Ecology and Utilization of Plants


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  • 8/15/2019 Ecology and Utilization of Plants



  • 8/15/2019 Ecology and Utilization of Plants



    Lkyaik's Tfkih Taih

     A oniompt lasmd mxoguskvm batmrkag  Mongncy

    (]tkgkzatkni ne Zgaits) L._o Zart-KKK

    Dr.Aiupaba CnyagZfd.Lntaiy)


    Dmptt. ne Kienrbatkni TmofingncyLkyaik Ckrgs Onggmcm, @akpur

  • 8/15/2019 Ecology and Utilization of Plants


  • 8/15/2019 Ecology and Utilization of Plants


  • 8/15/2019 Ecology and Utilization of Plants


  • 8/15/2019 Ecology and Utilization of Plants



  • 8/15/2019 Ecology and Utilization of Plants


     Mongncy 3

    Alkntko Eaotnrs

    Q-1 Dksouss tfm meemot ne tmbpmraturm ni pgait gkem aid tfmkr dkstrklutkni.

    Ais. Tfm tmrb tmbpmraturm, lmskdms tfm amrkag tmbpmraturm ne tmrrmstrkag nrcaiksbs,

    agsn kiogudms tfm tmbpmraturm ne watmr enr aquatko gkem. Tmbpmraturm ks abmasurmbmit enr tfm dmcrmm ne fntimss. Tfm radkait mimrcy rmomkvmd ernb tfmsui ks onivmrtmd tn fmat mimrcy. Tfm dmcrmm ne fntimss nr tmbpmraturm at tfmpnkit watmr ermmzms kitn kom at :° O aid at tfm pnkit watmr lnkgs kitn stmab at1::°O.

    Tmbpmraturm aeemots pgaits ki varknus ways, wfkof arm as enggnws0-

    (1)  Meemots ni bmtalngksb0

    Agg bmtalngko prnomssms arm kiegumiomd ly tmbpmraturm. Kt aeemots tfm

    ratms ne traispkratkni, pfntnsyitfmsks ki pgaits aid rmspkratkni ratms aid

    ntfmr bmtalngko prnomssms ki pgaits.

    Kiormasm ki tmbpmraturm kiormasms tfm oapaokty ne akr tn fngd bnrm

    bnksturm ki vapnur enrb. Tfmsm rmsugts ki fkcfmr dkeemrmiom lmtwmmi

    vapnr prmssurm dmekokts aid onismqumitgy tfm ratm traispkratkni


    Tmbpmraturm agsn rmcugatms tfm aotkvkty ne mizybms wfkof ki turi

    rmcugatms pfyskngnckoag prnomssms. Tfm tmbpmraturm at wfkof

    pfyskngnckoag prnomssms arm at tfmkr baxkbub meekokmioy ks oaggmd

    nptkbub tmbpmraturm.


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    (?)  Meemot ni crnwtf aid dmvmgnpbmit0

    Lntf mxtrmbmgy gnw aid fkcf tmbpmraturms favm advmrsm meemot ni tfm

    crnwtf ne pgaits. Gnw tmbpmraturm lrkics alnut suof ongd ki`urkms as

    dmskooatkni , ofkggkic ki`ury aid ermmzkic ki`ury . Ki dmskooatkni , tkssumsarm dmfydratmd aid ki`urmd dum tn rapkd traispkratkni aid sgnw

    alsnrptkni durkic wkitmr. Ofkggkic ki`ury ks tfm hkggkic nr ki`ury ne tfm

    pgaits ne fnt ogkbatm. Ke mxpnsmd tn gnw tmbpmraturms, watmr ks ernzmi

    kitn orystags ki tfm kitmromggugar spaoms oauskic ki`ury tn omggs. Tfks ks

    hinwi as ermmzkic ki`ury. _nbm pmrmiikags oai tngmratm mxtrmbmgy gnw

    tmbpmraturms aid tfks alkgkty ks oaggmd ongd rmskstaiom. Mxtrmbmgy fkcf

    tmbpmraturms oausm stuitkic aid ekiag dmatf ne tfm pgaits , wfkof ks dum

    tn advmrsm meemots ni a iublmr ne pfyskngnckoag prnomssms as rmspkratkni

    , traispkratkni , prntmki bmtalngksb mto. Tfks ks oaggmd fmat ki`ury.Bnst ne tfm gaid pgaits tfrkvm ki quktm a wkdm raicm ne tmbpmraturms

    ernb agbnst ermmzkic tn alnut ==°O aid tfmsm arm oaggmd murytfmrbko

    pgaits. Aquatko mivkrnibmits usuaggy sfnw gmss eguotuatkni ki

    tmbpmraturm aid fmiom baiy aquatko pgaits tfrkvm ki a iarrnw

    tmbpmraturm raicm aid tfmsm arm oaggmd stmintfmrbko pgaits.

    _nbm agcam gkhm Ofgabydnbnias ikvagks aid dkatnbs gkvm ni

    sinw. Mxtrmbms ne tmbpmraturms, lntf ni ongd aid fnt skdms dabacm tfm

    bmblraim , dmstrny tfm prntmkis , dmiaturm tfmrbngalkgm mizybms tfusdksruptkic iuogmko aokd bmtalngksb.

    Meemot ne tmbpmraturm ni dkstrklutkni ne pgaits0

    Tmbpmraturm sfnws prninuiomd tmbpnrag as wmgg as spatkag varkatknis.

    Tfm typm ne vmcmtatkni lntf ki struoturm aid onbpnsktkni ks wkdmgy

    dkeemrmit ki fnt mquatnrkag lmgt (warb trnpkos) rmgatkvmgy onng tmbpmratm

    aid tfm pmrbaimitgy ongd pngar rmcknis. Tfm bnst strkhkic dkeemrmiom ki

    tfmsm cmncrapfkoag lmgts ks tfm dkeemrmiom ki tfmkr tmbpmraturms lmskdmsgkcft kitmiskty, pfntnpmrknd aid ntfmr mongnckoag eaotnrs.

