EDITORIAL - media.acny.uk€¦ · new Flat coated Retriever Puppy in September, to be called...


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September 2018 Page 1

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• Any error or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser

• Any legal action as a result of the advertisement Any opinion expressed in articles in The LINK may be those of the author but not necessarily those of the editorial team.


This is my first edition of The Link as the new editor. I am looking forward to

the challenge of editing this excellent Church magazine. Thank you for con-

tinuing to support The Link over the last 8 months and many thanks to Jan

Knott and Robin & Sandra Mundy for all their hard work to keep The Link up

and running.

I hope that the content for this month will make enjoyable reading. If you

have any content that you would like to include, please forward the copy to

me by 11th September and I will seek to add it to the next edition in October.

E: linkmagazine2@gmail.com Tel. 01460 221356 Monica Mason


There is a time for everything and every season under heaven.

A time to be born a time to die.

A time to reap and a time to sow. Ecclesiastes 3 v 1-2

These words will be very familiar to you; as we celebrate Harvest this year, a time to reap.

I was speaking to my farming friend from Pembrokeshire yesterday, she said

that they had harvested the corn. Harvesting is two to three weeks early this

year, and her comment was that she could not remember such a bumper har-

vest of corn of such good quality, and such good straw. We praise God for the


For me personally it is a time to say goodbye to retire after being here eight

years. All was going well, I put my flat up for sale in April, and immediately

got a buyer I found a house in my price range, in the beautiful village of

Portesham, I was excited as was my daughter as I would be 10miles from my family. Everything was moving along well and I planned to move at the end of

September. Suddenly the people buying my flat said they did not want to pur-

chase it.

Page 2 September 2018

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As yet I have had no one interested in buying my flat, which means I could

well lose the house I wish to buy. So at present I do not know when I will re-

tire, or where I will live.

A time to be born and a time to die. At the end of July I had to have my won-

derful dog Hepzibah (my delight is in her) put to sleep. Absolutely heartbroken

as she had been my faithful companion for 12 and a half years, travelling

thousands of miles together, both walking and in the car. At the same time

puppies are being born and new life starts. If all goes to plan I hope to have a

new Flat coated Retriever Puppy in September, to be called Jemimah, (Job 42v 14) after everything was restored to Job in abundance he was given 3

daughters the first Jemimah.

There is a time for everything, this time for me has had a range of emotions,

grief, anger at God, saying like the psalmists says,” Are you deaf God?” A

time of pruning and being cut back.

My prayer has been that I will bear fruit in old age, as the psalmists says.

However at the end of the day whatever happens I still believe Romans 8v 28

And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love him.

Every Blessing



Two years ago I was asked by the two Archbishops to become the lead bishop

for safeguarding for the Church of England. This is a responsibility I undertake

alongside my ministry as Bishop of Bath and Wells.

I was therefore much involved with the July’s General Synod, which once again had an important focus on safeguarding. During the debates I spoke

about the Church’s journey of safeguarding; our history (with many shameful

episodes), our present (a commitment to improve but a work in progress) and

our hopes for the future (ensuring the Church is a safe and welcoming place

for all).

I have been asked on more than one occasion whether the role of safeguarding

bishop should fall to a bishop who already has responsibility for a diocese and

my answer is always an emphatic ‘yes’. Since 2016 I may have been the face

of the Church of England on safeguarding matters, but providing a safer church for all is the responsibility of every one of us and I believe that my

connection with life in the parishes is essential to my national role.

September 2018 Page 3


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In our diocese we have a first-rate safeguarding team who are supporting the

hugely dedicated people in our parishes who are playing their part to ensure

our churches are the place of safety they should be. I am deeply grateful for

all that they do and it will be an honour this month to preside over a service in

Wells Cathedral which recognises the particular contribution and commitment

of all our Parish Safeguarding Officers.

I have said we must own the responsibility of safeguarding in every diocese and

in every Cathedral, parish and chaplaincy and this is a group of individuals who

has taken this responsibility to heart and is acting to deliver it. They deserve our thanks. The service will be at 2.00pm on Saturday, 29 September and eve-

ryone is welcome to come to show their support for this important work of

safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

The church has acknowledged and apologised to survivors of church-related

abuse and has reiterated its commitment to address and learn from the failings

of the past. However, it is in the courage and grace of the survivors I have met

along with the commitment of all individuals in the parishes where I find the

hope for the future as we strive together to make the Church a safer place for

all. With warm Christian greetings,

The Rt Revd Peter Hancock Bishop of Bath and Wells

Silent Prayer The meeting will be at a different ad-

dress this month (September), as I will

be away.

Lizzie Martin will be very pleased to

welcome everyone to her home in Tat-

worth at the usual time of 2.30, on Thursday September 13th.

Please be in touch with her on 01460

221915 or with me if you would like di-

rections to the house.

Blessings, Revd Judith Abbott

Bible Study Bible Study will be meeting on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10th AT 10.30am at 21

Linkhay Orchard.

Contact Terri Boyland 01460 221010.

We will be looking at the Book of Psalms.

All are most welcome at this informal group


A club for children 11+ at St. John's Church Hall on

Friday in term time 7– 8:30pm.

