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Dr. Yi Jin

In the past 25 years, Dr. Jin primarily has been engaged in teaching and research at the University of California, Irvine. Discoveries in Dr. Jin's research into the neuro-physical process in normal and abnormal cognition has opened new avenues for treatment of mental disorders using various types of sensory stimulations and neural imaging recording. This groundbreaking research and development of new types of treatments, including, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), have resulted in successful treatment of patients with neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, major depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and autism. The results have been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at academic conferences. In addition to his academic work and research at UCI, Dr. Jin cofounded two companies, NeoSync, Inc and Brain Treatment Center (BTC). Neosync manufactures portable TMS instruments. BTC is a psychiatric clinic using EEG and TMS to assist clinical diagnosis and treatment for autistic spectral disorder (ASD) and other mental disorders. Read more EDUCATION Fellowship Sept. 1987 - Aug. 1988: Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior UCI Medical Center Aug. 1986 - Aug. 1987: Visiting Fellow in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Neuropsychiatric Institute UCLA School of Medicine Jun. 1987 - Aug. 1987: Postdoctoral Fellow Reise-David Child Center Los Angeles Residency Sept. 1983 - Aug. 1986: Resident

Department of Psychiatry Shanghai Medical University, PRC Shanghai Mental Hospital / WHO Collaborating

Center for Research and Training Medical School Sept. 1978 - Aug. 1983: M. D.

Shanghai Medical University School of Medicine Shanghai, PRC

Languages: Chinese and English

APPOINTMENTS: November 2009 – Present: CEO / Neuroscience Director / Founder Brain Treatment Center Newport Beach, CA November 2007 – Present: Chief Medical Officer / Founder NeoSync, Inc. Newport Beach, CA July 2008 – Present: Clinical Professor

Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior California College of Medicine University of California, Irvine

Apr. 2007 – July 2009: Director of Neuroscience Center Brookside Institute Newport Beach, CA July 1997 – July 2008: Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior California College of Medicine University of California, Irvine

July 1991 - July 1997: Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior California College of Medicine University of California, Irvine

Aug. 1988 - June 1991: Staff Research Associate II Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior California College of Medicine University of California, Irvine

Membership: Sep. 2004 – Present: Executive board member of EEG & Clinical Neuroscience Society PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Awards and Honors 2002: Balter Award by Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 1991: MRES Award on Pharmaco-EEG by UCI. Grants and Research Awards NIMH (R29): Photic driving in schizophrenic patients Yi Jin (PI), Steven G. Potkin, Curt Sandman 4/1/1993 - 3/31/1998 Reference: http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/crisp/crisp_query.generate_screen Search by “PI Name (Jin, Yi)” and “Fiscal Year (1993)” NARSAD (Young investigator award): P50 model for schizophrenia produced in normal subjects. Yi Jin (PI), Steven G. Potkin, Curt Sandman July 1993 - June 1995

Reference: http://www.narsad.org/research/grantee_lists/ Search by Year (1993) under “Young Investigator Grantee List (Yi Jin)” NIMH: Clinical cross-culture mental health services research Steven G. Potkin, Curt Sandman, Yi Jin, et al. Sept. 1994 - Aug. 1999 NIMH: ERP gating and temporal variability in schizophrenia Jullie V. Patterson, Yi Jin, Curt Sandman, William P Hetrick, et al. May 1996 - Apr. 1998 Thuris Corporation: Brain Circuit Methods for Real Time Field Application. Yi Jin (PI), William E. Bunney, Jr., and Steven G. Potkin Oct. 1997 – Jan. 1999 NARSAD (Independent Investigator Award): Ketamine model of sensory filtering deficit in schizophrenia: a 40-Hz steady state auditory evoked potential study. Yi Jin (PI) Sept. 1998 - Aug. 2000 Reference: http://www.narsad.org/research/grantee_lists/ Search by “Year (1998)” under “Independent Investigator Grantee List (Yi Jin)” Thuris Corp.: Application of high dimensional signal classification in EEG analysis NIMH: Sensory Gating in Schizophrenia: Multiple Measures. Jullie V. Patterson, Yi Jin, William E. Bunney, Jr., et al. Sep. 01 – Aug. 05 Stanley Medical Research Institute: EEG-guided rTMS Treatment in Schizophrenia Yi Jin (PI) 7/1/2003 – 6/30/2005 Reference: http://www.stanleyresearch.org/Trial/Drug/AwardedTrial.aspx Sort by “Investigator” and look for Jin, Grant ID 03T-354. New Sun Nutrition: FRS Efficacy in Brain Function Yi Jin (PI) 12/1/2004 – 11/30/2005 PUBLICATIONS Patents 20090082690 - Systems and Methods for Neuro-EEG Synchronization Therapy 20090083071 - Systems and Methods for Controlling and Billing Neuro-EEG Synchronization Therapy 20090198144 - Systems and Methods for Anxiety Treatment Using Neuro-EEG Synchronization Therapy 20090204015 -Systems and Methods for Depression Treatment Using Neuro-EEG Synchronization Therapy 20110034822 - SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR MODULATING THE ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF A BRAIN USING NEURO-EEG SYNCHRONIZATION THERAPY 20110112427 - SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR NEURO-EEG SYNCHRONIZATION THERAPY

