Draperstown Conservation Area October 1979 · Skkd Campmy. Beoid~~this market there were also 2 or...


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L t .-

The aim and set outh this boeldet ant far the grid- of DictrEct Cwncils, public Wes, local midents, IemElarcfP and

Intsndingdevelopenand amenity and d b r groups.

PART t ... sets mlhe general objectivesof deslgnatlng -mation Arm and #a principlesof hignation.

PART II ... dawibesand rletinem thabmmwationh a cd DraprWmn.

PART III ... r ; o n ~ m a ~ ~ ' M e f 5 0 r l ) l e d d g n a t r r d o n t a

3hekrakletshauldberegietdedsoMafbrtlrospinsewria~gzhespedafblmda r h ~ ~ i n a e ~ o f t h e d e o l ~h.I t b a n t i c i ~

thet I d CnitWy%and d b i o nwill rimtopropmalt for repair and rsstonatiw works aad dwdopments which will not only pra~errvrtkrt

M1pdthuly enhanca the h ' s sgdd charaetew. Deoiietton rwll1 be of ! M e p d m l d u e without this I d ruppwt.

Part l

A lnwdrwtkn

1. T h a P 1 a n n i n g ( N 2 1 O r c k r 1 ~ 2 p 1 ~ ~ ~ l ~ a t i o n f o r t h e f i ~ t i m e i n N o n h e m E r e l a d f o r ~ ~ m o f t + r e R w f n a s * s ~

of hildlngl of tpeEbal srchiteobunl or hlrtork kenawa;t .Bnd for tfwr Wmrrgof whde of similar intrm#thh m t w m


3. Themeoragethslt"- t t lonin~I la lndbthl~off i rryanrumurtf lndI~wayf~boardroomeofeveryklnd,

impublic md vdunary &pwith divas aim do b j d m , lmo sihmlrndmlvnhiar, intofnorlrendhopand imothe

h o m e r o f ~ M m w h e d r s K i t b I n l a a g e ~ ~ ~ ~ I n l ~ l y ~ d # I t i n &

- t, m-.' :-. ,.**: l:, $*m

ndthat prqmpmkion h nuldefartheir malnWmmt

m ~ o i d PMW && 1 i$r;umemmary olpru tsmum th.~ i r ~ ~ l u l mwill nrmwlty .rpnpl&lng

* . * , - ( 4 p # +

of citm or bui ld i~within Camimtion to kruknitlhid with full details in otdarW gmum at l)# i d t ~@m-&@

. " I t ' * & * P *o 7. Development near, but not ins!& a Chme~adonArsa and vhel ly dated to it, shuul.: be oloed and rkd- h-;-,

materials, m be In hasmony with Uw buildings and gavleral appearance of the Consmation Area ~,

c. Podl)lrrLblion

SeS#merwRI b a ~ @ S n i ~ d ~ ~ ~ , E o m ~ b m u l c t f # h W h n p r o v a m s n t d ~ m d ~I t I s

mklpatd tha District COLMFjb may play a leadtng rds in rthe fomrulath of wdr retnnner.Tlrsoe midid&the mpdntmnq of


-.m. -..W911

.. ~ M ; M i i # - - $ 2 ..- : , ' , , , ' - S 11. , l + b . : - + i &7mpJfii~m+p++

.>. , : , r , - .;: .. . ' , .." ,> , . * ] ,r,ml pl*aaco

, , . . ; l , . , . L ,,.. . i 3. ! R ' . ' ( ' '44 . 7,,\- LLW. L.3 *)pbmm~*AV~:!,@d0. mkmw -. -


in eawi-fpt , , S ,<m, ,%*, , c k,,,c !!Ji;, [G - ,\? , 4 ;

lhe poaendal fwsif-@nandngoperations&.dg ,not@.$W j . 2 7 ? # * - - : :;, ,, . , A I 1 I r i f ,*lU

drwrdwdd h.aimrrt an *,r - o rdnsrv m n ~ ~ . ~ r r s ~g$. irpn*9 ,,;: \ iJ plc:,,-,.,h h , q L ;r,-- , ,& -. .,%, 1 '. ~r . . l v 1 , .& . - L F-- . L . ' ! .


