e To view our online service · Flinders College will be able to resume or re-start. BIRTHDAY...


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Now, I am not a political person and I certainly know it is never my place to judge another or their

relationship with God. But after seeing Donald Trump stand in front of a church and hold up a bible, I did

feel prompted to simply make this observation from the book of Hosea. In chapter 8:2-3, “Israel cries out to

me, 'O our God, we acknowledge You!' But Israel has rejected what is good; an enemy will pursue him”.

Hosea confronts Israel with its hypocrisy. A person who truly acknowledges God will not reject what is good. Morality

and genuine faith go hand in hand, and can never be separated. Chapter 8 of Hosea repeatedly points out the fact that

Israel's religious practices were not based on God's revelation of His will and ways, but on the Israelites’ own ideas of

how to please God. They acknowledged God but then set up calf-idols at the worship centres dedicated to Him.

Humanistic religion always ignores God's revelations, God's commands are pushed aside, to be replaced by the

notions and desires of men. People today may cry, O God, we acknowledge You! But unless that 'worship' is in accord

with biblical truth and revelation, it is worse than meaningless.

I pray, as God's people, we will continue to live by displaying the reality of His truth and Spirit within us as we show

“..love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control..” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Love & blessings


To view our online service

on Sunday @ 9:30am

Visit: www.newpeninsula.com.au

Communion this Sunday

We will celebrate Communion during our

online Church service. Be prepared with

some bread/crackers and juice. Families,

what a great opportunity to share

Communion together and to chat about what

it means. There will be some suggested

discussion ideas in this week’s email to

JUNE 7 2020

For the link check your email (with emailed

Navigate) or contact the church office:


June 7 Dave Underhill

Praise God for his many blessings.

Praise God for all the care that Michelle Cole and her team (our former

Pastoral Care Coordinator) have given to so many over the years.

Praise for our current Sermon series, which has reminded us, as the

church at NPBC, of our basic values.

Praise that many Life Groups can now meet and do ‘church’ in creative


Praise for the weekly Youth Zoom get together.

Praise that so many of the walking/cycling group can reconnect.

Praise that we are now able to travel and stay at locations within the


Rex and Suan Lee Campbell thank God for the many opportunities to

pray with people in shops and their community in this time of uncertainty.

Pray for the all students returning to school this week.

Pray for our pastors and the heavy loads that they are carrying.

Pray for Ann Harding as she steps into the role of Pastoral Care


Pray for Simon Fee as he steps into the role of Manager at NPCCI.

Pray for the team at the Op Shop as they settle into their ‘new’ routine.

Pray for our Federal and State leaders as they continue to make

‘difficult’ decisions to keep us all safe.

Pray for those in our church family who are struggling with poor health.

Pray for those who are facing surgery.

Pray that as restrictions on gatherings ease the interrupted Alpha at

Flinders College will be able to resume or re-start.


Congratulations to those celebrating special birthdays this week: Norma

Weller on Thursday and David Black on Friday.

May your special days be memorable, experiencing anew God’s blessings

and joy.


June 2 2020 was a significant day:

Karyn & Nat Seymour celebrated the birth of Addison Mackenzie (Addie) a

little sister for Lexie & James. New granddaughter for Peter & Sue Collins,

great granddaughter for Brenda Gilmour and great niece for Delwyn

Gilmour, Mark Gilmour & Kerrie Morrison.

Doug & Jill Butler celebrated the birth of another grandson, Reuben

George Butler (Parents Marcus & Jenny, brother to Edwina). Nephew for

Adam & Kylie Butler.

May these precious lives continue to bring you much joy.

Great news for all our Life Groups we can start to meet again, if

you are comfortable to do so. This is definitely something to

Praise God for!

As of the June 1 we can have groups of up to 20 people in our

homes (including the residents) and we can start meeting in

small groups for activities like bible studies, prayer and ministry.

Please note that physical distancing measures must be

adhered to, and we would recommend only to share food that is

pre-packaged or in separate containers.

