 'he leadership .,r'ln_m;.anu, '0 Nc[>al in order ID .."dj' ,he occrc" of..-ri,ing. n..: 1.1 ......... ..,rumed "'ith thc Alph:l.hc.. ..-hieh ' ....r """rh' r<p<udu«d ,he k:lta, ,hen pr~",Ieo" in ~q>;iL and ada,"<d .tod( to> 'he _, ddiate M ....""'" of'l"ibo<tan ""',..... abJcn' rr..... the a.lphabe.. e"n'OO' in the c"pu inIcrip<ioono clN".<hcm India clthooc cbl~' The Tibcun kinK O<>Iicited the hand ..Am_'anDaD" daucbta in man"'&Co and .'a'eunan m.., he R'U, the Pr;""e Min;,ttt ......;;omro the ""lUCIt and th......,"C<! Nepal rrom im'Uion by 1;1><'.
Xepal ,hen len' h.,. k'lned d<l"tOt" Sih-a Var""," of lIh,ingi Vihara to Lh wheTc he "'''''e 'he ""'~' of ,h••pre",1 of !lucidhi,," in Tihet. 11 follt>w"<! b1' Ta\)ld!a and c.nuUa jmm Katlln,ir. The ',a",bt;"'n <>f ,he Ilutklh'" .nil''''''' wcrc "nder'Mkcn unOCr n"",i Samb"",~ wi<h lhe ,.."I, 'ha. 11..., 'he Tibetan l.anguag<:- ~mc on<: of ,he' o"ongn' nhid.. or n;preooion altO' ,he :\I.nda<jn .nd SaRlkri, in hi... ~Ian}'
\'and'!'Ul'rom :'i<'P"1 b,nd ftnioall plaeeo in the ltiaardtr ..TIbe•.
In Ute ocicna: ollOl«!iri= aho. Nepal ".,....... I.a.ucd w b<bn.d <>th... a><mu-ic:a. Cltakr.o Paoi. the famo..' Commmu,wr tl ShwJor.., (a II'cat bot;/;; on trtedicin< io Samkri') lInuriIl>ed h<:r-e. ....ou-,ed aOO'.... a brillWtt amj' <>f oclw!aB f...,m y~.."",lka, the g,cat ...~, to "-11 Dcva, makes :"opal ""n'l,kuous.
In 'he world of Rm and c,afU' hold, Rhigh po,i,ion. Thc ,nnpln of <he Ramochrhhe, Chugb K'ang a"d the un,l .. gro'>"ntl ,icrs of lhe P"tal:>. ""lace <>I' U ...... are li,·j"" cumI)]" <>f the pagnda "r1e er archiu,.''''e <>blaining in :Sepal dll,ing ,be si~th and "",..,..,h cm""ieo .\_0. A,.anikc·, workotlMlll,ip d", iog 'he I',h century "" made him immorllll in Chi..... Thc paJ'>da ..yIc ofard\i<c<:tllK in buildings ""'" ilS oti(UIto :"cpol Hi> """tonptll'aty ;\l.ati Dh....j ini....tcd tI>c ,hen Chi....., Empaor K..bbi Khan into the DCCuIt cult of Hc.Vajno·T......a. The~l .....&;c ",Ien, ahibitcd;o"'" l'Omll'U<'tioo of Indno-C.iha, M.... Grill,., Kaibsh KIl'. and Bhadradhi\ "',iIdingo """ mucb .pprcciatcd at that lime. \\'",k in .."""'.lId mc<aJ wcU at fine .,u lil.c..·iIC oa;"pr a '!""-i.alI.....i'i"n, copeci&IIl' the former which display aq"j,;'e .."rkmaru!tip.
0". counlt)" IIas alwal" b<aI a meeling ground of lbe eultun.l
ideologies 0( the North and the South. Here, Hindu culture hos happily
bI<:n<\f,d wilb that of Buddhism, t ..... lting in a diltinn eullUT<: ...nich fimb
ex~ ;11. lCmplca and chaityu, hom.. &t>d ""bus, -.ill fiu>ctionl.,
rdigious~io... alld r...i.... cw.toms aad mann<n and in dancillfl and
In ohe 11 th "tntwy whetI ochobn came ....itlo bag .o.ntI. baggage f"""
'h< ""'th, _IC"! b m., out ....... "1" offend <h.... "rh..... On the " hand "., ha"'" pr-.-...d mall" of ,....., boob """ith ;, iI diflicuh to
fond in the lOuth. AU tbi. distinctly ,1>0". the dominating role 'hat history
Iw plal~ in otiC country.