TCYC LEADER: Matt Baker, T: 07414 642118

Our Vision statement is :-

“Building a safe community to help young people

reach their full potential”

Lord help me to

Remember that

Nothing is going

To happen to-


That you and

I together

can’t handle

Page 4 September 2018

“True Messiahship” Bible reading: Mark 8:27-38 by Mary Dewar “You are the Christ, the Messiah!” Peter tells Jesus in answer to His ques-

tion, “Who do you say I am?” Jesus was on His way to the Cross; He had only

a short time left in which to make sure His teaching had not been in vain,

and when He heard Peter’s answer, Jesus knew He had not failed. Someone

had recognised Him for who He really is. So, why then in the next breath,

does He tell His disciples they must tell no one about it? Why, if He is so

near to the end of His time on earth, why would He not want the whole world to know that He is the Messiah? Because Jesus needed to teach Peter

and the other disciples what messiahship in His terms, really meant.

The Jewish people at that time had some very firm ideas of what the Mes-

siah would do when He came, and what would happen before He appeared.

They believed that before the Messiah came there would be a time of terri-

ble tribulation, when every conceivable terror would burst upon the world

and physical and moral order would collapse. Then, into all this chaos would

come Elijah as the forerunner and herald of the Messiah, to bring order to

chaos and prepare the way for Him. The Jewish people believed that when

Elijah came the Messiah would not be far behind, and they expected a great deal of HIM when HE came. He was thought of as a great super-human figure

crashing into history to remake the world and in the end to vindicate GOD’s

people. He would be the most destructive conqueror in history, smashing His

enemies into utter extinction; when that was done, Jerusalem would be

made new and Jews from all over the world would gather in this new city.

Palestine would then be the centre of the world with the rest of the world

subject to it. It was a grim picture. Israel would rejoice to see her enemies

broken and in hell. Finally, they believed, there would come a new age of

peace and goodness which would last forever.

Try to picture Jesus set against a background like this. Little wonder then that He needed to re-educate His disciples in the true meaning of disci-

pleship. Little wonder, also, that the powers that be crucified Him in the

end as a heretic; there was little room for suffering love and even less room

for a cross in the Jewish expectations of their Messiah. It is against the back-

ground of such expectations that we have to understand the rest of this pas-

sage from St Mark’s Gospel. When Jesus connected messiahship with suffer-

ing and death He was telling His disciples something they found both incredi-

ble and incomprehensible. All their lives they had been taught to think of

the Messiah, the Christ, in terms of irresistible conquest, yet here was Jesus

telling them NO, He was going to suffer and die. No wonder Peter protested so violently, “Never Lord, this shall never happen to you!” as Matthew rec-

ords him saying. To Peter the whole thing was impossible.

September 2018 Page 5



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Why did Jesus rebuke Peter so strongly? Because he was putting into words the

very temptations which were attacking Jesus. He didn’t want to die if there

was another way. He knew He had powers to fight; He was re-living again the

battle of temptations in the wilderness. Here was the devil tempting Him to

take his way and not GOD’s. The tempter can make no more terrible attack

than in the voice of those who love us and think they seek only our good.

That’s what happened to Jesus that day, and that is why He answered so stern-

ly. Even the voice of love must not silence for us the voice of GOD.

And, as if it were not enough for the disciples to grasp that the One they believed to be the Messiah was going to suffer and die, Jesus goes on to tell

them THEY must be prepared to do the same, He tells them “If anyone would

come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”

How the disciples felt about that I can’t begin to imagine, but let’s not forget,

He didn’t just say it to them all those many years ago, He still says it to us to-

day. Jesus was, and is, completely honest, He never said following Him would

be easy, but He did promise we would never be alone. He has walked the path

before us and He walks with us every step of the way. However hard it gets,

and sometimes it gets very hard, He will never leave us to bear it alone, how-

ever much it might feel like it at times. The One who loves us enough to suffer death on a Cross in our place and for our sins will always be with us wherever

we go, whatever we do in this life, and then, in a wonderful way which we are

not quite meant to understand, He will be there to meet us when that day

comes and we go to be with Him for ever, because He loves us each and every

one so very, very much, and He always will.


Kents Fellowship Despite the exceptional heat still prevailing in July, we had a goodly crowd at

our Kents Fellowship and most took tea at Monk’s Yard afterwards. This month

the meeting will be on Tuesday 25th September after which we go to Perry’s

Cider Mill for tea and shopping!

Tatworth Wives Group

This is just a reminder that our next meeting will be on Thursday 6th Septem-

ber at 7.30 pm in the Church Room when our speaker will be Izzy Robertson

whose talk will be on reflexology. The sales table will be bric a brac.

Hester Down

Page 6 September 2018


Funeral Services

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Email: bishops.funeralservices@talktalk.net

Private Chapel of Rest

Black Daimler Cortège

Proprietor: Deirdre E. Cargen

TWO SHIRES BENEFICE SERVICE ROTA SEPTEMBER 2018 Sunday 2nd 14th after Trinity Principal Service: Deuteronomy 4:1+2, 6-9, James 1:17 to end, Mark 7:1-

