Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


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  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    2015 NDI 6WS Border/Drones Terror

    DA Upgrade

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    1NC ShellBorder Securi! has "ore #unding $u i%s on he $rin&

    '%Toole 1( (Molly, politics reporter for Defense One, covered national andinternational politics for Reuters, The Nation, the Associated Press and Newsweek

    nternational, a!on" others, #Top $eneral %ays Me&ico 'order %ecurity Now)&istential* Threat to +%-, ./0/12,http3//wwwdefenseoneco!/threats/4512/5./top6"eneral6says6!e&ico67order6security6now6e&istential6threat6us/8.908/, A':

    A top +nited %tates "eneral in char"e of protectin" the southern 7order says he*s7een una7le to co!7at the steady ;ow of ille"al dru"s, weapons and people fro!elly warned that ne"lect hascreated vulnera7ilities that can 7e e&ploited 7y terrorist "roups , descri7in" a#cri!e6terror conver"ence- already seen in e7anese BeF7ollah*s involve!ent inthe re"ion #All this corruption and violence is directly or indirectly due to the insatia7le +% de!and for dru"s,particularly cocaine, heroin and now !etha!pheta!ines,- >elly told Defense One, #all of which are produced in

    atin A!erica and s!u""led into the +% alon" an incredi7ly eEcient network alon" which anythin" hundredsof tons of dru"s, people, terrorists, potentially weapons of !ass destruction orchildren can travel, so lon" as they can pay the fare- Gith the O7a!a ad!inistration callin" the ;ow ofchildren in the +% a hu!anitarian crisis, even so!e of the !ost outspoken proponents of i!!i"ration refor! in

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    the re"ion*s !ost pressin" security and "overnance challen"es- 7ut the ad!inistrationhas !ade no !ention of additional resources for the +% !ilitary

    Drones &e! o deer erroriss on $order

    Patrick S)ie& 1*, covers Te&as state "overn!ent and politics, Au"ust 1K, 4512#IAA, Perry apparently at odds over 7order drones-,

    http3//wwwhoustonchronicleco!/politics/te&as6take/article/IAA6Perry6apparently6at6odds6over67order6drones60L8..1Lphp, A':

    Ior years, $ov Rick Perry has 7een callin" for drones to !onitor the Te&as6Me&ico 7order asa way to H"ht the in;u& ofille"ali!!i"rants and the cri!ethat he says acco!panies it Morerecently, he has used the issue to rail a"ainst the federal "overn!ent, callin" out the Iederal AviationAd!inistrationfor refusin" to allow Te&as to use un!anned aircraft Perry on Gednesday raised thede!and for drones twice, Hrst durin" a news conference at a National $uard trainin" center in 'astrop andthen an interview on Io& News in which host Neil elly, co!!ander of +% %outhern

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    )urope,- addin" that %% ene!y al aeda and its aEliates take #a lot of !oney to allow it to ;ow- Accordin" to the

    alle"ed author of the Da7i? op6ed article, kidnapped 'ritish photo@ournalist =ohn

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    hi"hly technically trained professionals and was already usin" chlorine as a weapon %he added that %%was prepared to use any and all !eans, any and all for!s of violence they canthink of, to advance their de!ented cause That includes use of che!ical weaponA for!er co!!ander of the 'ritish ar!ys che!ical weapons unit has also spoken out in support of the Australian forei"n !inister


  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    U. Border Securi! eci)eDrone $order securi! is eeci)e a #aciliaing securi! no+

    Andrew '3eill! 1(, reporter for Io& News atino #Drones $et More %pace ToRoa! Over Te&as3 IAA Approves Runway Ior +n!anned Aircrafts-, 9/14/12,

    http3//latinofo&newsco!/latino/!oney/4512/59/14/drones6"et6!ore6space6to6roa!6over6south6te&as6faa6approves6e&tended6ran"e/, A':

    n 4514,

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    4in& Border Securi! &2 sop TerrorBorder securi! is &e! o sop ISIS

