Driftless Area Restoration Effort Economic Impact Study


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Driftless Area

Restoration Effort Economic

Impact Study

The Driftless Area

Wolfgang Hoffmann – UW-Madison CALS



Wolfgang Hoffmann – UW-Madison CALS

Building our Case

Plans for Economics Study • Funding provided through Association of Fish and

Wildlife Agencies Multistate Conservation Grant and the USFWS Sport Fish Restoration Fund

• Build upon previously conducted studies in Minnesota and the Kickapoo Watershed in Wisconsin

• Intention to demonstrate the benefits of recreational angling to a broader constituency

Study Plan and Design • Contracted with NorthStar Economics, Inc. based

in Madison, Wisconsin• Survey mailed to a random sample of trout stamp

holders in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa• Survey also posted on line• Data collected Summer 2007 – December 2007• Information collected regarding angler

demographics, fishing and spending habits while angling in the Driftless Area

Average Trout Anglers


Average Spending Per Outing by Driftless Area Anglers

Resident AnglersNon-Resident


Fishing Supplies $43.22 $31.84

Guiding Services $13.93 $37.37

Restaurants / Bars $39.73 $86.76

Amusements / Entertainment $5.78 $9.58

Auto-related Expenses $47.08 $60.77

Lodging $20.75 $112.54

Groceries $32.29 $40.89

Souvenirs / Gifts / Apparel $3.65 $8.57

Other $3.07 $3.55

Total Per Outing $209.50 $391.88

Total Direct Spending by Driftless Area Anglers

Resident AnglersNon-Resident


Total Per Outing $209.50 $391.88

Number of Outings per Year 22.5 9.27

Total Spent on Outings Annually $4,713.75 $3,632.73

Annual Ave. Equipment in the Driftless

$113.43 $117.22

Total Annual Spending per Angler $4,827.18 $3,749.95

Percentage of Respondents 39.1% 60.9%

Weighted Average of Spending $4,171.15

Trout Stamp Holders 155,070

Total Annual Direct Spending $646,819,673

Press Conference

Driftless Stream Restoration • 450+ stream miles

• ~$45,000,0000 investment over 25 years

Conservation Investment Good for Streams, Fish AND Economy

TU Chapters and Councils

Individual Donors