The Duk A8a that~ 'hill g1.......... arI}' period in Nepal
bcniglutd lIS and..., forgot ouc own war.h. O"t hill"'T pas$td into the
cuMody of foreig".".. who now undcrt<lOk the .",k of nU, ed"""tioln and
orientation. TIll" ,,-e toUlly fo<gu. "'hat "ut .aponsibilil;n Weft.
7lt D rp' tI El .. /__ Hl.-it.I P... of Vi.....
Tb. development "f rdutation in Nep.>l rdkc.. cla,ly her ml. as
CAUlI}1! f".. the fusion or the Aryan Brahmanism, Buddhism and 8<>upo;"'"
or the TIbcco-Bunnan ""ca.
Though not wM:I..puad .. unn.:nal in anyoen<e, tt.... "Y'lems or education llom;,hcd (.". «"'u,i.. bdo"" the a<!vent <'f the English system
whid' ..... imprort<:d from India le.. then "",'enW.five ye." ago, and the
inttodun;nn of ChandiaD Buie Educat;"n 1<S1 than tCl )'UflI ago. Moot
of tbe 5<:hook In 1\q>aI 1u-da)'1'tfI<o<1 'IH: """'an.sambi'i<: in!luc:noc
which 10 SOm. e>;lnu has aJ""'l~ domina,edth. oth<T 'l-PCS,
1be Buddhist ;nllue"a: may be tCnl In the fc'" "C",npa>" which
.till mnaJtin llHb.y along .... not'the", bordrrs of Nq>al. bul onC mUl'
now IJO to TIbet to rulIy lIlfdy this eduo:alicmal ~~IaD. n.o..Sh de\..,1opcd
..-tly ;1' 1\o:pa1, 'h. A"''''n in.'UiORJ of India and tIH: ;1'1""""01"'1' or the
S.lUl:titic O)'Stem into :'Icpal gr.d"aU~· pushed Ihe carli.,. .\~..m nD<thwa'd.
TIbet to-day ~tai... all of <he "aditions of .h_ Qrly B...tdhist i...'i'"tio....
which ... noo&lIy iod. to <hrir pa«:n' """"try noopI in ancien. «:c:orded
Br 711 A, D, the monasteri.. "fY....lung, Chonghi<:, and Samra, and
the lempl.. of and Y....p.a had be<n bu~t. Subsequently the lradi­
I ..... of ka<niIlc ... <arrie:d on by oudI univastty <o..~ as Gandc:n fJ>oualrtg .booJ, ',300 students and ....has). O<<:-pung (hour;ing about
7,7(0). and Sera (hou'inll"t5.m}, all of Ihnn founded In the rors.
quacl..- of the 15th a:n",,}' A. D. with innumerable ..mHatcd mon."eriel
oha')'inlI si_ all aver Tlbn,.nd.1to the no<hern r<gioou of l\'cpal. The
Tibetan UBti",...........,.., built on be:h of rocb.M ..;<11 fin" lIon<a- In
Ih. 'otal .bomce ofvermin, the m:usi,.., """.." .... ..rTibet h"", withstood
the ",car and tear or time beller than thooe of 1\epal.·
THE ,""",D DF "'.F"L
Eue;>< for lb<~ 0;00 of aocicnt ~ip like Gum·v;hara"Bl'X'-beU •:\~I}'" ,S.....r..mbhu·nath). KhajDu-vahi (KhaJjurib.­ ~ • :\Lt.= 1k'I... SansUrita \·iha<a lin Patanj, aDd BhrigartSVar. -~.-b.... , ~epaI haJ ahno" 'otally ,... t the tr~i\ion of mon... lie• ~ b blind ........hip. The ""I)' ,clia of this andent l)~t"'".. ScpI.,... Goo::::;.p&J of lb< tlorder atn.