8, 14+15, 21-23 10.00am HC St John’s Tatworth (PB) 6.30pm HC St Mary Magdalene, Cricket M (PB) 10.30am HC St Mary’s Thorncombe (Guitars) (JE) 10.30am Family St Stephen Winsham (DK) 8am BCP Forde Abbey (JE) Sunday 9th 15th after Trinity Principal Service: Isaiah 35:4-7a, James 2:1-17, Mark 7:24 to end 8.30am HC St John’s Tatworth (PB) 10.00am All Age St John’s Tatworth (MD) 10.30am HC St Michael’s Chaffcombe (JA) 10.30am Matins St Mary’s Thorncombe (DK) 10.30am HC St Stephen’s Winsham ( PB)________ Sunday 16th 16th after Trinity Principal Service: Isaiah 50:4-9a, James 3: 1-12, Mark 8:27 to end 10.00am HC St John’s (JE)

Baptism noon (PB) 11.15am HARVEST FESTIVAL: St Mary Magdalene Cricket M (JA) Matthew 6:25-33 10.30am HC St Mary Thorncombe (TB) 8.00am HC BCP St Stephen’s Winsham (PB) 10.30am Matins St Stephen’s Winsham (PB)________ Sunday 23rd 17th after Trinity Principal Service: Joel 2:21-27, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Matthew 6:25-33 8.30am HC St John’s Tatworth (JA) 10am Harvest Festival St John’s Tatworth (MD+PB) 10.30am Harvest Festival St Michael’s Chaffcombe (TB) 10.30am Harvest Festival St Mary’s Thorncombe (JE) 10.30am HC St Stephen’s Winsham CR) 6.30pm Service of Light St Stephen’s Winsham (DK) ________ Sunday 30th United Benefice and Patronal Festival Chaffcombe

HC:10.30am Principal Service: Genesis 28: 10-17, Revelations 12:7-12, John 1:47 to

end (PB+JE) October 2018 Sunday 7th 19th After Trinity Principal Service: Genesis 2:18-24, Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12, Mark 10: 2-16

Code: PB-Phillip Butcher; JE-Jennie Evans; JA-Judith Abbott; MB-Michelle Butcher; MD-Mary Dewar; DK-Diana Kershaw; TB-Terri Boyland; CR-Claude Rutter. __________________________________________________________________ Wednesdays 5th 9.30am BPC HC Winsham (PB) 8th 9.30am HC Thorncombe (JE) 15th 9.30am BPC HC Winsham (PB) 22nd 9.30am HC Thorncombe (JA)

September 2018 Page 7


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Page 8 September 2018




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Ladies or Gents

Religious Freedom

Plea from Daphne Carslake

READING the press and watching news media over the last few years, most

have seen examples of our freedom to uphold our faith being eroded:

A Christian woman working for an airline was put on unpaid leave for wear-

ing a small cross around her neck, and her legal battle took her to the

European Court of Human Rights to eventually win her case.

A Northern Ireland pastor published a sermon in which he strongly rejected

the Muslim doctrine that Jesus was a Muslim, and was prosecuted.

After being abolished more than two centuries ago, in 2015 the govern-ment proposed registration and inspection of Sunday Schools.

Because of a Facebook post affirming a traditional Christian view of mar-

riage, a university student (who had fled persecution in Africa) was

thrown off a university social work course in the UK.

In 2017 a Crown Prosecution lawyer claimed that publicly quoting parts of

the King James Bible in public should “be considered to be abusive and

a criminal matter.” The list goes on.

For five hundred years the UK has led the world in establishing freedom of

religion, today there is a need to clarify the achievements gained. In 1547, Freedom to read scriptures in public; 1559 Freedom to interpret Scriptures

without government interference; 1689, Freedom to worship, and Freedom

to choose and change your faith or belief;1812, Freedom to preach and try

to convince others of the truth of your beliefs, and Freedom to build places

of worship; 1888, Freedom from being required to affirm a particular world

view or set of beliefs in order to attend university, hold a public sector job

or stand for election (except where there is a genuine occupational require-

ment such as chaplaincy post).

These and other freedoms such as the press and free speech are today per-ceived as being under threat. You can join the campaign to get a new Bill

through Parliament to cover the seven salient points which would safeguard

our religious freedoms for the future. There is a petition at the back of St

John’s church, which you could sign, (available till Sept. 23rd) or maybe you

would prefer to go to OurReligiousFreedom.org to find out more or sign the

petition there (until 30th September).

September 2018 Page 9

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Friday 10th August

Dear Friends,

Thank you all for your help and prayers both during the few short weeks

that John’s younger sister, Joan was ill, and for coming and supporting us at

her church service yesterday

Our Rev. Philip calmed Joan’s fears and worries while Terri blessed,

prayed and visited Joan – and us- both at home and in hospital. Terri took won-

derful peaceful services in our church, then at the Crematorium.

Mary’s prayers, too, were quietly thoughtful. Jan and Ray coordinated everything from music and flowers to tables

and chairs. They are amazing! Thanks, too, to Lesley for the wonderful pedes-

tal flowers and to Sheila for her lovely organ music.

After the service a marvelous range of refreshments was provided by

Wendy (Massey) and Yvette who were still smiling when we returned from the

crematorium more than two hours later. It was nice to come into such a wel-

coming room – especially beautiful with Angela’s W.I. table cloths, each with a

lovely vase of garden flowers. Also appreciated was the display of all the cards

and messages that you sent to the King and Cotton families.

We must also thank Barry Gibbs and his team. Barry really cares about every member of the bereaved family,

Thank you everyone, With our love,

John and Wendy Cotton

Here is a short summary of the Eulogy given at Joan King’s funeral on Thursday August 9th. The full transcript is available if anyone would like a

copy. Please contact the editor.