. . - 3 . ' !V'* ,**:-a .-?,*l

C#PE)i$cddect#).ml% merftr. mmademthe rec~mmendatimof the H W oMm:~GoWtfrw z.., ,&:.+: i h . 8 - I . 6 1 . y , ~ 1 % - ,,l.&--f&&. . *ma;ririw*~&ag*. . @v"""!?

, , . . \ ; r : ! 8 ;TVd$ + . : :;I I. :~ii(~:~~+pl:~GIPW.~*C.Y

. -! : i " . 7 f , : 4> .I: :>?h .,?iOIJL. bb* b k . L L

thunoanmndqda of H i ~ m hl 3 ~ i l d i n ~ , ~ u @m:e:@imt-aldY J d ~ , .:;l !. . . n r r l .y: : - ! . ; +rp7&4 q-:i...r

~<IV:,~T~A~+.J::.a , ~ jh :, i ~ f : ? ! ~,. G . h r m ! . o f 1 a..A . rc I -d.

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~ s * < b ; . ',l,- ?I' . j j I , ',g , i f : !C* ' X? :

-m 0mk&

Q.XT& ie!~.nm\O ,~lprftbgS3 41% w::mji ( itre m ;,+. ;..:A r + ~ I I I i : c - ~ i r ~ . , ] C ,I,. .$~~r lnrg@ l y p r + ; 7 ;A

. .

i\LL!!7ir-Auf : , : - , ;<L= =:.,'v: , , . - ., . D s:r ! t I 1 1I 7 I , , ; , - ( L : . ,

aprrmrrtof - d&miatmiokr,nddre

rt-.lit r?k~m$a%arbW @ . WT~T~CU i, ,&--,if.+c .!c> ,:... ~ ' Y ! I ?; b 8 ! ~ ' r @ d' l


Nonham lrdnd H - h m a

l - l idyetaerswresrr

Tha acquidtion of land fw pubtic apenmforthese purpooer may alto be amt*ided by the Clepmmnt

of the Enlilronmt (NoMem Ireland).

Gm- pf up to 75%mv be made under Seetiq 161of the Local G ~ ~ ~ m m e n tAct (Nwthem l m l d ) 1988.

mmsand PwWw 8~~ baparmantof'Educatim "LP;- H-*" wch-w SMBaz ~ e ~ f a e t W t i ~ ~ e p h ~NO. 322533

d a t l o n 0imEh Lbpammnt uftheEnvirmmt (NI) Cmls Grounds stmxmt Bel* RT4-36;s NmlttphamM.Jg87181


fhe Houoirrg (NorttWrn trdsnd) Ordw ?B76enables tfre Md,rthem Ireland Housing Exewtiwtappav gran@of

76% of the ap~rorsdwst of impmmmtendcmra%lonsubjecttoa maximnungrant of E3J50 for imprave-

mtand U350far mWme :-

Gm& msy elm bpaidtoheilp mtthe coat of impwing h o w by prwidingfw the Rmtime gLpeh standard

amnihtss as a R d bath, mshhend k i n , water doset, hot and cold water awmy at certain fixed pdnta

G m t r repain nray alsobe pgidsubjectW a maximumgrmt of ET,l%. All gmta ant suwect to mrtaTn

c~zdstlansand full details may be oboaimd from any office of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

1 0 L M l S a e e t Bet* BT20EM (TtephoneMe. 2IPel l)

~ ~ , ~ , ~ ~ A i C ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1 1 .r :: 1~ ~ ~ , ~ & a & ~ # & $ & w P , ~ & ~ &b&ir'wh a ,,rnpo~~

m r k l n g o m i s l $ i i p h ~ m ~ m b p ~ ~ g i ~ g r c m ~ o f & ~ i h r ~ ~ ~ r u t b

inainra;lin p u ~ d n gpropnrpd h iawk a'WmwW-%&7 - I I J ~ , * I ?p l II 4 i & k ~ e

hclltd;lryham. TheywaMyfavour bun.+aPfdWl&*w btdK mb t

~ ~ t a ~ ~ w & l ~ ~ ~1r.d l', , F . +c-:.:. . . I .

