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Brizhik, L. and Piette, B.M.A.G. and Zakrzewski, W.J. (2014) 'Donor-acceptor electron transport mediatedby solitons.', Physical review E., 90 (5). 052915.

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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 052915 (2014)

Donor-acceptor electron transport mediated by solitons

L. S. Brizhik*

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine

B. M. A. G. Piette† and W. J. Zakrzewski‡

Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom(Received 10 July 2014; revised manuscript received 19 September 2014; published 17 November 2014)

We study the long-range electron and energy transfer mediated by solitons in a quasi-one-dimensional molecularchain (conjugated polymer, alpha-helical macromolecule, etc.) weakly bound to a donor and an acceptor. Weshow that for certain sets of parameter values in such systems an electron, initially located at the donor molecule,can tunnel to the molecular chain, where it becomes self-trapped in a soliton state, and propagates to the oppositeend of the chain practically without energy dissipation. Upon reaching the end, the electron can either bounceback and move in the opposite direction or, for suitable parameter values of the system, tunnel to the acceptor. Weestimate the energy efficiency of the donor-acceptor electron transport depending on the parameter values. Ourcalculations show that the soliton mechanism works for the parameter values of polypeptide macromolecules andconjugated polymers. We also investigate the donor-acceptor electron transport in thermalized molecular chains.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.90.052915 PACS number(s): 05.45.Yv, 05.60.−k, 71.38.−k, 63.20.kd


There is a large class of biological [1–5] systems andsynthetic molecular systems [6–9], in which charges orexcitons (molecular excitations) migrate from site to sitethrough multiple sites embedded in a complex system. Inmany cases an electron transport takes place from a donor toan acceptor through some intermediate molecules or systemssuch as macromolecules or molecular bridges. An example ofsuch an electron transport in biological systems is the so-calledelectron-transport chain in redox processes in respiration [10].Such a chain represents a series of macromolecules ontowhich electrons can be transferred via redox reactions, so thateach compound plays the role of a donor for the “preceding”molecule and acceptor for the “succeeding” molecule. Theelectron transport in chains also takes place in photosynthesis[10], where the energy is extracted from sunlight via aredox reaction, such as oxidation of sugars and cellularrespiration. The location of the electron-transport chain variesfor different systems: it is located in the inner mitochondrialmembrane in eukaryotes, where oxidative phosphorylationwith ATP synthase takes place, or in the thylakoid membraneof the chloroplast in photosynthetic organisms, or in the cellmembrane in bacteria [10].

It is known that some molecules in the electron-transportchain, such as NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, flavopro-teids, cytochrome c-oxidase cyt-aa3, and cytochrome cyt-bc1complexes are proteins with large molecular weight and thusthey are practically fixed in the corresponding membrane. Asignificant fraction of these proteins is in the alpha-helicalconformation, which can support the transport of electronsin the form of electrosolitons [11,12]. Some other moleculesin the electron-transport chains, like quinone or cytochromecyt-c, possess much smaller molecular weight. They are


highly soluble and can move relatively easily outside themitochondrial membrane, carrying electron from a heavydonor to a heavy acceptor.

Recently, many conjugated donor-acceptor copolymersemiconductors, which show intramolecular charge transferon large distances, have been synthesized. Among themare donor-acceptor pairs mediated by salt bridges [13],thienopyrazine-based copolymers [14], n-type conjugatedpolymers based on electron-deficient tetraazabenzodifluo-ranthene diimide [15–18], etc. Such conjugated polymersemiconductors with electron donor-acceptor transfer havebecome of growing interest for organic electronic applications[19–22], such as photovoltaic cells [23–25], light emittingdiodes (LEDs) [26–29], and field-effect transistors [30–33].During the past decade more evidence for the electron transportin DNA [34–38] (see review [39]) has also been reported.

In theoretical studies such electron-transport systems aremodeled as complexes which include a donor molecule weaklybound to a bridge molecule, which, in turn, is weakly boundto an acceptor molecule. The bridge itself can be modeledas a potential barrier through which the electron tunnelingtakes place (see, e.g., [40] and references therein.) In someother studies the bridge is modeled as a molecule withsuperexchange electron interactions [41,42]. Such modelshave been studied in various approximations in [40–43], etc.,and it has also been shown that the rate of electron transfer or ofthe electron tunneling time from a donor to an acceptor varieswith the length of the intermediate bridge. For short bridges,of up to 5–7 units, it increases with the number of units,while for longer bridges [41,42] it remains constant. Indeed,it has been shown that an electron transfer in bis-porphyrindonor-acceptor compounds with polyphenylene spacers showsa weak distance dependence [44]. In some other approachesthe electron transport in donor-acceptor systems is modeled asarising from the coupling of the system to a thermal bath and isdescribed by the so-called quantum master equations (QME)or polaronic QME [45].

