Dragon (FILEminimizer)


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  • 7/29/2019 Dragon (FILEminimizer)


    NAME : Muh. Arief Mustafa

    NIM : C 301 11 143

    Advanced Dragon DescriptionThe information presented here contains all the theories that I have been offered

    (and for a large part thought of by myself) during all these years. They explain how

    a creature such as dragons could be living in our world without breaking the

    fundamental laws that rules our universe. Here you will find no magic but only a

    person with a good knowledge of science pondering the countless possibilities of

    biological structures and organisms.

    General Physiology

    The dragon is a homoiothermic reptile. In other words, he is

    a warm-blooded creature and his body temperature is

    controlled internally. This characteristic enables him to

    adapt to the different climates of his very extensive habitat

    and to maintain his activities both day and night throughout

    the year, as he is not dependent on the warmth from the sun like the other reptiles.

    The dragon generally has wings, and his bones are hollow, for lightness. There are

    dragons, usually ancient survivor from the distant past, with stumpy legs and no

    wings. These rare survivors of a remote era are intelligent and fairly aggressive, and

    belong to a single species known as "worm of the deep", a species on the verge of

    extinction. This creature lives for a very long time. There are records of dragonswho have lived for five hundred and even a thousand years, but there are no knows

    cases of dragons who have died from old age. On the other hand, they died from

    accidents, certain diseases, or as a result of the actions of their most relentless

    enemy: MAN.

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    The Skeleton

    The dragon is the largest known flying creature. To maintain his enormous bulk in

    the air, his physical structure has had to be different from that of other reptiles

    whom many persons inaccurately associate dragon with these.His wing bones fit on to broad shoulders which support the powerful wing muscles;

    these require an extraordinary articulator system unknown in other species. The

    bones were tougher than reinforced concrete and much lighter.

    It is important to note that the bones of a dragon are hollow like bird reducing their

    mass, scientifically: any creature with the physiology of a dragon can flight well and

    at great speed.

    Picture of a 3D dragon skeleton is Under Construction. Coming soon with maybe a

    detailed 3D muscular system, we continue work on it.

    The Muscular system

    The dragons muscular system is one of the most fascinating... and one of the most

    complicate. We can evaluate the power in the bite of a dragon to put to an average

    of 2 ton per cm cube (in comparison it could easily gnaw steel).

    As a matter of fact, dragons are very powerful. Their leg and "arm" can support

    great charge without much difficulty but this only applies on ground movement

    because in the air, a dragon could not maintain more than half of is weight for a

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    long period of time.

    If you have vision keen you probably notice something at the looking of the

    muscular picture and the skeleton picture... with the observation of the front and the

    rear paws, I come to the conclusion that dragons COULD NOT run, their muscles ofthe leg and arm were not developed for this matter. This doesn't means they could

    not walk, this only means that they could not reach great speed at ground. (Take in

    consideration that dragons come in so much variety that it could be possible for a

    dragon to run but not those who have the similar structure of the picture above).

    The Scales

    The dragon's body is completely covered with tough, shiny scales. Dragon usually

    doesn't have this scaly armor on the neck or stomach, possibly due to his habit of

    burrowing underground, not all draconologist are agreed about this. To protect his

    "soft" abdomen (at least weaker than the rest of his body) the dragon often wears

    jeweled breastplate. Using his saliva, which has powerful adhesive properties, and

    which he secretes on an empty stomach, the dragon often sticks precious stones on

    his neck and stomach, for protection as well as adornment.

    The scales are pentagonal, and shaped like a teardrop, with two long sides and two

    shorter ones, and a very short fifth side attached to the skin. The dragon can make

    them stand on end whenever he likes to preen them. Remember, the dragon is a very

    clean creature and takes great care always to keep his skin and scales clean and


    In their normal position, the scales overlap very neatly and, thanks to a tiny cavity

    in the surface, they fit into each other to allow perfect freedom of movement.

    If we study a scale closely, we observe the following characteristics: the innermost

    part is composed of a compact hairy formation firmly rooted in the epidermis. On

    the hair follicle there are some tiny glands which secrete a substance that adheres

    firmly to the skin.

    This substance is rich in minerals, which determine the hardness and the color of the

    dragon's scales. The external surface has a horny, translucent texture, which gives

    the scales their habitual luster.

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    The dragon does not need to sloughs off his skin like most other reptiles, as the

    scales grow, they are renewed automatically, like human nails and hair. They are

    not shed from the body, except in case of illness.


