Dr. Chad Edwards, PT, DPT, CGFI - Age Defying Golf EZ ... · Age Defying Golf EZ will help you...


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Dr. D. Ryan York, PT, DPT, CGS Doctorate in Physical Therapy Certified Golf Performance Specialist, GOLO Golf University

Dr. Chad Edwards, PT, DPT, CGFI Doctorate in Physical Therapy Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, Titleist Performance Institute

© 2012 by Age Defying Golf, Boise, ID. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Age Defying Golf.


It is recommended that you consult your physician before starting an exercise program. This book offers information in regards to fitness, exercise, physical therapy, sports medicine, and golf training. The information in this book is not medical advice and is not meant to diagnose or treat specific injuries or disease.


Praise for Age-Defying Golf Rx

“I’ve taken a lot of golf lessons-even attended a four day golf school-but I’ve never learned as much about my swing and how to get more distance and power than I have from the Age-Defying Golf program. I’ve gained flexibility and physical strength in my swing and am now hitting the ball further and straighter. I’ve even taken 8-10 strokes off of my game since starting this program. But more importantly to me is the confidence and enjoyment I now have in my game. I’m excited to play and love working on specific exercises that relate directly to golf. The Age-Defying Golf program will provide me with the physical ability to continue playing this game well into the future” Cynthia Fowler

“I commenced playing golf at the age of 55 with the intention that this would become “my sport” upon retirement. During the past 11 years I have taken many, many golf lessons (and spent thousands of dollars) intent upon becoming a “reasonable” golfer. I have struggled with the game – with ups and downs; during this period I realized that I would never become a “big hitter.” “However, things have changed dramatically – after commencing the Age-Defying Golf Program, and within a very short period of time (literally weeks), I am now hitting the ball further than I ever imagined possible. It has now become evident that this program has had much more impact upon my game than all the golf lessons I have taken over the years.” “My goal has been to take my golf to “the next level;” I am confident that with the work-out routine I am now taking, that I will quickly achieve this goal.” I can highly recommend the Age Defying Golf Program and I have encouraged all my fellow golfers to enroll in the program.” S.K. Clark

I participated in the Age Defying golf program for three months, which made it possible for me to qualify for the National Senior Olympics. I got a score of 78. I had given up golf because somebody told me I was an old man, even sold my clubs. After working out with the Age Defying golf program, I bought new clubs. His exercises made it possible for me to play golf again. His program strengthened my muscles and improved the mechanics of my golf swing. You better believe this program really works. Don’t quit. I encourage older people to play. It’s always been my desire to play at Stanford (site of 2009 National Senior Olympics). Now I can finally do it. My intentions are to encourage golfers over 85 to continue. You can do it too.” Chuck Young, age 95

I have played golf on and off for almost 20 years and I truly fell in love with the game. I was constantly asking my friends for tips and I desperately wanted to uncover the secrets that all the lower handicap golfers seemed to know. I took numerous lessons from golf pros with the hopes of learning how to increase my power, and flexibility. They always gave me too much to think about and I left more confused with no results. With Age Defying Golf Rx, Dr York showed me how to train my muscle to remember the


correct way to drive a ball through repetitive motion. How simple is that! Age Defying Golf Rx introduced me to an exercise program that encouraged me to understand my own flexibility, and how to increase my power/accuracy by teaching my body repetitive motions. I now golf with confidence with golfers who have lower handicaps. This program has taken strokes off my game, my friends are always commenting on my improvements and I am no longer considered the “slow player,” I can now keep up. Donna Clegg, Boise, ID


Table of Contents: AGE DEFYING GOLF EZ

Chapter 1………………………………………………………...Introduction and Purpose

Chapter 2…………………..………..……….………………….How to Use This Manual Chapter 3………………………..….………………………………..……….ADG EZ


Age Defying Golf EZ will help you recover the smooth, full

swing that you have lost due to stiffness, pain and weakness that

is associated with “age.”

After the age of 45, most of a golfers distance and accuracy is

determined by flexibility, particularly their golf specific flexibility. Poor flexibility in key

muscles and joints causes the following swing faults:

• Reverse pivot shift

• Short, jerky backswing

• Short, stiff follow through swing

• Winging back elbow

• Too much head movement

• Too much body movement

• and much, much more!!

In other words, it is literally impossible to have a good swing if you are stiff!!! Nearly

all of the golfers that we work with at Age Defying Golf have such poor flexibility that

they cannot get their body into the right positions to make a quality swing, they are just too


stiff. If you are over 50, you are likely limited by the same issues whether you realize it or


In addition, the “over 50 golfer” who is not flexible is at an extremely high risk of

injury. For example, just a few weeks after retirement, my father-in-law ruptured a spinal

disc while playing in a golf tournament. After a 35-year career as a teacher, he spent his

1st year of retirement in a lounge chair recovering from spinal surgery. No fun! (Since

then, he has been a faithful Age Defying Golf disciple and reports that he his playing

better and hitting the ball further than he has in several decades with no pain!).