J ,. - the . - .. ofNt::;. . _"sa'!! _ .an<:>ont "'"""JK-'I. e a~t.... , "'-r<:d Buddbim> as m.ut:h by ,ndins; and linanci"l the,..,. ,.oc:Ilo<*) as they~ the "tree Vcd.. by gettins beautiful ~ Kulptu=! and d~ica,in.~ 'trnpln IQ Vcdie!lOOs. nut, aboo<l>ediD tbcir abalnlK specula, ion., the lIuddhi.'It ..achers of X<pal did no' S«rrt"'pay an)· a ..rntioll to the: noed of the :\:cpaJ_ m.aJSQ for simple learning.n-.p. the BuddhiRic Vi....... 8ouriohod and multiplied under- the ~ doctation> "fthe tiap of Sepal, the fint At,.an impact of Vedic
"H""'Fi~'";:-, I~&i~~-"·~t ~r i ~'f -V;.• , •• g.! •.tl ,·h!.,f!' f iI ~ : Cl
'";:'.fl,.ri'J·f~tt !i':L-""·.u~i1~f ",~.,­
-a" ~!I'''~ r.:i:'i1;, '" =.,-' .r'li-!JrI"·c,:J! Il.; ~i1 iR r·.ii:~. ~ !'''''.";f''' !' I.~" ~! l!.bj.?d l"!u.~ t'l i Q~'-fl ~.,. ii·l;~ 'l '\1'1 ~hH1. .i:;ri'~~l· ~ :'jt!J!'~1rr~If,,". ,. n"•.~ \"'!j" • ~_.3 nil 5'£ ~";'r:r ,:t! ...; i I!. , r H!-l ,rH.' '-If\'i r: - ~.'" .Ii"EfOi" ~i-"
LtI,Ii~lif~l·f:[. ~.~i ~'l.", i"~' hjr" h~I~l'Jt.!:~:~i'~lE- ,.,... ... ~ ~If"" 2.i, .• ~. Jr !-P"! i i<....n:.,.. i-r-I\ ... , .•", "0'1-!. I,;: 2. 11. ~!E.
!"j'IHf{fj,.hl;' >11 ... a. "'11' .!l.~i
i~th~t~ ·!~n~<i· l! t.r - .. ff9 ~': Le: -a.i:l , [~ P:.:l:i i!,~! 111 'ha ~
• ','"." i ,. ,1'!J'1111- _~;-~.l',.. .... il &.~ 2.. • .....
P1PU"" ~~ g§ ~n's~~': ~
2.,.F !<,~.ii 2, .. i i!.g.... !" <:_ So "I"'! ~:!.z·;r;:= ,,0··:T • "..::'
;::.ii",-. Sa 0;."1 ijl!'a;. .. ~~a"'i;;j . ~a.;;"'8..l:;;'.~ _'S l!..,.[,." .,.. ~;)ll~dtli.t i$~~!;j ... ~~:t~ (
a;.:> =irilr-irl" .. lj"~",~a.a~:>!~ ~s~.[g ~ lr~ ~ ~
!~;;I':]iH~.:::' .... lll·I,· -,"" "1= ,.,.~ .~ ~
.t-1I .. ~' "3· ::.:0
~t~~~..U·~~K~ irr li a- ~.1. ?.t~ ". e r;'i irir~~l",:... g, ~- ..'- . .'~'[ -< ".~ in ".,·:-r ~ gS·
",ae..::r_,;/I:a ~~" ~';"'x"s~ n"s'!; 5·~·Cl!i·lil.-l J., _ ... =g"~iII' ....- r ' •. ,.,... if .5-;S!l",,::.>i-
1"'·"~ ~ ""i' .,.•.... !1_._.& ... ... - - . I •.. ~' .. z,_""" 9 -~
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-"-'-'. '-l! I. E·'~i<f;·[g.~ ~s;=.l!_~$ "S'slr : ~.g.'''' S ::rto ii'''' _ ~ ii 3 g'g-i'l.a.:; 1i'"~ ;oir~. ~. ~,' "~.,,. --;IS Q !ls _" _OJ 3!1
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Th '''pd' ,,,. "'i;NJ .. '~1""'" IIot ,,.,it:, Qj :.lot .. is< ..... .. !i.~j ., .\<1.J
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----------------- -
.-\0 rnn<Iben of" holth,· hum>n «JmJIlwUty and. JCSpOJIIible Ii>r,..,......, Ill")" omidly kept lhe ...~istcn of don.""", and. p<,vilqelgnon,ed b,· the indi,-jdua4 anrl th.i. king.. The Vihar"I"<xtved their ~ ud lbe """,,y COnHn\.' thei. <bily diarieI. Propag:okd by aof P.u:~ .ogubt<:d by BlIddhil, -..r>ci" and I""trol,*d by Z ba:p.. Ihc ll:>OCl»tioc iRMi...u.- and .pt~of <ducation *",dcd~. , J by the ......,- IlucIdhaJ and Ihar di>clples bid bdOre Nepal*$ ! '~<1I·hcr!l""'''ngsrca'M''_
A. " .-.It. :Sepal IP""" proud of a eon,im>oul chronology. ",here itio I , ...... <be h .. of lhe hillorical Dud<lltal. =moly Sidd""-rthaG ;aid a ,ilitatld spent onc ninylDSOR,,,tl>e,-iLlayoCNala. ~ siltS ottupicd b)- tb< pasl Bud.u.a. duriDlI the mgn or,z r...., I.:..icI Sunj-armA.