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    Wings and Flight

    The wings of a dragon are based on the principle arm of any

    animal, i.e. they consist of an thumb and four very lengthened

    fingers, the whole connected with a membrane as we canobserve in the bat. It is significant to understand that the

    similar struture between the shoulder, the arm and the hand is

    homologous with the corresponding structures of the wing for

    the dragon (see opposite figure). It is also important to

    understand that the membrane of the wing do not attaches

    close to the shoulder as certain biologically erroneous

    drawings can sometimes shown but near the bottom of the back of the dragon close

    to the thighs.

    This is very important since if the wings would be connected in the top of the back,

    the dragon would fly but it would have a vertical position (head up, posterior & tail

    down) that would be a serious disadvantage for the speed and also for the

    maneuvrability. When the wings are connected at the bottom of the back, the

    dragon can have a horizontal position and thus the head and the tail can be used as

    rudder and allows a great maneuvrability (at least, definitely higher than the vertical

    position). This also allows a greater surface for the wings (a critical element in


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    1. The wings are connected

    near the shoulder.

    This is the most improbable

    type of wing. The surface is

    small near the body making

    the flight and even the

    glidding difficult, moreover

    the rear of the dragon tends to

    "fall" toward the ground.

    However, this disposition

    gives good results if the

    dragon is hovering.

    2. The wings are connected

    below the chest.

    The wings as shown on the

    complete picture above is

    somewhat the mix between

    the situation 1 and 3. There is

    no real mistake here, except

    that situation 3 is better.

    3. The wings are connected

    near the thighs.

    This give a greater surface for

    the wings than the situation 1

    and 2. The long neck and the

    tail give balance and enable

    the dragons to quickly gain or

    lose altitude. This is

    definitively the most probable

    type of wings.

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    It is impossible to list the enormous variety of hues that make up the dragon's brilliant

    coloring, but they can be divided into three broad color groupings:

    Blues, ranging from dark blue to silver and mother-of-pearl.

    Red, ranging from copper-red to dark red and reddish-black.Greens, which include every imaginable shade of green and yellow and even dark

    brown, emerald green and burnished gold.

    Although these three principal color groups are not usually mixed, a dragon's coloring

    is rarely uniform. In general, his scales are several hues from one of the main color

    categories, with a metallic luster which is hard to define. When the scales have a pale,

    opaque appearance, it is a sure sign of ill health.

    Many dragons are known by their scales, such as Ancalagon the Black, Smaug the

    Golden and Spars the Green.

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    Dragons - David or Goliath?:

    For many of you, the word "dragon" means

    huge, enormous or imposing creature but out

    of any reasonable doubts, the facts are

    different from the fairy tale. Dragons are

    probably small creatures (from 1 foot to 10

    feet long). For this we need to look at

    fundamental principle of physics called

    "Physics of Proportion" or more commonly

    called "Physics of Lilliput".

    First, you look at a cube (1cm x 1cm x 1cm)

    and you decide to double the length and you

    want to keep the proportion. You will have a bigger cube (2cm x 2 cm x 2cm). The

    length of the enlarged cube will be multiplied by 2, the surface will be multiplied by

    4 and the weight/volume will be multiplied by 8. For example, let say that a bird

    needs to have a wing span equal to his body length to fly, enlarge this bird ten time.

    There will be 100 time more surface... However he will weight 1000 time more andsince his wings give him the power to fly and that these rely on the surface and not

    on the volume, he will be unable to fly for his lack of lift power.

    We have proof now that a large creature could have some difficulties to fly, but we

    haven't proof they cannot exist. The second thing is the structure of the dragon.

    Some persons send me theories that dragons could have cartilage instead of bones

    but this could only be possible in very small creature: The shark for example, live in

    water and in water your apparent weight is much lighter than in air that explain why

    an animal like this could live with only cartilage. Look at your nose and you ears,

    these are made in cartilage but as you have surely notice, this isn't very strong and

    it's could not support the weight of your entire body. Now if they cannot be made

    with cartilage, they are obviously made with flesh and bones but the fact with bone

    is that they rely on the surface (i.e. diameter and not surperficies) to be strong and

    large bone increase the mass and thus make the flight much more difficult.

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    This is more realistic to say that dragons are small creatures if you consider that

    they can fly otherwise, they will follow the same principle in the structures of these

    huge magnificient reptiles: the dinosaurs (in this case their wings would be

    absolutely useless).