Labrador At the age of 22, Mom left the green of England and flew to Labrador for a 2-year volunteer stint with the Grenfell Mission. Mom met Ralston (our father) while in Labrador who was working with the Pro-vincial government supplying the coastal towns with food and clothing for the long winter months. Labrador at that time was still very much a remote area and growing up we heard many stories of dog sledding from one community to another, snow mobiling, and planes with skies replacing the wheels. Newfoundland Mom spent the next 50 plus years in Newfoundland where the 3 ‘boys’ were raised, and where many clubs were started. Mom invested her life into our ac-tivities, charity and volunteer work, and similarly to Tatworth, spent countless hours in the garden Until we were all quite a bit older, Mom didn’t go out of the house to “work”. Mom and Dad were key contributors in starting the swim team, despite know-ing very little of the operations of one. Mom was always very supportive of all our endeavors and typically not only supported our joining a club or group but got involved as an organizer or volunteer to some degree.

Page 10 September 2018


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For her decades of service to the Canadian Cancer Society, mom received the Con-federation of Canada and Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medals, was instru-mental in starting the public library in Mount Pearl (which now bears our father’s name sake) and raised thousands of dollars for Scouting trips and various craft sales. Mom belonged to the Women’s Institute and craft clubs, PTA, did work for the Heart and Stroke foundation as well as became a timing judge for swim meets. Sewing I think if anything, sewing must have been mom’s profession – despite most of it be-ing volunteer time. Whether it was sewing turbans for cancer patients, some form of craft work for the WI or church sale, Grenfell style duffle coats, or anything for that matter, mom was always sewing. Discipline Growing up, Dad had to travel extensively for work. While he was the main discipli-narian in the house, Mom would inevitably have to assume this role while he was away. Resourcefulness Over 14 years ago, Phillip had a fall while on vacation in Barbados. Mom and Dad re-ceived a call late in the night that an exorbitant fee was required to repatriate Phil-lip to the UK to get the care he needed. By the following morning, through Mom’s resourcefulness and ability to problem solve, the money was transferred, Phillip was loaded on a plane back to the UK, and Mom and Dad were also on a plane from New-foundland to be with Phillip. Grandma and the kids Mom was the epitome of “grandma” that spoilt her grandchildren. Not with material things, but time…. time that Andrea nor I always had. In fact, Mom and Simon would sit on the couch and chat for what seemed like hours! We coined it a ‘chat off’. Bronwyn and mom also had a special relationship, of which baking was a big part. Mom taught Bronwyn how to bake bread from scratch at an early age, and was she was also ‘allowed’ to remain in the kitchen when Bronwyn hosted her friends for Christmas cookie baking sessions (whereas her parents were forbidden!). Bronwyn and Simon will deeply miss Grandma, but you will always have your memo-ries of her. Regrets If mom had one regret in life, it was about not going to university. Watching mom helping the kids with their homework – whether it was math, French or English, or Science – it was obvious that her memory was stellar, and that she could work through any problem as well as any new graduate. Work ethic Their work ethic was passed on to us, either genetically or environmentally. In conclusion The last few days of mom’s life in hospital were difficult to witness, but it gave us plenty of time to reflect on the life that Mom lived and to appreciate all that she did for us, and for the community. As you can tell, we respect our parents immensely. Their work for the community was commendable and enviable. I know for a fact that I will not be known as the one who started a swim team (which is still going strong by the way), nor will any build-ing in Halifax bear my name, but I am proud to be able to tell you that this was just how mom and dad lived their lives, and never once expected recognition for it.

September 2018 Page 11



An Independent Family Business A family associated with Chard

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FUN QUIZ EVENING WITH THE BRIGHTON LINE! Another fun evening was held recently in St John's Church Hall with Jim Tuck-

er, our quiz master extraordinare providing both challenging and amusing ques-

tions, which kept the 34 people who attended, on the edge of their seats.

With tricky questions such as how many millilitres in a pint (oh er, still work

in old money) and what is V for Victor for in the Phonetic alphabet, (whoops),

plus name well known faces from a variety of old photographs, the evening sped by with much hilarity.

Although it was a warm, sultry evening with the doors open to the church

grounds and oodles of space in the revamped Hall, all the teams, four to a ta-

ble, had plenty of space to confer without giving any advantage away to other


Worthy winners, "The Brighton Line" hurtled in with a total of 102 points, fol-

lowed by the "Awesome Foursome" with 95 points and in third place, my won-

derful team "Small Change", who scored 92 points. Well done to my fellow

quizzers Helen Johnson and John Luce who were brilliant with the answers as

well as being such a lot of fun too. The winning team, comprising of Tony &Wendy Chitty and Dave &Jan Sime were delighted with their prizes of wine

and chocolates. Hope they return for our next quiz on the 8th September and

our special Christmas Quiz on the 24th November. Make a note in your diaries


At end of the evening, Jim paid tribute to his assistant, Sheila for all her hard

work with the church quizzes and presented her with a beautiful bouquet of

roses, accompanied by a box of chocolates from St John's. Sorry to see you

leave Sheila and thank you so much for all your hard work, enthusiasm and

laughter over the years.

Delighted to report that a total of £188.50 was raised for church funds; our thanks to all who came along on the evening. Such fun and good value for

money at £4 a head , including soft drinks and nibbles, within walking distance

too, for people who brought their own wine and beer for the evening.