    Truilo 1( (Mario, reporter for The Bill, #Paul3 %ecure 7order to prevent %%inHltration*-, 9/L/12, The Bill, http3//thehillco!/policy/defense/41LL046paul6warns6

    of6possi7le6isis6inHltration6throu"h6us67order A':%en Rand Paul (R6>y: on Thursday warned that terrorists fro! the sla!ic %tate in ra? and %yriacould inHltrate the +nited %tates throu"h the southern 7order Ge !ust also secureour own 7orders and i!!i"ration policy fro! %% inHltration, Paul said in an op6ed in Ti!e!a"aFine that outlined his strate"y for dealin" with the "roup Our 7order is porou s, and thead!inistration, rather than actin" to protect it, instead ponders unconstitutionale&ecutive action, le"aliFin" !illions of ille"al i!!i"rants, he added Paul, a potential presidential candidate,said the i!!i"ration syste! needs a full6scale review, pointin" to a recent A'< report that found !ore than L,555

    forei"n nationals in the country had disappeared on e&pired student visas This is ine&cusa7leover adecade after we were attacked on 9/11 7y hi@ackers includin" one %audi student who overstayed his student visa,he said Paul called for revokin" the visas of any +% citiFens H"htin" with %% overseas Bis co!!ents echo awarnin" fro! another potential $OP presidential contender, Te&as $ov Rick Perry Perry went further last !onth,

    sayin" that %% !ilitants !i"ht have alreadycrossed the 7order, thou"h he acknowled"ed there isno evidence of that The Penta"on has said %% has aspirations to hit Gestern tar"ets, 7ut the!ilitary has seen no indication that they are co!in" across the 7order with Me&ico Ge have no infor!ation thatleads us to 7elieve that, Rear Ad! =ohn >ir7y said last !onth

    Drones are &e! o sol)e illegal $order crossings

    CBS 1(,

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    children will 7e deported pro!ptly, =ohnson said, #we need to Hnd !ore eEcient, eective ways to turn this tide around "enerally,

    and we*ve already 7e"un to do that- On =une 18, Perry announced that the state would steer another J1K!illion per week to the Depart!ent of Pu7lic %afety to assist in 7order securitythrou"h at least the end of the yearBe followed that two days later with a letter invitin" O7a!a to see thecrisis Hrsthand

    Drones sol)e drug rac&ing and chec& carels%pencer Ac&er"an 11, reporter for Gired, #+% Drones Are Now %niEn"Me&ican Dru"s-, KL,11, http3//wwwwiredco!/4511/5K/u6s6drones6are6now6sniEn"6!e&ican6dru"s/, A':

    'ut now the drones are takin" on a new !ission3 huntin" dru" "an"s in Me&ico Accordin" to apreviously undisclosed a"ree!ent 7etween President 'arack O7a!a and his Me&ican counterpart, Ielipe

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    I/4 ISIS slips hrough $orderISIS can cross $order7 leads o W,D use

    In8uisir 1(, cites several 7order reports and %en =i! nhofe, #%% Terrorist$roup Developin" GMD 'o!7 To 'low +p +%

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    %tates Dru" dealers have found a way to !ove !oney without it 7ein" followed , saidfor!er I' a"ent Tyrone Powers durin" a recent re!ark on national television They found a way to !ovepeople in and out and they found a way to !ove product %% a"ents !ay Hnd away to enter the +% and!ay 7e, at so!e point, suicide 7o!7ers, which is really scary, andthen weapons of !ass destruction, said PowersTwo !a@or dru" cartels that could 7e

    involved are the %inaloa Iederation,which controls western Me&icos 7orders fro! Te&as to

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    I"pac U. ISIS has nu&esThe! ha)e nu&es

    )7en Bla&e 6/*, coverin" "eneral aairs at 'Ti!es in New Work

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    I"pac ,odule :ridThe!%d aac& he grid #ro" he $order ; $es saisics7 his

    card is grea69/00,555 is enou"h for a lon"6ter! wipeout

    67lackout is widespread

    6causes 95Z deaths in the +%

    6could happen to!orrow

    6has connection with cartels and other "roups to "et in

    Aaron ni"hts Te!plar dru" cartel, which last year successfully utiliFed "uns andMolotov cocktails to attack nu!erous Me&ican power stations, leavin" 11 towns without electricity #Now those"uys are @ust across our southern 7order,- stated Pry Pry continued3 #That !eans that %% doesn*thave to actually co!e to the +nited %tates on those +% passports Wou know, O7a!a is always talkin" a7out how

    he*s "ot a phone Gell, %% has "ot a telephone, too All they*ve "ot to do is contact the