    (Summary of the "Physic of Proportion": The rule is simple, when you change an object

    proportionally, the change "A" affect the dimension as this: the length=A, the Surface=A2 and the

    Volume=A3. Eventually I will fully detail the effect of this physics principle... until this time, please

    bear with this present section...)

    The Dragon's Eyes:

    I think this point really needed to be cleared up since artistic representations and

    sciences occasionally do not mix very well. Dragons eyes are usually shown to be

    reptilian with a vertical slit for the pupil, while somewhere else you will have a

    round pupil and if you search hard you may even find dragon with insect-like eyes

    not to mention the "glow-in-the-darktm" eyes with no pupil at all.

    In all these view about dragons (pun intended), what is possible and what is not, and

    more importantly: why?

    The traditional (vertebrate) dragon eye:

    The eyes come in two flavors: with a

    round pupil or with a vertical slit. This is

    just a small detail because they both work

    the same way and they both have much in

    common with a standard camera. The light

    first pass through the cornea, the main

    source of refraction, then it pass through

    the lens which controls 1/3 of the refraction of light that enters the eye (the cornea,

    the other 2/3). Located just behind the pupil it allows for changing of focus from

    distance to near objects by altering its shape. This changing focus is called

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    accommodation. As a person ages the lens hardens and accommodation becomes

    more difficult. Finally, the lights reach the retina that contains photoreceptors (rods

    and cones) that change light into sight by converting light into electrical impulses.

    These electrical messages are sent from the retina to the brain and interpreted asimages. Simple heh?

    The iris is the colored part of the eye has very fine muscles to control the size of the

    pupil and thus the intensity of the light (in conjunction with the eyelids). Being able

    to reduce the pupils to slits rather than tiny circles gives the creature a greater and

    more accurate control of how much light enters their eyes; this ability is particularly

    important in bright sunlight. Vertical slits also have an advantage over horizontal

    slits. When the creature's eyelids close at right angles to the vertical pupil, he can

    reduce the amount of light even further by bringing its eyelids closer and closer

    together. This combination of the vertical slits of the pupils and the horizontal slits

    of the eyelids, allows the creature to make the most delicate adjustments of the light

    reaching its eye compared to any other animal.

    Also, many animals also have an additional structure

    called the tapetum - a reflective layer that lies under the

    retina and acts as a mirror, bouncing light back toward

    the retina a second time. Dogs, cats, horses, and cattle

    all possess them. This allows them to function under dim lighting better than

    humans. Cats, for instance, are five times better at detecting light than humans.

    This is probably the most plausible situation, while is contain nothing new, this type

    of eyes has a long history of great functionally and an acceptable field of perception.

    However, this type of eyes possess only a 0.02 degree of visual range (i.e. there is

    only a small point in the picture where everything is clear. As you read this line, the

    paragraph above is blurred and cannot be read until you move the focus of your eyes

    on it).

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    Eyes made from a mosaic of lens (insect-like eyes):

    As opposite to the vertebrate eyes, the image is infact many small "independant" units that will

    together form the image. Each small lens point

    toward a different direction and thus can view a

    wide angle. A vertebrate eye has 0.02 degree of

    visual range (ie where objects appear clear and

    sharp) but since each lens of the composite eye is

    relatively large, this eye has a poor visual acuity. The image is crude but still

    recognizable. However, the main reason why large creatures do not have composite

    eyes, it is because this type of eyes generally allows only a short range of vision.

    Flies and mosquitoes are very near-sighted, and can see only a few millimeters in

    front of them with any degree of resolution. Also, although the insect depth of focus

    is very short, it is nevertheless very broad. The near-sightedness of insects is so

    extreme that they see detail where we would need a microscope to see. On the other

    hand, in the human eye, the fovea, or area of sharpest focus, is only as big as our



    (humans for example)

    Composite eyes

    (insects for example)Each pixel is one of the several hundred lensesof the eye

    As shown on the picture above, for a creature with composite eyes, the Earth still look like

    the old planet we still know but the details are poor. For an insect, the important point is

    probably to distinguish the flowers from the landscape and your hand (or predator) before

    you hit him. It is simple and well, it does the work for them but seriously, any large

    creature would be greatly disadvantaged by this type of eyes.

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    No slit at all; eyes appearing like a crystal ("crystalline" eyes)?

    Think about the pernese dragons. How are they able to

    see something? In fact, the best explanation is there is

    no retina but instead the light receptors are distributed

    homogeneously in the eyes. This means a photoreceptor

    near the surface can see the object far away and you go

    deeper into the eyes, the photoreceptors are able to view objects that are closer.