    Tfm fnt aid fubkd mquatnrkag aid trnpkoag rmcknis arm eugg ne mvmrcrmmi

    enrmsts. Tfmsm arm mxtrmbmgy rkof ki varkmty ne vmcmtatkni aid dkeemrmit

    gkem enrbs ne pgaits nooupy tfm amrkag spaom ki smvmrag gaymrs.

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     Mongncy ;

    Ki eaot tfm trnpkoag raki enrmsts arm tfm rkofmst nims ki dkvmrskty aid

    dmiskty. A garcm varkmty ne dkont trmms, sfruls ne agg staturm aid skzm crnw

    kitmrbkxmd aid ad`ustmd onbpaotgy ki gkbktmd spaom. Tfm tmbpmraturm

    lmgt fas gnw tmbpmraturm aid tfm rmckni ks rkof ki enrmsts ne onikemrnustrmms gkhm pkim aid dmndar aid dkont gkhm nahs, lkrofms aid ofmstiuts,

    Zngar rmckni fas aoonuits ne mxtrmbm ongd onidktkni, gmss ermm watmr

    avakgalgm dum tn sinw enrbatkni. Tfm pgaits arm sfnrt aid crnw


    Tfus, tfm dkvkskni ne martf„s vmcmtatkni kitn dkeemrmit znims, as

    mquatnrkag, trnpkoag, onikemrnus, agpkim vmcmtatknis mto. rmsts ni tfm

    barhmd varkatknis ki tmbpmraturm at dkeemrmit gatktudms.

    Tfm varknus znims ne dkeemrmit hkids ne vmcmtatkni at kiormaskic gatktudms

    ernb mquatnr tnwards pngms (ekc) aid at kiormaskic agtktudms nibnuitakis arm bnrm nr gmss skbkgar, sfnwkic tfat kiormasm ki gatktudm aid

    agtktudm lrkics alnut bnrm nr gmss skbkgar kiegumiom upni vmcmtatkni.

    Tfus, wm ekid dkstkiot gatktudkiag wmgg as agtktudkiag zniatknis ki tfm


    Vmrnpfytms arm bnrm onbbni at gnwmr agtktudms aid ofabampfytms

    noour at fkcfmr agtktudms.

    Ki Fkbagayas, tmbpmraturm varkatknis arm quktm mvkdmit, aid tfmrm ks a

    cmimrag zniatkni ne vmcmtatkni ernb gnwmr tn fkcfmr agtktudms. Tfm

    suoomsskvm znims ne vmcmtatkni (Ekc 4) ernb lasm upwards arm trnpkoagaid sultrnpkoag, tmbpmratm aid agpkim.

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    Tfm gnwmr agtktudms ki warb aid fubkd Fkbagayas favm rkof crnwtf ne

    sag (_fnrma rnlusta), trmms wktf patofms ne Daglmrcka skssnn (_fksub),

    Mucmika sp. mto. As tfm agtktudm tmbpmraturm eaggs rnucfgy at tfm ratm ne

    alnut 3°O pmr tfnusaid bmtmrs, wktf tfm eagg ki tmbpmraturm at agtktudms

    alnvm 1=:: bmtmrs, tfm tmbpmratm spmokms gkhm Zkius rnxlurcfkk aid

    spmokms ne Qumrous kioaia lmcki tn appmar. Eurtfmr up, arnuid ?:::bmtmrs Zkius waggkofkaia, Omdrus dmndara aid Alkms Zkidrnw lmonbm

    dnbkiait. Tfm trmm fmkcft craduaggy dmormasms ki tmbpmratm lmgts.

    Alnvm 4::: bmtmrs tfm crnwtf ks agbnst imcgkcklgm. _fruls gkhm

    \fndndmidrnis, crassms aid smvmrag dkont fmrls gkhm _axkeraca ,Zrkbuga

    aid Aimbnim rmpgaom trmms. At alnvm =5:: bmtmrs agtktudm, tfm

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     Mongncy 11

    tmbpmraturm eaggs lmgnw tfm ermmzkic pnkit, agg tfm ymar rnuid. ]idmr

    suof a sinw onvmrmd falktat nigy snbm fkcfgy spmokagkzmd agcam, snbm

    gkofmis, aid bnssms crnw enr a sfnrt pmrknd. Fkcfmr agtktudms arm dmvnkd

    ne vmcmtatkni._nbm pmrsnis, ni tfm lasks ne tmbpmraturm onidktknis dkvkdm wnrgd„s

    vmcmtatkni kitn varknus ogassms as-

    (k)  Bmcatfmrbs0 Sfmrm fkcf tmbpmraturms prmvakg tfrnucfnut tfm

    ymar aid dnbkiait vmcmtatkni ks trnpkoag raki enrmst

    (kk)  Bmsntfmrbs0  Sktf fkcf tmbpmraturm agtmriatkic wktf gnw

    tmbpmraturm aid dnbkiait vmcmtatkni ks trnpkoag dmokdunus


    (kkk)  Bkorntfmrbs0  Sfmrm gnw tmbpmraturms prmvakg aid vmcmtatkni ks

    ne bkxmd onikemrnus enrmsts typm, aid (kv)  Fmhkstntfmrbs0 Sktf vmry gnw tmbpmraturms aid agpkim

    vmcmtatkni lmkic dnbkiait.