1IIflaQ, dot IzId.ian ~j.o .....,b. unM,."",k'(I rq> the !lupa. dedicated.' " r 3 _n about 238 8. C. and .."tt, himKlf on" p~cn-Ie _~"c... ... .-.... dI ~ble 1>," '''''pilIa.imcrip<ions~pu'~.. I e.~_~bo: l<:a.-n. ,he tint IesIocoo '" h""ooy__ doe ...,. ..... aD!:c... i;><i;.... <lnlJcIlro, in \be l\:yan B",luruoni ~.. j • Do """"'! !lr.dc!l:u
~ ....."":. ......."';'. ~ :.t:'f:::n:. ~T~e~;:..,,:: ... .. it _ w:idt .... '-oM h. bm. in the
..... .... • , doe Smpato 10 <.h.. (Ountry ~ ..... .,dawidt tbe""'.o(lluddhm. ..·hich he had
.... 'e',! :: thr~::'';'''n~Bu.:.'l~~\~t~ld~: ,..,." "'-'dhirn bad lhe slorr of $O/"'ming, appas­"'" _bai..- CODCl"""" of 11ldia. Unbtunatdy,
..... 1 • .-Id ..... "'"to IOCfthcr in lodia and fouIhl.....~_. .w:..a; p<riod.
0..*....... h:olId, Bowldhis... and Brahmanism. Inng sepcral.d and.... _ 1Mio,.' I 'rued ud aImool mingled in Nopal C\'a> "ith.... ~ *' Ua:!>a'; En.. The lluddhi>t mnnb had coo .....£<""' ;"'~~~e ~ aad lhc \'iha~ '0 the Ma4y rl'U-lhinkiJlK Ruddhao.~ ....~ Gnds Sllank:ano and Yi>hn" had find lheir ahod...-... ...,. bcighl$ of D<>ladci (Chungu-Nara\".nIJ and Deva'a:rama~~~~_. >rid> thdt Ik\..ku!u (lChools for (..ehing lhe parlieul.r prayCf, ...e.~~ "ith the "',,rlhip of lpecir.c godI).
I I aAd bcn.-.. tbc ""... priOlCipal dMnitico, lhcrc w= 1.-..4._local prico.., Bn.luni... and lhe LluD:os "jth their ~vc....... of ,,"""'il;' and adl>crcnu. Side by tide, 111= were the'!..-:~ (otb>ols of poliua) 10 I••,h f.alty 10 lhe king and to lhe~ cpzWalio<u in a COIInlry, "'here Roya.hy "as handed down from • !iClII and "here renka and. indoci~ feudal chicfJ ddi<d the~;;:~~ .-bori~'. n.c.a, ""', _ &od the Pirn-lu!al(~ ro.- teaelI"'l.......,. ol1hc CO\:Ilory) "'hich banded do>ln the Icdilioo &oon IC"='­
"... i:>tcriptiolU and chronicla allow us to 10110\0' th. dev.lop",ent>-,Ob-,;,,*' 7th e"•.,u1')" A. D., "hen NerW allllUa 1hc hrighl oft::..\t:""·.:.. mxlcrthciaspiralioaollhcAryall.-e!ip>ul hdidJ, tbc • \'i:I
had adapkd tll~ Soondait~ in ptd"cmIce to the ~l Ki....ti
languag<' in vogue, jJ\d ,nli..d <he Iinguis,ic unity"""". «>unlry to the
T'Cjection of the indigenouI diolecu. Alrady will. .he in!ICription. of King
M_·Ikva. "'" find this A'1.... IaDgu.g<: a .rllide of robust thol'&ht
aI>ll ddka,. art, ...hich, will. tM 7th cen!Ul1', had ~altd .. W<n1llO:Q
idea of«h1rUng. of, and of b<:auty lhmughoul ,he AsUlIic worid.
