ed The Nativity By Nishty Long ago in Nazareth there was a poor humble girl called Mary. She was...


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The NativityBy Nishty

Long ago in Nazareth there was a poor humble girl called Mary . She was engaged to a man called Joseph, the son of David . Suddenly out of nowhere an angel had appeared and announced that she was a messenger from God. She had come to tell them that Mary was going to have a baby from the holy spirit, and she shall name him Jesus.

In those days Caesar Augustus had declared an order that everyone had to be registered in their home town. Joseph and mary travelled on a donkey to Bethlehem.

When they reached Bethlehem they needed a room to stay ,but there was nowhere. A kind inn keeper offered them his barn, if they wanted it. Mary gave birth to baby Jesus that night and she wrapped him in swaddling cloth and laid him in the manger.


At the same region the were shepherds out on the field keeping watch of their white fluffy sheep, suddenly an angel appeared they were filled with fear, she had come to tell them that a new king has been born. So then the shepherds set of to meet JesusThe wise men from the east of Jerusalem came saying where is the new king from the Jews then they saw a blinding star saying that that must be where the king of Jews must be so they followed the star.


Everyone got to the stable and celebrated the birth of baby Jesus ,the three wise men gave gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold. Everyone was happy that the son of god was born
