Earth History GEOL 2110 Lecture 5 EVOLUTION Part I


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  • Earth History GEOL 2110 Lecture 5 EVOLUTION Part I
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  • Major Concepts In the late 1700/early 1800s, a number of natural scientists had proposed that evolution of life was likely, however, without a mechanism to explain evolution, the idea was generally dismissed. Darwins Origin of Species (1859) not only provided multiple lines of emperical evidence for evolution, but moreover, proposed a plausible cause (natural selection). With the discovery of genetic theory in the early 1900s providing a mechanism for evolution, it became overwhelmingly accepted as a fact of science. The genetics within isolated, small populations provided the triggers for the origin of new species The mechanisms of evolution are still being figured out, but not the concept of evolution is not in doubt and has achieved the status of a paradigm of science.
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  • Early Ideas about Evolution To the early Greeks and Romans, the notion that nature changes/evolves was well accepted Christian teachings required that all organisms were created together, at once, and unchanged for all of time The notion that God would let organisms go extinct (as proposed by Cuvier and Smith) was antithetical to genesis and heretical
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  • Early Ideas about Evolution Georges de Buffon Histoire Naturelle (1847) defined the concept of species (the ability to interbreed) was the first to emphasize the importance of environment causingechanges (evolution) within fixed species recognized that organism seek to adapt to their environment but did not offer an explanation how this might occur noted evidence for inheritance of traits, but again did not offer an explanation. Enough time for Evolution was a major sticking point
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  • Early Ideas about Evolution Erasmus Darwin (17311802) Charless Grandfather as an animal breeder, recognized the subtle changes from generation to generation argued that the fitness of an organism to feed itself, protect itself against predators, and its ability to succeed in mating were important factors controlling its survival and thereby its ability to pass on these characteristics to its offspring. Still the question remains - how does inheritance work?
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  • Early Ideas about Evolution Defined biology as a study of the plant and animal world Ideas about evolution published in 1809, where he argued that the fundamental course of nature is change and this change was controlled by environment Did not ascribe to Buffons fixed species concept, but rather believed that organism represent a continuum of change. Did not believe in extinction, but rather the loss of an organism was due to its changing into or replacement by another simpler form. Jean Baptiste de Monet Chevalier de LAMARCK (17441829)
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  • Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics Lamarcks Giraffes But again, how are these acquired characteristics passed on?
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  • Darwinian Evolution Born in the year that Lamarck published his ideas about evolution Embarked on a 5-year voyage (1832- 1835) around the world on the HMS Beagle where he was charged with documenting the diversity of flora and fauna in the tropics and Southern hemisphere. Struck by: Variety of species Number and diversity of individuals per species The importance of competition for food, safety from predators, and shelter as his grandfather pointed out Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
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  • Darwins Epiphany Darwin Captain Fitzroy HMS Beagle Ship-side Reading Malthus (1798) Principles of Population Lyell (1830) Principles of Geology
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  • Natural Selection Natural environments change Individuals within a population of organisms change Individual changes that are best fitted (adapted) to the changes in the environment are the most likely to survive survival of the fittest
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  • Radiation into Environmental Niches The Finches of the Galapagos Only birds on the islands no competition 4 different genera 15 different species Each adapted a different beak type reflecting their dietary preference
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  • On the Origin of Species First draft completed in 1839, but not published until 1859 Fearful of backlash from British scholars and clergy For 20 years, compiled supporting data Primary goals of the book: Document evidence for Evolution Propose a mechanism (Natural Selection)
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  • Evidence of Evolution Branching Organization of Life Early classifications of the animal and plant kingdom show groups within groups within groups based on anatomical features Best portrayed by a branching family tree implies related lineages Today, genetic coding affirms that grouping
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  • Evidence of Evolution Homologous Elements Diverse organisms share similar organs and features For example, the bones of appendages in a variety of vertebrates Green humerus Red radius Blue ulna Tan wrist and phalanges
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  • Evidence of Evolution Vestigal Structures and Imperfections Unnecessary body parts Why would such things be created? Humans Tail bones Appendicies
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  • Evidence of Evolution Embryonic History All vertebrate embryos go through similar early stages of development Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny Hackel (1866) (i.e. embryonic development repeats evolutionary history)
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  • Evidence of Evolution Paleogeography On unconnected continents, unrelated animals have evolve to occupy similar environmental niches For example Marsupials of Australia Ecological Convergence
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  • Next Lecture EVOLUTION II Genetics and the Origin of Species Quiz #2 Chapter 3