£L.bGn.ed by l!riot rulell of gtammar IInd ......,oa\C<l will. ,he mllly
ne....ku",", Raja-kubu. f'it,.;-ku];u, Ri.hi_kula. and GUr".klll .., it had
b<x::ome: too ....... p1c< for the undcrsnuwling of the CLlrnmon people in lbe
l"""'<"' of cUne.
W. have olr.:llly d<lc,i1xd how d..,;"y helped l"epal ID cast in her
Wt with ,esurgent Tilxt .1><>", this ,ime and how th...'~nl br<>o,ghl hor
in _laCt ..i<h China., ..·hich >ridcn<:d ber political hori:wn. Reminded by
th_ new "flI, ........ cl the ..iJd iIlau_ (l(obe Monas, who pr«<ded
than. and p-aotDLly by the .isi"ll ti<k of the AnIbs, China _t n... mandarin. and pilgrims In lodi:l .., that .he might br••1t ,he COt'do... <>f!he
b.arbarialU. Nepal pnm1ised an =}" WlIy'crooo \0 'h" new amllnO'oe of
D'tions, and bec:une the """.~ poi.... of ,he , ..., "'Oflds """"I"ll lhc
hundred '.l<lI ot the Himalar-
AIr""d}' Kcpal ka<l gi'"ft\ Buddhiun to loo;", which """,ly helped
hcr to preserve htnelf lhrough «,igio,," unity in a ,ub-<"'n' of
div=ily., Nqwol w:u now joined in ""'<iIod< to Tibet, who
'f>'lU the weuace of lbe -.unon ~, born>o<nI. Nq>al', ocriptl, .ranob,<d her holy 1<::<... i lallt<! he. lJCds and ~blishcd her
"",na,t",i"" which bear .he rnl' of a"cin" hC'l"i,age e-.''''' 10 Ih" doy.
C1,in"'" Aml>auado~palftd through Tibet to X<ra! .nd bee:tmc official
gutfIO. Nepal" cullure, .rt, .uchhectufe and oculp'u"" ""0I\;sh<x! and
inoI>ir<d lbc r'Cfincd ou- th<:mtol"",,- s..,...iDcd by libe•• l donatiool:
a"" properly encouragal, xicn« 8ourisloed. The Ica.ncd mnab in .he
many Villanl.' <omp<»oed and diotribult<! copi.. of holy script..,..,. and
ca"""ical tl""'itcl, wll~e aloa di'~rling thenrlch-el from their aUlI..-e
....dies by findy """ccuted paintings and lI1iniallUct.
But the I'dl>\lr= of I\epool W<1"e no' adcq....t< fOr her upandinc
ncecb. With ,he ""let of hl.m, India had fallen into ana",hy and ell_,
and CIIina. .nd Tibet hod "",haUlted th<:m>elvo by i"""",ant ......B. The
Liccha,~ kinp ofNepal. "'ha w"'" backed 1»' lite miChl W <he al.lC«lSOrS
of Srca-lSan-lxplto-po, diu.ppea:<:d in t=moiL
Wi,II the diuoppcartln<:t of tile L;ccha"", the ~blla Kings btame
Ihe Ma"cB or Xepa1. The Licchavit ....d .ffectod the combination
of the 8u<Idhislic and <he Brtlhm.o.nnk panth<OM, bUI the ~f...u... ocparalcd
the '- ....d..... puaibed ,,11.. and la..... !Or the~ !fOUr­
and <20,,,, and new 'l'ltenu of weishtt and """"W'n, whido
prepar.d I\epat fo, a period of economic pI"OOpai,y. Once more in
h;.l.....y, .... !ind the Chinese Arnbassll.ooB tlavelllng .e",," Ihe gr""t roada
of Alia &Btl ucltaDginc and gifQ with the King!. of Nq>al.
