Dunia Alam (the Natural World) Indonesian Language...


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Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Dunia Alam (the Natural World)

Indonesian Language &

Cultural Trail Student Guide

Education @ Adelaide Botanic Garden 

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Before the excursion

Language Preparation Specific Bahasa Indonesia language tasks can be based around the following suggested ideas and vocabulary list.

biru blue cokelat brown hitam black hijau green jingga orange kuning yellow merah red muda light putih white tua dark Nomor satu one dua two tiga three empat four lima five enam six tujuh seven delapan eight sembilan nine sepuluh ten sebelas eleven duabelas twelve Tanaman pohon tree tanaman plant bunga flower daun leaf akar root batang togok trunk cabang branch tulang daun veins

Sentuhan berbulu furry dingin cold halus smooth hangat warm kasar rough asam sour cium smell keras strong manis sweet matang ripe besar big bulat round kecil small panjang long pendek short segi-empat square tajam sharp tebal thick tinggi tall tipis thin Mencari Jalan belok turn berhenti stop kanan right ke atas above ke bawa below kiri left melihat look mencari find Aktivitas gambarkanlah draw hubungkanlah join selesaikanlah finish

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service


banyak lots

basah wet/moist

bayangkan imagine

berdiri stand

berhenti stop

beristirahat take a rest

berputar turn around

besar big

cuaca atmosphere

di belakang behind

di dapat to find, get

di cari to find

dingin cold

duduk sit

gelap dull/dark

hitungkan count

hutan forest

jalan walk

jembatan bridge

kaca glass

ke atas to (above)

kecil small

kering dry

kesan impression

kira-kira approximately

kolam pond

kulit batang bark

langkah step(s)

lembab humid

lihat look

menduga guess

menyentuh to touch/feel

panas hot

panjang long

pegang touch/hold

pendek short

pikir think / ponder

sebelah kanan on/to the right(side)

sebelah kiri on/to the left(side)

sejuk cool

tali string/rope

terang clear

terdapat is found, to be found

tinggi tall

ujung end

warna colour(s)

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Sequence of activities

Activity 1. Selamat Datang An introductory stroll through the conservatory to note the different conditions, enjoy the

plants and to help break into small groups ready for the next activity.

Location: Bicentennial Conservatory

Activity 2. Tanaman Hutan

Focus: Observation and Discussion

A walk along the ground floor of the conservatory to familiarize students with tropical and sub-tropical plants that grow in Indonesia.

Location: Bicentennial Conservatory

Activity 3. Daun-daun

Focus: Visual Discovery and Plant Features

A walk along the upper walkway of the conservatory to find different rainforest leaves, to talk about them and complete some activities in small groups.

Location: Bicentennial Conservatory

Activity 4. Di Kebun Raya

Focus: Cultural Uses of Plants

A walk outside the conservatory in the botanic garden to find plants commonly cultivated and used in Indonesia. The emphasis is on activities involving the senses.

Location: In the Adelaide Botanic Garden

Finding the Plants • Use the sketches of plants and the included maps to find plants.

• When you think you are near the plant, match the plant name on the small brown plant label with the one in the booklet.

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Selamat Datang Activity 1

When you enter the conservatory you will feel the climate change.

In small groups, have a stroll through the rainforest, look around then come back to

the entrance.

What does it feel like in here?

Bagaimana cuacanya....? panas dingin basah kering sejuk lembab

Look at the rainforest in front of you.

Warna apa anda bisa lihat ? merah kuning hijau hitam biru jingga

Now, in small groups start your upper or lower walkway trail.

Selamat jalan.

Circle your


Circle your


Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Tanaman Hutan Activity 2

Rainforest Garden..............lower walkway  

The nine tropical plants listed in this activity are often cultivated around houses and in village gardens in Indonesia. See if you can find them from the map.

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Daun-daun Activity 3

Leaf Walk..........Upper walkway
























Plant information, key points and discussion ideas

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Di Kebun Raya activity 4 

Garden Walk.........in the Adelaide Botanic Garden….  



























Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

1. Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon) ...Kayu Manis Cinnamon sticks are bark peelings from the trunks of small, sapling sized cinnamon trees. They are commonly sold in markets. The sticks add a spicy flavour to sweet dishes such as black rice pudding. Cinnamon has also been used as a medicine to treat diarrhoea. F Look on the ground about 4 or 5 steps to the west of this tree for a distinctive, three-veined leaf. This leaf comes form another type of cinnamon tree. Rub the leaf and share the strong cinnamon smell with others. Please do not pick leaves off the tree.

Students Could: · Feel the part of the tree that

cinnamon comes from. · Smell a crushed leaf picked up

off the ground. · Count the number of long

veins in the leaf. · Add the veins to the drawing

of the leaf · Talk about food with

cinnamon in it.

1. Cinnamon / Kayu Manis

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

2. Carica chrysopetala (Papaw)....Papaya Papaya was brought to Asia from South America over three hundred years ago. This small papaya tree bears large, sweet, spicy fruit directly on its trunk. The fruit is ripe when the flesh turns yellow and is usually eaten after meals. Young, unripe fruit may be boiled and used as a vegetable. Papain, a protein digesting chemical found throughout the plant, is used to tenderise meat. This is done by wrapping the meat in leaves containing papain prior to cooking.

This plant is a close relative of the true papaya, a plant called Carica papaya. It often has visible papaya fruit near the top of the main stem.

Students Could: • Find where the fruit is

growing on the tree (usually visible).

• Work out if the fruit is ripe (use the colour).

• Count the number of fruits. • Talk about the taste of

Papaya. • Finish the drawing of a leaf.

2. Papaw / Papaya

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

3. Ficus religiosa....Bunut Kaloja Sometimes this considerable sized tree begins its life upon other plants or buildings. Roots are sent down to the ground to help establish the plant for its growth into a large, spreading tree. The tree is sacred to Hindus and Buddhists. Buddhists believe Buddha became incarnate in the shade of the 'bodh' tree. Because of its religious importance, Ficus religiosa is deliberately planted near temples. In time the tree's strangling roots become intertwined with the temple structure and hasten the building's destruction in a most majestic way.

Students Could: • Sketch the unusual shape

of the leaf. • Discuss how much shade

this tree provides. • Guess why Buddha sat

under these trees. • Note how the leaves shine.

3. Religious Fig / Bunut Kaloja

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

4. Hibiscus....Bunga Raya Often large, bold and beautiful, the hibiscus flower makes an attractive body decoration. The flowers brighten up homes and often add to the splendour of displays made for special ceremonies and important occasions. The fibre from hibiscus stems may be used to make cord or string. Many parts of the plant are used medicinally, in particular, juice from the leaves is said to assist with childbirth. The flowers are used in offerings to the gods by the Hindu people of Bali.

Students Could: • Find out if hibiscus flowers

have a smell. • Write down the different

colours they find in one flower.

• Find other different coloured hibiscus flowers nearby.

• Add a sketch of the middle of a flower to the drawing.

• Talk about why hibiscus flowers are good for decoration.

4. Hibiscus / Bunga Raya

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

5. Bambusa (Bamboo).....Bambu The different uses of bamboo are almost endless making it one of the most versatile and important materials in Indonesia. Its usefulness is demonstrated in house building where it makes up scaffolding as well as floor, wall and roof construction. Water can be carried in bamboo containers and on a broader scale it is used to pipe running water. Special bamboos are grown for making musical instruments like the angklung and suling (flute). Young bamboo shoots are eaten as a vegetable.

Students Could: • Use the drawings to talk

about different ways of using bamboo.

• Use words to describe the different types of bamboo they find.

• Feel the strength of a bamboo stem.

• Think of something they could make from bamboo.

5. Bamboo / Bambu

Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service

Acknowledgments Content: Madelena Bendo, Steve Meredith and Michael Yeo Illustrations: Gilbert Dashorst Assistance from the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and State Herbarium staff Grant assistance: Multicultural Education Coordinating Committee Copyright: ©2016 The State of South Australia, Department for Education and Child Development and the Botanic Gardens of South Australia. This publication is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced by South Australian teachers for use with their students.
