Dr. Richard A. Farmer - · PDF filehe calls her “BONE OF MY BONE AND FLESH OF MY...


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8 AM Men’s Bible Study

COMMUNION Traditional Service 8:30A Sunday School 9:45 AM Contemporary Service 11A 6 PM Youth Group 6 pm Praise Team Practice

10 AM Martha Circle 6:30 PM Awana 6:50PM Recovery 8 PM SALT

Traditional Worship 8:30AM

Sunday School 9:45AM Contemporary Worship 11 AM Youth Group 6PM Praise Team Practice 6PM

8 AM Men’s Bible Study

Traditional Worship 8:30 AM Sunday School 9:45AM Worship Service 11 AM Youth Group 6 PM Praise Team Practice 6 PM May

Tidings articles are due !!!

6 PM Operations Team 7 PM Prayer Meeting

10 AM Holy Tearers 6:30 PM Awana 6:50PM Recovery Group 8 PM SALT

8 AM Men’s Bible Study

6:30 PM Awana 6:50 PM Recovery Group 8 PM SALT

10:30 AM Coffee & Crumbs 7:00 PM Bible Study

7 PM Prayer Meeting

10:30 AM Coffee & Crumbs 7:00 PM Bible Study

10:30 AM Coffee & Crumbs 7:00 PM Bible Study

8 AM Men’s Bible Study

11:30AM Soup Kitchen

7 PM Prayer Meeting

8:30 AM Traditional Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship Service 6 PM Youth Group 6 PM Praise Team Prac-tice

6:30 PM Ministry Team Meeting 7:30 PM Council Meeting

6 PM Programming Tem meeting 7:30 PM Education Team Meeting 7 PM Prayer Meeting

6 PM Dinner 6:30 PM Awards 6:30 PM Movie Night 8 PM SALT

10:30 AM Coffee & Crumbs 7:00 PM Bible Study

8 AM Men’s Bible Study

6 PM New Mem-ber Banquet All Occasions

1:30 PM Noren Circle

Trinity Baptist Church 244 S. Main St.

Marion, OH 43302

740-387-6527 www.tbcmarion.org

trinitybcoffice@gmail.com Facebook: Trinity Baptist Church

Dr. Richard A. Farmer Senior Pastor


Divine Intentions

Continued on the next page...

Trinity News 3

Pastor Rick’s Report


Youth Report 5

Cathy’s Corner 6

Matt’s Newsletter 7

Council Minutes 8

Financial Report 9

AWANA photos 10-11

In Memory of 12

Gloria Ginn’s Newsletter


Education Team Report


April Calendar 16

April 2016

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither

Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Galatians 3:27-29

In the April Issue In Genesis 1:26-30 and Genesis 2:25 we understand that God creates mar-riage as a means of populating the earth, and grants shared dominion to the man and the woman. Both the male and female are given the tasks of dominion, filling and subduing the creation, and cultivating the garden God placed them within. This was a joint partnership, with no distinction in roles according to sex in Chapter 1. Clearly, partnership is the creation-al norm, and the image of God clearly exists as male and female, for “Adam” is created as male and fe-male. There is no hint of compe-tition or dominance of one sex over another in the first chapter of Genesis. In Genesis 2:25 we have been sub-jected to a poor translation of the word ezer kenegdo, which is often translated to mean “helper” or “help mate.” This misrepresentation of the word has led to theological implications which seem to contradict the clear partnership of the male and female as the image of God in Chapter 1 of Genesis. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 we actually see the idea of “rescue” or “strength” found in the root “g-z-r” of the word.[1] Taking such a view of the word seriously, the woman becomes the “strength” of the man, which certainly denotes a different view than “help-mate.”

Adam and his wife were

both naked, and they felt

no shame. Genesis 2:25


Continued from page 1

Ezer occurs twenty one times in the Old Testament. Many times it is used to denote power or strength. Some examples of the Old Testament use of this word would include Deuteronomy 33:26: “the Rider of the Heav-ens is your strength”; and 33:29: “He is the shield of your strength….” In both of these passages it is God who is the Ezer Kenegdo, and we certainly would not call him a “help-mate” subordinate to Adam, would we? Ezer seems to be a word denoting strength of pow-er when used in conjunction with majesty. See especially the names Azariah and Uzziah (both referring to God’s strength) used to describe one king. The Hebrew people knew what ezer meant. Taking such a view of this word, which I strongly think ap-propriate to do, Genesis 2:18 can correctly read…… “I will make a power (or strength) cor-responding to the man.” Freed-man suggests on the basis of lat-er Hebrew that the second part of this passage should be ren-dered “equal to him.” Fully equal and fully his match, as Adam seems to recognize when he calls her “BONE OF MY BONE AND FLESH OF MY FLESH”[2]

