Education as a Pathway for Career Advancement...4. Kirkpatrick DL and Kirkpatrick JD. Evaluating...


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AHSE Education Symposium

Education as a Pathway for Career Advancement1

Danielle Roussel, MD, Assistant Dean for Curriculum, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine

Harriet Hopf, MD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine


The retention, promotion, and tenure process is evolving to allow accomplishments in education and teaching to contribute more significantly to professional advancement in academic health science centers. This breakout session will address the thoughtful identification of appropriate education related opportunities and ongoing development of an education portfolio suitable for career advancement in an academic health science center. We will discuss how the School of Medicine created clear criteria for advancement based on educational excellence.

Workshop Goal

! Workshop participants will employ a strategic process for career advancement in education by: o Understanding the criteria for promotion in education. o Maintaining a record of accomplishments in education. o Setting goals for achievement in education.


Time Activity

10:50 Introductions

11:00 Educators in the FARA Process

11:20 Mapping Activities

11:35 Measuring Accomplishment o Impact o Dissemination

11:55 Setting Goals o Identify Gaps in Portfolio o Set SMART Goals

12:10 Wrap-Up

Recommended Reading & Resources

Simpson, D, & Fincher, RME (2007). Advancing Educators and Education: Defining the Components of Educational Scholarship. Summary Report and Findings from the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs Consensus Conference on Educational Scholarship. AAMC. Available in PDF format to AAMC members at

Gusic M, Amiel J, Baldwin C, Chandran L, Fincher R, Mavis B, O’Sullivan P, Padmore J, Rose S, Simpson D, Strobel H, Timm C, Viggiano T. Using the AAMC Toolbox for Evaluating Educators: You be the Judge!. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:

Gusic M, Chandran L, Balmer D, D'Alessandro D, Baldwin C. Educator Portfolio Template of the Academic Pediatric Association's Educational Scholars Program. MedEdPORTAL; 2007. Available from:

AHSE Education Symposium

Education Experience Summary

Impact Dissemination

Domains2 Activities Quantity (Learner Numbers, Effort)

Quality (Evaluation, Learner Outcome)

Scholarly Approach (Ed Lit, Best Practice)

Scholarship (Peer Review, Public, Platform)


(Patient Education also considered CLINICAL PRACTICE ADVANCEMENT)

Learner Assessment

Curriculum Development

(also considered SCHOLARSHIP)

Advising & Mentoring

Educational Leadership & Administration

(also considered ADMiNISTRATION)


AHSE Education Symposium

Goals Career Advancement Goal Promotion to: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor Timing: Areas of Accomplishment: Investigation, Education, Clinical Practice Advancement, Administration/Service

Gaps in Education Accomplishment

Education Goals6 Goal #1:






Goal #2:






Goal #3:






AHSE Education Symposium

Framework for Evaluating Quality

Glassick Quality Indicators3

! Goals ! Preparation ! Methods ! Results ! Presentation ! Reflective Critique

Kirkpatrick Assessment Levels4

! Satisfaction ! Learning ! Application ! Impact

Bolman & Deal Leadership Frames5

! Symbolic ! Structural ! Human Resources ! Political

References 1. Gusic M, Amiel J, Baldwin C, Chandran L, Fincher R, Mavis B, O’Sullivan P, Padmore J, Rose S, Simpson D,

Strobel H, Timm C, Viggiano T. Using the AAMC Toolbox for Evaluating Educators: You be the Judge!. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:

2. Simpson DE, Fincher RM. Making a case for the teaching scholar. Acad Med. 1999;74:1296–1299. 3. Glassick CE. Boyer’s expanded definition of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship and the

elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching. Acad Med. 2000; 75:877-880. 4. Kirkpatrick DL and Kirkpatrick JD. Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels (3rd Ed). San Francisco, CA:

Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2006. 5. Bolman LG and Deal TE. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. San Francisco. Jossey-

Bass Publishing; 2003. 6. Doran, GT. There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives. Management Review.

1981; 70 (Nov): 35-36.

Education: A Pathway for Career Advancement Danielle Roussel, MD Assistant Dean for Clinical Curriculum University of Utah SOM Harriet Hopf, MD Associate Dean for Academic Affairs University of Utah SOM

2014 AHSE Education Retreat

Adapted in part from: Gusic M et al

!  Promote Career Advancement in Education !  Understand FARA (RPT) Criteria !  Maintain Record of Accomplishment !  Set Goals in Education

Workshop Goal Career Advancement in Education

Agenda Career Advancement in Education

Time Activity

10:50 Introductions

11:00 Educators in the FARA Process

11:20 Mapping Activities

11:35 Measuring Accomplishment

11:55 Setting Goals

12:10 Wrap Up

Recommended Reading & Resources

Simpson, D, & Fincher, RME (2007). Advancing Educators and Education: Defining the Components of Educational Scholarship. Summary Report and Findings from the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs Consensus Conference on Educational Scholarship. AAMC. Available in PDF format to AAMC members at