    This would also means that the eyes are always focused no matter the distance of

    the object (I admit this could seem very strange for most of us, but imagine a photo

    where the close objects are as sharp and crisp as the objects far away).

    However, this do not give the same precision as a retina since the dragon cannot

    have a dense quantity of receptors without blocking the light; a dense quantity of

    cells would block the light for the layers deeper in the eye (to some extant, in fact,

    cells are almost totally transparent).

    As said above, the advantage would be to be to always have the close and far object

    focused at the same time and having a great deep perception even with a single eye.

    I explain, for human and some other creatures having a binocular vision, this is

    extremely useful for evaluating deepness but if your eyes are focussed on every

    distance all the time and if your brain is able to tell which signals from which

    "layer" of photoreceptors, then the brain no longer need two eyes to know the

    "exact" distance between the creature and an object. This would allow the dragon to

    have his eyes slightly more on the side and have a greater angle of view without

    sacrificing their ability to determine deepness.

    Another advantage would be to increase the angle of the eyes, bird have their eyes

    on each side and human right in front. We humans with our eyes squarely in the

    front of our heads, can see about 180 degrees, but we need to direct our eyes into thedirection of the object to have a clear picture. The crystalline type of eyes would be

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    focused not only for object of all range but also in all directions, this means once

    you come into their angle of vision, it is like if the dragon was looking directly at

    you all the time while we cannot describe very well a person standing in the corner

    of our vision.

    The main disadvantage would be their inability to have one point where all their

    light receptors can be gathered. Owls for example have a very dense retina and this

    allow them to see small creatures (such as mice) even if they are very far from them.

    In a crystalline eye, this situation cannot exist, they can have a good visual acuity

    but not as high as the animals that are renown for their vision. Does this means a

    dragon with such eyes cannot have a great vision? Absolutely not, again, we

    humans have a vision angle of 180 degree and about 140 degrees of binocular

    overlap. Dragons with crystalline eyes could have an angle of vision around 220

    degree (i.e. the eyes slightly on the side) and an overlaps of 110 degree. The object

    inside the overlapping degrees of both eyes would greatly increase the resolution of

    the object while the remaining angle of vision would be less defined (but much

    better defined than the visual acuity of the corner of our eyes). The degree where the

    vision of the dragon overlap would be equivalent to the area of sharpest focus and

    would be obviously much greater than our.

    Glowing crystalline eyes?

    Glowing eyes without slit are nonsense, I have see some trying to explain the

    phenomena but their explanation contain several flaws that make the theory highly

    questionable. Let face it, this is often used to show good/bad guys in manga and

    other cartoon but this remains very unrealistic. In fact, if the creature had an iris, it

    would be the reflection on the iris that would give the impression of glowing eyes.

    This is where the idea came from but as you all surely noticed, the "glowing" eyes

    of a cat in the dark do not really glow; it is just a reflection of the light. Now,

    imagine now that your pupil would glow, you would literally blind yourself by the

    light emitted but also by the reflection of this light back to you. The best example I

    can give is at night when you are inside your house, if you look outside with all the

    lamp turned on, the glass in the window will acts like mirror. In other words, if you

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    need to look outside, it is easier when there is no light inside. Same thing for the

    eyes, if you have a light source inside the eye, this would 1) blind you by activating

    the photoreceptors around the light source, and 2) your own cornea would behave

    like a mirror and reflect you back the light you emitted thus blinding you evenmore. In a crystalline eye, the light emitted by the "crystalline" liquid would trigger

    photoreceptors that are surrounding the light source thus completely blinding the

    creature in the process.

    All this to says, that artistically, this give dragons and fantastic look but

    scientifically there is so many problems generated by this type of eyes, that it would

    be a lot of trouble to gain no advantage over the other types of eyes...

    Classification and Evolution:

    Many can wonder in which class the dragons can be categorized. The dragons

    cannot be considerer as reptiles because they are active and they are warm blooded,

    and they cannot either be mammals [because they lay eggs and they do not produce

    milk] and even less be birds (because they have scales and six members). However,

    the dragons have elements of each of these classes (reptiles, birds and mammals):

    Birds: hollow bones, lay eggs

    Reptiles: lay eggs, have scales

    Mammal: four chamber heart, specialized teeth

    Unknown: six members (2 pair of legs/arms, one pair or wing)

    Thus, the dragons would be categorized in their own class... It would be a mistake

    to consider them in the current class because they do not answer the physical criteria

    requiered to belong to one or the other.