' *mm&w Hmjflmm rnyVh , -8 l A !* .1 1 ~ 1 ~

'.* -3- * .,,:,,y. l h ,< . .,8 . - ..tL,.3

fry P l . m , t n a i F M d n ~ ; L * ~ @ ~ . ~ ~ * & ~ & d -p?+

W'&- $*?MFi '

I . I - , -

(E) WmgleU M KingdomTnrst, Camly Park Xorrse, Dunfamrline, Rh, W a n d .

. - ; t ~ j* I f f : 1 , I . I i n I 1 ii . 11lhffi7i.9l *-I jdla

~a~~ ofGrcin%-~ik~r&*



N.C.C. - LM-S. h Ncrdranm7 7 ~ 1973

Ckwt HwmsandMwkus Housusof W R d ~ ~ l t o fUistsr*UAHS, 1973 p 04

TnB Tomin lkmr, 11851, p 78

O u d i ~of Irisf,R d h y Hfmry* 1B14

~ l im 1953,~p 59 ,


A d d R.M.

E mC.E.B.

CamHln G.

CmmrEy H.C.

Rev. J.A 1-R 9 i S ~ p p yCVmtlieoNoahemTSle $m01973, Val I, pp 197-203Cume J.R.L.

k SWvey~moir,lealtimmmIcfm

R- of theDrrqpsrt' of 1817-t881

UI.jroMnaJof A d w m h w fMl , 3rdWee,Vd4, pp 67-63

mmBnrlParida, 1937,p1110

~ m I c a E 1837,Irt Edit op1s.496D k t h w o f I-,

T m W M m w c f I r s l e n d , 1W,2nd EdkpplS1,430

ColxearroabnkM a n , 1972: A progms mBritain's ConoenetEm Amas MdPImI1972: A msnual of mviranmentlJ improvement

InlrodiuGarantoUkaar AmhIdrnc~(Im19Y10), U-, 1W8

Envimmw: An vM b o a k , 1871:Guide toedmmeW Cmmmdon

Jha tbnibg I- EdmdI Ovder 1972

7h1f%m& I-tl fhmIridhrx#I orlder IBm l& bFwWWJnoVeunwcaof trZeE d Birhqp of C3lwny, UAHS

Shqmaf lmhd, 1QT8

M& for t%mmwttan 1889: A d i mbC M s b local guthorlty planningsmtemsnt Tha lrWl Tom:An q m ~ & 197$ a sbrdy of the p d m ofplanning In Id& tomsdD

Bd- in d k tbuwiryddle, 1976 (HMSO): a guide to the tkdm of building,in Ulster's aarn6ryride w i ~ rafemce to mated& and detail

N&mk AWN-: hmwatCan polircy [bWic#@@#yI,1977.


. tedle Rev. U m d l o r J.B.



Caldwell P.& Dlxon H.

Civil Trust


D h H

Gmsswlt P



Rankin PJ.

Rothgfy S

Scottih Ciwic Trrrat

Sh* P,

Ulster CountryoideCommittee

Part 2

'L' T d , OLW: . . I , . i.:.I--*w

Dtapemmm, a post and market town situated on the south oihof the upper Moyda River valley near the Sperrin foothills, centreson a moss

rMKk 75 kHrmms north-west of Belfast; 46 kitamam mutheas of LonckwKleny and 40 klllomeees w e ~ tof Ballymena Fomdy a small

hamletvariously known as Barboy, Maykmran, Crass of Ballynascreen (in thebarmy of W n d r d i n ) ithada pDpulatlonof412h 1818A0,

Foltowing the expiration of a land l a m granted to Sir Willism Aowley in 1758Itwm refoundedg6 DmperptormC m in I818 by the Drapers'

pmpany of LMI&#I. Plans for rebuildingwere prepared hMr W.J. the C w n m l &Surveyor b w d on a Mr W i g e n ' s fonnar plan)

and there wna Iargaly carried out by 1838-9. The new D r m t o w n as it h a m e known amsirted of a l- trianwler space flanked by mmams

of stone and date buildingsin the Ctmilcal stybto the east and south with the parish church on the nwth rids.

