Edition A 13 February 2015


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Devonport High School Newsletter - 13 February 2015



From the Acting Principal ……

A positive start to the year

I welcome back all our families and especially our new families to 2015. The school year has

started very smoothly with new staff and students hitting the ground running.

I would like to welcome Vanessa Wright, Matt Archer and Brent Munday to our school.

These three experienced teacher have added an extra layer of depth to our already

experienced staff. All three have commented on the quality of our students and our school.

This year sees

us return with 562 students, a drop of 31 from last year. Our attendance rate is currently at

97% and we want to keep it that high all year! This year will see the introduction of regular

phone calls from our office team whenever an unexplained absence occurs. We hope to be

able to support families immediately if the wheels fall off for your young person during the

year. Please remember to contact your child’s home group teacher if you have any concerns

at all this year. Strong relationships with parents are a key to successful outcomes for


We have been able to secure both Emma Russell and Rosie Wallace as teachers with us

again this year.

Matt Jago has won a position as northern manager of My Education and is revelling in the

challenge, we wish him the very best in this new role.

Lisa White has replaced Matt as grade 8 team leader and AST. We welcome Lisa White,

Simon Wilson and Shelley Hollister to our leadership team. Simon has been appointed acting

Assistant Principal, replacing Grant Armitstead and Shelley Hollister has the responsibility of

looking after our grade 10 students this year. All our leadership team have made a positive

start to their roles this year.

Simon Wilson will be leading our work this term focussing on Respectful Schools, Respectful

Behaviours. Our first day professional learning was conducted by Kent Jackson from Child

and Adolescent Mental Health Services, (CAMHS), who provided our teaching staff with a

deep insight into trauma and the effect it has on young people.

Depar tment of Educat ion

Tuesday 24 February

Surf League

Tuesday 17 February

Activity Week Meeting 12.40pm

Thursday 19 February

Swim Trials 9am - 1.30pm

Wednesday 18

February Block 2 OHS Training

(Tapps/Work Experience)

Friday 20 February

Block 3 OHS Training Tapps/Work Experience

School Photos

Monday 23 February

Block 4 OHS Training Tapps/Work Experience

Wednesday 25

February Meet the Teacher Evening

7.00pm - 8.30pm

Friday 27 February

Pink Stumps Day

Vanessa Wright Matt Archer Brent Munday

We are investing time this term exploring our school values with students, staff and parents. We are

focussing on minimising bullying and harassment within our school and developing a culture of restorative

practices, aimed at increasing student accountability for their behaviour and repairing harm done to


We look forward to working with all our families this year to create the very best learning environment

we can. I look forward to speaking with many parents on our “Meet the Teacher” night on Wednesday

the 25th of February.

Rob Fleming

Acting Principal


At Devonport High School we believe that wearing of the uniform is a fundamental commitment to belonging to our

school community. It indicates pride in one’s school and acknowledges that our school has high expectations re-

garding the standard of dress.

Our School Association strongly supports the wearing of school uniform at all times. By being in uniform, students

are easily distinguished from non-students who may be in the vicinity or who may come into the school grounds

without permission.

Devonport High School Association’s uniform expectation is listed below and available on our website. Students

must be in uniform to represent our school or attend any events in the community.

Parent co-operation is sought in maintaining a high standard of neat and appropriate clothing and footwear. It is

expected that our students’ general appearance and manner in which they wear the uniform is of a high standard in

public and at school.

Some second-hand uniform items are available. Inquiries can be made at the School Office.

School uniform can be purchased through the school office.


1. Devonport High School tartan skirt or summer dress.

Devonport High School grey trousers is the recommended alternative.

Jeans and Cargo pants are not acceptable alternatives.

2. Lemon cotton/polyester button through shirt.

3. Bottle green, Devonport High School V-necked plain knit jumper.

4. Black stockings or short white socks.

5. Black school shoes with black laces.

6. Approved school jackets.

7. Minimal make-up


1. Devonport High School grey trousers or grey shorts.

2. Lemon cotton/polyester button through shirt.

3. Bottle green, Devonport High School V-necked plain knit jumper.

4. Short black or white socks.

5. Black school shoes with black laces.

6. Approved school jacket.


We support the wearing of a hat when students are involved in outdoor activities.