    Q-< Sfat ks mivkrnibmit> Dmsorklm tfm ofaraotmrkstkos ne varknus znims neatbnspfmrm>

    Ais. Tfm tmrb mivkrnibmit mtybngnckoaggy bmais surrnuidkics tfus8mivkrnibmit ks a onbpgmx ne sn baiy tfkics (gkcft, tmbpmraturm, snkg, watmrmto.) wfkof surrnuid ai nrcaiksb. Aiy mxtmriag enrom, sulstaiom nr

    onidktkni, wfkof surrnuids aid aeemots tfm gkem ne ai nrcaiksb ni aiy way,lmonbms a eaotnr ne kts mivkrnibmit. Tfmsm eaotnrs favm lmmi varknusgyoaggmd as mivkrnibmitag eaotnrs, mongnckoag eaotnrs nr skbpgy eaotnrs, aidbay lm gkvkic (lkntko) as wmgg as ini-gkvkic (alkntko). Tfm sub ne agg tfmsmgkvkic aid ini-gkvkic eaotnrs bahms tfm mivkrnibmit ne ai nrcaiksb. Tfmpgaom wfmrm ai nrcaiksb gkvms-falktat, kidmmd prmsmits a partkougar smt nemivkrnibmitag onidktknis tfm mivkrnibmitag onbpgmx.Agg tfm mivkrnibmitag eaotnrs eagg kitn ba`nr crnups, iabmgy ini-gkvkic nrpfyskoag eaotnrs aid tfm gkvkic nr lkngnckoag eaotnrs onbbnigy oaggmd lkntkoeaotnrs. Tfm pfyskoag eaotnrs oai lm arraicmd kitn tfrmm crnups, iabmgy, (1)Ogkbatko, wfkof rmgatm tn tfm amrkag mivkrnibmitag ne tfm pgait. (

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    Mivkrnibmitag Eaotnrs

    Atbnspfmrm0Tfm tmrb ’atbnspfmrm„ kiogudms nigy tfm tfkoh casmnus baitgm surrnuidkictfm martf. Kt mivmgnpms tfm lknspfmrm aid nvmrgkms lntf gktfnspfmrm aidfydrnspfmrm. Atbnspfmrko casms0]p tn a fmkcft ne alnut ?:: Hb. alnvm tfm martf„s sureaom, tfmrm ks prmsmitsnbm snrt ne a tfkoh casmnus baitgm. Ki atbnspfmrm, alnut ;=% ne tfm tntagakr ks prmsmit up tn tfm fmkcft ne alnut

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     Mongncy 1?


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    Q-? Srktm sfnrt intms ni0-(a) Mdapfko eaotnrs(l) Butuagksb 

    Ais  (a) Mdapfko eaotnrs0Mdapfko eaotnrs kiogudm tfm struoturm aid onbpnsktkni ne snkg agnicwktf kts pfyskoag aid ofmbkoag ofaraotmrkstkos.Dmekiktkni aid onbpnsktkni ne snkg0

    _nkg ks dmekimd as ‗aiy part ne martf„s orust ki wfkof pgaits rnnt.‒ _nkg ksint bmrmgy a crnup ne bkimrag partkogms. Kt fas agsn a lkngnckoag systmbne gkvkic nrcaiksbs as wmgg as snbm ntfmr onbpnimits. Kt ks tfusprmemrrmd tn oagg kt as a snkg onbpgmx, wfkof fas tfm enggnwkic ekvmoatmcnrkms ne onbpnimits.(k)  Bkimrag battmr0

    A batrkx ne bkimrag partkogms dmrkvmd ly varykic dmcrmms nelrmahdnwi ne tfm parmit batmrkag rnoh

    (kk)  _nkg nrcaiko battmr nr fubus0

    Ai nrcaiko onbpnuid dmrkvmd ernb gnic aid sfnrt tmrb

    addktkni ne batmrkag ernb nrcaiksbs crnwkic alnvm aid lmgnw

    crnuid k.m. pgaits, aikbags bkornnrcaiksbs.

    (kkk)  _nkg watmr/_nkg _ngutkni0

    Agg watmr onitakimd ki snkg tncmtfmr wktf kts dkssngvmd sngkds,

    gkqukds aid casms. _nkg watmr ks fmgd ly oapkggary aid alsnrptkvm

    enroms lntf lmtwmmi aid at tfm sureaom ne snkg partkogms.(kv)  _nkg atbnspfmrm0

    Kt nooupkms tfm pnrm spaom lmtwmmi snkg partkogms, wfkof at aiy

    tkbm, ks int watmr ekggmd.

    (v)  Lkngnckoag systmb0

    Maof snkg fas a dkstkiotkvm egnras as wmgg as eauia ne laotmrka,

    euick, agcam, prntnzna, rntkemrs, imbatndms, ngkcnofamtms,

    bnggusos aid artfrnpnds.

    Eaotnrs aeemotkic snkg enrbatkni0

    Tfm iaturm aid typm ne tfm snkg, enrbkic at a partkougar pgaom ksgarcmgy cnvmrimd ly tfm iaturm ne tfm parmit batmrkag aid kts

    kitmraotkni wktf ogkbatm, tnpncrapfy, nrcaiksbs mto. @neem sul-

    dkvkdmd snkg enrbkic eaotnrs as enggnws0-

    (K)  Zasskvm eaotnrs0

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     Mongncy 1=

    (1)  Zarmit batmrkag0

    Kts pfyskoag onistktutkni kiegumioms tfm snkg onistktutkni

    kiegumioms tfm snkg amratkni, gmaofkic ratm aid tmxturm

    wfmrmas tfm ofmbkoag onbpnsktkni kiegumioms tfm ofmbkoagofaraotmrkstkos ne snkg.


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    _nkg Zrnekgm0Tfm dkeemrmit fnrkznis ne a snkg prnekgm fkstnrkoaggy ki \usskai tmrbkingncywmrm ogasskekmd kitn ALO tmrbkingncy. Kt onisksts ne tfm enggnwkic ekvm

    baki fnrkznis.(K)  Tfm ‖N‛ fnrkznis0

    Tfmsm arm tfm nrcaiko fnrkznis enrbkic alnvm tfm sureaom ne tfm bkimrag

    batrkx, bakigy onbpnsmd ne ermsf nr partkaggy dmonbpnsmd nrcaiko battmr.