The importance of bridging molecular structures for thelong-range electron transfer has been anticipated a long time

1539-3755/2014/90(5)/052915(12) 052915-1 ©2014 American Physical Society


ago. In many cases the bridge induces long-range effectivecharge transport in donor-acceptor systems or transport be-tween two electrodes even at low temperatures. This indicatesthat in such systems the mechanism of the electron transportis different from the mechanisms based on thermal excitationsor superexchange interaction.

Another type of processes in macromolecules, close to thesystems considered above in its mathematical description,is the transfer of energy released in the hydrolysis of ATPinto ADP molecules, through macromolecules. This energyis stored in the form of AMID-I vibration of the nearestpeptide group. This quantum of energy can be self-trappedin a soliton state and propagate to the opposite end of themacromolecule almost without energy dissipation [11,12]. Itis known that biological macromolecules are not symmetric:on both ends of the proteins they have some prosthetic groupsthat are nonamino acid inorganic, or organic, portions of theprotein, which are required for the biological activity of theprotein. These prosthetic groups can be different on differentsides of the protein. A prosthetic group at the end of a proteinclose to the hydrolysis of ATP into ADP can affect the timeevolution of the initial excitation and can either facilitate orprevent the formation of a soliton in a macromolecule. On theother hand, a prosthetic group on the other end of a proteindetermines what happens when a soliton arrives there: it caneither be reflected back or be absorbed by the prosthetic groupin which case its energy can be utilized for the metabolic needsof the cell.

It is well known that in polymers and in macromoleculesthe electron-lattice interaction is significant, and that thiscan result in the formation of large solitons which arebound states of an electron and a molecular excitation. Inparticular, in quasi-one-dimensional systems which satisfy theadiabatic approximation (and polymers and macromoleculesdo satisfy these conditions [12]), electrons can be self-trappedin solitonlike states, which are bound states of an electronand a self-induced local distortion of the molecular chain.In such soliton states the electron and the lattice distortioncan propagate together at some velocity [11,12]. Indeed, bothanalytical and numerical studies (see review [12]) confirmedthe existence of stable soliton states, whose energy is lowerthan the energy of a free electron, due to the electron-latticeinteraction. In numerical studies, chains of finite length, whichare formed by identical lattice units, have been considered andit was shown that an initial excitation at one end of the chainevolves into a soliton, which propagates to the opposite end,reflects back, and then keeps bouncing back and forth betweenthem (see, e.g., [12]).

The role of the prosthetic groups in the formation of asoliton and its behavior at the farther end of a macromoleculehave so far neither been studied for molecular solitons norfor electrosolitons. Also the problem of an electron transportfrom a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule, mediated bya soliton in a macromolecule, has not been studied in muchdetail. Therefore, in the present paper we study the role of theprosthetic groups in the time evolution of initial excitations inquasi-one-dimensional molecular chains, and investigate thepossibility of electron transport in a donor-acceptor system,mediated by a molecular chain when the electron-latticeinteraction is taken into account. In this paper we model

a macromolecule as an isolated polypeptide chain. A morerealistic structure of a macromolecule in a soliton mediateddonor-acceptor electron transport system will be reportedelsewhere.

In the first section of the paper, we describe our modelof soliton interaction with a donor and an acceptor. In thethird section, using known physical values, we derive somerange of relevant values for the dimensionless parametersof our model. In the following section, we study our modelnumerically, showing the range of parameter values for whicha soliton can be spontaneously created on the chain and thenbe absorbed by the acceptor. Finally, in the last section, westudy the thermal stability of our model and we end the paperwith some conclusions.


Let us consider a molecular chain made out of N siteswith a donor molecule or a prosthetic group on the left andan acceptor molecule or another prosthetic group on the right.For convenience in both cases we use the terms “donor” and“acceptor,” respectively, and we use the term “electron” fora proper electron and a molecular excitation. We label themolecules in the principal chain with the indices 1,2, . . . ,N −1,N , while the donor molecule corresponds to n = 0, and theacceptor molecule to n = N + 1.

The Hamiltonian function of such a system can be writtenin the form of the sum of three terms, accounting forthe Hamiltonians of an electron, lattice, and electron-latticeinteraction:

H = He + Hph + He-ph. (1)


He = Ed |�0|2 + Ea|�N+1|2



[E0|�n|2 − (1 − δn,N )(J�∗n�n+1 + c.c.)]