Books 1. Glycine in the treatment of schizophrenia: theory and preliminary results. In H.Y. Meltzer (ed) New Research Directions in the Development of Atypical and Other Novel Antipsychotic Medications. Potkin, S.G., Costa, J., Roy, S., Sramek, J., Jin, Y., Gulasekaram, B. New York: Raven Press, 1992. 2. Phenomenon of consciousness and thermodynamics (in Chinese). Peking University Press, 2011. Journal Articles Peer Reviewed 1. An introduction to a new drug: Xanax (in Chinese). Y. Jin, Journal of Shanghai First Medical College, September, 1985 2. Effect of smoking on the patients with neuroleptics (in Chinese). L. Zhang, Y. Jin. Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology, July, 1985 3. EEG alpha photic driving abnormalities in chronic schizophrenia. D. Rice, S. Potkin, Y. Jin, et al. Psychiatry Research, 30:313-324, 1989 4. Abnormal EEG responses to photic stimulation in schizophrenic patients. Y. Jin, S. Potkin, D. Rice, et al. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 16:627-634, 1990 5. Tiospirone in Chronic Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenics. J. Sramek, J. Costa, Y. Jin, B. Gulasekarem, E. Khaled, S. Potkin and N. Cutler. Drug Investigation 2(1): 65-66, 1990 6. Measuring the psychological contract of control: Discriminant, Divergent, and Incremental Validity of Shapiro Control Inventory and Rotter's and Wallstons' Locus of Control Scales. D. Shapiro, S. Potkin, Y. Jin, J. Wu, B. Brown, D. Carreon. International Journal of Psychosomatics, 40 (1-4): 35-46, 1993. 7. Clozapine effects on glucose metabolic rate in striatum and frontal cortex. Potkin, S.G., Buchsbaum, M.S., Jin, Y., et al. J Clin Psychaitry, 55:63-66, 1994. 8. Plasma Clozapine Concentrations Predict Clinical Response in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. S. Potkin, R. Bera, B. Gulasekaram, J. Costa, S. Hayes, Y. Jin, G. Richmand, D. Carreon, et al. J Clin Psychiatry 55:133-136, 1994 9. Clozapine increase EEG photic driving in clinical responders. Y. Jin, S. Potkin, C. Sandman. Schizophrenia Bulletin 21(2): 263-268, 1995 10. Topographic Analysis of EEG Photic Driving in Normal and Schizophrenic Subjects. Y. Jin, C. Sandman, J. Wu, S,G, Potkin, et al. Clinical Electroencephalography. 26(2): 102-107, 1995 11. Gender differences in the gating of the auditory evoked potential in normal subjects. W. Hetrick, C. Sandman, W. Bunney, Y. Jin, M. White. Biological Psychiatry. 39:51-58, 1996. 12.Dreams and alpha power: language in dreaming and regional EEG alpha power. Hong C, Jin Y, Potkin SG, Buchsbaum MS, et al. Sleep. 19:232-235, 1996. 13. P50 changes with visual interference in normal subjects: a sensory distraction model for schizophrenia. Jin Y, Potkin SG. Clinical EEG. 27: 151-154, 1996. 14. EEG photic driving in patients with schizophrenia and depression. Jin Y, Potkin SG, Sandman CA, Bunney WE. Biological Psychiatry 41: 46-49, 1996. 15. Effects of P50 temporal variability on sensory gating in schizophrenia. Jin Y, Potkin SG, Patterson JV, Sandman CA, Hetrick WP, Bunney WE, Jr. Psychiatry Research. 70: 71-81, 1997. 16. Topotraphic analysis of EEG photic driving in patients with schizophrenia following clozapine treatment. Jin Y, Potkin SG, Sandman CA, and Bunney WE, Jr. Clinical EEG. 29:73-78, 1998. 17. Is P50 a measure of sensory gating in schizophrenia? Jin Y, Bunney WE, Jr., Sandman C, Hetrick WP, Patterson JV, Potkin SG. Biological Psychiatry, 43:873-878, 1998. 18. Effect of clozapine and adjunctive high dose glycine in treatment-resistant shizophrenia. Potkin SG, Jin Y, Bunney BG, Costa J and Gulasekaram B. Am. J. Psychiatry, 156: 145-147, 1998. 19. A Structured Interview for Assessing Perceptual Anomalies: SIAPA. Bunney WE, Jr., Hetrick W,