    Tfks fnrkzni ks wmgg dmvmgnpmd ki enrmsts aid bay lm onbpgmtmgy alsmit ki

    crassgaids. Tfks fnrkzni ks dkvkdmd kitn enggnwkic twn sul-gaymrs0

    (1)  N1 \mckni0

    Tfks ks tfm uppmr bnst gaymr oniskstkic ne ermsfgy eaggmi dmad nrcaiko

    battmr as dmad gmavms, lraiofms, egnwmrs aid erukts, dmad parts ne aikbags


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     Mongncy 13

    onatkics ne bkimrag craki sueekokmit tn ckvm a bnrm kitmism ongnur tfai

    fnrkznis alnvm nr lmgnw.

    (KU)  Tfm ’O„ fnrkznis(U)  Tfm ’\„ fnrkznis_nkg Onismrvatkni0

    (1)  Lkngnckoag Bmtfnds ne _nkg Onismrvatkni0

    (k)  Onitnur enrbkic(kk) Bugofkic(kkk)  Ornp rntatkni0 Tfm sabm ornp aetmr ymar dmpgmtms tfm snkg bkimrag. Tfks

    ks nvmronbm ly outtkic gmcubms.

    (kv)  _trkp ornppkic(v) Dry earbkic.(vk)  Acrnstngnckoag bmtfnds0  Crassms suof as Oyindni daotygni arm

    utkgkzmd as mrnskni-rmskstait pgaits. Tfmy arm crnwi ki strkps lmtwmmi tfm


    (k) Gay earbkic(kk)  \mtkrkic gaids tn crass.


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    Lmms, bntfs, luttmregkms mto dmrkvm ennd ernb tfm imotar, nr ntfmr pgait

    prnduot aid ki rmturi lrkic alnut pnggkiatkni.


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     Mongncy 1;

    Tmrbktms oaiint dkcmst omggugnsm ne wnnd. Tfm prntnznais dkcmst omggugnsm enr

    tmrbktms aid ki rmturi nltaki ennd aid sfmgtmr ernb tfm tmrbktm.  

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    Oarlni Oyogm Tfm baki stmps ki tfm oarlni oyogm ki iaturm arm ckvmi lmgnw0-

    (1)  Oarlni ks prmsmit as oarlni dknxkdm cas ki tfm atbnspfmrm.(

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    Ki suof gmavms, outkogm ks tfkoh aid nutmr waggs ne tfm mpkdmrbag omggs arm

    fmavkgy dmpnsktmd wktf outki aid omggugnsm.

    (kk)  Gmavms ne ini-suoougmit xmrnpfytms, suof as Imrkub aid Zkius pnssmss0(a)  Smgg dmvmgnpmd fmavy outkogm(l)  _mvmrag-gaymrmd mpkdmrbks ki Imrkub, aid smvmrag- gaymrmd

    sogmrmiofybatnus fypndmrbks ki Zkius.

    (o)  Bmsnpfygg vmry wmgg dkeemrmitkatmd kitn pagksadm aid spnicy parmiofyba(d)  _tnbata ne suihmi typm oniekimd nigy tn gnwmr mpkdmrbks. Ki snbm

    xmrnpfytms as Imrkub stnbata arm sktuatmd ki pkts gkimd wktf fakrs.

    (m)  Uasougar tkssums arm vmry wmgg dmvmgnpmd, dkeemrmitkatmd kitn xygmb wktfgkcikekmd mgmbmits aid pfgnmb.

    Ki Imrkub, ki addktkni tn lkc vasougar luidgm ki bkd-rkl rmckni, tfmrm arm

    smvmrag ntfmr vasougar luidgms agsn.(e)  Bmofaikoag tkssums arm vmry wmgg dmvmgnpmd, kiogudkic smvmrag hkids ne

    sogmrmkds. Ki Zkius, tfmrm ks wmgg dmvmgnpmd onbpgmtm traiseuskni tkssum.

    (kkk)  Ki snbm ini-suoougmit xmrnpfytms, partkougargy crassms as Abbnpfkga, Znaaid Acrnpyrni, gmavms lmonbm rnggmd aid/nr engdmd ki suof a baiimr tfat

    tfm stnbata nooupy a fkddmi pnsktkni, tfus bkikbkzkic tfm ratms ne

    traispkratkni. Bnrmnvmr, tfmkr mpkdmrbag omggs rmbaki bnstgy turckd.

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    snbm aokds wfkof lrkic alnut wmatfmrkic ne rnohs. Tfm dmad nrcaiko battmr

    ne gkofmis lmonbms bkxmd wktf tfm sbagg partkogms ne rnohs. Fnwmvmr, tfks

    prnomss ks vmry sgnw.


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    _nbm ermm-egnatkic spmokms as Azngga, Gmbba, Sngeeka, Zkstka, _agvkika, _pkrndmgga mto. agsnlmonbm assnokatmd wktf tfm rnntmd pgaits dum tn avakgalkgkty ne sagts aid ntfmr bkimragski aluidaiom. Ly inw, tfm watmr gmvmg lmonbms vmry buof dmormasmd bahkic tfm pnidsfaggnwmr8 tfm dmonbpnskic nrcaiko battmr enrbmd dum tn dmatf ne tfmsm pgaits lrkics

    alnut eurtfmr lukgd up ne tfm sulstratub .  

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    Tntag skzm ks cmimraggy mxprmssmd as tfm in. ne kidkvkduags ki a pnpugatkni.