− (J d�∗0 �1 + c.c.) − (J a�

∗N�N+1 + c.c.), (2)

Hph = 1


[P 2



+ wd (U0 − U1)2


+ 1


[P 2



+ wa(UN − UN+1)2






[P 2


M+ w(1 − δn,N )(Un − Un+1)2

], (3)

He-ph = χd |�0|2(U1 − U0) + |�1|2× [χd (U1 − U0) + χ (U2 − U1)]

+χa|�N+1|2(UN+1 − UN )


χ [|�n|2(Un+1 − Un−1)]

+ |�N |2[χ (U1 − U0) + χ (U2 − U1)]. (4)



Our notation is as follows: E0 is the on-site electron energy,J is the resonance integral, M is the mass of a unit cell,χ is the electron-lattice coupling constant, and w is theelasticity of the bond in the principal chain. The indexes d

and a refer to the donor and acceptor molecules, respectively.Furthermore, in our notation, �n is the electron wave functionon site n, Un is the displacement of the nth molecule fromits equilibrium position, and Pn is its canonically conjugatemomentum. Moreover, the electron wave function satisfies thenormalization condition


|�n|2 = 1. (5)

In its general form the Hamiltonian (1) has been introducedby Froehlich and is known as the Frohlich Hamiltonian. Theexplicit form of the various terms in it depends on the specificmodel. Here we study the model which consists of a long chainn = 1,2, . . . ,N of identical sites (“atoms”) with a donor andan acceptor “molecules” attached to the chain on the left n = 0and the right n = N + 1 terminals, respectively. We describethe principal chain in the nearest-neighbor approximationand consider the case when the chain can be sufficientlywell approximated by one electron band and one acousticalphonon mode which describes the longitudinal displacementsof the unit cells from their positions of equilibrium. Theelectron-lattice interaction Hamiltonian induces a dependenceof the electron Hamiltonian on the lattice distortions. Here weassume that the dependence of the on-site electron energy onthe lattice distortion is much weaker than that of the intersiteelectron interaction energy. If the parameters of the principalchain satisfy the conditions of the adiabatic approximation theHamiltonian leads to a system of Davydov equations [11,12],which in the continuum approximation possess a solution inthe form of the so-called Davydov’s soliton. Such a solitondescribes a self-trapped quasiparticle (molecular excitation,electron, hole), bound to the self-created localized latticedistortion. The electron wave function in this case is given bya solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with the self-induced deformation potential, proportional to the probabilityof the electron presence at the given site. Such a soliton,which is in fact a special form of a one-dimensional large

polaron, propagates along the chain with constant velocity,determined by the initial conditions of its excitation (in theabsence of the external field). Within the harmonic descriptionof the lattice, which we consider here, the velocity of thesoliton is bound from above by the sound velocity in thechain. It is worth mentioning that in the opposite case, i.e.,when only the dependence of the on-site electron energyon the lattice distortion is taken into account, the resultingHamiltonian describes the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, whichadmits kink solutions and is applicable to such polymers, aspolyacetylene [46]. It has also been shown that in the adiabaticapproximation, in the continuum limit, the dependence of theon-site electron energy on the lattice distortion leads to therescaling of the electron-lattice coupling constant coming fromthe dependence of the intersite electron interaction energy onthe lattice distortion [47]. Therefore, to avoid extra parameters,we restrict our model to the one described above.

This model had, in fact, been used first to explain highefficiency of the energy storage and energy transfer in alpha-helical proteins. Later on it has been extended to explain thelong-range charge transport in macromolecules and conduct-ing polymers, such as polydiacetylene, etc. (see [11,12] andreferences therein). The results of these analytical studies havealso been confirmed by numerous computer simulations ofdiscrete systems [12]. Some indirect experimental evidence ofsoliton’s (large polaron’s) existence in quasi-one-dimensionalsystems have been reported in [48–56].

So far as we know, the problem of the electron transportfrom a donor molecule to an acceptor via a intermediate longmolecular chain, in which we take into account the electron-lattice interaction, has not yet been studied. Therefore, in thepresent paper we generalize the Davydov model, describedabove, to study the long-range donor-acceptor charge transportmediated by a molecular chain. Mathematically, this model,as it was mentioned in the Introduction, can describe alsodonor-bridge-acceptor systems, with bridge chains that arelarge enough and for appropriate values of the parameters ofthe system.

Substituting the above Hamiltonian function into theHamilton equations for the generalized “coordinates” of theelectron �n and lattice Un and their canonically conjugatemomenta i��∗

n and Pn, respectively, we obtain



dt2= wd (U1 − U0) + χd (|�0|2 + |�1|2),


dt2= wd (U0 − U1) + w(U2 − U1) − χd (|�0|2 + |�1|2) + χ (|�1|2 + |�2|2),


dt2= w(Un+1 − 2Un + Un−1) + χ (|�n+1|2 − |�n−1|2), n = 2, . . . ,N − 1, (6)


dt2= w(UN−1 − UN ) + wa(UN+1 − UN ) − χ (|�N |2 + |�N−1|2) + χa(|�N |2 + |�N+1|2),



dt2= wa(UN − UN+1) − χa(|�N |2 + |�N+1|2).



The equations for the electron wave function are


dt= Ed�0 − J d�1 + χd (U1 − U0)�0,


dt= E0�1 − J

∗d�0 − J�2 + [χd (U1 − U0) + χ (U2 − U1)] �1,


dt= E0�n − J (�n+1 + �n−1) + χ (Un+1 − Un−1) �n, n = 2, . . . ,N − 1, (7)


dt= E0�N − J�N−1 − J a�N+1 + [χ (UN − UN−1) + χa (UN+1 − UN )] �N,


dt= Ea�N+1 − J

∗a�N + χa (UN+1 − UN ) �N+1.

