DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant – R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com The Challenges of...


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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com The Challenges of Validating R Managing R in a Commercial Environment
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com What does validation mean Why validate R The challenges of validating R Validation tools ValidR Questions Agenda
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com What does validation mean? Establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product, meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2013). 21 CFR Part 11: Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=11&showFR=1
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Why validate R? No guarantee that packages meet specifications Must comply with industry regulations to be used in regulated environments
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Why validate R? R Foundation response to CFR Part 11: R: Regulatory Compliance and Validation Issues A Guidance Document for the Use of R in Regulated Clinical Trial Environments 1 Document relates to only base R and recommended packages R CMD CHECK provides no guarantee that an R add-on package meets its specifications Authors do not have to write tests 1. http://www.r-project.org/doc/R-FDA.pdf
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com ## WARNING: ## This code is a complete hack, ## may or may not work, etc.. ## Use your own risk. You have been warned. The recommended R package: codetools, version 0.2-8. Why validate R?
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com What is validation? Establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product, meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2013). 21 CFR Part 11: Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=11&showFR=1
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com The challenges of validating R Define Requirements Build Software Test Software Against Requirements Create Documentation Typical Software Development Process Investigation Remediation Certification
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Challenge 1 : Defining requirements Packages dont typically come with a list of requirements How do we determine the intended use? Package descriptions and help files Package vignettes Previous experience of using the packages
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Challenge 2 : Understanding a package Software is already built Source code is available How do we gain an understanding of the package structure? The functionMap package
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com The functionMap package Describes the relationship of functions within an R package Parse R code Create dynamic graphics of function relationships Create a network object to show relationships Creates an interactive graphic See which functions a given function calls Determine functions that are called within each function
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Challenge 3 : Testing the requirements Package authors dont have to write tests How do we test the requirements? Writing specific unit tests for requirements Understand the level of testing with testCoverage
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com The testCoverage package Determines which code in a package is covered by unit tests Reads package code and adds tracepoints Runs package unit tests and marks points as hit Creates a full report of the code hit
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Challenge 4 : Validation documentation Creating consistent documentation for each R package Automatic report template generation knitr Audit trail
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Challenge 5 : Deployment Installation Qualification (IQ) Operation Qualification (OQ) Performance Qualification (PQ)
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com IQ - Is everything installed as expected? Perform an audit of the installed files OQ - Does everything operate as expected? Run the tests used in validation locally PQ - Does everything perform as expected? Measure the performance of the installed software VALIDATION Qualification process
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com What is ValidR? R (currently 3.0.2) Core and Recommended Packages 60+ additional packages Validation Packages Validation Documentation Windows Installer Linux RPMs
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com What are the benefits? Industry Gives analysts the tools they want use Provides assurance to the IT department Reduces risk and cost to business managers Accelerated analytical cycle R community Bug fixes patches Increased user base
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com The ValidR roadmap September 2014 EARL Conference Release testCoverage and functionMap on CRAN Easter 2015 Release of validated R 3.1.x Summer 2015 Release of validated additional packages
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com What does validation mean Assurance, evidence Why validate R Provide assurance, evidence The challenges of validating R Validation tools ValidR Methodology, software, documentation Benefits Summary
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  • DRAFT Richard Chandler-Mant R Consultant rchandler-mant@mango-solutions.com Questions?