Kaiser writes: “The woman was never meant to be an as-sistant or ‘helpmate’ to the man. The word mate slipped into English since it was so close to the Old English ‘meet,’ which means ‘fit to’ or ‘corresponding to’ the man. That all comes from the phrase I have suggested likely means ‘equal to’…..What God in-tended then was to make a ‘power’ or ‘strength’ for the man who would in every way ‘correspond to him’ or even ‘be his equal’.”[3] This idea is supported by the fact that the tasks given in Genesis 1 are shared responsi-bilities, to be shared equally by the man and the woman. If we assume that the first person was indeed asexual or non-sexual, since sexuality is not recognized until the woman is created at the end of chapter 2, then it is safe to suggest that the first person is split into two equal yet different sexual be-ings that they might mutually participate in the mandates God gives to the first human parents in Genesis 1. It is the curse that brings about “inequality,” at least in terms of the practice of post fall humanity, but it is not the

creational intent of God. The phrase, “in Christ….. there is neither male nor female”[4], makes it obvious to me that Paul understands Christ’s atoning death as the means through which God graciously counters and roots out the ef-fects of the curse placed upon the first woman in the Garden of Eden. Redemption involves an undoing of the conse-quences of the fall and curse placed upon humanity by God in Genesis chapter 3.

[1] See David Freedman, “Woman, A Power Equal to Man”, Biblical Archeology Review 9 (1983:56-58) [2] Genesis 2:23 [3] Walter Kaiser, Jr., Hard Sayings of the Old Testament (Inter Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Ill., 1988), pg. 26.

[4] Galatians 3:28

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1:28


The Education Ministry Team Minutes

The Education Ministry Team met Monday March 28, 2016.

Members present were: Nancy Betker Richard Caldwell (via cell phone), Cathy Hughes, and Amy Washburn.

Cathy opened the meeting in prayer.

Sunday School

o Everything is going well with Sunday school with increased participation in some classes and maintained

attendance in others.

Jr. Church/Cathy’s Report

o About 5 new volunteers have stepped forward.

o There is still a need for a coordinator and also more volunteers for Junior Church.

o Vacation Bible School dates and times were discussed along with the theme.

Youth Report

o Amy presented her report to the group highlighting the many ways the youth have been active in service

at the church in addition to their learning opportunities. The youth have been positively impacted by

their participation and have hopes to become more consistently involved.

o Amy continues her outreach on Tuesdays with the kids who have are older than the Awana children.

o The mission trip is set for July 16-23. She is hopeful for more people from the congregation to join the

youth in the emission trip this year due to the close proximity of the site.

Nursery Discussion –In Becky’s absence, no report was given.

RightNow Media was introduced to the group with special emphasis for our team to explore and encourage others to

utilize this tool.

Amy closed the meeting in prayer.

The next meeting will be Monday April 25th at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted by Cathy Hughes





April 21st

11:30 AM

to 1 PM WWGH

107.1 FM

Sundays 7:10—8 PM

Wednesdays 6:10—7 Tuesdays at 6:30 PM

New Member Banquet

Friday April 15th 6 PM at All Occasions

Family Movie Night

Tuesday April 26

6:30 PM

Sunday, May 29th


PASTOR Rick’s REPORT April 2016

Those who participate with AWANA on Tuesdays, Nursery when needed, and Sunday School and Children’s

Church on Sunday:

Awana Ginny Somerlot Carolyn Green

Phil & Sisie Harbolt Nancy Betker

Emma McDonald Neta Budkowski

Blake Poling Tony & Hayden Foust

Julie Calhoun Richie McDonald Sarah Mahaffey

JoAnn Hine Josh Britton Joe Power

Debbie Shumaker Brittany Easterday

Lucas Thomas Mary (from the recovery group)