One<: _e, ;.kp&l excd10d in llleratwe, ardJilecture, ....tptun and
paintiDlJ. Ewn ,he ~lan.. king> compooed d....... lic WOO'b and took
part in Ihe dra"",
The 'iet<wy of the Gutu.... c:ompJeted the a .........Uon of Nepal 10
doe .idf:all of BrahlIIan........ for the I«OtId time in her J:c>"fl h_t<wy.
•, •
" .... frU'th;nkin( B~ :and a"",,,"bed by Ih~ early A<yan cullS 01Buhmannism, :-.'q>al tra,,,l1ed <"rough lhe "ari,,,!!"" or her ocintillatin!j"".,....",u hi>:",.,.·. She then came in """lac! with the AryanJ of I:(llropc <!~ the <»tltin~ pt..:... of her ".llio...1 hisl<lry. "The ltadamo.n"..., a G:cl!:a po ... "btinI' lhc Bibk and tM Bible bril19 <he bayoDCC~x'G . 7 ~ Gurkha> .drniutd aM ~ed lbe neutruity of- ---=~ Prilhi :'ia,a'..." Sah. ,....t ,,'ith ad"antaV the fire-amu... I I the discipUnc of ruro"" inln the Ncp<olose almy. "i> in......,..~ exactl,· that 'he Oori.r"al arut ......".1 ;n'ertOI of Lhe...... :"O<;>&I1i<s (or' the 1''''''''''. ""'"' 1xQ_ a DCW So;mi'M: ld<:oloX",__ f "'" b>oc.Illn!.......uch from the " ..nil....! ll:a13 m obe .,. I 3 aI £roe:> ... iCCl''''' of u.. undefined "",,<hem pbin.. "There i._d r do< ""'"'~n" ""1"'1'. hi"'"rl' and cuhur., ...,,;.ch ha,'.-.l tor 'bc=nch'O in .pilOc "r.he .urr.nU and C1'05S..aIrrcnts of mill". ~~ &aft.:..=~ 10 ."" larK" and ~ntly ...."..,
J:s5io. _ tIo< odIo:r band. wall ,,,,'Oh"'" in her ,nugjI;lc aKa;"" "lam,........ :.. ....,Id.".,.:afford h", the need«l p,01''<',;''n. Figh,ing -..,............. ' - .~ '<) bo!J>oe in"",;'". or Europe••he ttpl<,.,kd... -= _ .-., iT ' \ ...... riDu attd the ,uboooqumt d;,,-;,ion or
~ an ... PM' ...." daf, Il-itish peopI< decided to _ ial'G. J>:"-;,,.:cd &om the p,..,..onMt:ning
....~ ' • • :lAd ob<:euod b~' ,he 1mor .......... Uofilo ill !<><by ..,.,-.,.ing bon-ttn '''"0
... f an: _p<ioa. 1l0Dto--o '0 ."" of......oadiIr bdic". in IlII god> and fOIll(!t. Iolam nnly, .,.,. • :I_~ and bro" the "N.pool_ i<!ot.. _' ' od lboaund ~las1~ lOrat p;ort of ,h. lUlII/dom..-....... i*i....... &::Id frudom oCwonIti;>...., a.jcalOu,ly
_~. Qe;r HiDd1t. BewldbK. and IIonpo &m.1u-co. 'fhen,_ • __ IlL dtc It.(.alb killp "",,0 hod allo"~ rllll"",,1'" ,,, .h• ...... 's - ou ... ohc 18tlt om'"l")' A.D. '0 preach , religion and..... ""tuoidtd i• ..,.. don. with.he "ill "r.h. co.w...... Then:__ 1- b Bmdh.... in X.pal. BuddhiJm W&n<d &Dd ......
<IIIIi! -.tlczt iI kldt i..~. to a;'. !Or ,he nation. Voifono lUId__dio:ipIiac .....!>cmorwlt'ia .....:cd l/lc Buddhis, monlr.o .Ione; _1iIIIIIdC aud dr.-cnc, .h. lay o"d.')' ...:aped thcrn.
la ..x,. to cbaIk ..... a new pooth lOt ,he....." , th. Gw-thaome bel ,ba, the ~i>-aIofArrao Brahmanoiom ....,~!Or'* i .acioct of <heir na na1 indcpert<lcnoC'. Af, a n::li,ion or ""PO",• """'"""&