Lesley Frankau

Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Med-al (2002)

For Joan King’s decades of service to the

Canadian Cancer Society she was awarded both

the “125th Anniversary of the Confederation of

Canada Medal (1992)” and the “Queen Elizabeth

II Golden

125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal (1992)

Page 12 September 2018

Tatworth Playing Fields and Pavilion For all your recreational, social and sporting activities

Book our newly refurbished social lounge for your parties and meetings. We can accommodate up to 100 persons and offer

full bar and kitchen facilities

New members always welcome

Contact Val Joslin on 220267



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Richard James, The Forge, Chaffcombe, Chard TA20 4AH


100 years ago the guns fell silent on the world's first truly global war. We be-

lieve it is time to think about all those who lived through this tragic and re-

markable time and who put Britain on the path to becoming what it is today.

It is time to say Thank you for all they did for us.

The Membury Raucous Chorus will once again perform in our concert to com-memorate the 100th anniversary of The Great War at St John's, Tatworth on

Saturday, 13th October. It will also be an opportunity to remember all who

served, sacrificed and changed our world, to honour the memory of the men

from Tatworth, who did not return, those who did and were permanently

scarred by the bloodiest war in human history and to remember their families.

Many people from Tatworth attended our 2014 Concert which commemorated

the start of WW1 and we very much hope many of you will join us once again

to remember the fallen from our country and our Allies, who also suffered

great losses. We shall be performing songs from all the Allied countries in the first half (Waltzing Matilda springs to mind) and after an interval with refresh-

ments, singing songs from that era which helped raise the spirits after years of

deprivation. Audience participation, of course, where indicated on the pro-


Our Annual Flower Festival will also take place that weekend with arrange-

ments in the colour of the flags of each country involved in The Great War.

Please do come along and support both events which will raise funds for both

St John's and the Royal British Legion. £5 tickets available before the event

from Helen Johnson on 01460 220221, during the flower festival or on the door on the night. We had a full church last time but there is always room for a

few more! Join us to say a resounding Thank You from Tatworth.

Lesley Frankau


17th 2018

I know it is still a long way off but this year we will be

running a TOY STALL again at the annual Bazaar at Tat-worth Memorial Hall. I have a few toys but obviously need quite a few to make

it an interesting and useful stall. If anyone has any unwanted toys that I could

have I would be happy to come and collect them Many thanks. Monica Mason

01460 221356

September 2018 Page 13





Tel 01404 47052


Tel: 01460 62676

Promote your business

Reaching your local people, by

advertising in The Link

This space costs £40 for 12


Contact Daphne Carslake



Page 14 September 2018



TEDDY BEARS' TEA PARTY St John's annual Teddy Bears' tea party took place in the church grounds re-cently on a cooler but dry summer's afternoon. What fun was had by all, both children, parents, grandparents and the church congregation who ran the face painting, make a hat or decorate boxes or other items stalls or ran the draw, tombola stalls. The Treasure Hunt proved popular. The hidden bear related word was PADDINGTON. Such talent from the very young and the not so young in the over 16 age group who entered the colouring competition. Winners aged from 3 years to Mary Dewar, our Reader at Tatworth and a lady of a certain age, all amazed us with their talent. Winners in the competition, as follows: Age 3 group - 1st Fergus Love; 2nd Amelia Riste; 3rd Eliza Bishop Age 4 winner - Megan Wall; Age 5 yrs. winner - Molly Swain; Age 6 yrs. winner - Ava Bishop; Age 7-9 yrs. winner - Rebecca Wall; Age 16 and over winner - Mary Dewar Well done to everyone who entered and to those who won. The judges found it a difficult choice from all the entries received as the standard was so high. All entries will be displayed on a board at the back of church, so everyone can see what talented children we have in Tatworth. Do pop in and view them during September. The children's decorated hat competition winners: - 1st Skye Northover 2nd Sophia Hadon 3rd Isabella Riste Winners of the decorated hats by adults: 1st Daphne Carslake 2nd Monica Mason 3rd Ken Johnson So many children came along with their teddies, plus a lovely snake, toy dog and I think I spied a tortoise in the long grass, as it was not moving it must have been an entry! Judged by Uncle Dave who found something charming and amusing to say to every child about their toys and the adults too. Winners, as follows: - Teddy Bears' winners: 1st Rebecca Wall with Maxy; 2nd Mary Dewar with mother & baby bears Boo-boo; 3rd Harrison Childs with Bear-bear. Afternoon tea was served with delicious sandwiches, cakes, sausage rolls and other delights, followed by ice cream cornets. A lovely day with lots of laugh-ter and fun: as always, we do so enjoy welcoming families from Tatworth (or sometimes beyond). Our thanks to everyone who set up, supplied the food, tombola and draw prizes, washed up or cleared away and helped to make the afternoon so enjoyable. Lesley Frankau FOOTNOTE: Our thanks to Richard and Kaye who came along with forms for people who want to take to part in the Scarecrow Competition in Forton and Tatworth in September. They also provided advice both practical plus instructions on a separate sheet as to how to make a scarecrow. Phew what a relief, I was un-sure how to start with my and Graham's entry! As we both come from Devon, our scarecrow will be somewhere in the churchyard. You have been warned! Entry forms available from the back of the church.

