Dropbox is a tool the CSME will set up for its participants upon request so that participants do not...


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Dropbox is a tool the CSME will set up for its participants upon request so that participants do not have to upload podcasts to CSME servers via FTP (file transfer protocol).

Dropbox works by creating a virtual “drop box” on your computer which uploads data to a shared file on a third party server, for retrieval and posting to CSME website by CSME staff.

This tutorial is provided to walk you, the dropbox user, through the request, download, installation, and setup processes, and to demonstrate the software’s ease of use.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding how to use customize, or implement this resource, please contact the CSME for additional information.

About Dropbox

Getting StartedStep 1: Inform the CSME you would like to use our dropbox.

If you wish to use dropbox to notify the CSME that you have files which you would like posted to the CSME servers for hosting on the

CSME website, you must first notify us.

Send a brief Message to csme@ollusa.edu informing us that you would like us to set you up as a drop box user on our shared folder.

Soon after, you should receive an email invite to the CSME dropbox.

When the CSME invites you to join its dropbox, you will receive an email that looks like this one. Click the link in the email.

The emailed link will direct you to dropbox.com. Click the tab in this screen marked “create an account”.

Input your first and last name, the email address to which the invite was sent, and create a password for yourself.

When you have successfully logged into your account, you should be directed to this page. Your account has been created. Next you will need the app.

Go to http://www.dropbox.com and download the dropbox application by clicking the big “Download” button. NOTE: Always save any file you download or create to a location where you will be able to find it again.

Locate and double click the dropbox installer file which was just downloaded. Click “install” under the installer wizard's

main window.

Once the files have installed to your system, you will have to set up your drop box on your computer. Mark the check box labeled “I already have a dropbox account”.

Select your dropbox space to be 2 gigabytes. (You will not need more. Your drop box is only a temporary storage location for

your podcasts.) Click next.

Select the “Typical Setup Type.

Click “next” and navigate through the drop box tour to familiarize yourself with the application.

When you have completed the dropbox tour, click “Finish”

Double click the drop box shortcut on your desktop. You will see two files. “Podcasts” and “shared”. You can add more files to your own dropbox. “Podcasts” is a shared folder of the CSME dropbox. Double click “Podcasts”

Right click inside the Podcasts folder window and select “New Folder”

Create a folder for yourself and name it after yourself.Open the folder.

With the folder you just created (under your namesake) open, select your podcast media and XML files. Drag and drop them into the new folder. Your files will be uploaded to the CSME’s shared dropbox. The CSME will be notified, and your files will post the CSME website for hosting within a week. This is all you need to do.

Any time you wish the CSME to upload your podcasting content to its website for hosting, you will only need to drag and drop your podcast files into our shared dropbox. The CSME will then upload your files to our server for you. Once the content has posted to the CSME website, you may remove it from the dropbox.

Important Note: ONLY the Podcast folder in your Dropbox is a CSME folder. It is a part of the CSME’s dropbox that you have been invited to use. Your 2 GB dropbox will be yours to use as

you wish. Be careful about content you post to your shared folder(s) however. It will be accessible by other dropbox users.
