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Term 3 Issue No. 4 September, 2014 2015 BOARDING LEADERS During Term 3, a lengthy process took place which enabled us to choose our Leaders for next year. All Year 11s were invited to nominate to be a part of the leadership team for 2015 and those who nominated were then interviewed by me. After the interviews, the nominees spoke to all of the boarders outlining why they would be a good leader and then an election took place. Following the election, Madeline Malone, Mercedes Sumner, Jayden Barrett and Tom Hynes, were elected as the 2015 Boarding Leaders. We are extremely proud to announce and congratulate Dre Ngatokorua who was elected as School Captain for 2015. Here are the profiles of our new Leaders:

Dre Ngatokorua – School Captain

Home town: Port Augusta

Brothers & sisters who have attended SHC: nil

Year 12 Subjects: RE, Research Project, Music, Food & Hospitality, English Pathways,


Sporting interests: Football, Basketball, Rugby

Other interests: Music and dance

Goals for after school: Go to Uni to study Audio Engineering

Best things about being a boarder: Meeting and having great mates

What do you hope to achieve as a leader? I hope to achieve great leadership for young Aboriginal children

A leader you admire: Barack Obama

Madeline Malone – Head Boarder

Home town: Jamestown

Brothers & sisters who have attended SHC: Michael (2011-2013)

Year 12 Subjects: RE, Research Project, Visual Arts (Design), Drama, English

Communications, Information Processing & Publishing

Sporting interests: Netball, Water Polo, Swimming Soccer

Other interests: Music, being around people

Goals for after school: Take a gap year and find out what I want to do with my


Best things about being a boarder: Set study times, constantly surrounded by friends and opportunities we have

for school

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What do you hope to achieve as a leader? To make the boarding house a safe, fun and happy environment to

live in, where everyone is welcome

A leader you admire: The 14th Dalai Lama

Jayden Barrett – Head Boarder

Home town: Lameroo

Brothers & sisters who have attended SHC: To commence Year 10/2015 - Chelsea

Year 12 Subjects: RE, Geography, Maths Applications, Furniture Construction,

Accounting, Research Project

Sporting interests: Football, Volleyball, Cricket

Other interests: Spending time with family and friends, working on farm at home and

helping others when neededGoals for after school: Achieve a decent ATAR and then

go to Uni to study a commerce degree

Best things about being a boarder: Meeting people and learning about their lives, having new groups of friends,

learning to be independent, learning life skills such as organisation, Wednesday lunch hot food!

What do you hope to achieve as a leader? Earn respect from everyone while being approachable for new ideas

to make the boarding house better

A leader you admire: Joel Selwood (Geelong Cats Captain)

Mercedes Sumner – Deputy Head Boarder

Home town: Lameroo

Brothers & sisters who have attended SHC: Martin (2008-2009), Miles (2010-2011)

Year 12 Subjects: RE, Research Project, Accounting, Business, English

Communications, Design

Sporting interests: Netball, tennis

Other interests: As every girl does – love shopping (fashion)!, enjoys a good party

Goals for after school: Attend Uni, study in field of design or business, travel the world

Best things about being a boarder: Living with so many girls, building lifetime friendships, good study habits,

Walter Park

What do you hope to achieve as a leader? Let everyone have a voice in continuing a positive environment, act

on ideas of others and make a change

A leader you admire: Natalie Von Bertouch (netball)

Tom Hynes – Deputy Head Boarder

Home town: Willunga

Brothers & sisters who have attended SHC: No brothers/sisters, but dad, Michael, is Old


Year 12 Subjects: RE, Research Project, Physics, Maths Applications, Geography, Business

Sporting interests: Cricket, footy, volleyball

Other interests: Sports and music

Goals for after school: Strive to protect the environment

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Best things about being a boarder: social aspect, study opportunities

What do you hope to achieve as a leader? One that people can see as a role model and look up to

A leader you admire: Nelson Mandela, because he didn’t give up until he succeeded

POWER POINT PRESENTATION In third term each year, once the majority of winter sporting commitments have ceased, I speak to the boarders about the importance of study. My basic message is that I ask the boarders to imagine how life changing it would be if the energy they put into their sport, computer games or other activities was now channelled into their study. This year I varied the presentation but the underlying message was still the same. I sat down with a number of SHC old scholars, young women and men, boarders and day students and I asked them 3 questions:

“What have you never said since leaving SHC?”

“If you could travel in a time machine what advice would you give to yourself as a SHC student?”

“What study tip would you give to the 2014 boarders?”

The following are their responses (the “Facebook” response was the most enthusiastic!) -

You will never say…..

…..I wish I spent more time on Facebook

…..I wish I spent more time watching TV, playing computer games

…..I wish I got caught up in the drama, the tension as people started to stress

…..I wish I spent more time distracting others

If I could travel back in time the advice I would give to myself would be…..

…. start serious studying earlier, 3 weeks is not enough

…. party hard later

…. learn to say no

…. it’s all about the habits. Good habits make it much easier, Bad habits can ruin the year

…. school is not the real world. It’s much harder in the real world. Enjoy school.

…. don’t take it for granted

This might help…..

… do the least appealing work first

… give yourself rewards

… break your work into manageable components

… the reward is so much better knowing you couldn’t have done any more

… putting pressure on yourself doesn’t help

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BOARDERS END OF SEASON GAMES Each year the “new” boarders play the “old” boarders in netball and football. The 2014 results reversed the 2013 outcome with the old boarders winning both games.

