Eatnb slim


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It’s all about developing a lifestyle and a habit which will help you to get the body of your dreams…. Amidst our busy & hectic lifestyle … A total

holistic approach to a healthy life and a gorgeous body….

Eat, enjoy food and get slim


o Guaranteed Weight Lost

o You will loose weight slowly but surely

oYou will not regain back your weight

oIt’s a healthy way to weight loss

oYou will feel energetic and light

What would this lifestyle result in?

The solution is simple and yet many people struggle with weight lost and they cant seem

to sustain weight lost nor keep the weight off.


A Simple Solution

So What’s The Problem?

• Very common and popular

• Weight loss is usually rapid

• Numerous with claims

• Restrictive

• Eliminate 1 or more food groups

Fad Diets

Common Fad Diets – Atkins Diet

Low Carbohydrate Diet

Ketosis- body burns fat


Causes headaches, tiredness,mood swings

producing ketones for energy

Effective at losing

weight, weight is usually regained

when normal eating is resumed

Hunter-gatherer diet

Common Fad Diets – Paleo Diet

• Claims to be more in line with cancer prevention guidelines than other low carb diets however specifically allows red meat and excludes grains whereas cancer prevention guidelines promotes grains and limit red meat…in direct conflict

• Claims gatherers didn’t eat grains. Scientific

research found evidence they did

Paleo diet: youtube

600 – 800 kcal dailyFormulated mealsPowder form, add waterTotal or partial meal replacementProvide vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids,


Carbohydrate often absent or very low

Short Term: Rapid Weight Loss3-5Ibs / weekBMI ≥ 30

Long Term: Not advisable. Weight Regain

Very Low Calorie Diets

Common Fad Diets – VLCD

Why don’t they work

to stick to

yoyo dieting

Linked with

eating disorders

Encourage yoyo


Interfere with your metabolis





The Result of Fad Diets

Sounds familiar?

More Myths


Skippingmeals can help

you to lose weight

Slimming pills are effectivefor long-term weight loss


speeds up weight


exercise is needed to lose


Carbohydratesmake you fat

Fad diets are Healthyfoods are

more expensiv


the bestdiets for

long-term weight


Foods labelledlow fat or

reduced fat are always


o Oh – you are on a diet – does it mean you eat salad only? No. If I only eat salad, I will be starving and I wont be able to work or think about anything but food!!

o Oh – you don’t eat? As in you starve yourself? No. Certainly not. That’s not sustainable in the long term

o Ah.. You exercise, that’s why you lose weight. Well. Exercise is good and I would definitely recommend it but it’s 80% diet and 20% exercise where weight loss is concerned

o You are happy thus you lose weight? And I hear this from people I talk to, people gain/lose weight when happy or sad. Food is emotional.

o It’s a product that you take? No. It’s about a healthy lifestyle and the choice of food

o Skip meals? Starve yourself? I used to skip breakfast thinking it will help me lose weight. Now I know it’s not a good idea at all.

People usually ask me these questions

Do you want to know?

So What Works?

1. Identify Your Calorie Needs

2. Cut down calories to the

amount of weight you want to lose

3. Stick with it for a duration of time ( 3 to 6 months)

How To Lose Weight Simple & Easy

oYour height and weight

oYour lifestyle

Identify Your Calorie Needs

oThere are formulas and ways to calculateoMyFitnessPaloAvailable on the Internet, AppStore, PlayStoreoDownloadable to smart phones, ipads and

virtually all kinds of deviceso ** helps with Step No 3 – tracking your calories


How much calories should you cut?


To lose 1lb a week must cut down on

yourcalorie intake by 500 calories per


It’s strange. People are like saying “Only one pound a week?” Look at the picture on the right. 1 Ib is a quite a lot of fat. You need to lose weight slowly, else, there will be one sure result, flabby skin…..

These drinks has no calories

- Water

- Green Tea

- Chinese Tea

- Black Coffee without sugar & milk

- Tea without sugar & milk

- Fresh juices without sugar & milk (minimal calories)

Don’t Drink Calories!!!

o Approximately 286 calorieso Iced Milo 1 cup, 16 oz – 284 cal

Choose your food wisely

Be discipline, track your food intake

It’s handy, when installed on your phone. You can track it anytime, wherever you are.

People who lost weight counting calories…

People who lost weight counting calories…

o Supplementso Multivitamin or Powerfood

o Powerfoodo Wheat grass

o Barley grass

o Spirulina

o Fiber

o Probiotic

o Omega 3

o Protein Drink

HelpersI am all about supplement. Supplements are essential and important especially with the way we eat. If you can ensure that you always eat heathy food, then supplement is not necessary. But the truth is, how many of us do that? Our busy lifestyle, especially when we are working, makes it almost next to impossible.

There are virtues in each of these supplements and they aid in weight loss. More importantly, they are essential to a healthy life.

Key Takeaway

There are a lot of fad diets out in the market

We are bombarded with lots of nutritional information

The average person out there is confuse

Back to basics

It’s a lifestyle and a habit

You can lose weight with calorie count

There are applications like MyFitnessPal to help you

Supplements can also assist in losing weight

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