September 2018 Page 15

New Bible Study Group

Starting Wednesday 12th September

weekly, 2-4pm

36 Tansee Hill,


Anyone interested is welcome

Contact Jennie - 01460 30844


The world is facing a refugee crisis as war continues across the Middle East

and the policies of despotic regimes in Africa and Asia create death, injury,

homelessness and trauma for thousands of men, women and children, the sur-

vivors escaping to refugee camps without hope for their future. It is daunting

for those of us who recognise the problem but feel helpless about a solution. However, there is a saying, ' better to light a candle than curse the darkness'

which brought Refugee Support Group, South Somerset (RSG) into being to as-

sist the work of recently formed specialised charities providing practical, emo-

tional and psychological support to people in those camps.

There are many projects. For example, Help Refugees provides fresh fruit and

vegetables to those in camps in Greece, where finance is tight, and funds edu-

cation classes for children. Safe Passage works to reunite separated families in

Europe. Care4Calais provides practical and emotional support to isolated unac-

companied children in danger of exploitation of all kinds.

RSG holds various fund-raising events throughout the year to support the chari-ties projects. We cannot raise money without the commitment of caring peo-

ple who live in safe environments.

On THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 13TH there will be a coffee morning in TATWORTH

CHURCH ROOMS from 10.30 to 12 midday which we hope all who can will at-

tend. If you have unwanted washable winter clothing for men( not large sizes),

women and children, suitable footwear and/or clean washable bedding which

you are willing to donate to Raft (refugee aid from Taunton) please bring it to

the coffee morning and we will deliver it to Raft to be sent to the camps.

Thank you. Geraldine Downey RSG tel. 271358


Many a Thousand Album Tour “Powerful Story Telling Folk” (Guardian)


SATURDAY September 22nd 7.30pm

Tickets £8.50 includes refreshments Tel. Elaine 01460 65909 or Jean 01460

64553 Sid and Jimmy are an emerging duo who play traditional folk music predominantly from the British Isles. They tell stories of hardship, joy, murder and celebration held together with driving banjo and guitar arrangements and close vocal harmonies.

Page 16 September 2018

M&R Drayton Ltd PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Tel 01460 220380 - Mob 07905 316113

We offer a full installation service for

New Builds Central Heating Systems

Bathroom Suites Boiler Installations, Servicing & Repairs

Gas Fires Landlord Safety Certificates

Gas Safe Registration No. 197013

Tatworth & District Horticultural Society.

Update from the Chairman - Ken Johnson.

By the time you read this the Society has, hopefully, enjoyed a

successful Annual Open Show.

Looking forward to our Autumn schedule of meetings please note the follow-ing; all held in Tatworth Memorial Hall TA20 2QA commencing at 19.30.

• Thursday 11th October 2018 - 'Garden Design' - Sally Leaney.

• Thursday 08th November 2018 - 'Origin and Development of the gardens

at The Bishop's Palace Wells' - James Cross.

• Thursday 13th December 2018 - A.G.M., Fun Quiz and Bring and Share


Our meetings are open to all - charge for visitors £2.00.

New members are always welcome with the current annual membership fee

being only £5.00 - amazing value - there are no additional cost for attendance

at the meetings.

September Gardener Tony Arnold MCIHort. www.scienceforthegardener.com RHS Science Schools Science Resource, Author Science for the Gardener Book September is the month when leaves develop glorious autumn colours , a re-

ward for gardeners after months of hard work. Foliage colour and late flowers

can be really magnificent at this time of the year so relax and enjoy your gar-

den and get visiting local big gardens such as Forde, free on Fridays to RHS

members and the plant shop is always free entrance ! We’ve lots of National Trust Gardens locally, not forgetting Abbotsbury Sub Tropical Gardens along

the coast road from Bridport to Weymouth it’s so worth the experience and a

good café there .In this recent hot weather its worth exploring our wonderful

local south west gardens .

Local garden centres, are also very worth a visit now to pick up the Daisy

(Asteraceae) family tough long flowering perennials, Rudbekias, Japanese

anemones purple and white, Asters are superb, so many to look at. There are

some new and exciting low growing Sedum (Crassulacea) species to be found as

well as the children’s favourites, tall growing large daisy sun flowers, Helian-

thus, and the bright reds of Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’. The latest star in my book is the Kaffir Lily (Schitzostylis of the Iris family). All these flower long into late

summer. Kaffir lily has ideal tough rhizome bulbous roots guaranteeing peren-

nial autumn colour year after year.




~ Ear-piercing Available ~



Supplied & Erected Tel: 01460 220141



September 2018 Page 17

G PALMER Firewood

Quality Seasoned Hardwood Logs Dumpy Bags £50 Delivered

Sacks of Logs £2.50 Collected Bags of Coal from £3 Collected

CHARD T: 01460 63065, M: 07788 235615

Promote your business, reaching local people, by

advertising in in The LINK.

This space costs £25 for 12 editions.

Use the form on the last page or Email daphne.carslake@gmail.com

Southwest Inventors

Do you have an invention? Would you like to see if it’s worth getting your product to

market? Want some free help and advice? Then come along and have a chat with

some like-minded people.

We are all members of the South West Inventors Club. We meet on the third Monday

in each month at Haselbury Mill, nr. Crewkerne, TA18 7NY.

