Dvs.net IT-Service GmbH „The Smart Grid Experts“ Dipl.-Inf. Marco Balke Senior Solutions...


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dvs.net IT-Service GmbH„The Smart Grid Experts“

Dipl.-Inf. Marco BalkeSenior Solutions Architect

German-Irish Smart Grid Summit, Crowne Plaza Dublin – Northwood


dvs.net IT-Service GmbH

Founded: October 1996

Staff: 17 employees


-IT Services: Installation, operation and support of complex IT systems

-Smart Metering Services: Installation, operation and support of Smart Metering systems

Start of Smart Metering Services:

January 2005 = 10 years experience

How can we help?

Phases of a Smart Metering project

1. Technical pre-sales support

2. Planning and installation

3. System building

4. Operation

5. Training

1. Technical pre-sales support

Our services:

• Installation and operation of demo systems

• Server dimensioning, documentation

• LAN/WAN device dimensioning

• Device selection/ testing (communication devices, servers etc.)

1. Technical pre-sales support

2. Planning and installation

3. System building

4. Operation

5. Training

2. Planning and installation

Our services:

• Testing and documentation of meter parameterization

• Testing and documentation of DC parameterization

• IP LAN/WAN network planning

• Customer server installation

• System installation, testing, documentation

1. Technical pre-sales support

2. Planning and installation

3. System building

4. Operation

5. Training

3. System building

Our services:

• DC-WAN/VPN installation and testing, documentation

• DC installation

• M-Bus-device installation

• Commissioning meters

• Creating test documents and conducting acceptance tests

• PLC troubleshooting

1. Technical pre-sales support

2. Planning and installation

3. System building

4. Operation

5. Training

4. Operation - general

Our services:

• Monitor and ensure system availability

• Monitor and ensure meter data availability

• Reaction times troubleshooting according to SLA

• Capacity planning and expansion of backend systems

• Software maintenance of server OS, DB and backend

• Hardware maintenance of customer systems

• KPI reporting, monthly

1. Technical pre-sales support

2. Planning and installation

3. System building

4. Operation

5. Training

4. Operation – customer support

Our services:

• Helpdesk (phone/ email)

• Operation of customer ticket system

• Customer ticket handling

• Problem solving

• Customer service requests

• Project service requests

• Reaction times support according to SLA

• KPI reporting, monthly

1. Technical pre-sales support

2. Planning and installation

3. System building

4. Operation

5. Training

5. Training

Our services:

•Creating training materials

•Conducting customer training on administration, meter/ DC installation and commissioning

1. Technical pre-sales support

2. Planning and installation

3. System building

4. Operation

5. Training


Reference projects

Stadtwerk Haßfurt Germany's first area-wide Smart Meter-Rollout

Planning and installation

•Configuration of the system structure (application servers, SQL servers), network planning, creating the necessary programs (DC/ meter), system installation

System building

•DC-WAN/VPN installation, commissioning of data concentrators, meters and M-Bus-devices, creating test documents and conducting acceptance test


•Annual distribution of TOU-calendars, support in case of problems with the accessibility of DC’s and meters, problem analysis of WAN-configuration/ PLC-communication in the field

Reference projects

Remote Metering Solutions

South Africa

Planning and installation

•Configuration of the system structure (application servers, SQL servers), network planning, creating the necessary programs (DC/ meter, different tariff configurations, remote reconnect, different demand configurations), system installation

System building

•DC-WAN/VPN installation, commissioning of data concentrators, meters and M-Bus-devices, installation and operation of the systems initially in Germany


•Support in case of problems with the accessibility of DC’s and meters, problem analysis WAN-configuration

Reference projects

Industrielle Werke Basel Switzerland

Planning and installation

•Configuration of the system structure (application servers, SQL servers), network planning, creating the necessary programs (DC/ meter), system installation, support for the connection to an SAP accounting system (MDUS/ AMI)

System building

•Commissioning of data concentrators, meters and M-Bus-devices


•Support in case of problems with the accessibility of DC’s and meters, problem analysis WAN-configuration, PLC measurements, admin support

Reference projects

Stadtwerke Schwerte, EWE Oldenburg, Stadtwerke Neu-Isenburg, Stadtwerke Schwäbisch Gmünd, RheinEnergie Köln, GEW Wilhelmshaven,Gemeindewerke Nümbrecht, SVO Celle, EVO Oelde, SW Bochum, Technische Werke Kaiserslautern, Stadtwerke Krefeld, SSW Schleswig, OVE Bad-Rothenfelde, NUON Infostrom Gelderland, SW Norderstedt,E.ON Bayern Regensburg, Stadtwerke Pforzheim, SW Elmshorn, Stadtwerke Wolfenbüttel, EnergieSüdwest AG Landau, SWB Bremen, Stadtwerke Gotha, Stadtwerke Bad Rodach, Stadtwerke Wunsiedel, Stadtwerke Konstanz, EBM Genossenschaft Elektra Birseck …

Thank you for your attention!


dvs.net IT-Service GmbH

Bernsaustraße 7-9

42553 Velbert


Frank Broekman

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Dicke

Phone: +49 (0) 2053-422-250

Fax: +49 (0) 2053-422-299