To allow the electron to transfer from the chain to theacceptor, we must add an extra interaction that will favorsuch a transition. The first coupling that comes to mindis to make the electron energy on the acceptor complex,Ea = J (Da + iγa), where γa would correspond to an electrontransfer. Unfortunately, this does not preserve the electronprobability (5). Indeed, if we consider the last two equations insystem (7) neglecting in them all terms which do not containγ ,


dτ= −γa�N,


dτ= γa�N+1, (8)

where the rescaled time τ is defined below by Eq. (12), thesolution of this equation is

�N (τ ) = �N (0)e−γaτ , �N+1(τ ) = �N+1(0)eγaτ , (9)

which describes the exponential decrease of the electronprobability amplitude on the terminal site of the chain andexponential increase on the acceptor, i.e., a sink at the acceptor.It follows from Eqs. (8) and (9) that the total electronprobability is not conserved if the parameter γa is a constant.

We can address this problem by using instead a nonlinearcoupling of the form γa = Aa|�N+1|2 for the first equa-tion and −iAa|�N |2�N+1 for the second one so that (8)becomesd�N

dτ= −Aa|�N+1|2�N,


dτ= Aa|�N+1|2�N+1.


To see that the electron probability is conserved, we multiplyeach equation in (10) by the corresponding complex-conjugatefunction �∗

m, then multiply the equations which are complex

conjugates to Eqs. (10), by the corresponding function �m andextract the results. This gives




dτ+ �m


dτ= d

∑m |�m|2dτ

= 0. (11)

Note also that, for completeness, we also add a dissipationterm, proportional to �, to our lattice equations.

Before we write down the full set of equations, it isconvenient to introduce the dimensionless time τ and unitlength l, given respectively by

τ = J

�t, l = �√

MJ. (12)

Then defining the dimensionless parameters

C = �2w

MJ2 , Cd,a = �


Md,aJ2 , G = χl

J, Gd,a = �




as well as

Cd,a = M



wC, Gd,a = M




Jd = J d

J, Ja = J a

J, (14)


md,a = Md,a

M, vd,a = wd,a

w, xd,a = χd,a

χ, (15)

the equations (6) and (7) become


dτ= (E0 + Dd )�0 − Jd�1 + xdG(u1 − u0)�0,


dτ 2= vd


C(u1 − u0) + xd


G(|�0|2 + |�1|2) − �du0



dτ= E0�1 − Jd�0 − �2 + [xdG(u1 − u0) + G(u2 − u1)]�1,


dτ 2= vdC(u0 − u1) + C(u2 − u1) − xdG(|�0|2 + |�1|2) + G(|�1|2 + |�2|2) − �






dτ= E0�n − (�n+1 + �n−1) + G(un+1 − un−1)�n, n = 2, . . . ,N − 1,


dτ 2= C(un+1 − 2un + un−1) + G(|�n+1|2 − |�n−1|2) − �


dτ, n = 2, . . . ,N − 1,


dτ= E0�N − �N−1 − Ja�N+1 + [G(uN − uN−1) + xaG(uN+1 − uN )]�N − iAa|�N+1|2�N,


dτ 2= C(uN−1 − uN ) + vaC(uN+1 − uN ) − G(|�N |2 + |�N−1|2) + xaG(|�N |2 + |�N+1|2) − �




dτ= (E0 + Da)�N+1 − Ja�N + xaG(uN+1 − uN )�N+1 + iAa|�N |2�N+1,


dτ 2= va


C(uN − uN+1) − xa


G(|�N |2 + |�N+1|2) − �duN+1

dτ. (16)


In this section we analyze the experimental data to deter-mine the range of parameter values for the real donor-acceptorsystems which we will use in our numerical modeling of thesystem of equations derived above.

The parameter values for the polypeptide macromoleculesare as follows: J AMID-1 = 1.55 × 10−22 J ≈ 10−3 eV;J e ≈ 0.1–0.01 eV ≈ 10−21–10−20 J; χ = (35–62) pN; w =39–58 N/m, Vac = (3.6–4.5) × 103 m/s [12]. The molecularmasses of large macromolecules, which participate in theelectron-transport chain in redox processes are as follows:NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase—980 kDa; cytochromebc1 complex—480 kDa; cytochrome c-aa3 oxidase—420 kDa.Mass of Cyt-c is 12 kDa, in which the hem-A group has amolecular mass 852 Da, and hem-B group has 616 Da, whichare 3–5 times bigger than the molecular mass 100–200/Daof amino acids, that form macromolecules. The study ofthe mitochondrial electron-transport chain shows that theelectrochemical potential for the transfer of the electrons isEe-c = +1.135 V [4,5].

