E. coli contaminated drinking water in rural Uganda: Using


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"E. coli contaminated drinking water in rural Uganda: Using results to make an impact"

In January 2006, I worked with Community Based Integrated Nutrition (COBIN) to perfoml water quality testing and design & distribute health questionnaires to 40 households in the Lyantonde and Kiruhura districts of rural Uganda. Two types of water microbiology tests were used to test families' drinking water for E.coli contamination: the Colilert MPN Test made by IDEXX Laboratories (presence/absence test) and the E.coli Count Petrifilm made by the 3M Company (quantification of E.coli). 46 total water samples were taken directly from homes. Over 90% of unboiled water samples were contaminated with E.coli. All samples from rainwater collection tanks were negative for E.coli. There were boiled samples that were positive for E.coli, most likely because after boiling the water, it was poured back into the same container that the water was collected with. This showed the need for multiple interventions. In January 2007, additional water testing was performed (samples taken straight from the source), and we provided clean clay pots with covers for water storage to village health workers at workshops titled "Home-based water purification trainings."

Jenna KlinkIBiology James NtambiIBiochemistry Author Name/Major Mentor Name/Department

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COVER SHEET TITLE: E. coli contaminated drinking water in rural Uganda: Using results to make an impact

AUTHOR’S NAME: Jenna Klink

MAJOR: Biology and Women’s Studies

DEPARTMENT: Institute for Cross-College Biology Education (ICBE)

MENTOR: James Ntambi

DEPARTMENT: Biochemistry

YEAR: 2007

The author hereby grants to University of Wisconsin-Madison the permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created.



In Uganda, the top four causes of mortality in children under five years old are malaria,

diarrheal diseases, malnutrition, and respiratory tract infections (D. Sserwadda, personal

communication, January 2005). The impact of repeated or persistent diarrhea on nutrition and the

effect of malnutrition on susceptibility to infectious diarrhea are reinforcing elements of the same

vicious circle, especially among children (World Health Organization 2005). Access to a clean

source of drinking water helps prevent both malnutrition and diarrhea, putting a stop in the cycle.

In regards to the other top causes of child mortality, drinking unclean water can weaken a

person’s immune system so that other diseases such as malaria and respiratory tract infections

are harder to fight off. Diarrhea and nutritional deficiencies cause increased oxidative stress and

immune suppression, which in turn causes increased HIV replication (F. Wabwire-Mangen,

personal communication, January 2005). Therefore, clean water is important to prevent not only

water-borne diseases but also other major illnesses that worsen with a weakened immune system.

In December 2004, I studied health and nutrition in Uganda with 13 other students

through the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences short-term study abroad program. We

spent time visiting hospitals, rural health centers, malnutrition clinics, and agricultural research

centers. We also looked at water supply in rural villages. The problem of unsafe drinking water

in Uganda is not different from rural areas of many other developing countries. Each day about

5,000 children worldwide die from infectious diarrhea acquired from unsafe drinking water. The

UN set a goal of cutting in half the population without good water sources by the year 2015,

which means that every day, 125,000 people must be provided access to clean water (Rotary

International 2005).


The lasting image of people collecting dirty water for drinking from stagnant pools

greatly affected us and when we returned to UW-Madison in early 2005 we applied for and

received the Wisconsin Idea Undergraduate Fellowship, for the construction of four rainwater

collection tanks. The idea was that UW-Madison students on the following year’s study abroad

trip would help to construct the tanks as a service-learning project. We formed a student

organization called “Village Health Project” and in the summer of 2005, applied for and received

501(c)3 non-profit status. As we began to apply for grants and give presentations to

organizations such as Rotary International as a fundraising strategy for additional clean water

projects, it became apparent that we needed specific data on the water situation in the two

districts of Uganda we are working (Lyantonde and Kiruhura Districts, southwest Uganda).

Funding organizations wanted to know exactly how bad the water situation is in these areas, and

we had nothing to show them except pictures of brown, shallow pools of water. Data obtained

from water testing is crucial in order to obtain funding for future projects aimed at improving the

drinking water quality in rural Uganda.

We also realized that raising money for rainwater collection tanks and water filters is not

enough; these technologies have to be supplemented with education. However, we had no

starting point to implement any educational projects because we did not know the baseline

knowledge of the communities in regards to the importance of water to health, how water gets

contaminated, and how to obtain safe drinking water. Based on this, I returned to Uganda in

January 2006 and January 2007 for my senior thesis project to answer the following research



1) Are the drinking water sources in the Lyantonde and Kiruhura Districts of rural

southwest Uganda contaminated with E. coli bacteria? If yes, how contaminated are


2) What are the educational needs of the communities in regards to the importance of water

and practices such as water treatment and storage?


I returned to do a preliminary analysis of the water situation to obtain empirical evidence

on the need for more dependable and innovative water sources. This analysis included testing

water in the villages for E. coli bacteria, distributing questionnaires to individual households to

determine current water practices and the educational needs of the community, and designing

and implementing trainings for village leaders titled “Home-based water purification trainings.”

