Dr. Joseph Speciale, Instructor L206.pdfMystery, Babylon The Great o The Babalon Working was a...


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A ministry of the

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church

Lee Swor, Pastor

Dr. Joseph Speciale, Instructor

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God” (2 Tim 2:15)


Bible Prophecy

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Mystery, Babylon The Great

o The Babalon Working was aseries of occultic ritualsperformed in 1946 by rocket fuelscientist Jack Parsons andScientology founder L. RonHubbard based on the writings ofSatanist Aleister Crowley

o The purpose of the rituals was toopen a portal to manifest theincarnation of the “divinefeminine” known as Babalon

o Parsons and Hubbard believedthe ritual was a success andshortly thereafter, a red-headedwoman named MarjorieCameron came to Parsons’ home

o Parsons believed Cameron wasthe “Scarlet Woman” and the“ELEMENTAL woman”- anincarnation of the the goddessBabalon

Mystery, Babylon The Great

o Hollywood has been inspired by the spirit of the “elemental


Mystery, Babylon The Great

o There is a third (and hidden)

pillar between the two pillars of

Jachin and Boaz represented by

the Masonic tracing board (i.e.-

the table and three candlesticks)

o This hidden pillar is depicted as

incomplete or broken because

there is a gap between the

tracing board and the all-seeing

eye (i.e.- the presence of “God”)

o This third pillar is the balance

and/or harmonious fusion of the

other two, leading to the Great

Architect Of The Universe (i.e.-

“God”) and light (i.e.-

“enlightenment”, “immortality”,

“godhood”, etc.)

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Mystery, Babylon The Great

o The two pillars plus the hidden

(and broken) third pillar of

Freemasonry is depicted in

European architecture

o The third pillar between two

others is a common symbol

throughout the world

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Emphasized BALANCE between Emphasized

STRENGTH strength and beauty BEAUTY

Mystery, Babylon The Great

The three pyramids of Giza aligned

with the three stars comprising the

belt of Orion

The twin towers of the World Trade

Center replaced by the Freedom


Mystery, Babylon The Great

The obverse (front) of the Great Seal ofthe USA

Mystery, Babylon The Great

One “pillar” on the left with 13

arrows (war) corresponds to the pillar


One “pillar” on the right with 13

olive leaves and berries (peace)

corresponds to the pillar of BOAZ

A third “pillar” in the middle with

three 13’s corresponds to the third

pillar that is currently hidden/broken

that will be revealed and repaired

o The 13-striped flag corresponds to

the Masonic tracing board

o The 13-lettered phrase, “E

Pluribus Unum” corresponds to

the ladder

o The 13 stars arranged in the shape

of a hexagram and encircled (i.e.-

the Seal of Solomon) correspond

to the all-seeing eye

Mystery, Babylon The Great

The “Death” tarot card with thesun rising between two towers

Mystery, Babylon The Great

A “woman” is the ladder/bridge tothe all-seeing eye in this image

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Baphomet depicted as the third pillarSatanist Aleister Crowley depicting thethird pillar between the two pillars

Mystery, Babylon The Great

o In Kabbalah (i.e.- Jewish mysticism), the

three pillars are represented by the

Sephirot (“tree of life”)

o The Sephirot is arranged in 3 distinct

columns or pillars with a total of 7 levels

containing 10 interconnected points

(representing 10 spiritual principles or

divine names)

o There is a gap near the middle of the

third (middle) pillar that equates to the

same gap between the Masonic tracing

board and the all-seeing eye

Mystery, Babylon The Great

o The third (middle) pillar is broken and


Mystery, Babylon The Great

o The Sephirot does contain aHIDDEN and 11th point (Dan 7:7-8)called Da’ath, which means“knowledge” cf. (Gen 3:5; Dan 12:4)

o The idea is that the third pillar can becompleted resulting in aladder/bridge to immortality andgodhood, when the HIDDENWORD or HIDDEN KNOWLEDGEis discovered and revealed

o Recall that in the legend of HiramAbiff, Hiram hid the secret word butit was discovered later

o The symbolism of Freemasonry andKabbalah, as well as all mysteryreligions, is pointing to a momentwhen man will discover previouslyhidden knowledge and truth, and itwill be a TRANSFORMATIONALevent in every sense of the word

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Mystery, Babylon The Great

o These 11 points correspond to 11 celestial bodies (the sun, the moon, and the nine

planets, with the hidden 11th corresponding to Pluto (i.e.- the Roman god of the


o In one of the Hiramic legends, the “secret word” was hid in a well (i.e.- a pit)

o The Antichrist comes from the bottomless pit (Rev 9:11) and will be a counterfeit of

Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh (John 1:14)

Mystery, Babylon The Great

o In another Hiramic legend, the

“secret word” was hid in the two

pillars Jachin and Boaz

o If the two pillars do picture human

DNA, is it possible that the

message of this legend is that the

“secret truth of the ages” is hidden

within the human genome?

Mystery, Babylon The Great

Recall in the legend of Hiram Abiff that the grip of the first two degreescould not raise Hiram from the dead and Hiram represents the humansoul

These first two grips represent the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz, and thetwo pillars of Boaz and Jachin represent the double helix of DNA

The grip of the third degree which raised Hiram from the dead representsthe third (and currently hidden) pillar, which could represent an additionto DNA making it a triple helix

Mystery, Babylon The Great

The grip of the third degree is also calledthe “grip of the lion’s paw” (1 Pet 5:8)

If you are GRIPPED by a LION’S PAW,then you have been CLAWED (i.e.-scratched; marked)

Could the “grip of the lion’s paw” picturethe mark of the beast (Rev 13:15)?

If the pillars of Jachin and Boaz pictureDNA, and Hiram pictures the Antichrist,then it is important to note that HiramCAST and SET UP the pillars (i.e.- hewas the FOUNDER and FIXER)

Cast= “to found; to form into a particularshape, by pouring liquid metal into amold”

Could this picture the Antichristprofessing to be the creator of man’sDNA?

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