    >ni"hts Te!plar, wire these "uys J15 !illion, !ean they*ll do anythin" for !oneyAnd say, Bey, "o across that open +% 7order and take out the electric "rid in AriFona, or New Me&ico, or

    Minnesota or New Work Or the entire nation*- Pry sur!ised such an attack on the +% power "rid#wouldn*t 7e diEcult for the!- #There are X open6source co!puter !odels where you can H"ure outwhich are those nine critical transfor!er su7stations where if attacked would take down the whole national power

    "rid,- he said #%o so!ethin" like that could 7e arran"ed t could happen to!orrow t could happen ne&tweek- Pry pointed out %% allies in al6aida last =une attacked power lines in We!en that left the entire nationwithout power for a day Be took issue with a state!ent last week fro! for!er deputy director of the

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    stated that #over the lon" ter! two and a half, three years we need to worry a7out a 9/116style attack 7y %%-

    orea passin" %% a nuclear deviceand delivery syste!, such asa %er" loss o# elecrical po+er +ould cause nuclear

    reacor "eldo+ns?guaranees e-incion

    @odges 1(

    Dave, an esta7lished award winnin" psycholo"y, statistics and research professor ashe teaches colle"e and university classes at 7oth the under"raduate and "raduatelevel, an esta7lished author as his articles are pu7lished on !any !a@or we7sites,citin" =udy Baar, a reco"niFed e&pert in nuclear plant failure analyses, NuclearPower Plants Gill 'eco!e A!ericas )&tinction evel )vent, April 18 4512,


    Iukushi!a is often spoken of 7y !any, as a possi7le e&tinction level event 7ecauseof the radiation threat Iukushi!a continues to wreak havoc upon the world and in the +nited %tates as weare 7ein" 7athed in deadly radiation fro! this event 'ecause of Iukushi!a, Hsh are 7eco!in"inedi7le and the ocean currents as well as the prevailin" ocean winds are carryin"deadly radiation +ndou7tedly, 7y this ti!e, the radioactivity has !ade its way into thetranspiration cycle which !eans that crops are 7ein" dowsed with deadly radiation

    The radiation has undou7tedly !ade its way into the water ta7le in !any areas andi!pacts every aspect of the food supply The health costs to hu!an 7ein"s isincalcula7le Bowever, this articleis not a7out the devastation at Iukushi!a, instead, this article focuses

    on the fact that Norh A"erica could ha)e a total of 12( u&ushi"a e)ens ifthe necessary conditions were present A Iesterin" Pro7le! on" 7efore Iukushi!a,A!erican re"ulators knew that a power failure lastin" for days involvin" the power"rid connected to a nuclear plant ,re"ardless of the cause, would !ost likely lead to adan"erous radioactive leak in at least several nuclear power plants A co"pleeloss o# elecrical po+er poses a "aor pro$le" #or nuclear po+er plans

    7ecause the reactor core !ust 7e kept cool as well as the 7ack6up coolin" syste!s,all of which re?uire !assive a!ounts of power to work Beretofore, all the N)R< drillswhich test the readiness of a nuclear power plant are predicated on the notion thata 7lackout will only last 42 hours or less A!aFin"ly, this is the su! total of a N)R< lit!us testAlthou"h we have the technolo"y needed to harden and protect our "rid fro! an )MP event, whether natural or

    !an6!ade, we have failed to do so The cost for protectin" the entire "rid is placed at a7out the cost for one '61%tealth 'o!7er Wet, as a nation, we have done nothin" This is ine&plica7le and ine&cusa7le Our collective inactiona"ainst protectin" the "rid pro!pted

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    Baar states that all 152 +% nuclear power plants are 7uilt to withstand electrical outa"es without e&periencin" anycore da!a"e, throu"h the activation of an auto!atic start up of e!er"ency "enerators powered 7y diesel Iurther,

    when e!er"ency power kicks in, an auto!atic shutdown of the nuclear power plantco!!ences The dan"erous control rods are dropped into the core, while water ispu!ped 7y the diesel power "enerators into the reactor to reduce the heat andthus, prevent a !eltdown Bere is the catch in this process, the spent fuel rods are

    encased in 7oth a pri!ary and secondary contain!ent structure which is desi"nedto withstand a core !eltdown Bowever, should the pu!ps stop 7ecause either the"enerators fail or diesel fuel is not availa7le, the fuel rods are su7se?uentlyuncovered and a Iukushi!a type of core !eltdown co!!ences i!!ediately At thispoint, took =udy Baar*s co!!ents to a source of !ine at the Palo Verde Nuclear power plant My source infor!ed!e that as per N)R< policy, nuclear power plants are re?uired to have enou"h diesel fuel to run for a period ofseven days %o!e plants have thirty days of diesel This is the "ood news, 7ut it is all downhill fro! here The