Gusic M, Amiel J, Baldwin C, Chandran L, Fincher R, Mavis B, O’Sullivan P, Padmore J, Rose S, Simpson D, Strobel H, Timm C, Viggiano T. Using the AAMC Toolbox for Evaluating Educators: You be the Judge! MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:

Gusic M, Chandran L, Balmer D, D'Alessandro D, Baldwin C. Educator Portfolio Template of the Academic Pediatric Association's Educational Scholars Program. MedEdPORTAL; 2007. Available from:

Career Advancement in Education

Educators in the FARA Process Career Advancement in Education

Areas of Accomplishment Educators in the FARA Process

!  Education

!  Investigation

!  Clinical Practice Advancement

!  Administration / Service in Support of a Mission

!  Excellence = external facing

!  Effectiveness = internal facing

What is Education? Educators in the FARA Process

Education Teaching*

Learner Assessment

Curriculum Development# Advising &


Educational Leadership &


* Patient Education is also considered CLINICAL PRACTICE ADVANCEMENT # Curriculum Development is also considered SCHOLARSHIP % Educational Leadership is also considered ADMINISTRATION Simpson, DE. Academic Medicine 74:1296-1299, 1999

What is Education? Educators in the FARA Process

!  Activity in the myriad educational domains that could improve patient care, individual and population health and well-being, or advancement of knowledge

!  Dissemination of knowledge, skills, & attitudes to trainees, faculty members, clinicians, staff, colleagues, patients, and the public

Where is Education Valued? (I) Educators in the FARA Process

!  Education: !  Participation in education at an administrative,

development, scholarly, or investigational level

!  Scholarship related to these efforts

!  Investigation: !  Efforts by the faculty member that generate or

advance creation or development of new knowledge (educational scholarship)

Where is Education Valued? (II) Educators in the FARA Process

!  Clinical Practice Advancement: !  Oversight of patient care

!  Efforts to improve clinical education

!  Scholarship related to these efforts

!  Administration / Service (educational mission): !  Substantial administrative and / or service effort and

impact, generally in a leadership role

!  Scholarship related to these efforts

What is Scholarship?

Educators in the FARA Process

!  High quality work that has an impact: !  Made public

!  Peer-reviewed based on the standard of the field at the time

!  Built on by others

Glassick, CE. Academic Medicine 75:877-80, 2000

Mapping Activities Career Advancement in Education

Domain Activities


Learner Assessment

Curriculum Development#

Advising & Mentoring

Educational Leadership & Administration%

* Patient Education is also considered CLINICAL PRACTICE ADVANCEMENT # Curriculum Development is also considered SCHOLARSHIP % Educational Leadership is also considered ADMINISTRATION

Measuring Accomplishment Career Advancement in Education

Measures Measuring Accomplishment

!  Quantity

!  Quality

!  Scholarly Approach

!  Scholarship



Evaluating Quality Measuring Accomplishment

Glassick Quality Indicators

(Teaching, Assessment, Curriculum)

• Goals • Preparation • Methods • Results • Presentation • Reflective Critique

Kirkpatrick Assessment Levels


• Satisfaction • Learning • Application • Impact

Bolman & Deal Leadership Frames

(Leadership & Administration)

• Symbolic • Structural • Human Resources • Political

Glassick, CE. Academic Medicine 75:877-80, 2000. Kirkpatrk, DL Evaluating Training Programs 3rd ed 2006. Bolman, LG; Deal, TE Reframing Organizations. 2003.

Impact Dissemination

Domain Activities Quantity Quality Scholarly Approach



Learner Assessment

Curriculum Development#

Advising & Mentoring

Educational Leadership & Administration%

Setting Goals Career Advancement in Education

Identify Gaps & Set SMART Goals Setting Goals

!  Gaps in the Grid

!  Appointment, Reappointment, Advancement

!  SMART Goals

!  Specific

!  Measurable

!  Attainable

!  Relevant

!  Time Related

Doran, GT Management Review 70; 35-36, 1981

Wrap Up Career Advancement in Education

Questions… Wrap Up

Remember Wrap Up

Education can be a Pathway for Career Advancement!

References Career Advancement in Education

1.  Adapted in part from: Gusic M, Amiel J, Baldwin C, Chandran L, Fincher R, Mavis B, O’Sullivan P, Padmore J, Rose S, Simpson D, Strobel H, Timm C, Viggiano T. Using the AAMC Toolbox for Evaluating Educators: You be the Judge!. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:

2.  Simpson DE, Fincher RM. Making a case for the teaching scholar. Acad Med. 1999;74:1296–1299.

3.  Glassick CE. Boyer’s expanded definition of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching. Acad Med. 2000; 75:877-880.

4.  Kirkpatrick DL and Kirkpatrick JD. Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels (3rd Ed). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2006.

5.  Bolman LG and Deal TE. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass Publishing; 2003.

6.  Doran, GT. There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives. Management Review. 1981; 70 (Nov): 35-36.
