Dr. Patricia Deckert Rita L. Sterling...


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Dr. Patricia Deckert Rita L. Sterling


If this isn’t working, your

body isn’t working right.

Cardiovascular disease Stroke Peripheral neuropathy Depression OCD Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia and other mental

disorders, Anxiety Irritable/inflammatory bowel

syndrome Still births Re-eclampsia Neural tube defects/cleft lip Raynaud’s Erectile dysfunction

Fibromyalgia Chronic fatigue Dementia Migraines Schizophrenia Parkinson’s Miscarriages Infertility ADD/ADHD Cancer Insomnia Alzheimer’s Autism or spectrum disorders

And many other health conditions or diseases.

1. Digestion 2. Dysbiosis 3. Detoxification 4. Leaky Gut 5. Food Allergies & Sensitivities/Intolerances 6. Inflammation 7. How do I heal my gut and keep it healthy?

Fatigue Allergies Auto-immune disease (once allergens

get into the body the immune system becomes overely active)

Bacterial dysbiosis, parasites and candida are other digestive concerns. • Parasites are under diagnosed. They are often

not even considered unless there are severe GI symptoms. Parasites are problems for many people.

It has three functions crucial to your health: (1) breaks food down into useful nutrients (2) facilitates nutrient absorption into the

blood through intestinal walls (3) prevents foreign and toxic molecules

from entering the bloodstream

We are not what we eat. We are what we eat, absorb and utilize. If we can't get nutrients from our food, it's hard to get fuel for our bodies, and hence energy. Proper digestion depends on: Chewing Sufficient HCL production in the stomach

(this decreases with stress and age) Pancreatic enzymes Healthy intestinal wall Healthy flora Liver and gallbladder function to absorb fats

• Allergies • Arthritis • Autoimmune

diseases • Rashes • Acne • Autism

• Chronic fatigue • Mood disorders • Dementia • Cancer

wreak havoc in the body leading to:

and more!

A study was done with 10,000 people – looking at their adipose tissue – In 100% of subjects plastics, solvents, and dioxins (bad toxins) were found in their fat tissues.

Our cells are like grapes. A healthy grape is full of H2O

and is plump and juicy. Outside of the cell where you

see stars, these represent toxins

Your body wants to dissolve the toxins in water. Where is it getting that water?

It’s pulling water from inside the cell to outside.

Now your grape is becoming a shriveled raisin – not healthy!

Dysbiosis is a condition of imbalanced intestinal flora. Toxic bowels and overall declining health can be caused by the loss of good intestinal flora, and the overgrowth of harmful intestinal bacteria and parasites.

What is it? What causes it?

What does it cause? How to resolve?

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the lining of the intestines is weakened so that large spaces occur between the cells of the gut wall allowing partially digested food particles, toxins and bacteria to pass into the bloodstream. This causes a variety of health problems from allergies to migraines.

Fatigue Joint and muscle aches Nutritional deficiencies Food allergies Abdominal pain and bloating Skin rashes Confusion and memory loss Autoimmune diseases

Food Toxins Bacteria Allergies Stress Poor diet

Parasites Alcohol Candida Too little stomach acid Pharmaceutical drugs

1. Test for food allergies 2. Eat an allergen-free & low glycemic index diet 3. Eat a low glycemic index diet 4. Take healing supplements regularly

• Probiotics (ex: Saccharomyces boulardii) • GlutAloeMine

5. Retest for food allergies in 3-6 months 6. Still have food allergies?

a) Yes: Go back to step 2 and follow the process b) No: Slowly reintroduce foods and see how you feel.

Test for Food Allergies Fix Leaky Gut

Eat an Allergen-Free. Low GI Diet

Retest for Food Allergies in 3 months

Slowly Reintroduce Foods to Diet



Still have Food allergies?

(You might need an antibiotic)

To heal your inner tube of life you simply need to:

Eat whole unprocessed foods – get plenty of fiber. Eliminate food allergies. Treat any infections or overgrowth of bugs. Replenish your digestive enzymes. Rebuild your rain forest of friendly bacteria. Take

probiotic supplements. Get good fat. Take extra omega-3 supplements. Use gut-healing nutrients such as glutamine and

zinc to repair the lining in your gut

In adults, the foods that most often trigger allergic reactions (vs. sensitivity) include: Fish and shellfish, such as shrimp,

lobster and crab Peanuts Tree nuts, such as walnuts Eggs Problem foods for children are eggs, milk

(especially in infants and young children) and peanuts.

-National Institute of Health

Food reactions are common, but most are caused by a food intolerance rather than a food allergy. A food intolerance can cause some of the same signs and symptoms as a food allergy, so people often confuse the two.

A true food allergy is triggered by IgE antibody production specific to a reactive food. IgE reactions generally occur within minutes of eating a reactive food, which is why they are also called ‘immediate’ hypersensitivity reactions

regularly eaten foods responsible for unexplained symptoms like: • abdominal pain • diarrhea • eczema • heartburn • nausea • vomiting

In an IgG reaction, the IgG antibodies attach themselves to the food antigen and create an antibody-antigen complex . These complexes are normally removed by special cells called macrophages. However, if they are present in large numbers and the reactive food is still being consumed, the macrophages can’t remove them quickly enough. The food antigen-antibody complexes accumulate and are deposited in body tissues.