Garland-Bunney B, Patterson J, Jin Y, Potkin SG, Sandman C. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 25: 577-592, 1999. 20. Effects of temporal variability on p50 and the gating ratio in schizophrenia: a frequency domain adaptive filter single-trial analysis. Patterson, JV; Jin, Y; Gierczak, M; Hetrick, WP; Potkin, S; Bunney, WE Jr; Sandman, CA. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57: 57-64, 2000 21. Relative sparing of emotionally influenced memory in Alzheimer’s disease. Moayeri SE; Cahill L; Jin Y; Potkin SG, Neuro Report, 11: 653-655, 2000 22. EEG resonant responses in schizophrenia: a photic driving study with improved harmonic resolution. Jin Y, Castellanos A, Jr., Solis ER, Jr., Potkin SG. Schizophrenia Research, 44: 213-220, 2000 23. Clozapine enhances neurocognition and clinical symptomatology more than standard neuroleptics. Potkin SG, Fleming K, Jin Y, Gulasekaram B. J Clin Psychopharmacol. Oct; 21(5):479-83, 2001 24. Identification of diagnostic evoked response potential segments in Alzheimer's disease. Benvenuto J, Jin Y, Casale M, Lynch G, Granger R. Exp Neurol. 176(2):269, 2002 25. A PET study of the pathophysiology of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Positron emission tomography. Potkin SG, Alva G, Fleming K, Anand R, Keator D, Carreon D, Doo M, Jin Y, Wu JC, Fallon JH. Am J Psychiatry. 159(2):227- 37, 2002 26. D1 receptor alleles predict PET metabolic correlates of clinical response to clozapine. Potkin SG, Basile VS, Jin Y, Masellis M, Badri F, Keator D, Wu JC, Alva G, Carreon DT, Bunney WE Jr, Fallon JH, Kennedy JL. Mol Psychiatry.8:109-13, 2003 27. Alpha EEG predicts visual reaction times. Jin Y, James P, O’Halloran, Lawrence Plon, Curt Sandman, Steven G. Potkin. Int. J. Neuroscience; 116: 1-10, 2006. 28. Alpha EEG-guided rTMS in the treatment for schizophrenia. Yi Jin, Steven G. Potkin, Aaron Kemp, Steven Huerta, William E. Bunney, Jr. Schiz. Bull. 32: 556-561, 2006. 29. Double-blind control trial of alpha electrocnephalogram-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment for schizophrenia. Xu WJ, Jin Y, HuangYQ, Liu ZR, He H, and Chen J. Chin J Clin Rehab. 10:22-24,2006. 30. P50 sensory gating ratios in schizophrenics and controls: A review and data analysis. Patterson JV, Hetrick WP, Boutros NN, Jin Y, Sandman C, Stern H, Potkin S, Bunney WE Jr. Psychiatry Res. 158:226-47, 2008. 31. Case Study: A Forty-five Year Follow-Up EEG Study of Qigong Practice. Qin Z, Jin Y, Lin S, Hermanowicz NS. Int J Neurosci. 2008. 32. An initial report of a new biological marker for bipolar disorder: P85 evoked brain potential. Patterson JV, Sandman CA, Ring A, Jin Y, Bunney WE Jr. Bipolar Disord.1: 596-609, 2009. 33. A Preliminary Study on rTMS Treatment in Childhood Autism. Dang WM, Jin Y, Huang YQ, Liu J. et al. Journal of Chinese Neuropsychiatry. 35(8):505-506, 2009 34. Magnetic neuro-EEG synchronization therapy for nonresponders to medication for depression: A multi-center randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial. Tang N, Jin Y, Zhan S, Huang Y. 24: 435- 439, 2010 35.  αEEG Guided MTS in Schizophrenia. Jin Y, Yueqin Y, Thai TM, Liu Z, Xu W, He H. et al. J Brain Stim. 2011 36. Impact of playing American professional football on long-term brain function. Amen DG, Newberg A, Thatcher R, Jin Y, Wu J, Keator D, Willeumier K. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 23:98-106, 2011. 37. Therapeutic application of transcranial magnetic stimulation in autism spectrum disorders. Jin Y, Ring A, Thai T, and Huang Y. AUTISM SCIENCE DIGEST: THE JOURNAL OF AUTISMONE. 2011(3) : 74-79. 38. rTMS Treatment for Autism. Jin Y. Asia Health Care. 2011: 22-25.

PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 1. Resting and photic EEG spectral differences in schizophrenia. D. Rice, J. Herrera, S. Potkin, Y. Jin, C. Sandman, et al. Presentation at the 43rd Annual Meeting, Society of Biological Psychiatry, May 4- 8, 1988 2. Photic-driving alpha EEG spectrum abnormalities in schizophrenic patients compared to controls. S. Potkin, Y. Jin, D. Bravo, C. Heh, C. Sandman, et al. Poster presentation at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, April 1-5,1989 3. Alpha EEG spectrum differences following photic driving in normal subjects and schizophrenic patients. S. Potkin; Y. Jin, D. Bravo, C. Heh, C. Sandman. et al. Presentation at the 44th Annual Meeting, Society of Biological Psychiatry, May 4-8,1989 4. Increased photic-driving alpha correlated with clinical improvement following clozapine. S. Potkin, Y. Jin. C. Heh, R. Isenhart and C. Sandman. Poster presentation at Western Psychologicat Association 70th Annual Meeting, April 26-29, 1990 5. Increased photic-driving EEG alpha. in depressed patients. Y. Jin, D. Carreon, M. Wold, T. Grayden, C. Sandman, et al. Poster presentation at Western . Psychological Association 70th Annual Meeting, April 26-29, 1990 6. Enhanced photic-driving EEG alpha in clozapine responders. S. Potkin, Y. Jin, C. Heh, D. Mach, C. Sandman, et al. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 9-13,1990 7. Increased photic driving EEG alpha. in depressed patients compared to normal controls. Y. Jin, D. Carreon, M. Wold, T. Grayde. et al. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 9-13,1990 8. Enhanced alpha EEG with clozapine response. S. Potkin, Y. Jin, C. Heh, R. Isenhart and C. Sandman. Poster presentation at American Psychiatric Association 143rd Annual Meeting. May 12-1.7,1990 9. Increase on alpha EEG following photic driving parallels clinical improvement with clozapine. Y. Jin, S. Potkin, C. Sandman, et al. Poster presentation, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 29th Annual Meeting, December, 1990 10. Spectral EEG abnormalities following photic driving in schizophrenic patients. Y. Jin, Potkin, C. Sandman, et al. Presentation at International Congress on Schizophrenic Research, Schizophrenic Research, 4(3), May/June, 1991 11. EEG photic driving in chronic PCP users, schizophrenic patients and normal controls. Y. Jin, S. Potkin, C. Sandman, et al. Presentation at International Congress on Schizophrenic Research, Schizophrenic Research, 4(3), May/June, 1991 12. Clozapine concentrations and changes in alpha EEG power. Y. Jin, A. McCraw, K. Mann, et al. Oral presentation at Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 8-12, 1991 ' 13. Photic driving EEG in schizophrenia. Y. Jin, invited presentation. Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, UCI Medical Center, October 8, 1991 14. Increased subcortical FDG metabolism and decreased alpha EEG power in PCP abusers. S. Potkin, J. Wu, Y. Jin, et al. Oral presentation at the Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, April 29 ~ May 3, 1992. Abstract published in Supplement to Biological Psychiatry, 31(5A), 1992 15. Topographical alpha EEG spectrum differences following photic driving in normal subjects and schizophrenic patients. Y. Jin, S. Potkin, R. Bera, C. Sandman, et al. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, April 29 -May 3,1992. Abstract published in Supplement to Biological Psychiatry, 31(5A), 1992 16. EEG photic driving in chronic PCP users, schizophrenic patients, and normal controls. S. Potkin, Y. Jin, J. Wu, et al. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, April 29 ~ May 3, 1992. Abstract published in Supplement to Biological Psychiatry, 31(5A). 1992

