E-Science Collaboration between the UK and China Paul Townend ( pt@comp.leeds.ac.uk...


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e-Science Collaboration between the UK and China

Paul Townend ( pt@comp.leeds.ac.uk )University of Leeds

• Leeds and Beihang have been collaborating together to integrate the White Rose Grid with the CROWN Grid system, developed by Beihang

• This collaboration is called CoLaB, and is co-led by Prof. J. Huai at Beihang and Prof. J Xu at Leeds, and managed by the EPSRC WRG e-Science Centre

• Weekly meetings which involve many participants in the collaboration take place using the Access Grid, and regular research seminars are organised

• CROWN has been deployed and registered at Leeds, with both normal and “secure” CROWN servers installed

• A Resource Location and Discovery Service (RLDS) has been deployed to register and maintain information about the resources available at Leeds. This RLDS service is in turn registered with the main CROWN RLDS service located at Beihang, thus connecting the two Grids together

CoLaBCoLaB: Collaboration between Leeds & Beihang

• To test the initial linkup, BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) and AREM (Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate numerical prediction Model) services have been deployed, and jobs scheduled and executed across the Leeds/Beihang system

Initial Linkup and the g-Viz Application

• A computational biological visualization service (developed within the g-Viz project at Leeds) has also been deployed

• Compatibility between GT4 and CROWN has been demonstrated

• Visualization services on a global scale were tested and are running successfully

2005 e-Science AHM @ Nottingham…

Leeds Grid (WRG/Testgrid) CROWN GRID

Alternative 1 SimulationsWeb Services(GT4)


Alternative 2 SimulationsPortal

Web Services (CROWN Middleware)

Alternative 3 SimulationsPortal

SimulationsWeb Services (CROWN Middleware)


Web PortalWeb Portal

Visualization Service AVisualization Service A


Visualization Service BVisualization Service B




Live Demonstration @ Nottingham

• Two joint research sub-groups have been created, leveraging expertise at the two sites in order to perform research in the areas of i) Grid Security and Dependability, and ii) Evaluation of Grid systems, with the intention of publishing joint papers and developing advanced Grid middleware and applications

• One of the key features required of a Grid application is the ability to deliver non-trivial levels of Quality of Service (QoS), even when the application itself may use autonomous resources across a wide-range of administrative domains

• However, to date, the subject of dependability has been strangely neglected, with no large-scale community effort in providing tools to facilitate the development of dependable Grid applications

• The CoLaB Security & Dependability Group are proposing a number of extensions to the CROWN middleware to facilitate the development of more dependable applications

Stage Two: Joint Research & Development

• We are integrating the PreServ provenance system developed at Southampton into the main CROWN middleware in order to build up a Grid environment in which fault/intrusion tolerance can be achieved

• This system is to be turned off by default, but to be configurable via the CROWN administrative interface (new in CROWN 2.0)

• Developers at both sites have been assigned to work on this integration as we speak, and the CoLaB team are in close communication with researchers in Southampton to facilitate this integration

• Once this is complete, the FT-Grid fault tolerance system (developed at Leeds) will be integrated into CROWN

• The FT-Grid system can query provenance data produced using PreServ in order to build up topology information that in turn can be used in fault tolerance adjudication mechanisms

Stage Two: Current Progress & Future Plan (1)

• This CoLaB work will have significant benefits to the CROWN project, and a strong differentiation between CROWN and Globus

• CROWN will become the first major Grid middleware system to have an integrated provenance system, and the first to have integrated fault tolerance mechanisms (which will also provide CROWN with a certain amount of Intrusion Tolerance capability)

• Theoretical research will be also performed to enhance the benefits of using these systems

Stage Two: Current Progress & Future Plan (2)

Tax Lookup Services


Exchange Rate services


Provenance Service

Provenance StorePReServ

UDDI Repository

UDDI Database


Import Duty Services




• The CoLaB Evaluation Group are using and improving the Grid-FIT tool, developed at Leeds

• Grid-FIT is a tool for assessing the dependability of Grid middleware based on fault/attack injection

• It can intercept and manipulate SOAP messages between services, and has the capability to manipulate specific RPC parameters within a message

• Grid-FIT will be used intensively to evaluate both CROWN and Globus v4 in terms of system performance under both the fault-free and faulty conditions

Stage Two: Current Progress & Future Plan (3)

Instrumented SOAP API

Original SOAP Protocol Stack

Web Service

Send Hook

Receive H


Original Sending Layer

Intercept Retransmit


t R




al Receivin

g Layer


Quick Trigger


Message Trigger

Fault Injection







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