School Shoes

A reminder to all families that our school uniform policy requires students to wear black school shoes, with black

laces if appropriate. A number of students are wearing street shoes to school currently. There are many suppliers of

reasonably priced black shoes in town. We ask for your support with this issue.

Optional for all students

Plain black scarf


Students who are undertaking Foods classes (7-10) are reminded

they will need to bring appropriate containers to take their cooking

home. Teachers will provide information to assist students make choices about the types of containers they will need. Examples of

containers most commonly required are a plastic container with a

fitted lid e.g. an ice cream container or similar, an ovenproof dish

e.g. a cake tin or casserole dish and a slice tray (18 x 28 cm).

Bringing containers from home helps students take their food

home in a prompt and safe manner. It would be appreciated if all

containers are labelled with the student’s name. If families have an

abundance of clean, disposable containers they would be useful in the Foods area as ‘spares’ and can

be taken to F Block - Home Economics.


It is important that students who have an allergy to any specific food notifies their Home Economics/

Foods teacher so that appropriate arrangements can be made to ensure the child’s learning program

is modified to suit their needs.

Catering Hats

It is a Workplace Hygiene and Safety requirement that all students undertak-

ing any of the catering courses, Coffee and Cake, Catering Management or

Catering Studies, have a black box hat. Due to some confusion during book

sales some students did not purchase a hat. These are available for purchase

at the school office at a cost of $10.00. All students will need to supply and

store their own hat and bring it to each catering lesson.

This year’s Grade 7 Camp is set to be an action-packed few days! It’s a

great opportunity for all Grade 7 students to get to know each other a

little better with team-building activities and loads of fun.

Grade 7 ACF classes’ camp is from Monday 2 March until Wednesday 4

March with Grade 7 BDE joining them on Wednesday 4 March until

Friday 6 March.

We urge all parents to carefully read information sent home so that your

child has all necessary items needed for camp. Each student should have a camp checklist for you to

follow around all camp requirements. Grade 7's are also working together in homeroom time to get

into their "tribes" and meet all their "Tribe" requirements. We urge parents to name your child’s

belongings. If you have any questions around grade 7 camp please do not hesitate to call Mr Jimmy

Thompson at the school on 64249461.

Plans are well underway for this year’s Activities Week. Meetings for students will be

held on Tuesday 17 February. This meeting will provide important information for

students relating to their chosen activity.

Invoices are being completed and will be mailed to parents shortly. Invoices for Activities Week must

be paid before your child participates in Activities Week.

School Photos will be taken on Friday 20 February. Students are asked to return their photo

envelope on that day, along with payment. Please do not bring photo envelope back to

school before that day.

Family photos will be taken at lunchtime on Friday 20 February.

All Grade 7 immunisations will be held on Tuesday 17 March. Please return all immunisation

forms to school by Wednesday 18 February. If you have any questions regarding your child’s

immunisation, please phone The Devonport Council.

Students were given a Freddo and asked to write their thoughts, feelings or anything that came

to mind. Their task was to write a fifty word story based on their experiences. Here are a

few examples of stories that were produced.

As it melted on my tongue I could feel the sweetness and vibe it had. Chocolate always seemed

to cheer me up, it had a sense of happiness and excitement to it. It was a soft silky taste and

warm feeling in your tummy. Chocolate has to be the best food in the world ~ Anonymous

Chocolate is a wonderful thing, melting on your tongue, feel it slither down your throat, a

wonderful flavour, yum! Keep it cool inside your fridge or warm upon a shelf, share it with your

family and friends or keep it for yourself. Put it in a cake or tart, it’s wonderful on a scone,

flavour it or colour it or eat it on its own ~ Cassandra Sing-Stuart

I’m not really supposed to have chocolate, toffees, red skins or any hard sticky lollies. I’ve been

deprived of such delicious goodies for close to four months now, all because of my braces! My

bands pop off and EVERYTHING gets stuck but its so yummy, so why not? ~ Makenzie Anderson

One after another, I feel I cannot stop. My father disapproves, my mother’s world is rocked. I

am not the Captain, I have lost control of this sinking ship. My body takes it’s toll. How can this

be so destructive? I do not understand. Please save me, please take my hand ~ Ruby Hansen