Ariana (from the recovery group) Justin Cooper

Monica Brooks

Junior Church Wendi Petrie

Ed & Amy & Cassie Vaflor Emily Anspaugh Emma McDonald Richie McDonald

Nancy Betker Avery Petrie Katie Poling

Madaline Persinger Abbie Peters

Margaret Winegarner Arien Smith

Amy Washburn Angel Slone Sam Newell

Cathy Hughes Terry Robbins

Barb Gorby Jessica Friend Phyllis Lyles

Matthew Caldwell

Nursery Cathy Hughes Barb Gorby

Becky Cooper Carolyn Green

Phil & Susie Harbolt Terry Robbins

Penny Woodrum Nancy Betker Jane Bender

Wendy Petrie

Many people have used the saying, “The children are our future.” It is very difficult to dispute such a belief, for when most of us who are reading these words are long gone, it is our children who will be mak-ing the choices that determine the state and the future of our world and the Church. However, this truth brings to our minds an even deeper truth. What we teach our children today will make all the difference in determining tomorrow. There is a movement among the churches of today to emphasize fun and play over learning and Scripture in the lives of our children. The theory goes something like this: “If we make church a fun place for our children, then the good things that transpire within the walls of the church will somehow rub off on our kids, as if by osmosis, and the result will be first rate Christ-like replicas who will transform the world for Christ. All we need do is get them here, and good things will happen. This may or may not be true. I am sure that attachment to church will have some good consequences in the lives of our children. However, it is not our presence in a church which brings about transformation, but instead it is our relationship to Jesus and our dependence upon His Word by way of God’s Spirit which transforms us. This is also true for our children. It is not how much fun they have among us that will en-hance the future of The Church; It is the learning and growth that takes place in our children which will enhance the future of our churches. I dare say we would never send our children to school with a mandate for their educators to emphasize fun over learning, laughter over thought, and a good feeling over a quality learning experience. If this is true in the education of our young in schools, would it not be even truer in the Christian Education of our young? Trinity Baptist, as we currently exist, has a hard time competing with the playgrounds and gymnasiums found in modern church facilities. However, there is a primary purpose which happens with care and quality within our children’s programs - Our children learn the Gos-pel, become familiar with the Scriptures, and are constantly reminded of the Love of God and the Call of God upon their lives. Cathy Hughes does a wonderful job of transferring her love for the Gospel and the Scriptures into the Curriculums we utilize and the Lessons taught, and her compassionate and committed volunteers share her vision and ex-citement in these tasks. This is not to say our children do not have fun. They do. It is only to say that the emphasis is placed upon making sure that the Scriptures and the Person of Jesus Christ are paramount to a child’s experience at Trinity Baptist Church. In considering this truth, know that your children are of utmost importance to us, and a myriad of people are working on a weekly basis to ensure all of our children have every opportunity to learn about the love of Jesus and to practice this Love in their lives. Below are our volunteers in this area. Let’s join together in thanking God for their time and their efforts on behalf of our kids, who in fact are our future.



Aurora Dora Mendoza

Aurora Dora Mendoza entered the kingdom of God on Sunday, March 13, 2016. She was born in Rosebud, Texas on May 12, 1923 to Rufus W. Saenz and Victoria Hernandez Saenz. Dora grew up in Waco, excelled in mathematics and received a scholarship to Howard Payne College. There she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. While at Howard Payne she met and married a young Marine (Jesse R. Mendo-za) returning from WWII. With both receiving de-grees from Howard Payne College, they both ac-cepted their first teaching positions in Edinburg, Texas. After the birth of their first daughter, Dora Jean they moved to Big Springs, Texas accepting jobs at Kate Morrison School. In 1954 Dora and her husband Jesse relocated to Marion, Ohio where she taught first grade for 31 years at Glenwood Elemen-tary, retiring in June of 1979. Dora as her friends would call her, was a member of Trinity Baptist Church for 62 years. There she served faithfully as a Deaconess, a member of the Radar Class, a Sun-day School teacher and secretary, High school youth director with Jesse, The Noren Circle, Care Group member, and the Holy Tearers Group (making band-ages for African Clinics). In the community , she was a member of the American Business Womens Association and the El Dorado Club. She was an avid designer and seamstress, reader, and full time Grammie to her delightful granddaughter, Kaitlyn and her great granddaughter, Kala Ann Boston. She was a gentle spirit, mild mannered and a gentle Southern Lady who loved the Lord and her family. She is survived by daughters, Dora Jean Mendoza and her companion, Dr. Joseph Stanko, Ruth Ann Foster of Plant City, Florida, grand daughter, Kait-lyn Ann Boston (Daniel Scott Boston), beloved great granddaughter, Kali Ann Boston of Plant City, Florida, and many nieces & nephews. She was pre-ceded in death by her parents, husband, Jesse R Mendoza in March 2001, her brother, Rudy Saenz of Waco, Texas, sisters Rosie Vasquez of Grand Prairie, Texas & Lillie Hernandez of Waco, Texas, and her beloved son-in-law, Eddie Foster of Plant City, Florida laid to rest March 5, 2016 in Marion Cemetery. A Celebration of Life service was officiat-ed by Dr. Richard Farmer on March 17, 2016.