17. Regional cerebral metabolic rate and clinical response to typical and atypical neuroleptics. S. Potkin, M. Buchsbaum, S. Lottenberg, Y. Jin, e1 al. Presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, April 29 - May 3, 1992. Abstract published in Supplement to Biological Psychiatry; 31(5A), 1992 18. Neuropsychological, EEG and PET scan effects of thalamic stimulation in humans: a model for schizophrenia. S. Potkin. Y. Jin, P, Renaldi, et al. Oral presentation, International Congress on Schizophrenic Research, April 11-21, 1993. Abstract published in Schizophrenia Research. 9(2,3): 108. 19. Clozapine markedly affects glucose metabolic rate in the stratum and cortex. S. Potkin. M. Buchsbaum, Y. Jin, et al. Oral Presentation, International Congress on Schizophrenic Research, April 17-21. 1993. Abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 9(2.3): 207. 20. Schizophrenic-like P-50 gating abnormality produced in normal controls. Y. Jin, S. G. Potkin. C. Sandman, et al. Poster Presentation. International Congress on Schizophrenic Research, April 11-21, 1993: At>stract published in Schizophrenia Research, 9(2,3): 101 21. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia associated with EEG activity. Y. Jin, S. Potkin, C. Sandman. et al. Poster presentation. International Congress on Schizophrenic Research. April 17-21. 1993. Abstract published in Schizophrenia Research. 9(2,3): 160 22. High and low dose of clozapine compared in a double-blind study. S.G. Potkin, R. Bera, B. Gulasekaralm. Y. Jin, J. Wu, et al. Poster presentation, International Congress on Schizophrenic Research; April 17-21, 1993. Abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 9(2,3): 246-247 23. Zacopride, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist. may be an effective antipsychotic in schizophrenia. G. Richmond, S. Potkin, L. Pion, Y. Jin. Poster presentation. International Congress on Schizophrenic Research, April 17-21, 1993. Abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 9(2,3): 247-248 24. Decreased FOG PET following clozapine associated with improved function. S.G. Potkin, Y.Jin, M. Bucsbaum, et al. Oral presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. May 19-23, 1993. Abstract published in Supplement to Biological Psychia:try, 33(6A), 1993 25. Spontaneous alpha activity effects the averaged auditory P50. Y. Jin, R. Chen, J.C. Wu, C. Sandman. et al. Poster presentation, society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 19-23,1993, published in Supplement of Biological Psychiatry, 33(6A), 1993. . 26. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia related to alpha & beta EEG activities. Y. Jin, J. Wu, C. Sandman, et al. Poster presentation, society of Biological Psychiatry. Annual Meeting, May 19-23, 1993. Abstract published in Supplement of Biological Psychiatry, 33(6A), 1993. 27. Thalamic model of schizophrenia neuropsychologcal, EEG and PET studies. S.G. Potkin, Y. Jin, P.C. Rinaldi, et al. Poster presentation, society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 19-23,1993. Abstract published in Supplement of Biological Psychiatry. 33(6A),. 1993. 28. Abnormal photic driving in schizophrenia. An improved FFT methodology. Y. Jin, R. Bera, R. Chen, J.C. Wu. C. Sandman, et al. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 19-23, 1993. Abstract published in Supplement of Biological Psychiatry, 33(6A), 1993. 29. Plasma clozapine concentrations associated with clinical efficacy. S.G. Potkin, R. Bera, B. Gulasekaram, Y. Jin, et al. Poster presentation, society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 1 ~23, 1993. Abstract published in Supplement of Biological Psychiatry, 33(6A), 1993. 30. Clozapine effects on schizophrenic EEG responses to flickering stimulus. Y. Jin, S.G. Potkin, J.C. Wu, C. Sandman, et 81. Poster presentation, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 32nd Annual Meeting, December 13-17, 1993. 31. P50 responses in normal subjects with sensory overloading. Y. Jin, S.G. Potkin. J. Wu, . L. Tjahjono, C. Sandman.. Poster presentation, society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Abstract published in Supplement of Biological Psychiatry, 35(9), 1994.