WATER QUALITY TESTING Contaminated water, although known to be a major source of illness, is rarely tested

microbiologically because standard methods require materials and facilities which are either not

available or are unaffordable. Previous work in Tanzania and western Kenya demonstrated the

usefulness of the Colilert MPN and E. coli count Petrifilm biological tests for point source

testing for E. coli in 10 ml and 1 ml of water, respectively (Metcalf 2005). Colilert tubes and

Petrifilms are inoculated and incubated at 35°C for 24 hours. MUG+ Colilert tubes, which

fluoresce blue under a long wave UV light, indicate the presence of E. coli, and blue colonies

with gas bubbles on the Petrifilms provide a specific quantification and a permanent record.

These tests are simple to inoculate, do not require a laboratory, and provide clear results within


one day. Incubation on one’s body can substitute for a 35°C incubator while in the field until the

samples can be taken to a place with electricity.

Water testing was carried out in collaboration with a local Ugandan project called

Community Based Integrated Nutrition (COBIN). In 2006, 46 water samples were tested for E.

coli contamination. These samples were taken directly from people’s homes in the villages that

make up the Lyantonde and Kiruhura Districts of Southwest Uganda. There is no tapped water in

the area, so the water that was tested had been collected at various water sources (usually

shallow wells or dams) and was being stored in the home in jerrycans, which are 20-liter plastic

containers with a small spout at the top to pour water out. This water was tested in order to find

out the quality of the water that people were drinking; we wanted to test the water at the last

stage before they drank it. Some families presented us with two different samples to test: one

boiled sample and one un-boiled. Nine of the 46 samples were boiled. The households where

water samples were tested were chose randomly by COBIN staff.

In 2007, 54 samples taken directly from water sources were tested for E. coli

contamination. This was done to supplement the findings from the first year of the study, and to

compare the quality of water taken directly from the source with water that was being stored in

people’s homes and ready for consumption. About half of the samples were taken from villages

that were visited in 2006 and the other half were taken from villages within the two districts that

Figure 1. Three water samples from households that were collected from different sources: a dam, rainwater collection tank, and shallow well. The first and third samples are contaminated with E. coli because of the MUG+ Colilert tubes (need to be in the dark under a UV light to see blue fluorescence) and blue colonies with gas bubbles on the Petrifilms. Sample from rainwater collection tank is negative and safe for drinking.


were not included in the 2006 sample. Visiting the same villages gave the advantage of

comparing results of water from people’s homes with results of water from the sources they

collected from. This allowed for distinction between whether or not the borehole, for example, is

pumping out contaminated water or if the water is clean but is getting contaminated in people’s

homes. Visiting new villages allowed us to expand on our 2006 results and include additional

communities in our sample.


In fall of 2005, a general health questionnaire was developed in order to determine the

educational needs of the communities. The questionnaire was designed at the University of

Wisconsin and revised with the help of Dr. John Kakitahi at the Makerere University Institute of

Public Health in Uganda. The questionnaire included 4 sections: Demographics,

Health/Nutrition, Water Sources, and Education. [See Appendix I for a copy of the


The questionnaire was then distributed to 40 families in January 2006. A member of the

COBIN staff read the questions to a member of the family (usually the mother) in the local

language (Luganda or Runyankore, depending on the specific area) and recorded their responses

in English on the questionnaire. The questionnaires were completed at the same households

where water was tested. Their answers were entered into Survey Pro Apian Software and

analyzed using the same program.

Based on results from the questionnaires and observations made by the researchers while

in people’s homes (such as the type of container boiled water is stored in), an educational plan

was developed and implemented at the village level. In collaboration with COBIN, three separate


workshops were held in January 2007 and in total, 76 village leaders were educated at these

“Home-based water purification trainings.” At the workshops, we used printed educational

materials (see Figure 2 below) and wrote participants’ responses to our questions on flip charts in

order to teach the relationship between water and health.

We also asked participants to bring a sample of water from their usual water source to the

workshop and they were taught how to test their own water for E. coli. See Figures 3 and 4.

Figure 2. An example of the educational materials used at the trainings. Developed by the Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technologies.

Figure 3. At the first workshop, village leaders test the water they brought from home for E. coli contamination. They will see the results the following day.

Figure 4. At the second workshop, Jenna Klink helps a village leader with the Petrifilm test. The results of this test will show him how many E. coli colonies are in 1 ml of his water from home.


We demonstrated boiling water at the workshops and presented two other ways of

obtaining safe drinking water: solar pasteurization (using the sun to heat water and kill microbes)

and BioSand water filters. These filters are available through COBIN and remove about 85% of

bacteria and 100% of parasites and larger organisms from water filtered through (Centre for

Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology 2005).


Our 2006 results from 46 samples taken directly from homes show that E. coli was

detected in 30/33 (91%) taken from families who collected the water from common sources

(shallow wells, dams, boreholes, and lakes). The Petrifilm (quantification) test showed that seven

of these samples had a moderate risk associated with drinking them (1-10 E. coli colonies / 10 ml

water), 13 had a high risk (1-10 E. coli colonies / 1 ml water), and 10 had a very high risk

associated with drinking (>10 E. coli colonies / 1 ml water).