The molecular mass of many conjugated polymer semi-conductors varies in the interval (10–176) kDa, and thehole mobility lies typically in the range (4 × 10−4)–(1.6 ×10−3) cm2/(V s). The ionization potential and electron affinitypotential for some donor-acceptor copolymer semiconductormolecules are in the ranges (2.5–4.5) eV and (1.5–3.1) eV,respectively [2]. The electrochemical band gap E(el)

g = EIP −EEA is 1.5 eV for BTTP, 1.84 eV for BTTP-P, and 2.24 eVfor BTTP-F, which are 0.4–0.6 eV larger than the opticallydetermined ones E

(opt)g = 1.1–1.6 eV. This difference can be

explained by the exciton binding energy of conjugated poly-mers which is thought to be in the range of Eex ≈ 0.4–1.0/eV[3]. Thieno pyrazine-based donor-acceptor copolymers, suchas BTTP, BTTP-T, BTTP-F, BTTP-P, have moderate to highmolecular masses, broad optical absorption bands that extendinto the near-infrared region with absorption maxima at667–810 nm, and small optical band gaps (1.1–1.6 eV).They show ambipolar redox properties with low ionizationpotentials (HOMO levels) of (4.6–5.04) eV. The field-effectmobility of holes varies from 4.2 × 10−4 cm2/(V s) inBTTP-T to 1.6 × 10−3 cm2/(V s) in BTTP-F (see [14]). Thereduction potentials of BTTP, BTTP-P, and BTTP-F are −1.4,−1.73, and −1.9 V (vs SCE), respectively. The oxidation

potentials of the copolymers are in the range 0.29–0.71 V(vs SCE). The onset oxidation potential and onset reductionpotential of the parent copolymer BTTP are 0.2 and −1.3 V,respectively, which give an estimate for the ionization potential(IP, HOMO level) of 4.6 eV (EIP = Eonset

ox + 4.4) and anelectron affinity (EA, LUMO level) of 3.1 eV (EEA =Eonset

red + 4.4). The 4.6 eV EIP value of BTTP is 0.3 eVless than that of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (4.9 eV), whereasits EEA value (3.1/eV) is 0.6 eV higher than that reportedfor the poly(2,3-dioctylthieno[3,4-b]pyrazine) homopolymer(≈2.5 eV). An EIP value of 4.64 eV and EEA value of 2.8 eVwere found in the case of BTTP-P [14].

Below, in our paper we investigate a set of model parametersclose to those encountered in polypeptide macromolecules orbridge-mediated donor-acceptor systems, summarized above.In particular, we study the case when the elasticity con-stants, electron resonant constants, electron-lattice couplings,and the energy differences between donor, acceptor, andmacromolecule are comparable. From the summary of theexperimental data given above we estimate the dimensionlessparameters introduced above as |Dd,a| ≈ 0–10, md,a ≈ 3–10,and vd,a ≈ xd,a ≈ 0.1–0.3. Here we have taken into accountthe fact that binding of donor and acceptor molecules to themolecular chain is weaker than binding between the units inthe chain, as the binding by the van der Waals forces or bychemical binding is weaker than the binding in the chain. Wealso assume that the distance between the donor (acceptor)molecule and the chain is larger than the lattice constant inthe molecular chain, and so the corresponding electron-latticecoupling is significantly weaker.

Moreover, for the chain itself, we have taken exactly thesame parameters as in [57], i.e., C = 0.88 and G = 0.8,which correspond to the physical values of polypeptides andconducting polymers. For most of our simulations, we haveused the value � = 0.2. The dependence on that parameterwill be studied in the last section.


Before we analyze numerically the propagation of thesoliton along the chain it is useful to study some propertiesof the soliton on the lattice. The reason is that when a solitonis generated on the chain by the donor some radiation is















max | |2Ψ0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3








max | |2Ψ0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3






max | |2Ψ0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

FIG. 1. Properties of the stationary soliton as a function of its maximum density maxn|�n|2. (a) Norm N = ∑n |�n|2; (b) soliton width;

(c) soliton energy.

emitted as well and the soliton only carries a fraction of thetotal electron probability density. Thus it is very difficult todetermine exactly the properties of the soliton like its size or itsenergy from the numerical data. On the other hand, the averagevalue of the maximum probability density, maxn|�n|2, of thesoliton is very easy to determine, even if the soliton oscillates.To determine the properties of the soliton, we have thuscomputed the energy, half width, and the total norm of staticsolitons as a function of their maximum density. The resultsare presented in Fig. 1.

To analyze the transfer of the soliton from the donor tothe acceptor via the chain we have performed numericalsimulations where we have put the electron on the donor as aninitial condition. We have then integrated the equations (16)numerically until the electron was located on the acceptor orspread out over the chain. We have used mostly chains of 50nodes, which for realistic systems is relatively long, but wehave also studied how the electron transport was affected asthe length of the chain was varied. Using the set of parametersgiven above, we have performed many simulations varying theparameters for the donor and acceptor sites, i.e., Jd , Dd and

D =0dD =0.3d

D =0.6d

D =0.8dD =1d

D =1.2d

| |2








0 0.5 1 1.5 2

FIG. 2. (Color online) Maximum of |�|2 as a function of Dd andJd for xd = vd = 0.1.