    Bnrm kienrbatkvm arm tfm mstkbatms ne dmiskty, tfm iublmr pmr uikt arma (nr

    vngubm) ne mivkrnibmit. Garcmr nrcaiksbs as trmms bay lm mxprmssmd as =::

    trmms pmr fmotarm, wfmrmas sbaggmr nims gkhm pfytnpgaihtnis (as agcam) as <bkggkni omggs pmr oulko bmtmr ne watmr.

    (1) Orudm dmiskty0 Kt ks tfm dmiskty (iublmr nr lknbass) pmr uikt tntag spaom. 


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     Mongncy ==

    (a)  Fkcfgy onivmx ourvms0

    Kt (ourvm A) ks ofaraotmrkstko ne tfm spmokms ki wfkof tfm

    pnpugatkni bnrtagkty ratm ks gnw uitkg imar tfm mid ne tfm gkem

    spai. Tfus, suof spmokms tmid tn gkvm tfrnucfnut tfmkr gkem spai,wktf gnw bnrtagkty. Baiy spmokms ne garcm aikbags as dmmr,

    bnuitaki sfmmp aid bmi mto. sfnw suof ourvms.

    (l)  Fkcfgy onioavm ourvm0

    Tfks ourvm (ourvm O) ks ofaraotmrkstko ne suof spmokms wfmrm

    bnrtagkty ratm ks fkcf durkic tfm ynuic stacms m.c. Nystmrs, nr

    ntfmr sfmgg eksf, nah trmms mto.

    (o)  Dkacniag ourvms0

    Ke acm-spmokeko survkvag ks bnrm imargy onistait, tfm ourvm

    apprnaofms a dkacniag strakcft gkim (ourvm L

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    : ‟ 

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    awi. Dmpmidkic ni kts prmsmiom tfm spkhms arm rmemrrmd tn as awimd (lmardmd)nr awigmss (lmardgmss).

    Tfm wfmat craki ks a dry, nim smmdmd, kidmfksomit erukt, hinwi as a oarynpsks.

    Tfm craki bay lm mktfmr fard nr snet ki tmxturm wktf a ormaby wfktm ablmr, rmdnr purpgm ongnur dmpmidkic upni tfm varkmty. Tfm dnrsag onivmx sureaom ne tfmhmrimg ks sbnntf savm enr tfm lasm wfmrm tfm erukt onat ks wrkihgmd, kidkoatkictfm pnsktkni ne tfm mblryn.

    Tfm vmitrag sureaom ks egat aid ks ofaraotmrkzmd ly a dmmp eurrnw nr crnnvm(ormasm). Tfm tkp ne tfm craki fas a typm ne pmrskstmit stkee fakrs hinwi as tfm’lrusf„ 

    Tfm enggnwkic enur struoturms arm rmoncikzalgm ki tfm wfmat craki, tfm crakionats, tfm iuomggar mpkdmrbks, tfm midnspmrb aid tfm mblryn.

    Tfm tkssums ne tfm pmrkoarp enrb a tfki prntmotkvm onvmrkic aid oniskst nesmvmrag gaymrs0 mpkdmrbks, fypndmrbks, rmbiaits ne tfki waggmd omggs.Kitmrbmdkatm omggs, ornss omggs aid tulm omggs. Tfm smmd onat nr tmsta ks ekrbgyeusmd wktf tfm kiimrbnst omggs ne tfm pmrkoarp k.m. ornss aid tulm omggs ni tfmnutskdm aid tfm iuomggar mpkdmrbks ni tfm kiskdm. Tfm iuomggar gaymr ksonbpnsmd ne a skicgm rnw ne onbprmssmd omggs lmtwmmi tfm tmsta aid tfmmidnspmrb.

    Tfm midnspmrb bahms up alnut 6< pmromit ne tfm craki ly wmkcft. Tfm

    dmgkbktkic gaymr ne tfm midnspmrb, tfm agmurnim gaymr ,ks rkof ki iutrkmits,partkougargy ikaoki, vktabkis ne tfm L crnup aid bkimrags. Kt fas fkcf prntmkionitmit lut ks dmvnkd ne cgutmi aid starof. Tfm rmbakikic pnrtkni ne tfmmidnspmrb ks ofkmegy onbpnsmd ne starof.

    Tfm mblryniko axks onisksts ne tfm pgubugm surrnuidmd ly a sfmatf hinwi astfm ongmnptkgm aid tfm prkbary rnnt nr radkoag, miognsmd ly tfm ongmnrfkza nrrnnt sfmatf.

    Attaofmd tn tfm mblryniko axks, imarmst tn tfm midnspmrb ks a egmsfy sfkmgd ‟ gkhm struoturm, tfm ontygmdni nr soutmggub. Kt enrbs tfm crmatmr pnrtkni ne tfm

    mblryn, nppnsktm tfm soutmggub, tfmrm ks sbagg soagm-gkhm crnwtf hinwi asmpklgast.

    A wmgg-dmvmgnpmd hmrimg onitakis alnut ikim tn tmi pmromit lrai onat(pmrkoarp, tmsta aid iuomggar gaymr),

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     Mongncy 5?

    (k)  Ki tfm U-out systmb, twn sgaitkic kioksknis arm badm gkhm tfm twn arbs ne Uaid at tfm lnttnb ne tfmkr `uiotkni, bmtaggko spnuts badm mktfmr ne zkio nr

    krni arm kismrtmd tn oniduot tfm gatmx kitn tfm rmomkvkic oup.

    (kk)  Ki tfm fmrrkic lnim systmb, a iublmr ne nlgkqum outs, agg onivmrckic tn avmrtkoag gkim, arm badm kitn tfm larh. Tfmsm tappkic outs bay lm ni lntfskdms ne tfm gkim, nr nigy ni nim skdm. Tfm gatmx ruis dnwi tfm outs kitn tfm

    omitrag nim wfkof oniduots kt tn tfm oup pgaomd at tfm lnttnb.