James Bishop

James “Jim” D. Bishop, age 80 of Marion, passed away on Sunday March 20, 2016 at the Presiden-tial Center of Marion. Jim was born on April 16, 1935 in Marion, the son of James R. and Geraldine (Sims) Bishop. He was a graduate of Harding High School in the class of 1953. Jim worked for the Erie Contrail and later Norfolk & Southern Railroad, retiring in 2000. During his tenure he served as conductor, breakman and engineer. During retirement, Jim enjoyed being a driver for Toyota and GM. On September 28, 1958, Jim was united in mar-riage to Priscilla Predmore; they have shared near-ly 58 years of marriage. Jim was a wonderful provider and a caring family man with joking sense of humor and a devoted love. He took pride in his children and especially cherished his grandchildren. He enjoyed many years bowling in leagues with dear friends and he also took to the links, enjoying many round of golf. Jim is survived by his devoted wife Priscilla Bish-op; his children: Teri (Richard) Beglen and Vic-tor J. Bishop; grandchildren: Danielle (Brandon) Covin and Brittney Beglen; siblings: Gene (Karen) Bishop and Joan (the late Gary) Stevens; sister-in-law Norma Bishop and a host of friends nieces and nephews.

He is preceded in death by his parents, his son Douglas Eugen Bishop; and brother Otis Bishop. Funeral services were held on Wednesday March 22, 2016 with Tom Beckel officiating.

L oving


Encouragement Encouragement Encouragement CornerCornerCorner

But encourage one another dai-ly, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hard-ened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13

Malcolm Wright c/o Kingston

464 Jamesway Marion, OH 43302

Faye Garverick 422 Republic Way Marion, OH 43302

Sandy Landon 965 Villandry Dr.

Marion, OH 43302

Ed Vaflor 4277 Benzler Rd.

Marion, OH 43302

6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV) The youth have been keeping busy this month. We helped out with the Easter Extravaganza and the Maundy Thursday service. We also had an informational meeting about the 2016 mission trip. If you have any questions or need more info, please contact Amy Washburn at 740-262-2872 or amywash-burn7@gmail.com We spent all of the month of March talking and learning about Easter. We have been examining how the experience of Easter is something that should impact every aspect of our lives every day. One of the topics we discussed that resonated with me was godly sorrow versus worldly sorrow. Judas and Peter both betrayed Jesus, but the way each of them reacted to their own betrayal made all the difference. Ju-das experienced a worldly sorrow, which developed into regret, and ultimately, it led to him taking his own life. Peter, on the other hand, experienced a godly sorrow, which developed into repentance, and it led to a continued relationship with Christ. The things that our youth face today are so different from what I had to deal with growing up. Many of them have no idea how to deal with what they encounter on a daily basis. Studying the reactions of Judas and Peter was an important lesson for all of us. Recognizing sorrow and choosing to turn it into repentance and allowing it to bring us closer to God rather than allowing it to distance us from Him is something we all need to be reminded of. What’s so amazing to me is that even if we allow our sorrow to become worldly sorrow, God always mercifully grants us the opportunity to turn it into godly sorrow. We serve a gracious and loving God, and we are learning to be closer to Him every day. We are Rooted. You can follow TBC youth and our activities on Twitter (@WeAreRooted) and Instagram (@wearerootedtbc).



All of our regular ministries here at Trinity usually move along without notice of the calendar: Nursery, Sunday School, and Junior Church. Other ministries are calendar sensitive. With the start of April we have only one month left for Awana and about two months left for the regular school year. We know what that means for children’s ministries throughout the area: Vacation Bible School season! As the calendar be-gins to indicate this change, I wanted to let you know of some new opportunities to serve our children and the children of our community. THANK YOU for having an ear to the crowd to let folks know of opportunities to serve with Junior Church. I have had about five folks offer to help and still could use many many more. Thank you for your willingness to help! The Children’s Coordi-nator position is still available for prayerful consideration. Thank you, too, to the folks I recruited – youth and my own fa-ther – as helpers for the Easter Junior Church class. We did a rather fun but very labor intensive craft which necessitated extra helpers. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Every year there are changes as we prepare for