Ja , Da , Aa , respectively, determining the range of parametervalues for which a soliton was generated by the donor andthose for which the electron was absorbed by the acceptor.We have also identified the parameter values for which thetunneling was optimal.

In these simulations, when the coupling parameters weresuitable, the electron quickly moved onto the chain where itcreated a local deformation of the chain in which it then wasself-trapped in a localized solitonlike state. Then the solitonmoved along the chain at a constant speed until it reachedthe acceptor. As is shown later in this paper, the soliton isnot perfect, as the system of equations (16) is not completelyintegrable, but in the best cases most of the electron densityforms a soliton, while the rest forms small waves that diffusealong the chain.

We then scanned the parameters Dd and Jd and, as one cansee from Fig. 2, for the case xd = vd = 0.3, a soliton is formedfor a wide range of values, roughly for DD ∈ [0,1.2] and Jd ∈[0.3,1.5]. The optimal values of Dd and Jd for the formation ofa soliton as well as the properties of the corresponding solitonare given in Table I. As the soliton oscillates after its creationthe values of |�|2 were obtained by averaging their valueswhen the soliton was in the chain interval n ∈ [7,18]. We notefrom Table I that the values for which a soliton is generated donot depend much on xd , but that, on the other hand, the solitonamplitude increases with xd .

We have also investigated the dependence of the rigidity ofthe coupling between the donor and acceptor to the chain andhave varied both vd and va by two orders of magnitude andwe found that the size of the soliton generated on the chain

TABLE I. Optimal parameter values for the formation of a solitonand the absorption of a soliton by the acceptor for the chain withvd = va = 0.1, C = 0.88, G = 0.8, and Md = Ma = 3.

xd xa Dd Jd Sol max |�|2 N Da Ja Aa |�a|2t=50

0.1 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.183 0.75 0.2 0.13 4 0.640.3 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.201 0.81 0.3 0.12 4 0.690.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.219 0.82 0.7 0.11 3.4 0.761 1 2.2 0.9 0.251 0.89 1.1 0.14 2.9 0.702



x = x = 0.1 d a

x = x = 0.3 d a

| | a










τ0 20 40 60 80 100

FIG. 3. (Color online) Electron probability |�|2 on the acceptoras a function of time (in adimensional units) for the parameter valueslisted in Table I for xd = xa = 0.1 and xd = xa = 0.3. N = 50.

or the amount of absorption of the electron probability by theacceptor only changed by a few percent. For this reason wehave performed all our studies, to be discussed below, usingthe values vd = va = 0.1.

When the soliton arrives at the end of the chain, it canbe absorbed by the acceptor when the coupling between thechain and the acceptor is appropriate. When the absorption ispresent, the soliton is absorbed very quickly and |�a|2, theelectron density on the acceptor site, rises very rapidly fromzero to a constant value as seen in Fig. 3. The electron densityfluctuates a little because the waves on the chain are alsoprogressively absorbed by the acceptor site, but those waveshave to bounce several times between the two ends of the chainbefore being slowly absorbed.

To evaluate the efficiency of absorption, we have taken thevalue of |�a|2 at t = 50 for a chain of 50 nodes, which is thevalue just after the plateau has been reached (see Fig. 3). Forthe four values of xd , we have taken the values of Dd and Jd

from Table I, for which the largest soliton was generated andwe have scanned the values of Da and Ja , taking xa = xd

and va = vd , to determine when the soliton was absorbedby the acceptor site. The parameter values for which the

D =2a

D =1a

D =0.3a

D =0a

D =-1a

D =-2a| | a











0.5 1 1.5 2A =0a

A =0.5a

A =1a

A =2a

A =3a

A =4a

A =5a

| | a










0 0.5 1 1.5 2

D =2a

D =1aD =0.3a

D =0a

D =-1a

D =-2a

| | a










0 1 2 3 4 5

A =0a

A =0.5a

A =1a

A =2a

A =3aA =4a

A =5a

| | a










-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

FIG. 4. (Color online) Absorption of soliton by the acceptor: |�|2 at τ = 50. Md = Ma = 3, C = 0.88, vd = va = 0.1, G = 0.8, xd =xa = 0.3, Da = 0.6, and Jd = 0.7; (a) as a function of Ja for different Da and Aa = 4; (b) as a function of Ja for different Aa and Da = 0.3;(c) as a function of Aa for different Da and Ja = 0.12; (d) as a function of Da for different Aa and Ja = 0.12.



| |









0 10 20 30 40 50

| |









0 10 20 30 40 50

| |










0 10 20 30 40 50

| |









0 10 20 30 40 50

| |









0 10 20 30 40 50

| |









0 10 20 30 40 50

FIG. 5. (Color online) Profile |�|2 of the soliton on a chain with 50 nodes. At τ = 0, not shown, the soliton is exclusively on thedonor (|�d |2 = 1). Md = Ma = 3, C = 0.88, vd = va = 0.1, G = 0.8, xd = xa = 0.3, Dd = 0.6, Jd = 0.7, Da = 0.3, Ja = 0.12, and Aa = 4.(a) τ = 2, (b) τ = 4, (c) τ = 10, (d) τ = 20, (e) τ = 28, and (f) τ = 40.

absorption is the largest are presented in Table I. Most ofour simulations were performed up to τ = 2000 and in allcases |�a|2 stayed constant or very slowly increased after thesoliton was absorbed. The slow increase of |�a|2 was causedby the slow absorption of remaining wave on the lattice by theacceptor.