‘WE’RE BACK!!’ The words “It’s so nice to see you!” rang

around the car park next to the McCrae Yacht Club, as people

from New Peninsula Walking/Cycling Group met again after a

number of weeks. Smiles and laughter were the order of the

morning and, although physical distancing was practiced and

groups of 20 people were maintained, it was a joy to be a part

of this happily interacting group. The ‘word’ had been spread

abroad and people contacted others, even to mentioning it

when bumping into someone in Bunnings! The local Coffee

Shop was happy to make 30 cups of take away coffee.

However, the biscuit that one man always orders, was missing!

He had to choose something else!

Quoting from a message I received from one member of the

group –“I look forward to next Monday, as the fellowship is the

highlight of my week!”

We are all glad ‘WE’RE BACK!’

Dorrie Terrington

It is with great pleasure and praise to God, I announce Simon Fee

as the newest member of the NPCCI team and New Peninsula

family. Simon is a wonderful man of faith having come to Christ at

the age of 17. Simon has extensive experience in the social science

sector having worked at executive management level for both Uniting

Care Vic/Tas over the last 7 years, and Hanover Welfare Services

for 25 years. Simon will be responsible for development and oversight of our

Community Hubs, Back on Track and Pantry ministries at Mt Martha and

Rosebud, as well as volunteer recruitment, training, supervision and support.

Whilst it will be some time before many of you will meet Simon face to face, I

know you will join with me in prayer to welcome and support Simon in his call to

minister the love of Jesus in a lost and broken world, and in growing the

kingdom of Heaven through New Peninsula.

Simon Fee

Let us praise God for the

ministries that have been able

to recommence:

Walking/cycling group

Some Life Groups

Back on Track (drive by for

existing clients only)

Op Shop is OPEN

VCE Life Group

NPBC General offerings

(Please indicate if it is for either MM or RB)

BSB 063 539 Acc. # 1038 8044

NPBC Donation Fund

(Tax deductible, please include your name for an annual receipt)

BSB 063 539 Acc. # 1060 5168

NPBC School Building Fund

(Tax deductible, please include your name for an annual receipt)

BSB 063 539 Acc. # 1060 5272

NP Community Caring

(Tax deductible, please include your name for an annual receipt)

BSB 063 539 Acc. # 1031 4088

These accounts can be used for internet banking or local branch


Our offices are currently closed, but we may still be contacted by:

W: www.newpeninsula.com.au

E: office@newpeninsula.com.au

P: Mount Martha 5973 8888 (please leave a message)

P: Rosebud 5982 0889 (please leave a message)

To contact a pastor urgently (AH only): 0407 311 185



DVD or CD’s of the messages

can be ordered through the church offices.

'Like' our Facebook page @newpeninsula

Follow our Instagram account newpen_bc

Subscribe to our YouTube channel New Peninsula Baptist Church

Listen to Podcasts? You can subscribe to New Peninsula Baptist Church to listen to the sermons also!

Pop onto our website - our 'church online' button on the home screen will take you straight to our YouTube account. If you miss the live stream, it will remain up for 24 hours then will be replaced by the sermon only.

Alternatively, click on the 'media' tab on the website to access the podcasts, YouTube channel for sermons and our weekly Navigate.

‘You alone are the Lord. You made the

heavens, even the highest heavens, and all

their starry host, the earth and all that is on it,

the seas and all that is in them. You give life to

everything, and the multitudes of heaven

worship you.’ (2 Corinthians 98:2)

We are very thankful to God for those who have moved over to e-giving. It has been a great

encouragement. We are also thankful we’ve been able to access the government stimulus and

the “JobKeeper” packages. I am particularly thankful, as I imagine the staff are too, because this

means we don’t have to make the difficult decision about reducing staffing.

However we still need to continue to pray for our finances given the restrictions have significantly

affected our income from hires and events which pays for a substantial amount of our Mount

Martha site costs.

If you would like to switch over to online giving but not sure how to do it, please email Linda

Jackson with your name and a contact phone number. Linda will then call you and help you set it

up. Linda’s email is linda@newpeninsula.com.au.