this wonderful tradition. Last year we moved the time to the evening, and this year we will keep the time in the evening, change the month to July, and run the program Sunday the 10-Thursday the 14th from 6:30-8:30pm. This change in schedule also allows for busy Friday evening plans. Our publisher who we had used for the past two years sadly went out of busi-

ness, so we are trying a new one this year. The curriculum is Deep Sea Discovery by Christian Standard Media. Please let Wendy Petrie or me know if you are inter-ested in helping this year. We are very excited about this new curriculum. SUMMER VOLUNTEERS –Awana will be finishing at the end of this month; however, we will continue to provide care for the Recovery Group children and any of their friends who would like to be with us. We invite folks who love Jesus and kids to join us as we minister to these children Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:15 from May through September. Even if you can only help once or a couple of times, you are welcome to join us. Please let me know if you are interested.

RIGHT NOW MEDIA- This is for every-one… As we launch our access to Right Now Media, I wanted to invite you to explore some of the kids’ resources. The library is very extensive with fun cartoon features that teach valuable les-sons and share familiar Bible stories. The Storyteller Café episode “Beyond the Manger” was a huge hit for our Easter Extravaganza. It received rave reviews from the McDonald family girls. I was most impressed that it held the attention of the young crowd. The materials are quite extensive. There are also helpful parenting re-sources located in the libraries. It continues to be a blessing to serve our families and children here at Trinity. In Christ,

Cathy Hughes

“God is with me and will watch over me wherever I go.” VBS 2016 theme from Genesis 28:15

During the past month I have been engaged in the following activities: Regular times of personal

Bible study and prayer Specific prayer times for

our families, the communi-ty, and the future workers and ministries here at Trin-ity

Meeting with Pastor Rick to explore children’s min-istry opportunities and de-velopment

Snack preparation for Awana

Communicating with par-ents of the children from Awana

Preparing Junior Church curriculum and activities for volunteers

Teaching Jr. Church Scheduling Jr. Church Evaluating Attendance Reading articles related to

Children’s Ministry Communication with

Awana volunteers Keeping records for

Awana Group Contacting volunteers for

Awana Creating Awana Sparks

lessons and crafts Creating craft for Tuesday

when there is no Awana Planning VBS/

communication with vol-unteers

Participating in Easter Ex-travaganza

Communication with min-istry resource providers via phone and e-mail

Exploring Right Now Me-dia materials

Participation in Council and Education Ministry meetings as contributor and note taker

Books I have been reading: The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Wit-ness, Looming Transitions.


We all put what we learned on a lovely cross: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday. There were so many stickers!

Julian reads to us about the cruci-

fixion of Jesus as we learn about

His sacrifice on Good Friday.

The fruit of our labor – a wonderful

reminder of what Christ has done

for us!



Our Awana group learns about Maundy Thursday from our own students

Behold the empty tomb! Easter Sunday greetings are brought to our Mary (Sophia) from our angel (Caileigh).

Easter Sunday Junior Church

craft – The kids enjoyed hearing

God’s Gospel message and also

being able to take it with them.



CCO Ministry at the Ohio State University at Marion and Marion Technical Col-lege

with Matthew Stratton M A R C H 2 0 1 6


Present: Dave McCartney, Jane Bender, Mark Poling, Mark Piacentini, Fritz Winegarner, Pas-tor Rick Farmer, Colleen McCartney, Phil Harbolt, Richard Caldwell, Cathy Hughes, Sheryl Simmons (Treasurer), Chuck Blankenship, Matt and Katrina Stratton. Absent: Ed Vaflor, Todd Petrie. Also present: Carolyn Harbolt, Jerry Gorby, Walt Caldwell, John Freshour (MAL), Jean Freshour, Kim Farmer, Sharon Davis, Herb Klingel.

March, 2016

Moderator, Dave McCartney opened the meeting with the devotional thought from Galatians 3:26-29 and offered prayer. Motion by Mark Poling to accept Minutes of the last meeting as written; seconded by Fritz Winegarner and approved by voice vote. Operations – Chuck Blankenship

The baptistery is under repair; also replacing and repairing air conditioning units.