32. Single-trial P50 in normal and schizophrenic subjects. Y. Jin, S.G. Potkin, J. Wu, L. Tjahjono, C. Sandman. Poster presentation, soCiety of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Abstract published in Supplement of Biological Psychiatry, 35(9), 1994. 33. Reevaluation of Sensory Gating in Normal and Schizophmnic Subjects. Y. Jin, C. Sandman, S.G. Potkin, J.C. Wu, W. Hetrick, J. Patterson. W.E. Bunney, Jr.. Poster presenation, International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, 1995. 34. Clozapine Effects on Topographic EEG Photic Driving. Y. Jin, S.G. Potkin, J.C. Wu, J. Telford. C. Sandman. Poster presenation, International Congress on chizophrenia Research, 1995. 35. Relationship among clozapine level, EEG photic driving, and clinical symptoms. Y. Jin, L. Tjahjono, C. Cezar, S. Moayeri, B. Gerber, S. G. Potkin. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 1995. 36. Topographic Change in EEG photic driving following Clozapine. Y. Jin, S.G. Potkin, J.C. Wu, J. Telford, C. Sandman. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 1995. 37. Changes in EEG Resonance following SOZ MAR 327 Treatment. Y. Jin, J. Pham, S.E. Moayeri, J. Telford. S.G. Potkin. Poster presentation, society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. 1995. 38. Selective Attention in Schizophrenics measured by a Modified LaBerge Task. S.E. Moayeri, S.G. Potkin, Y. Jin. Poster presentation, Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 1995. 39. EEG resonant responses to photic stimulation following SOl MAR-327 treatment. Y. Jin. S.G. Potkin, and C. Cezar. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Bio;ogical Psychiatry, 1996. 40. Electrophysiology of differential Cognitive load: an EEG study examining the frontal cortex. K. Fleming. O.A. Mosko. B. BoVan, E. Chen. Y. Jin, S.G. Potkin. Presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, 1997. 41. P50 and expeirnce of hypersensitivity to external stimuli. Y. Jin, W.E. Bunney, Jr., W.P. Hetrick, C. Sandman, J. Patterson, S.G. Potkin. Presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. 1997. 42. Single dose challenge predicts clinical response to clozapine: a pharmaco-EEG study. Y. Jin, S.G. Potkin. C. Sandman, W.E. Bunney, Jr. Presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, 1997. 43. Fleming K, Jin Y, Gustavo A, Potkin S. G. “The Neurocognitive Improvement of AIT-082 in Alzheimer’s Disease,” poster presented at ACNP 30th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 11, 2000. 44. Kemp AS, Fleming K, Cohen E, Jin Y, Highum DM, Alva G, Bunnety WE, Potkin SG, “A Neurocognitive Evaluation of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation over the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Patients with Prominent Negative Symptom Schizophrenia” poster presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, April 28 – May 2, 2001 and abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 49(1-2 Supplement):111. 45. Alva G, Cohen E, Jin Y, Highum DM, Fleming K, Bunney WE, Potkin SG, “Differential Effects of High and Low Frequency RTMS in Schizophrenia”, poster presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, April 28-May 2, 2001 and abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 49(1-2 Supplement):219. 46. Jin Y, Potkin SG, Alva G, Carreon D, Bunney WE, “Reduced Peak Frequency and Selectivity of EEG Resonant Responses to Photic Stimulation in Schizophrenia”, poster presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, April 28 – May 2, 2001 and abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 49(1-2Supplement):203. 47. Patterson J, Jin Y, Kang P, Brahman PJ, Potkin SG, Sandman C, Bunney WE: Sensory Gating in Schizophrenia: Clinical, P50, and PPI Measures. Abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 60 (1 Supplement), 257, 2003.

48. Jin Y, Potkin SG, Huerta S, Alva G, Kang P, Bunney WE: EEG-Guided RTMS Improves Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia. Poster presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, 2003, and abstract published in Schizophrenia Research, 60 (1 Supplement), 287. 49. Jin Yi, Potkin SG, Huerta S, Kem A, Alva G, Sievers J, Bunney WE, Jr,: Improvement in Alpha EEG Selectivity and Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia following rTMS Treatment. Presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) and the 1st Joint Meting of the International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP), 2004. Abstract published in Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 35: 210-211, 2004. 50. Jin Y, Potkin S, Huerta A, Kemp G, Alva G, Sievers J, and Bunney WE. Alpha EEG selectivity predicts efficacy of rTMS in schizophrenia. Presented at the XX International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, 2005. Abstract published in Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31: 455, 2005. 51. Kemp AS, Jin Y, Huang Y, Thai TM, Liu L3, Xu W, He H, Brokaw A, Potkin SG. Efficacy of αTMS in Schizophrenia: A Multi-National, Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Trial for EEG- Guided, Alpha-Frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Presented at ISCTM meeting in Washington, February, 2007. 52. Jin Y and Phillips J. EEG SYNCHRONIZED TMS (sTMS) FOR TREATMENT OF MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER. Presented at the European Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in Vienna, Austria, March 2011.