For more information go to www.southwestinventors.com

INTERESTED? call 07909 974311

· It’s probably a good time to have a look at all your plants and it may

be useful to take some autumn photos now for future planning as a reminder of what you actually have planted as the weather will completely change in

October and many trees and plants will be preparing for plenty of autumnal

leaf and flower drop in November and earlier especially after the recent heat

wave .

· Lawns may be greening up again so now is a good time to rake and top

dress to revitalise lawn soil. A mixture of 3 parts garden soil 2 parts sharp

horticultural sand and 1 part compost ideally but half an inch of garden top

soil will suffice. Re-seeding is also ideal at this time. It is a very good time to

rake out and tine your lawn to scarify dead grass - there will be much more

than you expect. This aerates the soil and grass roots preparing for the autumn rains. Sorry!

· Soils especially I have seen in gardens are showing deterioration intro

ash and grit and nutrient poor clay .Add as much fresh top soil as possible and

plenty of manure that produces vital nitrogen for renewal of trees, shrubs,

perennials for the roots, stems and vascular systems that transport the water

and nutrients for this years recovery next years growth .

· Ponds could have some netting put over before October as leaves start

falling. Aquatic plants will need thinning out.

· Trees, shrubs and climbers can be planted or divided and moved at this

time while the soil is still warm. Climbers can be hard pruned when the flow-ers fade - a good time to examine closely for old, dead dying or diseased and

important crossing wood and refresh and tidy up the planting site to your re-

quirements for next summer.

· Perennials should be planted now for the roots to be over-wintered,

trim roots hard and re pot if new plants are pot bound, soak, and if hardy

plant out. Divide over large perennials now – it’s your garden space as well

as the plants!

· Think about and order Spring bulbs the RHS website is reasonably

priced but have a good look at more bulb selling websites and local garden

centre special offers of ‘bags full offers’ of late winter -spring bulbs well worth digging in next month for dare I say it winter, no let’s say new year


· September is the month for light maintenance such as tidying up com-

post bin areas, cutting back plants and hard pruning shrubs which have just

gone over from flowering and for collecting seed. Do check your shrubs before

pruning as many such as Spring flowering Forsythia, Magnolia especially and

Camellia are now already growing spring buds so just check visually first be-

fore you cut or you will prune away your Spring blossoms .Prunus trees do not

require pruning unless there is localised canker appearing .

Page 18 September 2018

The link Advertiser

Kate Langridge INTERIORS qualified needlework/art teacher BA Hons

SOFT FURNISHINGS – Curtains, Blinds, Cushions, Bed Linen, etc.

Free consultations and advice

Tel: 01460 30682, Mob: 07817 313972

Email: kate_langridge@hotmail.com

FOR HIRE St John's Church Hall

Children's Parties, Meetings, Baptisms, Celebrations or small

Wedding Receptions. To make your booking or for further information please

contact: Mrs Jan Knott 01460 220499


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Windows, Doors, Kitchens, Wardrobes, Oak Beams Supplied & Fitted FREE ESTIMATES & ADVICE

Personal and reliable service, carried out by a qualified craftsman

07887 572908 / 01460 391454 lancewallis_joinery@yahoo.co.uk

Garden Maintenance

“ Efficient, Friendly, Honest and Hard Working”

T & F MOVIES The new season of films will start on Friday the 28th September at 8.00pm in

Tatworth Memorial Hall, when T & F Movies will show the romantic/

drama PHANTOM THREAD (cert 15). The film is set in the glamorous world

of 1950s renowned dressmaker Reynolds Woodcock (Daniel Day-Lewis) and

his sister Cyril (Lesley Manville) whose clients include royalty and film

stars. Their world is disrupted when Reynolds meets and falls in love with a young woman who becomes his muse. The doors open at 7.15pm and there

will be the usual raffle and refreshments.

Do take this opportunity in late summer to plan your garden for the

coming year and consider any changes you wish to make. A sheet of paper a

pencil and a cuppa in some still warm sun will be a good start, so get that

thinking cap on perhaps chat it through with a gardener friend, its more re-

vealing and fun and a bit easier.

My website this August September has a special heat wave planting and

soil editorial for those special extra reminders of things to do to help if the

very warm weather continues into an Indian summer . Good Gardening

Page 26 September 2018 September 2018 Page 19

Name of Event Summary of event events guide

Other info

TALK: How Woods

work Friday 28th

September 2018

Dr Charles Hill, author of

"For the Love of Trees" will

share insight into the com-

plexities of our native

Woodlands. This is based

on a life-time's interest.

Parish Hall, North Street, Ilminster

TA19 0DG. Parking at roadside or town

car-parks. Everyone welcome. Tea &

coffee available. Sales table. Adult

members £2, non-members £3. no

charge for children. Enquiries Valerie

01460 234551

TALK: Better Bird-

ing with Mike


Friday 26th Octo-

ber 2018

Mike Langman will present

a fun evening on how to

improve our skills in Bird-

watching & other wildlife.

Tips on identification, esti-

mating numbers in a flock,

remembering bird calls.

Very interactive presenta-

tion: Pencil & notepad use-


Parish Hall, North Street, Ilminster

TA19 0DG. Parking at roadside or town

car-parks. Everyone welcome. Tea &

coffee available. Sales table. Adult

members £2, non-members £3. no

charge for children. Enquiries Valerie

01460 234551

TALK: Re-wilding:

a new approach to

Nature Conserva-tion

Friday 23rd No-

vember 2018

Stephen Parker of Natural

England will look at this

controversial topic as a new approach to nature

conservation. Talk will be

illustrated with examples

from Britain & Europe.