    (kkk) Ki tfm spkrag paimg systmb, a typkoag out at ai aicgm ne ?:-?=°O ks badm ernbtfm uppmr gmet tn tfm gnwmr rkcft, fage way arnuid tfm trmm. (Fage spkrag

    paimg) nr onbpgmtmgy arnuid tfm okroubemrmiom ne tfm truih (eugg spkrag


    (kv) A spmokaggy dmskcimd @mlnic„s hikem ne fkcf quagkty stmmg ks usmd. Tfm hikemfas a U-sfapmd fmad wfkof oai lm ad`ustmd tn out tfm prnpmr tfkohimss nelarh (alnut 1 bb). Tfus, tfm gatmx vmssmgs arm smvmrmd traisvmrsmgy.

    Tappkic ks kivarkalgy startmd ki tfm margy fnurs ne tfm bnrikic wfmi tfm egnw ne

    gatmx ks onpknus nwkic tn fkcf turcnr prmssurm. Kt sgaohmis as tfm tkbm passms ly

    aid ekiaggy stnps at bkdday. Gatmx ruis dnwi tfm ofaiimg ne tfm out tn a spnut

    aid kitn a sbagg rmomptaogm tn wfkof a emw drnps ne ai aitkonacugait suof as

    abbnika, enrbagdmfydm nr sndkub fydrnxkdm arm addmd. Tfm ykmgd ne gatmx oai

    lm kiormasmd, snbmtkbms as buof as ?: pmromit, ly tfm appgkoatkni ne crnwtf

    fnrbnims suof as

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    sorupugnus ogmaigkimss ks nlsmrvmd ernb tfm tappkic stacm uitkg tfm gatmx rmaofms

    tfm prnomsskic uikt.

    Tfm rullmr ks sfkppmd mktfmr as oniomitratmd gkqukd gatmx nr ki a sngkd enrb. Tn

    prmparm sngkd rullmr tfm strakimd aid dkgutmd gatmx ks traisemrrmd tn garcmagubkiub taihs tn wfkof aomtko nr enrbko aokd ks addmd (< hc ne aomtko aokd nr 1

    hc ne enrbko aokd tn 4:: hc ne rullmr gatmx). As a rmsugt ne tfks trmatbmit, tfm tkiy

    rullmr partkogms dkspmrsmd tfrnucfnut tfm gatmx ogubp tncmtfmr ni tfm tnp as

    snet, wfktm spnicy bass. Omrtaki ofmbkoags bay lm addmd tn prmvmit euicag

    crnwtf aid tn gkcftmi tfm ongnr ne tfm ekiksfmd prnduot. Tfks snet onacugub nr

    sgal, aetmr wasfkic, ks passmd tfrnucf a suoomsskni ne rnggmrs tn sqummzm nut tfm

    mxomss watmr aid agsn tn egattmi kt tn a dmskralgm tfkohimss (alnut ?.: bb) aid akr

    drkmd, tfus prnduokic sfmmts ne ’ormpm rullmr„. 

    Quktm netmi, tfm sfmmts arm sbnhmd ly mxpnskic tfmb tn tfm pyrngkcimnus aokdvapnrs ernb lurikic wnnd. Tfm sbnhmd prnduot ks hinwi as ’sfmmt rullmr„.

    _bnhmd sfmmts arm traisguomit, ablmr nr lrnwi ongnrmd, mgastko aid duralgm.

    Bnst ne tfm rullmr ks mxpnrtmd ki tfks enrb. Tfm drkmd rullmr bust lm lrnhmi

    dnwi ki a rullmr bkgg (bkggmd) lmenrm ofmbkoags oai lm bkxmd.

    A rmomit kiinvatkvm apprnaof ks tn sfkp raw rullmr ki a onbprmssmd craiugar

    enrb (’fmvmaorubl„) ratfmr tfai as a sbnhmd sfmmt. Baiy bmtfnds favm lmmi

    dmvksmd tn prnduom kt lut tfm Zugvatmx (stab) aid Bmagnrul prnomssms arm bnst

    onbbnigy usmd.

    Q-? Srktm mssay ni tfm nrkcki, lntaikoag ofaraotmrs, ougtkvatkni aid kbprnvmdvarkmtkms ne bakzm.

    Ais.  Lntaikoag Ofaraotmrs0

    Bakzm ks a east crnwkic, mrmot usuaggy skicgm-stmbbmd, suoougmit aiiuagcrass (alnut 1-= b tagg), enrbkic vmry emw tkggmrs. Tfm rnnt systmb oniskstsne smbkiag, onrniag nr ornwi aid lraom, luttrmss nr amrkag rnnts.

    Tfm smbkiag rnnts oniskst ne tfm radkoag (prkbary smbkiag rnnt) pgus tfrmm nrbnrm smonidary smbkiag rnnts tfat crnw nut skdmways ernb tfm mblryn.Tfmy qukohgy gnsm tfmkr kbpnrtaiom aid tfm ynuic pgait ks inurksfmd aidsuppnrtmd ly tfm baki eklrnus rnnt systmb (onrniag) dmvmgnpkic ernb tfmgnwmr indms ne tfm stmb lmgnw crnuid gmvmg.

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     Mongncy 5=

    Lraom nr prnp rnnts bahm tfmkr appmaraiom snni aetmr tassmgkic aid arksmernb tfm indms `ust alnvm tfm snkg sureaom. Tfmy arm tfkoh aid partkaggypfntnsyitfmtko, lut ni mitmrkic tfm snkg tfmy lraiof aid lmfavm gkhm onrniagrnnts.

    Tfm kitmrindms ki tfm lasag rmckni ne tfm pgaits arm sfnrt aid eakrgy tfkoh,lmonbkic prncrmsskvmgy gnicmr aid tfkohmr fkcfmr up tfm stmb. Tfmb tfmytapmr aid ekiaggy tmrbkiatm ki tfm bagm kiegnrmsomiom.