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FIELD DAYS On 12-14 August, Steve Byrne, Barb Stephenson and I had the pleasure of travelling to Cleve to participate in the Eyre Peninsula Field Days. As you would all know, these Field Days are a major event in the South Australian calendar and it is always a pleasure to attend them. This year SHC was in the Lifestyle Kielpa Pavilion at Cleve and the three days were extremely busy as prospective parents, current families and old scholars visited us to talk about SHC and the special place the school, the boarding community and the Marist Brothers have in their lives. It is always a privilege to be reminded how many families in this part of our State have a SHC connection. On the Wednesday night of the Field Days, current boarding parents Kylie and Kim Martens hosted a SHC event at the Cowell Hotel and Steve, Barb and I had the pleasure of sharing a meal with the Villis, Seal, Reynolds, Herde and Martens families. For the first time during these Field Days, Barb and I travelled to Whyalla to meet old scholars and it was a pleasure to share a meal with Ben Vandeleur (SHC boarder 1993-1995) who owns The Whyalla Foreshore Motel and Restaurant. We hope to expand these visits in the years to come. Last weekend, 19-20 September, Jason Dam and Barb headed up to the Riverland for the Riverland Field Days at Barmera. They were very impressed with the number of people enquiring as this is the first year that the field days have transferred to a Friday/Saturday. The College Band/Choir also headed up to Barmera and performed at the field days showcasing the College’s musical talent. Jason and Barb had the pleasure of catching up with and sharing a meal and/or drinks with the Roberts and Jackson families. Thanks to Barb for organising the trips and to everyone for their hospitality.

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Henry Whiting Bursary 2014 recipients Charlie Williams, Joseph Cummins and Hannah Grady

HENRY WHITING BURSARY Each year the Whiting family donates a Bursary in the memory of their loved family member Henry. Each Year 10 boarder is encouraged to apply and then members of the family interview a number of applicants. Recently the family conducted these interviews and we are pleased to announce the 2014 recipients: Hannah Grady from Naracoorte, Charlie Williams from Smoky Bay and Joseph Cummins from Snowtown.

John & Richard Whiting with 2013 recipient Joshua Engel from Menindee NSW

Christie Thompson (boarder 2009-2011) from Berri at the Riverland Field Days

Danni Goodman, Maddi Malone & Chloe Hayes in “Wedding Singer” Musical

Hockey celebration cake!

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Downstairs Boys (Yr 12) Supervisor Office Director of Boarding Boarding Registrar (08) 8350 2506 Shane Hennessy Barb Stephenson

0423 049 749 0418 803 337

Upstairs Boys (Yrs7-11) Supervisor Office shane.hennessy@shcs.sa.edu.au barbara.stephenson@shcs.sa.edu.au

(08) 8350 2508

Co-ordinator of Girls Boarding Health Care Centre

Girls Supervisor Office Susan Kukeste Chris Townsend / Linda Leck / Sharon Armfield

(08) 8350 2511 0448 493 667 (08) 8350 2509

susan.kukeste@shcs.sa.edu.au Fax: (08) 8350 2593

Boarding House Email/Fax: hcc@shcs.sa.edu.au

Boys boardingleave-boys@shcs.sa.edu.au Co-ordinator of Boys Boarding

(08) 8350 2569 Jason Dam School Absentee Line

Girls boardingleave-girls@shcs.sa.edu.au 0400 824 490 Senior (08) 8350 2594

(08) 8350 2583 jason.dam@shcs.sa.edu.au Middle (08) 8275 5907

Marymount (08) 8179 4444

Uniform Shop Boarders Laundry Lisa Harvey Lyn Ward / Deb Tonkin

(08) 8350 2586 (08) 8350 2544 Mon/Tues/Wed

Tues&Thurs 1pm-6pm / Wed 8am-12noon

Sport end of season dinners

26 September Term 3 finishes at 3.30pm (SHCS) Boarding House closes at 5.00pm

Term 4, 2014 11-12 October Centenary Celebrations – Boarder Parents Weekend 12 October Boarding Houses open from 4.00pm 13 October Classes begin at SHC 14 October Classes begin at SHMS & MM 22 October Year 12 School Graduation Mass at 7pm 23 October Year 12 Graduation Assembly at 2pm Year 12 Boarders Graduation Dinner 5.45pm (Morphettville Junction) 24 October Year 12 Breakfast 27 October Year 12 Swot Vac commences 1-2 November Exeat (2 day) for Year 8-11 boarders Optional Exeat for Year 12 boarders 3 November Year 12 Exams commence (Yr12 boarders exit boarding house after their last exam) 14 November Year 11 Study Day 17-21 November Year 11 Exams 21 November Year 10 Study Day Orientation Day for new students 2015 – 8.45am to 12.30pm 24-26 November Year 10 Exams (Yr10 Boarders exit boarding house after last exam) 24-27 November Year 11s attend “Preparation Week for Year 12/2015” (Yr11 Boarders exit boarding house at end of Preparation Week) 29 November Year 12 School Graduation Dinner (Convention Centre) 3 December Term 4 concludes for Year 9 at Marymount College 4 December Term 4 concludes for Year 9 at Sacred Heart College Middle School 5 December Term 4 finishes at MM & SHMS for Year 8 boarders

Dre as Mr T in “Wedding Singer” Musical

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11 OCTOBER 2014

This year our weekend will support the 100 Year Celebrations of Paringa Hall in the

DeBourg Performing Arts Centre.

The Boarder Parents Weekends have been a great success over the past few years. It is

a great way to meet other boarding families.

This year we are planning to have pre-cocktail party drinks at 5.30pm on the Saturday,

attend the Centenary Celebrations and meet up again for breakfast on the Sunday


It would be great to get an idea of numbers so that we can try and get some discount off

accommodation and book breakfast somewhere locally.

PLEASE RSVP to Jenni Redden

on 0400 072 143 or redden@rbe.net.au

by final deadline - FRIDAY, 3 OCTOBER
