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Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

eTwinning National Support Services (NSS)EACEA/29/2016

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Final Report


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018


Project title: Enter your text here

Agreement number: Enter your text here

Link to NSS dedicated eTwinning webpage: Enter your text here

Link to eTwinning pages in an existing webpage: Enter your text here

Link to NSS Facebook page: Enter your text here

Link to NSS Twitter account Enter your text here

Reporting periods: 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2018

Date of submission: Enter your text here

Beneficiary organisation: Enter your text hereProject coordinator (contact person): Enter your text hereProject coordinator email address: Enter your text here

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please note that for the submission of the final report has to be done using the eReport.

For questions, please contact us via the functional mailbox:EACEA-EPLUS-ETWINNING@ec.europa.eu


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

Part I – Summary of the Project and Achievements

1. Summary of the project : Please, present the achievements on the planned priorities, reached target groups, and an overview of the main activities as addressed in your Activity Plan. (Maximum one page)

2. Overall project management : Please, explain the methodology put in place ono Effective management of the project by the NSS/PSA. o Coordination with the different stakeholders. o Implementation of quality assurance tools and monitoring. o Solutions to difficulties encountered

3. Lessons learned (optional) : Please, suggest how to improve or amplify your activities.

4. Project outcome (impact) : o Explain the applied strategy to measure the impact of the activity plan.o Were all general and specific objectives addressed? o What was the impact on relevant target groups and on stakeholders?

4.1. Data: Please, specify the system used to keep track of data of traffic on the national pages and provide a summary of the data. Create your own table/graph after the text box as appropriate.


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

4.2. Table Activity Plan Framework: Please, describe in the table below the indicators and means of verification used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of your activities to achieve the objectives and results, based on the Activity Plan Framework of your Activity Plan.


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

Table: Activity Plan Framework

Short Description (List) Key Indicators(quantitative and qualitative) Means of Verification

General Objectives

Specific Objectives

Final Results



Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

Part II – Implementation of the Activity Plan

1. Form: Declaration of Honour by the Beneficiary *

2. Implementation of the Activity Plan

3. Suggestions for Improvement and Supplementary Information (optional)

4. Financial Reporting Table (Excel workbook) *

5. Financial Annexes, either:o Report of Factual Findings Type II (grants above 750.000€), oro Report of Factual Findings Type I (grants above 60.000€), oro Items listed under 11.7 of the Invitation (grants equal to or below

60.000€).The report of factual findings needs be submitted according to the rules detailed in the “Guidance Notes” available at EACEA's Document Register, section Audit procedure type I and II(https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/about-eacea/document-register_en). (See also Annex VI of the Grant Agreement.)

Guidance Notes, Report of Factual Findings Type II https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/guidance-notes-audit-type-ii_11.2012_en.pdf (also available FR and DE)

Guidance Notes, Report of Factual Findings Type I: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/guidance-notes-audit-type-i_11.2012_en_2.pdf

It is mandatory to complete all forms fully, except item no. 3. Suggestions for improvement (optional).

* The form declaration of honour by the beneficiary (no. 1) and the financial reporting table (no. 4) are available on the Agency's eTwinning beneficiaries webpage: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/beneficiaries-space_en (Select: key action 2 → Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices → eTwinning).


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

1. Declaration of Honour by the Beneficiary

The declaration of honour needs to be signed by the legal representative. The scanned document is to be attached to the eReport as pdf version. The document is available on the Agency's beneficiary webpage:http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/beneficiaries-space_en (Select: key action 2 → Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices → eTwinning).


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

2. Implementation of the Activity Plan

Please report all compulsory and recommended activities described in your Activity Plan by work package and list the outputs. In case of deviations from your plans, explain which mitigating measures were used.

Work Package 1: Promotion of eTwinning and School Education Gateway at national, regional and local levels Work Package 2: Provision of technical and pedagogical support Work Package 3: Ensuring safety and quality of eTwinning projects Work Package 4: Common tasks contributing to the management and operation of eTwinning

If applicable, please also refer to the quantitative and qualitative targets as defined in your Activity Plan and how they were achieved.