The parameter region in which the absorption takes placeis relatively large. In Fig. 4 we present the electron probability

density just after the absorption (t = 50) for different valuesof the parameters Ja , Da , and Aa for the case xd = xa = 0.3,Dd = 0.6, and Jd = 0.7. One can clearly see that when Aa > 2the absorption does not vary much. The electron coupling, Ja ,on the other hand, must lie approximately in the range 0.1 to0.4. To have a good absorption the energy level of the acceptor,Da , must lie approximately in the range −0.5 to 2. So overallthe electron absorption takes place for a relatively large domain












n0 10 20 30 40 50










n0 10 20 30 40 50










n0 10 20 30 40 50










n0 10 20 30 40 50

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 6. (Color online) Displacement u of unit cells on a chain with 50 nodes. Md = Ma = 3, C = 0.88, vd = va = 0.1, G = 0.8,xd = xa = 0.3, Dd = 0.6, Jd = 0.7, Da = 0.3, Ja = 0.12, and Aa = 4. (a) τ = 4, (b) τ = 10, (c) τ = 20, and (d) τ = 28.

of the parameters. We have performed a similar analysis forother values of xa and xd and we have found very similarresults. We have also varied ma and md and found that thevariation of these parameters has virtually made no difference.

In Fig. 5, we present the time dependence of the electrondensity across the chain for the case xd = xa = 0.1, Dd = 0.6,Jd = 0.7, Da = 0.2, Ja = 0.13, and Aa = 4. At t = 0 theelectron is exclusively on the donor and it is rapidly transferredto the chain. A soliton is then formed and its maximumprobability (charge density) is approximately |�|2 = 0.18which, from Fig. 1(a), corresponds to an approximate normof 0.64. We can thus conclude that, in this case, two-thirdsof the electron probability density is located in the soliton,while the rest forms some ripples that propagate along thechain. Once the electron reaches the other end of the chain itis rapidly absorbed by the acceptor.

In Fig. 6 we present the displacement fields for four of theprofiles shown in Fig. 5. It shows clearly that the front edgeof the soliton corresponds to a negative displacement followedby a tail that widens as time increases. Looking at Fig. 5 wecan also see that the soliton position matches the middle ofthe front drop of the displacement field u. So relative to theposition of the center of the soliton, the displacement fieldexhibits an S shape curve as expected. We also notice that the

tail of the displacement field corresponds to a slow relaxationof the lattice vibration which does not travel as fast as thesoliton itself.



In the previous section, we have shown that an electron canspontaneously be transferred from a donor to a chain on whichit is self-trapped in a soliton state and propagates to the oppositeend of the chain where it can be absorbed by the acceptor.As this was all performed at zero temperature, we must nowstudy how these results are modified when thermal effectsare added to our system and, in particular, study the thermalstability of the electron transport on the chain. To performthe analysis numerically, we have proceeded by thermalizingthe donor-chain-acceptor system to a given temperature in theabsence of an extra electron. After the system had reached astable thermal state, we have put the electron on the donor andwe have looked at how it generated a soliton and how thatsoliton was then absorbed by the acceptor. The thermalizationwas performed by adding the following Langevin term

Ln = Fn(t) − �dUn










| |


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1






| |










Γ0.1 1 10 100 1000

FIG. 7. (Color online) |�|2 on the acceptor for xd = xa = 0.3, Dd = 0.6, Jd = 0.7, Da = 0.3, Ja = 0.12, and Aa = 4: (a) as a function ofthe temperature for chain of different length; (b) as a function of � for various temperatures.

to Eqs. (16) for each Un fields. � in (17) is an absorptionparameter and the thermal noise Fn(τ ) is a Gaussian whitenoise of zero mean value and variance given by

〈Fn(τ1)Fm(τ2)〉 = 2�kT δ(τ1 − τ2)δn,m, (18)

i.e., we describe it by a random function with a normaldistribution satisfying the constraint (18). In our numericalsimulations F (τ ) has been kept constant during the time stepinterval dτ and we used δ(τ2 − τ1) = 1/dτ .