B d l l m n district was orfgidty sewed by an id@ehurch which war d l l roofedwhh ask shingles in 1700AD butthi rmf had I-ly

perished by l730 aldtwr* th bell hole in the gaUe vvira &l3 wiciMe in 1794. St CdwmWs wmi mctd En tha uillage h l fW gifted by the

Drapen' Company and Sir William R d e y . Its t m r and mtxgmel steeple added In 1792 by the Bihw of Deny butthe eEflRae wm in

ruins by 1847. The chureh wm rebuilt as a gift of the Hm R.T. O"lrell in 1m7 and eonsacmtd 1 Nsvembev 1888. tn 1831 Drapet~wvn

S e h d had 76 pupils and was taken over by ihe Board of National Educadm. A repimrnwrtshod for this and otbw war propoPed on

Churdh Green by the Drapers' Company. By 183B-9 the Dwn' Company had built the Market H o w and its two Rankingterraces (evennus

2-34 SUM h t ) and the Presbyterian Meeting H- wm #rmpl& on the south d L ofthe brlme.All build- wwe taced with dFBIEad

gandPaone blacks and had pitrhed dadad roofs with large pedimentrr on ttre Akeeting Hauge and Market Housealw a Wrwaaded, waneddc

mwr on the lattirw. Buildingws included gn inn, police barracks, pamdflce, dbpmmy and wrrpm*s reddenat.

Thm in .the soh side of the wiangle (oddnos 1-43 HI& S W were m tresetback hthe road lam, The Matkm House law had

miin stores added in the rear yard but the market was never a succeg while the less formal and older Ballyn~wxaenvillap (which s tddbd

St P a W s Stnwetl ran e market in cmmpet3tian. This ww run by a Mr Gwgg who held the property k m ars Caughor (Gaham) kwn?he


S k k d Campmy. B e o i d ~ ~this market there were also 2 or 3 public troupes, a grist mill da pork market maMtshed in 185& In 1m7

Mr J m m Henry offared the Bgltyngscrleenmarket to the Draped Gompany for f12.000 but the o#r W not accepted. The Fair G m in

front of High Street was extended a d eventually barnknown s 'bhe ShamMer. By 1882m a t of thebitdinp in St. b r k k * s SmmWYW

rebuilt privately In owns and slm end oet back so that h e m wa9 a pa te r unity ben~ertnD r ~ m - C r a a r / B a l I p ~ n .

Theddpumpat~wardueootmreplacedinT M J a n d a ~ e ~ a d d e d i n 1 8 7 3 , ~ 1 ~ ~ M o y h e e M ~ d w k n w m r

CMtage Row {Mnor 67-75 High %mat) were built h pal0 4th p M d frorrt pr&m priw ta 1869with a aided at No. 73 in 1881.

Mt E.Johnoa#1mmdda ~ d y ~ i s h e dabeam-poweredsawmill In a haupe and former tillr in aeDerbnaAn Road,

Drepe~st~wn LineR a l O w was i n c w p o d an 22July 1878 tamneet Desemmtin and Dmpmmm a6 an 11 kme spur to Magh&alt.

mPtrucZion started in lste 1881, a station site at M&em Road wa dedM in February 1883 and the flm parrenger mrvice started

20 July 1889. Engine WICI I#wtIage Pheds were oampimd 18834whsDl dwNorthem Countk ~ompany fop theafRdd ~ ~ ~ p ~ d b i l i t y

line. This spur line was never financially gumaafu4 so pawenger rnrices were evenbwlly withdmm an 1 Qmhr 0930mdall other renieer

by SJuly 19W.

m * h e r s b y g i m - t h * h -nzdfrtre Envtrmment (Nf) in w p l r s t w n o a d f ~ r s d W ~ i t ~ A r t r & 3 7 d h P l m h g

CNWhm Idand) Or&r 1072 h a a raea fqmd s r e h h r a lt h e r m a u d l d m t t P e a t s s e h e d n t s p ~ ~ a ~ h h 1 3 e l n g a n

orhistoriclnDarest the &aracber#vYhM ItIsdssirabEeao pkwww orgirham.

MaghgrsfeltDistrict Coundl .... . . Council Offices,43 Qmm's Auenue, Magherafelt ET468BY (Telephone No. Magherafelt2151)

Distriatlhvrtlopnant Ofam ...... Crown Buifdnge,44 King Stiwei, Magherafblt BT45 6BL VefephmNo. Maghsrafelt 230B)-

D i v i d d Planning Office . . .... County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Baltymena BT42 IQF (Tetephone No. Bailymena3333).