ADG EZ is designed to stabilize the spine, shoulders and hips to make sure that your

retirement golf is truly golden.

ADG EZ is Simple ADG EZ is not the only golf exercise program out there. However,

many golfers that we have talked to say that they could never/or don’t want to stick to a

regular exercise program. If this is holding you back, no sweat…literally! ADG EZ is EZ!

It only takes 20 minutes to complete, and only needs to be done 3-4 times PER MONTH!

Seriously….you are spending more time putting pain gel on your low back each month!

ADG EZ is Effective: We have been using this program for years and we are so confident

that it will work that we stand behind ADG EZ with a 150% money back guarantee…no

questions asked!

Have more fun! Play Better! No excuses!


How to Use This Manual

This manual is designed as a companion to the Age Defying EZ DVD. You can also

take the manual to the gym or as you travel for a convenient way to keep up with your

program. Please do not attempt any of the workouts without going through the DVD

instructions 1st!! Otherwise, you may likely get confused and frustrated. The DVDs are

there to make the workouts easier to understand and follow.

BASIC and ADVANCED Workout Options

Each BASIC exercise session is designed to take 15-20 minutes to complete. The

BASIC exercise session is composed of the primary training exercises that can be done

quickly and easily. However, if you are in good physical condition with fair to good

balance, then you should complete both the BASIC and ADVANCED sections of each

workout. The ADVANCED exercise section is listed directly after the BASIC exercise

section of each workout.


You will notice that in nearly every exercise, you are instructed to “draw in your

belly button to stabilize your spine.” The act of drawing in your belly button does two

things. First, it works to activate the core stabilizing muscles of your trunk that protect


your back from injury. Second, it creates intra-abdominal pressure in your abdominal

cavity. Which research has shown will brace your spine and reduce the risk of back injury.

To “draw in your belly button” you want to imagine that someone is trying to poke

your stomach with a sharp object and you are pulling in your stomach to avoid being

harmed. To practice your draw-in maneuver, hold this position for 1-minute and focus on

breathing. It takes practice to distinguish between your “breathing” muscles and your deep

core stabilization muscles. You will get better at this as you practice.


1 Age Defying Golf ….EZ!

ADG EZ is a unique program that combines spinal stabilization, flexibility, power

and mobility into one, fast paced 30 to 40-minute session.

To accommodate various athletic abilities and fitness levels, ADG EZ has two

sections. If you are a beginner to fitness, if you are not in good physical condition, or if

you have significant back pain, only complete the ADG EZ – Basics, the first section of

this chapter.

However, if you are in good physical condition and looking to get the greatest

benefit from this program, please also complete ADG EZ – Advanced, which is the second

part of this chapter.

Finally, it is most important that you perform these exercises in a safe manner.

Have fun with this unique program of Golf Power Development.

**Perform ADG EZ with the DVD program. This workout lasts approximately 15-25 minutes when done with the DVD.**



1. Squats in Power Triangle with Correct Spine Angle

Purpose: Improve leg strength and spinal posture for improved

spinal joint rotation and flexibility for golf swing. Setup: Begin in a standing position with your feet shoulder width

apart. Get into your correct golf stance – knees bent, back straight, and hinged forward at the waist. Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine.

Golf Action: Maintaining your waist hinge and back straight position,

perform a squatting motion. Exercise Parameters: Perform 15-20 repetitions. Keys to Success: Make sure that your knees do not bend forward over your

toes. Only squat as far as you can without compromising your back flat mechanics.


ADG EZ - BASICS 2. Torso Rotations

Purpose: Improve hamstring and spinal flexibility. Setup: Begin standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.

Extend your arms out to your sides. Get into your correct golf stance – knees bent, hinging forward at the waist and back flat. Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine. (Avoid hyperextension of the knees).

Golf Action: Rotate and bend forward so that one of your hands touches the

ground directly in front of you. Your other hand should be pointing toward the ceiling above you. Now, return to your starting position and perform the exercise to the opposite direction.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 10 repetitions to both directions. Keys to Success: If this exercise caused back pain, check to make sure that you

have drawn in your belly button to stabilize your spine. In addition, you should only rotate and bend forward within your range of comfort.


ADG EZ - BASICS 3. Hip Releasing Rotations Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Purpose: Improve hip and spinal flexibility in all planes of movement to

improve your X-Factor stretch and to reduce the risk of back injuries.

Setup: You will need a chair or stool for this exercise. Stand

approximately 2-3 feet away from the chair, keeping one foot on the ground, step and put the other foot on the chair, somewhat of a lunge position. Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine.