Work Package No 1 WP-Title: Promotion of eTwinning and School Education Gateway at national, regional and local levels

Mark with X

Fully accomplished

Partially accomplished

Not accomplished

Description of activities and related sub-activities


Deviations (if any) from the initial planning and mitigating measures

Tasks that were subcontracted


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

N° days (where appropriate)

Brief Description of Tasks Name and Address of Subcontractor


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

If applicable, please also refer to the quantitative and qualitative targets as defined in your Activity Plan and how they were achieved.

Work Package No 2 WP-Title: Provision of technical and pedagogical support

Mark with X

Fully accomplished

Partially accomplished

Not accomplished

Description of activities and related sub-activities


Deviations (if any) from the initial planning and mitigating measures

Tasks that were subcontractedN° days (where appropriate)

Brief Description of Tasks Name and Address of Subcontractor


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

If applicable, please also refer to the quantitative and qualitative targets as defined in your Activity Plan and how they were achieved.

Work Package No 3 WP-Title: Ensuring safety and quality of eTwinning projects

Mark with X

Fully accomplished

Partially accomplished

Not accomplished

Description of activities and related sub-activities


Deviations (if any) from the initial planning and mitigating measures

Tasks that were subcontractedN° days (where appropriate)

Brief Description of Tasks Name and Address of Subcontractor


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

If applicable, please also refer to the quantitative and qualitative targets as defined in your Activity Plan and how they were achieved.

Work Package No 4 WP-Title: Common tasks contributing to the management and operation of eTwinning

Mark with X

Fully accomplished

Partially accomplished

Not accomplished

Description of activities and related sub-activities


Deviations (if any) from the initial planning and mitigating measures

Tasks that were subcontractedN° days (where appropriate)

Brief Description of Tasks Name and Address of Subcontractor


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

2.1. Lists of Project Outputs (to be provided within this word document)

(a) List of ambassadors: name, education role, geographical coverage, evaluation and recognition. Please, create your own table.

(b) List of communication outputs on the visibility of eTwinning (e.g. brochures, newsletters, etc.) Please, use the following table and include web links where applicable.

Please, do not attach: agendas/minutes of meetings, signed lists of participants.


Agreement number: 2017 – nnnn Version November 2018

(b) List of communication outputs (e.g. brochures, newsletters, publications, studies, survey, etc.)

Please use the appropriate codes for each output: A1 www page A5 PublicationsA2 Printed Flyer/Guidelines/Booklet A6 Promotional gadgetsA3 Printed newsletter A7 StudiesA4 Digital newsletter A8 Surveys

A9 Other (please specify)

N. Code Title of the outcome Target audience Web link


















3. Suggestions for Improvement and Supplementary Information (optional)

Suggestions for improvement: Please, provide the NSS/PSA's recommendations on the most relevant improvements on operational issues (eTwinning platform, coordination, number and timetable of meetings, format of workshop and conferences…) and on administrative issues.

Supplementary information: If you wish to communicate to the Agency any information or issue that does not fit under points 2. and 4., you may insert these here:

4. Financial Reporting Table (Excel workbook)

The financial reporting table (Excel workbook) is available on the Agency's beneficiaries webpage: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/beneficiaries-space_en (Select: key action 2 → Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices → eTwinning).

5. Financial Annexes

Depending on the value of the grant awarded in the grant agreement, the following documents need to be attached to the eReport as pdf version:

o Report of Factual Findings Type II (grants above 750.000€), oro Report of Factual Findings Type I (grants above 60.000€), oro Items listed under 11.7 of the Invitation (grants equal to or below 60.000€).

The report of factual findings need to be submitted according to the rules detailed in the “Guidance Notes” available at EACEA's Document Register, section Audit procedure type I and II (https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/about-eacea/document-register_en). (See also Annex VI of the Grant Agreement.)

Guidance Notes, Report of Factual Findings Type II https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/guidance-notes-audit-type-ii_11.2012_en.pdf

Guidance Notes, Report of Factual Findings Type I: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/guidance-notes-audit-type-i_11.2012_en_2.pdf