Discussion regarding the budget: we are spending more than we are taking in. Options considered were to raise more revenue, consider cutbacks, or both. Operations suggests that Council make a decision as to how to ease the cash flow problem. Designated funds have had to be used at times in order to meet monthly expenses. Chuck raised the question as to what to do regarding using designated funds and if cash flow doesn’t improve, how do these funds get re-paid. Sheryl Simmons, Treasurer, and Chuck both expressed their concern for the need of a cash flow procedure.

Persons submitting requests to the treasurer for payment should do as far in advance as possible, not the day before need-ed.

Pastor Rick stated that God is providing for us even though income is down, and feels our surplus is greater at this time of the year for the first time in many years.

Motion by Pastor Rick to set a Task Force consisting of the Overseers, one Elder, and the Moderator to meet and bring a recommendation to the April Council meeting regarding use of designated funds for other purposes and how to address the cash flow issue. The motion was seconded by Fritz Winegarner and approved by voice vote.

Programming – Colleen McCartney

Tupperware fundraiser orders are due March 13th.

Eggs need filled for the Easter Extravaganza on March 19th, weather date March 27th. Donations of candy and/or money are welcome.

Education – Richard Caldwell

Report is in the Tidings. Plans are underway for the next 5th Sunday. Ministry – Todd Petrie (in absentia)

Complete report is in the Tidings.

Motion by Chuck Blankenship to approve request for Transfer of Church Letter from Trinity to Epworth United Methodist Church for Brent and Amy Gorenflo and Bill and Rena Born. The motion was seconded by Pastor Farmer and approved by voice vote.

Cathy Hughes

Report is in the Tidings. Still need a Children’s Coordinator and volunteers for Junior Church.

Eight new pre-school kids were welcomed to Awana.

Ordered VBS material. Pastor Rick Farmer

Highlighted the Sunday morning ministries in his Tidings article.

Thanked people for their cards of encouragement he and Kim received. Matt Stratton

Katrina has been accepted into the Occupational Therapy Master’s Program at Rush University in Chicago. Matt and Katrina will be transitioning out of his CCO campus ministry in Marion by the end of May. He expressed his hope that the foundation he has laid for campus ministry here in Marion will continue to grow and be supported by the people of Trinity and the community.

Several expressed appreciation to Matt and Katrina, not only their commitment to Trinity and campus ministry, but for the example they’ve set and the impact they’ve had on Trinity’s youth. Our prayers and best wishes go with them as they prepare for this new adventure in their lives.

Eldership – Fritz Winegarner

Shared the blessing of their experience with a homeless man who happened to walk into their recent meeting.

Todd Petrie will become the newest member of the Eldership. Nominating Committee – Walt Caldwell

Dave McCartney remains a delegate to the Marion Baptist Association.

The committee requests guidance as to filling the positions of Senior Adult Coordinator and Care Group Coordinator. Colleen commented that Willis Thomas and Sam Newell have been reaching out to seniors as part of outreach/evangelism.

Still searching for an Overseer for the Operations Committee.

The meeting was adjourned by singing the Doxology. The next meeting of the Church Council is Thursday, April 7th at 7:30 p.m. in the Christian Center. Respectfully Submitted, Jane Bender Clerk


Financial ReportFinancial ReportFinancial Report Trinity Baptist Church

Income & Expense Report March 2016

Actual Budget for

Month Ended February

3/31/2016 2016


$ 21,839.79 $ 26,321.17 Budgeted Income

$ 8,024.44 $ - Non-Budgeted Income (see back)

$ - $ - Estate Income

$ 29,864.23 $ 26,321.17 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE


$ 1,509.29 $ 725.00 Christian Education Expenses

$ 128.00 $ 166.67 Ministry Expenses

$ 1,191.93 $ 962.50 Programming Expenses

Operating Expenses

$ 7,407.32 $ 7,145.23 Salaries & Wages

$ 6,540.85 $ 8,213.36 Payroll Benefits

$ 461.40 $ 500.00 Office Supplies & Postage

$ 634.17 $ 416.67 Copier Rental & Maintenance

$ 199.20 $ 100.00 Cleaning Supplies

$ 216.70 $ 1,250.00 Building Maintenance Supplies

$ 924.82 $ 925.00 Property Insurance

$ - $ 61.00 Property Taxes

$ 3,798.14 $ 5,000.00 Utilities

$ 404.04 $ 150.08 Other

$ 20,586.64 $ 24,467.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES

$ 23,415.86 $ 26,321.17 Total Budgeted Expenses

$ 9,637.20 Total Non-Budgeted Expenses (see back)

$ 33,053.06 GRAND TOTAL