    +nresolved Power 'lackout Pro7le! A long>er" loss o# ouside elecrical po+er +ill

    "os cerainl! inerrup he circulaion o# cooling +aer o he poolsAnotherone of !y Palo Verde nuclear power plant sources infor!ed !e that there is no lon" ter! solution to a power

    7lackout and that all 7ets are o if the 7lackout is due to an )MP attack A !ore detailed analysis reveals that thespent fuel pools carry depleted fuel for the reactor Nor!ally, this spent fuel has had

    ti!e to considera7ly decay and therefore, reducin" radioactivity and heat Bowever,the newer dischar"ed fuel still produces heat and needs coolin" Boused in hi"hdensity stora"e racks, contained in 7uildin"s that vent directly into the at!osphere,radiation contain!ent is not accounted for with re"ard to the spent fuel racks nother words, there is no capture !echanis! n this scenario, acco!panied 7y alen"thy electrical outa"e, and with the e!er"ency power wanin" due to either"enerator failure or a lack of diesel needed to power the "enerators, the plant couldlose the a7ility to provide coolin" The water will su7se?uently heat up, 7oil awayand uncover the spent fuel rods which re?uired 7ein" covered in at least 40 feet ofwater to re!ain 7eni"n fro! any deleterious eects +lti!ately, this would lead toHres as well and the release of radioactivity into the at!osphere This would 7e the

    7e"innin" of another Iukushi!a event ri"ht here on A!erican soil 'oth !y sourceand Baar shared e&actly the sa!e scenario a7out how a !eltdown would occur%u7se?uently, spoke with Ro"er andry who worked for Raytheon in various Depart!ent of Defense pro@ects for 48years, !any of the! in this arena and Ro"er also conHr!ed this infor!ation and that the a7ove infor!ation is wellknown in the industry Ghen e&a!ine

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    attackU And in the event of an )MP attack, it is not likely that any plant which runs low on fuel, or has a "enerator!alfunctions, will ever "et any help to !iti"ate the crisis prior to a plethora of !eltdowns occurrin" Thus, everynuclear power plant in the country has the potential to cause a

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    AT Drones are Ineeci)eTha%s a poor reading o# he siuaion ; !our e)idence is $ased

    on old "erics7 and ne+ polic! decisions "a&e #unding


    =oshua Breis$la 9/E, Mana"er of Policy and Advocacy at the National!!i"ration Ioru!, #G) AR) M)A%+RN$ 'ORD)R %)

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    risons A SpeciFc

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    4in& TerrorA$olishing #ederal prisons +ould le ou a looooooooo o#


    %cott Shane 11, reporter for the New Work Ti!es, #'eyond $uant[na!o, a Ge7 of

    Prisons for Terroris! n!ates-, Dece!7er 15, 4511,http3//wwwnyti!esco!/4511/14/11/us/7eyond6"uantana!o67ay6a6we76of6federal6prisonsht!lUpa"ewanted\all

    t is the other $uant[na!o, an archipela"o of federal prisons that stretches across thecountry, hidden away on 7ack roads Today, it houses far !ore !en convicted interroris!cases than the shrunken population of the prison in

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    provide opportunities for disen"a"e!ent, deradicalisation and reha7ilitation Gisepolicies !ay contri7ute constructively to facilitate these processes To achieve this,Professor %ilke and his collea"ues provide indispensa7le insi"hts

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    Terror 3eps :ood

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    Terror 3eps TrueTerroris" is a real hrea ; ignoring ha reali! ris&s


    Ralpheers7 6(Ralph, retired Ar!y OEcer, The Geekly %tandard, The

  • 7/26/2019 Drones Terror DA - Northwestern 2015 6WS


    Terroris ideolog! is he roo cause7 no language?onl! he

    +ar on error sol)esAlexEpstein 05(,anal!s a he A!n 3and Insiue7 'A in Philosophy fro! Duke +niversity, #Ii"ht theRoot of Terroris! Gith 'o!7s, Not 'read-, %an Iransisco