All samples from homes who fetched from rainwater collection tanks (0/4) were negative

for E. coli. In addition, E. coli was detected in 4/9 (44%) samples that were boiled.

See Table 1 below for data on the 2007 water testing results.

2007 results taken directly from water sources Type of source

# with E. coli

Total # sample % contaminated



17 47%

















Risk assessment of the 39 contaminated water sources: 12 are moderate-risk sources (1-10 E. coli colonies / 10 ml water) 26 are high-risk sources (1-10 E. coli colonies / 1 ml water) 1 is a very high-risk source (>10 E. coli colonies / 1 ml water)

Risk assessment of the 39 contaminated water sources: 12 are moderate-risk sources (1-10 E. coli colonies / 10 ml water) 26 are high-risk sources (1-10 E. coli colonies / 1 ml water) 1 is a very high-risk source (>10 E. coli colonies / 1 ml water)

Table 1. Results from water samples taken directly from water sources. N=54 samples. 39/54 (72%) were contaminated with E. coli bacteria.










A risk assessment of the 39 contaminated water sources shows that 12 sources are moderate-risk

sources (1-10 E. coli colonies / 10 ml water), 26 are high-risk sources (1-10 E. coli colonies / 1

ml water) and one is a very high-risk source (>10 E. coli colonies / 1 ml water). At the three

educational workshops, of the 76 village leaders who brought water samples with them to test for

E. coli, all but one was contaminated. The one that was not contaminated was the only sample

brought in that was collected from a rainwater collection tank.

Results from the questionnaires indicated that many households do not have separate

water collection and storage containers, meaning that they collect contaminated water and then

after boiling the water to remove bacteria, pour it back into the same container used for

collection, which re-contaminates it. There was limited understanding of water-borne diseases

and the relationship between unclean water and physical health. These findings showed that the

need for education on safe water practices is strong.


Since the 2006 water testing results showed the presence of E. coli in boiled samples

given to us by families, we concluded that some sort of re-contamination was happening. E. coli

is killed at 60ºC, and water boils at 100ºC. Questionnaire results and our observations in people’s

homes indicated that many people store boiled water in the same container used for water

collection. The advantage of testing water straight from people’s homes in 2006 was that we


could see exactly what people were drinking. We tested water straight from their drinking cups,

to try to capture what is actually going into people’s bodies.

In 2007, the samples we took directly from water sources confirmed our hypothesis that

many of the sources themselves are contaminated with E. coli. This data can now be used in

presentations and proposals that Village Health Project (VHP) writes to donors to show the need

for intervention. VHP’s two current projects are constructing rainwater collection tanks and

starting a BioSand water filter project in Uganda.

When we took water samples from people’s homes, we found more ‘very high’ risk

results (>10 E. coli colonies/ml water) than when we tested straight from the water source. This

indicates that people’s current methods of storing water in contaminated containers are making

their already unsafe sources even more unsafe for drinking. We designed educational workshops

based on our questionnaire and water testing results and trained 76 volunteers, each representing

one village, in January 2007. Clay pots for clean water storage were given to each participant at

the workshops, to prevent water re-contamination after boiling. See Figure 5 below.

Figure 5. At the third workshop, participants take home one clay pot each for clean water storage in their households.


The following four goals were achieved at the workshops and represent the impact that

the water testing and questionnaire research had on the communities that were studied:

1) Teach the relationship between water and health

2) Show participants whether the water they use in their homes is contaminated or not

3) Teach how to avoid contaminating water sources and how boiled/safe water gets re-


4) Demonstrate different ways to make unsafe water safe for drinking


I would like to thank the following organizations and individuals for their support in

completing this project: Professor Robert Metcalf (California State University, Sacramento),

Solar Cookers International, Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology, Makerere

University Institute of Public Health, National Strategy for the Advancement of Rural Women in

Uganda, Community Outreach Based Integrated Nutrition, Rotary District 6270 World

Community Service / Grants Committee, Morgridge Center for Public Service, CALS

International Programs, John Ferrick, Professor James Ntambi, and Dr. John Kakitahi.

References Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (2005). Biosand filter. Retrieved February 17,

2006, from http://www.cawst.org/technology/watertreatment/filtration-biosand.php Metcalf, B. H. (June 2005). Transforming point source water testing in Kenya. Presented at the General

Meeting, American Society for Microbiology in Atlanta, GA. Rotary International Day at the United Nations (November 2005). Retrieved February 17, 2006, from

http://www.rotaryhistoryfellowship.org/Rotary_Day_at_the_UN_2005.pdf World Health Organization. (February 2005). Household drinking water systems and their impact on

people with weakened immunity. Retrieved February 17, 2006, from http://www.who.int/household_water/research/HWTS_impacts_on_weakened_immunity.pdf