    For their evolution, I would like first to put something at light: if you believe that

    the darwinism is only a theory, readthisBEFORE contacting me by electronic mail

    for saying that it is only theory without good grounds.

    Their evolution according to the most plausible assumption goes up with the first

    primitive reptiles, when those divides to follow different paths of evolution as to

    become the dinosaurs (which became the actual birds), the mammals and other

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    better adapt reptiles. The dragons separate either from the dinosaurs or right before

    the mammal junction which gave some kind of reptile with mammal appearance

    (which look strangely close to a dragon without wings). With a few tens of a

    thousand of years of evolution, some beneficial mutations could have given themwings that have helped them to survive. This new branch in the evolution could

    explain the evolution of the dragons.

    Note of the author: This section is still suject to discussion. Therefore, these informations are subject to change without notice.

    Breath Weapon !?

    Fire Breather:

    The breath weapon of a dragon is not a magical thing that

    spread out of no-where but had a more scientific

    explanation. When we eat our body by digesting created a gas know as Methane

    (CH4), dragon unlike human and other animal store this gas into another kind of

    "lung" that will serve as a bag/canister to held the gas that will be later mixed with a

    small amount of phosphor (P4) that has the propriety to ignite in fire at the contact

    of air. When the dragon wants to breathe fire, the methane is release into the lung

    and when the gas is in the air, the phosphor ignites

    and also puts the methane in fire.

    Cold/Frost Breather:

    Some dragons breathe a cone of frost, theexplanation for this resides also in the food that the dragon ingests. The food is

    break down into the stomach primary for nutrition but the remain bear some

    chemicals reactions that will give a gas, I suppose to be Nitrogen (N 2) (I have not

    yet found the exact composition of it but I continue to work hard to find the most

    probable natural refrigeration gas), the gas is compress by extremely strong

    muscles, exactly alike the base system of a refrigeration system, the dragon doesn't

    need to thing for it because it is spontaneous and painless. When a dragon needs to

    freeze an opponent, the highly compressed nitrogen, that almost reach the liquid

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    state, is release in the lungs and when the gas comes into air, it uncompresses at an

    unimaginable speed. That result in the gas absorbs all the heat in is environment.

    This cause the temperature in the breath to drop to an average of -50 C (more test

    had to be made to know a more exact T), anyone caught in the path of the breathwithout heavy heat protection are at least seriously injured and only death remain

    for the weaker one.

    It may have another explanation that can be explain by extremely efficient and fast

    oxidation-reduction reactions but we will not explain it much (everyone who has

    done is advanced inorganic chemistry should understand the concept otherwise you

    should review or have listen your college class)

    Acid Breather:

    The easiest of them, all organic creature secrete

    gastric acid to break down the food, dragon who

    can spit acid have a special organ that produce a

    powerful acid (probably HCl) that the dragon release when he breathe, the opponent

    is burn by the acid, even with the best armor usually make of metal that make bad

    reaction with acid.For other breath weapon least know follow the same principle and don't need much

    detail about them.

    I made one observation during my research: it seems to have a direct link between

    the breath and the food, if a dragon is starving his breath weapon doesn't regenerate.

    All the incredible system of dragon makes it the most fascinating creature in the

    know universe.

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    The reproductive system of these creatures is internal, it means that at the look of

    their external physiognomy, it is hard (not to say nearly impossible) to determine if

    this dragon is a male or a female, only the general behavior and the small change intheir color can provide informations about the dragon's gender. Dragons lead egg

    like reptiles and bird, eggs are protected by a hard shell that with time will weaken

    to let the new baby dragon break it more easily. The incubation period of these

    creatures is mostly unknown; some egg will hatch in a year other two and some

    more than five year. The dragons eggs are rich in calcium and I suppose that the

    newborn dragons eat is shell to not waste the nutriment in it.

    The mating process is known as dragon-slide: the two partners fly high in the sky

    and after a moment they grab each other and close their wing and make free-fall.

    Then at less than a hundred feet from the ground they open their wing and land. The

    dragons so unusual mating process is mainly because dragons love speed and risk,

    and add these to the pleasure of love... you have a sensation that human could never

    enjoy. (Too bad, you should have born dragon).