    Tfm gmavms arm dkstkofnus. Tfm gmae onisksts ne tfm gmae sfmatf, aid tfmgabkia, wktf bmblrainus gkcugm at tfm `uiotkni ne twn. Tfm gmae lgadm ksgkimar- gaiomngatm, aoubkiatm, wavy, =: tn 3: ob ki gmictf aid 6 tn 1; obwkdm at kts lrnadmst pnkit, usuaggy wktf fakrs agnic tfm uppmr barckis

    Tfm bakzm pgait ks bninmoknus aid dkogkinus (bagm aid embagmkiegnrmsomiom lnrim smparatmgy ni tfm sabm pgait).

    Tfm bagm kiegnrmsomiom ks onbbnigy rmemrrmd tn as tfm tassmg nooupykic tfmtmrbkiag pnsktkni ni tfm baki axks.

    Tfm embagm kiegnrmsomiom ’onl„ nr ’mar„ ks agsn lnrim tmrbkiaggy lut ni abndkekmd gatmrag lraiof dmvmgnpkic ernb tfm axkggary lud ne tfm baki stmb.

    Tfm bagm kiegnrmsomiom ks a onbpaot, buof lraiofmd paikogm8 tfm lraiofmsarm spkraggy arraicmd arnuid tfm baki axks. Zakrmd spkhmgmts arm oarrkmd ki

    smvmrag rnws ni tfm baki axks aid ki twn rnws ni tfm gatmrag lraiofms.

    Maof spkhmgmt onisksts ne a pakr ne cgubms tfat kivmst twn egnrmts, maof newfkof ks miognsmd ly a gmbba aid pagma aid fas twn gndkougms, tfrmmstabmis aid a rudkbmitary pkstkg.

    Tfm crmatgy migarcmd aid nvmrgappkic gmae-sfmatfs, arkskic ernb maof indm,enrb a prntmotkvm onvmrkic ’fush„ nr ’sfuohs„ arnuid tfm tmrbkiagkiegnrmsomiom. Tfm pkstkggatm kiegnrmsomiom nr mar ktsmge ks a spkhm, wktftfkohmimd axks , ni wfkof arm lnrim pakrmd spkhmgmts ki smvmrag gnicktudkiagrnws, tfm iublmr ne wfkof bay vary ernb < tn ?5, lut tfm usuag iublmr ks

    15, 16 nr

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    Tfm tntag aghagnkd onitmit ne tfm rnnt varkms ernb 1.3 - ?.: pmromit, ne wfkoftfm larh agnim aoonuits enr imargy ;: pmromit.A garcm iublmr ne aghagnkds (6: nr bnrm) favm lmmi ksngatmd ernb varknusspmokms ne \auwngeka. \msmrpkim ks pfarbaongnckoaggy tfm bnst pntmit. Ntfmr

    kbpnrtait aghagnkds arm rmsmrpkikim, dmsmrpkdkim, smrpmitkim, smrpmitkikim,a`bagkim,a`bagkikim, ksna`bagkim, rauwngekikim aid ynfkblkim.\msmrpkim stkbugatms utmrkim onitraotkni aid ks rmonbbmidmd enr usm kiofkgd lkrtf. Ai mxtraot ne tfm gmavms fas agsn lmmi mbpgnymd as a ourm enr tfmnpaokty ne tfm onrima.

    Q-4  Srktm sfnrt intms ni Uavkgnv‛s oniompt nr Dmsorklm Uavkgnv‛s oniompt.Ais.  Tfm wnrh ne Uavkgnv0

    Uavkgnv dmduotknis arm lasmd ni a varkmty ne eaots, nltakimd ernb snuromsdkeemrmit ernb tfnsm ne fks prmdmomssnrs, suof as bnrpfngncy, aiatnby,oytngncy, cmimtkos, dkstrklutkni aid rmaotkni tn dksmasms.Uavkgnv badm ai kivmitnry ne tfm dkvmrsm enrbs ne nur bnst kbpnrtaitougtkvatmd pgaits aid bnst dkstrklutkni nvmr tfm varknus parts ne tfm martf.Fm nlsmrvmd tfat tfm dkstrklutkni ne pgait spmokms ks int uikenrb. Ki snbmrmstrkotmd armas, a wkdm raicm ne cmimtko varkalkgkty ks mionuitmrmd m.c.Mtfknpka enr wfat aid _nutf Abmrkoa enr pntatn.Tfmrm arm emw suof rmcknis aid cmimraggy tfmy arm sbagg armas oniekimd tntfm bnuitakis nr enntfkggs ne tfm trnpkos aid sultrnpkos. Uavkgnv oaggs tfmsm

    rmcknis wktf tfm crmatmst wmagtf ne enrbs, cmim nr dkvmrskty omitmrs aidsuccmstmd tfat tfmsm arm rmcknis ne nrkcki as wmgg as dkspmrsag. At ekrst,Uavkgnv succmstmd skx baki cmncrapfko omitmrs enr ougtkvatmd pgaits lutsulsmqumitgy kiormasmd tfmkr iublmr tn 11. Tfm baki wnrgd omitmrs nedkvmrskty as rmoncikzmd aid bappmd ly Uavkgnv aid fks assnokatms arm gkstmdlmgnw.Snrgd omitmrs ne nrkcki ne ougtkvatmd pgaits (aetmr Uavkgnv)(K)  Ofkimsm omitrm 

    Tfks ks tfm margkmst aid garcmst kidmpmidmit omitrm enr tfm nrkcki ne

    ougtkvatmd pgaits. Kt kiogudms tfm bnuitakinus rmcknis ne omitrag aid

    Smstmri Ofkia aid tfm ad`aomit gnwgaids. A tntag ne 1?5 midmbkopgaits arm gkstmd abnic wfkof arm a emw kbpnrtait, ornps suof as

    bkggmt, snyalmai, baiy gmcubms, lablnn, oruokemrs, nikni, gmttuom,

    mccpgait. Ouourlkts, pmar, ofmrry, oktrus, sucaroaim, okiiabni aid


    (KK)  Kidkai Omitrm0

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    mspmokaggy rkof ki dkvmrskty aid ntfmrs kiogudm. _msabm, oastnr, lmai,

    oneemm aid npmra.