Golf Action: Make sure that both feet are facing forward as seen in picture 1.

1) lunge and reach forward towards the chair with both of your hands (Picture 1) Return to your starting position. Perform 10 repetitions. Switch feet and repeat. 2)Lunge forward again while tilting your body with your arms away from the forward leg (Picture 2). Return to starting position. Perform 10 repetitions. Switch feet and repeat. 3)Finally, with arms straight in front of you, lunge forward and rotate your body around your forward leg (Picture 3). Perform 10 repetitions. Switch feet and repeat.

Keys to Success: Try to reach as far as you can safely and comfortably. It may be

difficult for you to keep your balance with this exercise. If this is


the case, you may want to have another chair by your side to hold on to it.

ADG EZ – BASICS 4. Hinged Forward Arm Arcs and Hamstring Stretch

Purpose: Improve spinal posture and flexibility. Improve hamstring

dynamic flexibility. Setup: Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and your

arms folded together. Golf Action: Keeping your knees straight or slightly bent, bend forward as far

as you can comfortably until you feel a stretch in your hamstring muscles (back of your legs). In this position, slowly swing your arms from side to side.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 10 repetitions (arm swings) to each direction. Keys to Success: Make sure to bend at the hips more than you bend your back.


ADG EZ – BASICS 5. Forward Bend Hamstring Stretch

Purpose: Improve hamstring and hip flexibility for consistent golf posture

throughout swing = improved ball contact consistency. Setup: Begin in your golf stance with your hands hanging down in front

of you. Golf Action: Keeping your knees straight or slightly bent, hinge and bend

forward at your waist (keep your back flat) reaching towards the ground.

Exercise Parameters: Hold stretch for 30 seconds.


ADG EZ – BASICS 6. Arm Cross Stretch on Stomach

Purpose: Improve shoulder flexibility to eliminate bad swing

compensations at the top of your backswing. Setup: Lie flat on your stomach. Golf Action: Take your right arm and reach underneath you body to the left as

far as you can reach. Next, place your left arm on top of your right arm and reach across your body as far as you can reach.

Exercise Parameters: Hold each stretch for 30 seconds, then repeat stretch with your

left arm reaching underneath the right arm. Keys to Success: If you have pain lying on your stomach, place a pillow under

your pelvis (mid section).


ADG EZ – BASICS 7. QL Crunches

Purpose: Improve torso and hip strength for power and stability in your

golf swing. Setup: Lay down on your side, as shown, with your feet on top of each

other and your arm at your side. Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine.

Golf Action: Simultaneously, raise your leg up straight and, using your arm,

reach down your leg as far as you are able, lifting your shoulders off of the floor.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 12 repetitions, then switch sides and repeat. Keys to success: Make sure that your body is in a straight line throughout the



ADG EZ – BASICS 8. Bridges with Toes Turned In

Purpose: Improve hip strength for stability and power. Improve hip

internal rotation to improve power and stability in backswing. Setup: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat

on the ground. Next, turn your toes in (pigeon toed). Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine.

Golf Action: From this position, push through your feet to raise your pelvis off

of the ground as shown. Hold for a moment and return to starting position.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 15-20 repetitions. Keys to Success: For an added challenge, perform bridges with one leg at a time.


ADG EZ – BASICS 9. Seated Knee Crossovers

Purpose: Separate shoulder turn from hip turn to improve X-Factor

flexibility and power. Setup: Begin by sitting down on the ground. Cross one leg over the

other as shown. Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine.

Golf Action: From here, use your opposite side arm to pull the knee further

across the body until a stretch is felt around the hip area Exercise Parameters: Hold for 30 seconds, repeat on the opposite side


ADG EZ – BASICS 10. Shoulder Stretch with Opposite Head Rotation

Purpose: Improve shoulder and neck rotational flexibility for a more

powerful backswing while eliminating power losing movement compensations.

Setup: Stand with your correct golf posture. Draw in your belly button

to stabilize your spine. Golf Action: Make sure that your elbow remains straight and rotate your left

arm across your body as you would in a backswing, holding for 2-3 seconds. At the same time rotate your head to the left. Repeat with your right arm crossing over to your left and your head rotating to the left. Hold for 3 seconds

Exercise Parameters: Perform 8 repetitions to both directions. Keys to Success: Stay within your power triangle and don’t allow your hips to



ADG EZ – BASICS 11. Golf Swing Stabilization

Purpose: Engrain swing stability and improve flexibility in your swing. Setup: In standing, raise your arms slightly. Get into your golf stance

by bending your knees, keeping your back flat, and hinging forward at the waist.