Once in tissue, these complexes release inflammation causing chemicals, which may play a role in numerous diseases and conditions.

Absence of an enzyme needed to fully digest a food.

Irritable bowel syndrome. Food poisoning. Sensitivity to food additives. Recurring stress or

psychological factors. Celiac disease.


- Dr. Mark Hyman

- Dr. Mark Hyman

That means eliminate: • milk • cheese • yogurt • ice cream

for two weeks and see if you feel better.

You should notice improvements with your: • sinuses • post-nasal drip • headaches • irritable bowel syndrome • energy • weight

Then start eating dairy again and see how you feel. If you feel worse, you should try to give it up for life.

The main symptoms lactose intolerance can be: Gas Bloating Pain Rumbling sounds Loose bowels or diarrhea Constipation Cramps Vomiting

Many people with symptoms of lactose intolerance also have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease or some form of Colitis.

Slow degeneration of the health and balance of a person's gastrointestinal system. As we age and it loses its overall balance, intolerance to lactose occurs. An additional lactose intolerance cause is that human production of lactase diminishes as we age. It is primarily produced as a newborn to help with the digestion of Mother's milk.

Inflammation. It can show itself in forms as obvious as joint pain, acne, and asthma, to forms less obvious and often silent, like heart disease. Certain foods we eat have shown to increase inflammation therefore triggering pain and discomfort. Dairy is one of these foods. If you really stop to think about it, we are the only species that drinks milk from another species. Does it really "do a body good?"

We are talking about the following products: All milk. 1%, 2%, whole milk, skim, low fat or no fat, cream, Lactaid milk, Acidophilus milk, raw milk, organic milk. All cheese. Swiss, cheddar, Parmesan, etc. Ice cream Sour cream, cream cheese and cottage cheese Creamy salad dressings. French, Thousand Island, Roquefort,

Blue Cheese, etc. Yogurt Read labels. Look for five words: milk, cheese, lactose, whey

and casein. There may be other words attached to the word milk...like milk solids, milk proteins, milk by-products. Eliminate them.

Do you like butter? Good, enjoy it. But, it’s a dairy product you say. That’s right, but it’s almost pure fat.

There are 3 components to a milk product: sugar (lactose), protein and fat. Fat causes none of the problems that the milk sugars and proteins do. Enjoy it.

Gluten is a composite formed from several different proteins. It is found most commonly in wheat and other related grains, such as barley and rye.

used in a wide variety of other foods as a thickener and binder, flavor enhancer, and protein supplement.

a gluten-free diet often helps to alleviate symptoms caused by gluten intolerance and prevents further damage to the body.


Wheat Rye Barley Spelt Kamut Some oats

Einkorn, Farro Durum Graham Semolina


Used as a thickener, gluten can be found in: • Soups and broths • Gravies and sauces such as ketchup • Salad dressings • Marinades.

Since it enhances flavor, it is used in: • Bouillon • Spice blends • Coffees • Dairy products • Vinegars • Liquors.

It can also be found in the substance used to seal envelopes since it acts as a stabilizer.

Gluten sensitivity is actually an autoimmune disease that creates inflammation throughout the body, with wide-ranging effects across all organ systems including your brain, heart, joints, digestive tract, and more.

It can be the single cause behind many different “diseases.”

To correct these diseases, you need to treat the cause–which is often gluten sensitivity–not just the symptoms.

- Dr Mark Hyman


Inflammatory & non-inflammatory foods


1. Sugar 2. Common Cooking

Oils 3. Trans Fats 4. Dairy 5. Feedlot-Raised


6. Red and Processed Meat

7. Alcohol 8. Refined Grains 9. Artificial Food

Additives 10. Fill in the Blank

These foods have been linked to obesity, increased risks of numerous diseases and even death in some cases.

1. Wild Alaskan Salmon

2. Kelp 3. Extra Virgin Olive

Oil 4. Cruciferous

Vegetables 5. Blueberries

6. Turmeric 7. Ginger 8. Garlic 9. Green Tea 10. Sweet Potato

All it may take is a simple blood lab test (D-Xylose sugar test). If it shows malabsorption, your gut needs attention. If it looks all right, chances are its function is satisfactory.

Your body contains ten times more bacteria then cells. Most of them, optimally 85%, should be friendly flora. Friendly bacteria not only attack pathogenic bacteria and fungi,they also trigger appropriate white cell reactions to invaders, and they influence your mental/emotional state. It’s estimated that eighty percent of your 100 trillion bacteria are located in the gut’s flora. “I almost always start helping people treat chronic

health problems by fixing their gut.” – Dr. Mark Hyman

It was also shown that Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferrers who took Omega 3 supplements had benefits comparable to those taking NSAIDS (Non-sterodial-anti-inflammatory-drugs.)

Foods that contain high amounts of Omega 3's are flaxseeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, and pecans, or if you're into fish choose cold water oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, anchovies and sardines.




Eat to heal the gut and keep it healthy.