Part 3 Brief for Developers within the village and environs of Draperstown

-MI -~,lua~n L d r t r t . ~br 'h n m W vw dub ,&W~+.W~I 4.30' , , $ c ~ 1 ~ , :LW

,-~uhh.u~~rYItt- n b d r t - ~ ~ W .iSr d r.-A&m !,~RM d r l u ? ~-Ii l \hlk~.W n . l~ .

The &mcimPEsdc building fonn of Phe village, which is rery dearly-defined, d aof m m m of houses Wngmwalls and .darkslaw 4

with gabled ends. The mracthn of the villaga is collective and derives not so mueh from individual build in^^ althwgh a t m d d m a

number of do dkpley diinctive architeeturel mrit,a from the compaet grouping of dwellings wd their ovenal! scale andprqmrdonin

reldon m the street p9t08m. The compddm afofbuilding in in Him !%m&Sbamhlec provldeaa focel pointtothe mmdndet ofrtre

dras to the elevatlond m r a t ~ ~ n n t dw i t b ,HIM&ddl&fifk*fiflvillage,--vaad - .compa0ikib. . - - .- ., --mdfiniahas usedthrough~-

W&.. .L&'M.*B- nt h-. d b a h r < r - . l k a r - . h ~ * r M ~,b-~~j;O~-d-k&?+)~.Y+-+rb... h r Sh..I . .-- is - . -,,.- . . .

.h- - .~~lr .

Ekuqianal tmqm,partlarlady#Ith ~ t a ~ a d m ,is o f M c a l ~ ~ # F l n d o a m e ~ ~ w a m p l a ~ o f ~ i o w M . k a w @ I t k

af themart impamme that rertwatiw,R~BWbuildings and extensions within the mmwrhoul;il be insympathy with thebuilding

f#m of thmdll~.R d ~ d d r i n n e y s a m ~ I ~ t i n I h i s t y p e a f w M k 8 n d t h s u r e o f a f l s t r d e n a n ~ i o n t j o a d 1 n g

pEaehed md krikling atmild bs avoi- It b a d u t i n that isu-a exapt ma very minw -on dearlysubsenImttothemdn

swucwrnmdp!dden frwn publicVIBW.

enmv bra entrr , m a i t WI&@ IC H W I ~M MW*:- - trrd rut" J i t t 1 ~ 3C

Mm-MrWi !W rrl w n atntw cm 4wlwt !W I I I ~la m k

rvJ t l u u r d ~ ~

Ifd w e x ~ m o f h a s n a t u m l ~ a m lis r a y v i o e b E e i n s s s o d a t S m ~ ~ , I t r e ~ ~ ~ n i t d l l B s W I ~ ~ i t e m ~ e e k w t ~ g o o d

new or oeeondhd* nrrturd slates for the new work so they will MendrnuoSl h r than a modem, OMICCBr$l elmor tile. Wing buildimp in

villege mm to FM .WWdf.fl8$&%,.U@Wt h p ftae $SJw m@es a pl-t and-3 - . . -

form of walling material.

a i h f - m c n s s& it, a ~ r d llsj k n ~ f&! rl~kktxirenlrmui tp ri i at r)hft:Wir rvf+w3W y y :3 yUbl:?s3r wwdrlo CV miy i ! r

The roe ot dm dght 4End o f a t finW and rQofing material am vital facton, kw W impm k,a krilding i~d lcdw cw oeen M . a

dtctarwe a n d $ a m m 9 f . b ~~ K ~ B G B Q ~ ~ # w c Ic l ~ e t h r t n d ~ R ~ ~ ~ l - f i n ~ m b u s e d ~ ~ r o w i d a m a c o a p t a M e f a c a d a . ~

q o r o l m , whldr L a f m q ~ i l p u g dL.2.- . *l threuQorrr the qltageshould be retained, Ew replatadwtjand wmssw)Indw.mm%

ve$onr and mtnmion of exisdng krlldJn$@.All lmdit#md deco&e k%turesand 95Qf18 and PI-r m&s u m d i n g windmm M

stcduml#l'r Church fmMaghwufeltR d .

W i n g due west ftom theMagherafelt R d .

Ballinwrxetwr from the tobsrmon, Road.