As the process is randomized, we have performed 100simulations on a chain with 50 nodes for each set of parametersat each temperature and then we averaged the values obtainedfor the amount of absorption by the acceptor. For kT = 0 therewas no need to do this so we only performed one simulation.The simulations were performed using the parameter valuesgiven in Table I and the temperature was increased up to thevalue for which the soliton was not stable enough to transfer theelectron across the lattice. The results are presented in Fig. 7for the case xa = xd = 0.3. The other three cases consideredin Table I gave nearly identical results.

From our results we see that the electron can easily prop-agate through the lattice even at relatively high temperature.In our units, kT is measured in units of J which for α helicesis of the order of 0.1 eV. So at physiological temperature,kT ≈ 0.025 eV, about a third of the electron probability canbe transferred through the chain as a soliton.

All the simulations so far have been performed using theenergy dissipation coefficient � = 0.2 and we decided toinvestigate how the results described above depend on thevalue of �. The results of these investigations are presentedin Fig. 7(b) from which we see that the amount of absorption,even for kT = 0, modifies the effectiveness of the systemof transferring the electron from the donor to the acceptorby about 10%. The optimal absorption occurs for � ≈ 2.2.This optimal value is determined by the balance between theenergy loss due to radiation by the soliton of sound waves andenergy gain due to electron binding with the self-created latticedeformation. We would like to reiterate that the system (16)is not an integrable system even in the continuum limit andso the soliton can generate phonon-electron waves during its

time evolution, although the waves can be very small, as in thepresent studies for the given parameter values. As � increaseswe have observed that the soliton size decreases faster asit propagates along the chain and so one would expect theabsorption to decrease as well, but what Fig. 7(b) suggests isthat the transfer between the chain and the acceptor is somehowenhanced by a larger absorption. At bigger values of � thermaloscillations of the lattice cites and radiation of linear waves areweaker, and this enhances the electron transfer of the electronfrom a soliton state in the end of the chain into the acceptor.


In this paper, we have studied the transfer of a quasiparticle(an electron, molecular excitation, exciton, etc.) from a donorto an acceptor mediated by a molecular chain through whichthe electron is transferred in a soliton state. We have presenteda model in which a donor and an acceptor molecules areconnected to both ends of the chain with a coupling betweenthese two molecules and the chain itself. We have thensolved the discrete nonlinear equations describing this systemnumerically and we have found that, for a broad range ofcoupling parameters, the electron spontaneously tunnels to thenearest end of the chain, where it is self-trapped in a solitonstate and then propagates to the opposite end of the chaincoherently with constant velocity and weak energy dissipation.At this end of the chain the electron is transferred to theacceptor when the coupling parameters belong to a suitablerange of values.

For the considered parameters of the principal chain theadiabatic approximation is expected to be valid. As shownin Ref. [11], in the continuum approximation, the electronground state in such a chain is described by a soliton, which isa bound state of an electron self-trapped in the localized latticedeformation. This analytical result has been confirmed bynumerical simulations (see Ref. [12]). Such a two-component(electron + lattice deformation) soliton in a molecular chainhas been called “Davydov soliton” [12].

In the present paper we have found the range of parametersof a donor molecule, at which the evolution of an electron



probability provides sufficient conditions for the generation ofa soliton in the principal chain. Strictly speaking, in a discretechain this soliton is a solitonlike localized electron state, stableenough to propagate to the opposite end of the chain with verylittle energy dissipation. The analytical study of this problemis in progress.

We have investigated numerically the broad range ofparameters for which such a transfer is possible. We haveshown that the long-range electron transfer is possible, andeffective, if the energy level of the electron on the donor,Dd , is in the range [0,1.2] in units of J , while the electroncoupling between the donor and the chain, Jd , must be in therange [0.3,1.5]. We have also found that the effective electrontransfer from the soliton state in the chain to the acceptormolecule takes place when the parameters of the acceptor areDa ∈ [−0.5,2], Ja ∈ [0.1,0.4], and Aa > 2.

We then investigated how the electron transfer depends onthe length of the chain and have found, not surprisingly, thatwhen the chain is longer, it takes longer for the soliton totravel across the chain. Moreover, the amplitude of the solitondecreases slowly as the soliton travels along the chain andso the effectiveness of the electron transport also decreasesslowly as the chain becomes longer.

We also studied the thermal stability of the soliton transportand have found that the effectiveness of the electron transporton the chain decreases as the temperature increases but that, forchains that are not excessively long, the transfer can still takeplace even at temperature of the order of kT = 0.5 in unitsof J . This implies that for polypeptide chains the electrontransport can occur via a solitonic state not only at low butalso at physiological temperatures.

We also studied the dependence of the soliton transport forvarious values of the damping coefficient � and found that theelectron absorption depends only very weakly on the value ofthis parameter.


One of us, L.S.B., acknowledges the support from a DurhamInternational Fellowship for Research and Enterprise (DIFeR-Ens) COFUNDed by Durham University and the EuropeanUnion for Ephiphany term 2014. She thanks St. Mary’s Collegeand the University of Durham for their hospitality. B.M.A.G.P.and W.J.Z. would like to acknowledge support by the STFCConsolidated Grant No. ST/J000426/1.

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