Includes reintroduction of

Beavers to wetlands & use

of grazing animals such as

European Bison.

Parish Hall, North Street, Ilminster

TA19 0DG. Parking at roadside or town

car-parks. Everyone welcome. Tea & coffee available. Sales table. Adult

members £2, non-members £3. no

charge for children. Enquiries Valerie

01460 234551

Somerset Wild Life Trust—Ilminster & Chard Area Group Tatworth W.I.

Twelve members enjoyed a visit to Taunton on the 31st of July, where they

were able to admire the five, large, embroidered panels depicting the history

of Taunton that were created by Somerset members and which are now hang-ing in Taunton museum. After lunch they visited Vivary park to inspect the

colourful flower border planted to celebrate the Somerset W.I. cen-

tenary. Several members attended the first "Walking Netball" taster session

which was held in Crewkerne Leisure Centre. They agreed that this was a suc-

cess but hope to find a nearer venue, if it is to continue. There was no

"Coffee & Chat morning in August but instead Sue Markby had a " Tea & Talk"

afternoon instead. No lunch had been arranged for August but Jane Scott, who

has taken over the monthly lunch arrangements, will organise a lunch for Sep-

tember. Jane also runs the Book Club which meets every fourth Thursday

evening of the month.

Jessica has arranged a visit to the RNLI at Poole for the 13th Septem-

ber. There will be a tour, lunch and transport to Poole harbour afterwards, for

sight seeing or shopping before the return home. Two members hope to join

the SCFWI trip to Maidenhead and Windsor on the 21st of September and there

is a Family Orienteering Day at Fyne Court on the 29th.

The speaker at the meeting on the 20th September will be Dr Peter Glanville

whose subject will be "Caving". An experienced caver, who was amongst those

who discovered the "Frozen Deep," the largest cavern in the Mendips in 2012, it

will be interesting to hear his thoughts on the recent rescue of the young footballers from the cave in Thailand.

On Tuesday the 2nd of October at 7.30pm, Tatworth W.I. will hold "A Fun

Horse Race Evening" in Tatworth Memorial Hall. The entrance cost of £3 in-

cludes a Ploughman`s Supper but not drinks. It is not necessary to know any-

thing about horses or racing as everything is completely random. It is hoped to

have 6-8 races with 6 numbered wooden horses in each race who will move

whenever their number comes up when a dice is thrown, until one horse

reaches the winning post. Bets will be £1 per horse and the "Bookie" will total

up all the bets placed on the race , deduct 20% for WI funds and the balance will be shared out between all those who bet on the winning horse. Everyone

is welcome including friends family and children to what should be a really

enjoyable evening.

Please telephone Diana on 01460 221899 or Angela on 01460 220953 if you

would like to join us.

ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST, 150+ CLUB. The winners of this month’s draw held on Saturday 18thAugust at the Teddy Bears Party in the church grounds were as follows: £20 No. 19 Mr J M Cotton £10 No. 131 Mr M Mason £10 No. 22 Mr D A Arnold £10 No. 70 Mrs R McCarty £10 No. 126 Mrs C Hallet Jim Tucker – Hon Secretary

Page 20 September2018 September 2018 page 25

Manor Court Scouts Young Leaders - Project Kenya 2019

A Coffee Morning with Raffle, Tombola – prize each go, Toys, Books and

Bric-a-Brac Sale will be held at the house of John and Diana Pearce, 2

Home Farm, School Lane, Tatworth, TA20 2SH on Friday 31st August 2018

from 10.00 am until 1.00 pm (Unless disabled please park at the church, walk about 50 yds into School

Lane, left down a gravel drive, third house at the bottom.) All proceeds

to go to the Nakuru, Kenya Project.

This project will enable three, then, 17 year old Scout Young-Leaders from

Tatworth and the Manor Court Scout Group, Alex Brake, Jack Thatcher and

Michael Bowditch to go to Kenya, in August 2019, to help with other Scout

Young-Leaders from Somerset volunteering to work in the Melon Mission and

Silver Bells Schools with low level building work, painting of classrooms,

simple teaching, planning activities etc. The children at these schools are orphans, ‘Street Children’ or from very poor families.

The schools will allow them to be educated and so hopefully be able to

obtain a decent job in later years. Education is not free in Kenya.

Between them the three boys have to raise £6000 to help with the travel

expenses etc and the rest going to support the schools.

During the two years they are holding various Fund Raising Schemes to



After the usual summer break, the Chaffcombe Village Hall Coffee Mornings

start again on Weds 3rd Oct 10.30-12 noon with a friendly WELCOME for every-


Generous donations please to RNLI ( Royal National Lifeboat Institution) in re-

turn for good coffee/tea and for Sue Tye's delicious home made cakes.

Please bring bric a brac/books/ plants for the stall.

Feel free to pop in for a quick cuppa or to stay for the whole time - ALL ages

welcome - babes in arms, toddlers, children, teens, as well as golden oldies

and everyone in-between!

The next two coffee mornings are at 10.30am to 12pm Wednesday November

7th and Wednesday December 5th.

Page 24 September2018 September 2018 page 21

Page 22 September2018 September 2018 page 23