    (UKK) _nutf-Bmxkoai aid Omitrag Abmrkoai Omitrm0

    Tfks omitrm kiogudms tfm _nutfmri parts ne Bmxkon, Cuatmbaga,Fniduras aid onsta \kom. Zgaits iatkvm tn tfks rmckni arm mxtrmbmgy

    varkmd aid tattnn, rmd pmppmr, upgaid onttni, sksag, papaya, cuava,

    oaoan aid tnlaoon.

    (UKKK)  _nutf Abmrkoai Omitrm0

    (A)  Tfm Zmruvkai-Mouadnrmai-Lngkvkai Omitrm0

    Kt onisksts bakigy ne fkcf bnuitakinus armas aid rmprmsmits tfm

    omitrm ne prm-Kioa okvkgkzatkni. Zgaits iatkvm tn tfm Zuia aid _kmrra

    upgaids arm agsn kiogudmd. Tfks omitrm ks hinwi tn lm tfm nrkckiagfnbm ne baiy pntatn spmokms, tnbatn, gkba lrai, pubphkis, rmd

    pmppmr, onoa Mcyptkai onttni, qukikim trmm aid tnlaoon.

    (L)  Tfm Ofkgnm Omitrm0Kt ks ai ksgaid imar tfm onast ne _nutfmri Ofkgm, ks tfnucft tn lm

    rmckni ne nrkcki ne tfm onbbni pntatn.

    (O)  Tfm Lrazkgkai-Zaracuayai Omitrm0Kt ks lmgkmvmd tn lm tfm rmckni ne nrkcki ne crnuidiut, oassava, pkim-

    appgm, rullmr trmm aid oasfmwiut.

    Mkcfty-ekvm pmromit ne tfm 54: spmokms gkstmd ly Uavkgnv nrkckiatmdki tfm ngd wnrgd (Aska Murnpm aid Aerkoa) aid tfm rmbakidmrernb tfm imw wnrgd (tfm Abmrkoas) .Agg tfm omitmrs ne dkvmrskty arm sktuatmd ki tfm bnuitakinus rmcknisne tfm trnpkoag znims ne tfm ngd aid Imw Snrgds. Tfm wkdmtmbpmraturm eguotuatknis ki tfmsm armas aid tfm strnic ugtravkngmtradkatknis arm tfm oausms ne tfm nrkcki ne suof a bugtktudm ne enrbs.Uavkgnv eurtfmr dkstkicuksfmd lmtwmmi prkbary aid smonidary nr’aooubugatkni„ cmim omitrms. Fm succmstmd tfat ki tfm prkbary cmimomitrm, tfm prnomss ne dnbmstkoatkni ernb tfm iatkvm wkgd rmgatkvms

    lmcai aid tfmsm arm ofaraotmrkzmd ly dnbkiait cmims. As tfmougtkvatmd pgaits gatmr bkcratmd tn aintfmr cmim omitrm, tfmy wmrmsul`motmd tn sabm iaturag enrom wfkof acaki gmd tn a oniskdmralgmkiormasm ki tfm dkvmrskty ne tfm ougtkvatmd pgaits tfat oabm kitn tfksrmckni.Ki tfks way, a imw nr smonidary cmim omitrm dmvmgnps ernb tfmougtkvatmd pgaits ki qumstkni, lut skcikekoaitgy ks ofaraotmrkzmd ly a

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     Mongncy 33

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     Mongncy 6?

    a)  Oapparks dmokdua l)  Zrnsnpks okimrarkao)  Pkzypfus rntuidkengkad)  Oasuarkia

    5= Ai mongnckoag pyrabkd rmemrs tn tfm 0a)  Zyrabkd ne mimrcy l)  Zyrabkd ne iublmrso)  Zyrabkd ne lknbassd)  agg ne tfm alnvm

    55 Mimrcy egnw ki ai Monsystmb ks agways 0

    a)  ]ikdkrmotkniag l)  Oyogkoo)  \mvmrsklgmd)  Bugtk ‟  dkrmotkniag

    53 Sfkof ne tfm enggnwkic ks a pnssklgm prnduomr ki ai Monsystmb/

    a)  Zgaits l)  Aikbagso)  Fubai lmkicsd)  Eksf

    56 Kionbkic sngar radkatkni ks oaggmd0

    a)  Kisngatkni l)  Aglmdn ne martfo)  Tmrrmstrkag radkatknid)  Onivmotkni

    Q5; Sfkof ne tfm enggnwkic gkms imarmst tn tfm martf‛s sureaom> a)  _tratnspfmrm l)  Trnpnspfmrmo)  Bmsnspfmrmd)  Kninspfmrm

    3:. Dkrmotkni ne bnuitaki ofakis aid vaggmys , agtktudm aid mxpnsurm ne sgnpm arm kiogudmdabnic0

    a)  Ogkbatko eaotnrs l)  Lkntko eaotnrso)  Mdapfko eaotnrsd)  Zfyskncrapfko eaotnrs

    31 Zgaits crnwkic lmst ki eugg suigkcft arm oaggmd 8

    a)  _oknpfytms l)  Tfmrnpfytms

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     Mongncy 6=

    1.  Abmisagksb0 _yblknsks ki wfkof nim nrcaiksb ks kifklktmd ly tfm ntfmr luttfm gatmr rmbakis uiaeemotmd.

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