    There is currently no way to tell what kind of organization or type of society about

    dragons. Legends and lores often say that dragons tend to be loner by nature or by

    obligation. According to these legend, dragons pass much of their time alone in

    their lair, they, during this time, learn about their environment and how to use it

    wisely. Because they are alone a great deal of time, most of them enjoy company of

    other dragons and even human as long as they hadn't come in the goal of stealing orconquest. It may be possible that dragons have some sort of council leaded by an

    elderly dragon but this yet has to be proven.

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    Dragons and Mankind

    Throughout history dragons and human

    beings have been unable to live

    peacefully side by side. As a result,mankind has not been able to benefit

    from ancient dragon knowledge.

    Man's craving for power and religious

    beliefs have kept Europe engulfed in

    interminable and bloody struggles. The

    dragon lords could not understand the

    reasons for man's self-destructive

    behavior, and kept well out of the way,

    retreating to remote hiding places far

    from all this confusion.

    Shrouded in mystery, the dragon's trail

    remained lost in the obscurity of legend.

    However, the dragons secretly pursued their quest for knowledge without

    completely excluding the human race, since they accepted and taught those few men

    who sought the essence of truth.

    We could wonder what would happen if the dragons reveal themselves to the eyes

    of the humankind... Would we be able to accept another form of intelligence

    probably far superior to our or would we feel the need to fight those, who at the end,

    could come to our rescue, and this under the only pretense that these beings make

    umbrage to us...?

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    Art and Jewels

    The dragon is a great lover of art, especially

    of gold and silver, and work, and he loves to

    hoard treasure. However, he is not renownedfor his love of manual work, preferring

    intellectual activity by far. That is why he

    does not devote himself to creating jewels,

    but only to "acquiring them" from human

    beings through various methods. Robbery,

    looting, trade, barter, fraud - by any means

    fair or foul which enables him to come by

    the jewels and precious stones he covets.

    The dragon feels he never has enough jewels and he finds it difficult to part

    voluntarily with a single one of his treasures. Even though, for example, he gives

    jewels to the favorites in his family, he does it purely because he knows that the

    young maidens cannot remove the jewels to the outside world. He is very jealous of

    his belongings and guards the treasure he has built up over the years in large

    storerooms. He keeps detailed inventories of all his possessions so that he can be

    alerted immediately if a single object goes missing.

    Jewels serve a specific purpose for the dragon in that he usually sleeps on a bed of

    gems and luxurious fabrics, such as silks and velvets. For this bed, he never uses

    soft stones like pearls and emeralds, as they are too fragile.

    Another theory says that dragons also hoard "precious" items for reasons other than

    just simple obsession. At a level we humans are incapable of feeling, different

    metals and other items "resonate" at certain levels, especially gold and silver. The

    dragons could use this resonation to their advantage, controlling it, manipulating it.

    In a nut shell, it enhanced their already remarkable "mystic" powers.

    In addition to the enhancing powers, this "resonation" also had the same addictive

    effect as a "rush" in humans. Hence, the more a dragon acquired, the more he/she

    wanted. This also allowed their immediate detection of any missing piece.

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    Summary :

    The Dragon is a species that a warm blooded and can lived long. He have Wings that can

    flying high at the great speed, and very powerfull. The dragon does not need to sloughs off

    his skin like most other reptiles, as the scales grow, they are renewed automatically, like

    human nails and hair.

    The color of Dragon is divide by three colors :

    Blues, ranging from dark blue to silver and mother-of-pearl.

    Red, ranging from copper-red to dark red and reddish-black.

    Greens, which include every imaginable shade of green and yellow and even dark brown,

    emerald green and burnished gold.

    The eye of dragon :

    The eyes made from a mosaic lens (like insect lens). The image is crude but still

    recognizable. However, the main reason why large creatures do not have composite eyes, it is

    because this type of eyes generally allows only a short range of vision.

    Dragon Weapon :

    Some people says they have something to make his breath become a weapon.

    Fire breather, Cold/frost breather, and acid breather.

    For Society, There is currently no way to tell what kind of organization or type of societyabout dragons. Legends and lores often say that dragons tend to be loner by nature or by

    obligation. According to these legend, dragons pass much of their time alone in their lair,

    they, during this time, learn about their environment and how to use it wisely. Because they

    are alone a great deal of time, most of them enjoy company of other dragons and even human

    as long as they hadn't come in the goal of stealing or conquest. It may be possible that

    dragons have some sort of council leaded by an elderly dragon but this yet has to be proven.

  • 7/29/2019 Dragon (FILEminimizer)


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