I remember this sweet, chewy chocolate. It was the last one my pop brought me before he

passed away. I felt sad yet happy as I was eating it. Remembering him and all the times he was

there for Daniel and me brought tears to my eyes. I miss him ~ Kyah Denby

Though chocolate is yummy and tastes really good, if you look at the stats of our society, the

rates of obesity are being raised by a numerous amount each year! My first thoughts were of

stimulated comfort from my previous childhood youth. However, we need to drastically lower

out intake of sugar! ~ Miah Sherry

Imagine a silky, smooth, sweet sensation sliding down the back of your throat. Now, imagine

Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Have you ever wanted that? To visit a place where your

dream is reality, where everything is made of chocolate? Now, come back to reality but keep

enjoying that sensation ~ Sophie Squibb

“This year is going to be interesting” I thought as the cognitive functions in my mouth were

breaking down the bigger object that dried my mouth out. To a normal person eating chocolate

in class would be classified as useless but all of the saliva and tongue movements made me

imagine ~ Caleb Norman

Eating chocolate brings happiness but for some, they eat too much! The soft, silky milk

chocolate that just melts in your mouth, with a taste that’s so good is very high in calories. It is

no wonder obesity is at such a high rate in Australia ~ Ruby Lewicki

Memories are painful. They eat away at your brain; stab at your heart. They are always there.

Sometimes they fade like ink on old parchment. Some stand out, screaming ‘remember,

remember’. The happy ones hurt the most, reminding you of a better time. They give you hopes

and dreams. It hurts ~ Anonymous

Harrison Whitbread and Nicholas James presented their co-written book, titled The Chess Book, to

the Devonport High School Library in December 2014. This is now available for viewing in the


Photographed are (L to R): Mrs Riley, Harrison Whitbread, Nicholas James and Ms Gillam.

Parent Voice (formerly Parents and Friends) Dear Parents

Welcome back for 2015. We would like to give a warm welcome to our Grade 7 parents and any new families in our community.

Our Parent Voice Group would like to invite parents to be a part of this group. It is an opportunity

for parents to have any questions or concerns bought up to the Principal in a non-threatening

atmosphere. It is also a chance to give feedback on the direction of our school. This is very

important to our Principal Mr Fleming and staff.

We are going to have our first meeting of 2015 on Wed the 4th of March at 7:30pm.

We hope parents will seriously consider becoming a part of our school community through joining

our group. We feel that having parent input into our school is very important to make our school a

safe and fun place to learn that is inclusive of all.

We would love to see as many parents as possible come along to our Catering Room opposite the

gym and be a part of helping to move our school forward.

Tea coffee and a light supper will be provided.

Thankyou very much.

Jackie Pilgrim

President-Parent Voice

DISCLAIMER: Parents should note that advertisements for educational services, companies, activities or similar events are published as a

‘community service’. Devonport High School is in no way liable for the quality, supervision or integrity of the provider and strongly suggests that

parents make their own enquiries before engaging with the advertised event. Rob Fleming, Acting Principal

Devonport High School Ph.: (03) 6424 9461 Fax: (03) 6424 6621

91 Best Street Email: devonport.high@education.tas.gov.au

Ulverstone Soccer Club is looking for youth players age 12 - 17, if

you have played or are interested in playing training is 5:30 pm

Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Ulverstone Show-

grounds. For further information contact Lisa 0437868466

We are looking at starting our school roster after Easter for

our local Central Coast primary schools. Registration day will

be the 1st March 2 pm at the Showgrounds. Rego for Under 8

$60 and primary $70.

Latrobe Basketball

Junior Teams Training Times:

Mon U/18 Boys 6.00-7.30pm

Tues U/16 Boys 4.00-5.30pm

Wed U/12 Girls 3.30-4.30pm

U/14 Girls 4.30-6.00pm

Thur U/16 / U/18 Girls 4.00-6.00pm

Frid U/12 & U/14 Boys 3.30-


Cost is $2.00 and please bring a

drink and your own

Ball if you have one.

For more information please email latrobe.secretay@gmail.com


Phone 0419 505 682.