Golf Action: Draw your belly button in to stabilize your spine. Slowly begin

your backswing rotating your arm back in a wide arc. Make sure to stay within your base of support (power triangle) and hold the top of your backswing for 2-3 seconds.

From this position, slowly begin your forward swing rotating your arms in a wide arc through the impact position and to your follow through, hold this position for 2-3 seconds. Repeat this exercise beginning with the address position.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 3 repetitions. Keys to Success: The biggest keys in this exercise are to maintain your spine angle

and to stay within your base of support (power triangle). As long as you are maintaining these key positions, you can rotate and stretch as far as you are able.


ADG EZ – BASICS 12. Seated Hip Rotations

Purpose: Improve hip flexibility to eliminate power sucking compensations.

Setup: Begin in a sitting position. Golf Action: Place both of your hands around your knee and pull it across

your body as shown. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your hip.

Exercise Parameters: Hold stretch for 30 seconds and repeat with opposite leg.


ADG EZ – BASICS 13. Supine Torso Rotations

Purpose: Separate shoulder turn from hip turn to improve X-Factor

flexibility and power. Setup: Begin by lying on your side. Golf Action: Bend your top leg up to waist height. Next, rotate your top arm

and torso to the opposite direction. You can increase this stretch by holding a light weight in one arm and using the opposite hand to pull the knee closer to the floor.

Exercise Parameters: Hold stretch for 30 seconds and repeat to the opposite direction.


ADG EZ – ADVANCED 14. Plank or Modified Plank Position Holds

Purpose: Improve torso and back stability to reduce risk of golf swing

injury and create stability in the swing. Setup: Lie down on your stomach, propped up on your elbows. Draw in

your belly button to stabilize your spine. Golf Action: To perform the plank stabilization, prop your self up on your feet

and your elbows so that your upper body is straight and flat like a board, or plank. If this position is too difficult, prop yourself up on your elbows and knees instead as in the second picture.

Exercise Parameters: Hold plank position for 30-60 seconds. Keys to Success: If this position causes back pain, check to make sure that your

spine is stabilized by drawing in your belly button. If this position continues to cause back pain, raise your butt to the ceiling until your back pain is gone and hold that position.


ADG EZ – ADVANCED 15. Knee Rotations with Arm Reaches

Purpose: Improve abdominal strength and separated shoulder turn form hip turn to improve X-Factor power.

Setup: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent. Draw in your

belly button to stabilize your spine. Golf Action: Reach and curl your body towards your left foot while you rotate

your knees to your right. Repeat to the opposite side so that your body is rotating back and forth, opposite of your knee rotations.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 12 repetitions to each direction. Keys to Success: Try to curl up just until your shoulder blades come off the



ADG EZ – ADVANCED 16. Bridging with Lateral Leg Arcs

Purpose: Improve hip strength for power and back stability to reduce risk

of injury. Setup: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat.

Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine. Golf Action: Perform a bridge by lifting up your hips. From this position,

rotate one leg to the side keeping the foot of that leg off of the ground, then return to the bridge position.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 12 repetitions, and then repeat with the opposite leg.


ADG EZ - ADVANCED 17. Warrior Position with Torso Stretching

Purpose: Improve torso and hip flexibility and strength. Setup: Get into Warrior position as seen in picture one. Draw in your

belly button to stabilize your spine. Golf Action: From this position, raise one arm towards the ceiling and bend

your torso in the opposite direction. Hold for 5 seconds, then, raise your other arm towards the ceiling and hold for 5 seconds.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 3 repetitions. Repeat this exercise lunging towards the

opposite leg. Keys to Success: This will be a difficult exercise for some. If you find this

exercise too difficult, stand up straighter.


ADG EZ - ADVANCED 18. Side Plank with Arm Reach and Leg Raise

Purpose: Improve back and hip stabilization for a strong and stable post at

the top of your backswing in which to push off of. Setup: Get into the position as shown in the picture one. Draw in your

belly button to stabilize your spine. Golf Action: From this position, raise your left leg towards the ceiling and

reach for your leg with your left hand. Exercise Parameters: Perform 8 repetitions and repeat on your other side. Keys to success: With this exercise, don’t worry too much about having perfect

form, just do the best you can.


ADG EZ – ADVANCED 19. Side Plank with Hip Flexions

Purpose: Improve hip, low back, and abdominal core strength for an

explosive basis for your swing. **The setup for this exercise is almost the same as the setup for exercise #18** Setup: Get into the position as shown in the 1st and 2nd picture with your

left hand behind your low back to help stabilize your back. Draw in your belly button to stabilize your spine.

Golf Action: Keeping your left leg parallel to the ground and straight, flex

your hip so that your leg swings forward. Next, flex your glutes (butt muscle) to swing your hip and bring it back to the starting position.

Exercise Parameters: Perform 10 repetitions, and then repeat on your other side.
