Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti - Homeopathic Remedies · This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq...


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Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad BhattiD.HM (Hon), FBIH, DIHOM, FKIAM, MCTa, AMSH & AHT – GB, NHS Directory,

MKIAM, BA (Hons)

Natural & Biochemic Medicine - Homotoxicology - Homeopathy - Herbal

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti is a descendant of a family which has been practicing the art and medical science of Homeopathic & Biochemic medicine for over 80 years and herbal medicine spanning 6 centuries. Consequently, Dr. Atiq is a fourth generation ‘modern’ Doctor of Homeopathy & Biochemic Medicine.

Dr. Atiq is passionately committed to providing treatment of a high standard equal to the best of the Homeopaths in the world and is at present recognized as an authority in this field.

A brief profile of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti is as follows:

Qualified and licensed in the United Kingdom Professional qualifications include:

o A Fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy, United Kingdomo A Fellow of the Kenya Institute of Alternative Medicineo A Member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative

Practitionerso An Associate member of the Great Britain Society of Homotoxicology &

Anti- Homotoxic Therapy o Member of the Complementary Therapists’ Association

Lectures:o Presentation of the paper, ‘The Science of Homeopathy’ in 2006 to an

audience of 150 scientists, GP’s, surgeons, physicists and biochemists at the annual AMMA United Kingdom Conference in London.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Publications:o Regular contributor to a variety of magazines and newsletters, as well as a

U.K. wide journal with an approximate readership of 12,000 households. Radio:

o Hosted a radio programme in 2007 on the homeopathic system of medicine

Television:o Aastha TV (Sky Channel) – presented the Wellness Programme in 2005

focusing on health and fitness via natural medicine, including homeopathic & biochemic medicines.

Welfare/Service to Humanity:o Affords time for voluntary work, and under the umbrella of Humanity First

(registered charity), served in 1994 in Hungary in the distribution of food and clothing to the people affected by the war.

Clinic:O Practices under own name, serving local, national and international patients

afflicted with acute and chronic ailments.

Dr. Atiq has been fortunate to have a striking family history in holistic and natural medicine. It can be traced back to over 6 centuries.

Dr. Atiq's family was blessed by the title conferred upon all descendants of this family by the then Mughal Emperors of Hindustan (now India and Pakistan), the title being Qazi – meaning Justice of Peace.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti’s Great Great Grandfather, Hazrat Qazi Ziauddin Bhatti was an accomplished Herbalist. He was also referred to as a ‘Sahabi’.

Hazrat Qazi Ziauddin Sahib had two children, namely, Hazrat Qazi Muhammad Abdullah, and Hazrat Qazi Abdur Raheem Bhatti.

The trend of natural medicine naturally came down the line to Dr. Atiq’s Great Grandfather, Hazrat Qazi Abdur Raheem Bhatti.

Hazrat Qazi Abdur Raheem Bhatti was blessed with four children, namely, Qazi Abdus Salam Bhatti, Qazi Mansoor Ahmad Bhatti, Qazi Bashir Ahmad Bhatti and Qazi Mubarak Ahmad Bhatti (Dr. Atiq’s Direct Grandfather).

One of the above mentioned sons, Qazi Dr. Mansoor Ahmad Bhatti was a highly successful Herbalist and later in his life qualified as a Doctor of

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Homeopathy and Biochemic Medicine. Within a short space of time he became extremely famous throughout Pakistan, and from this source many roots of homeopathy began to spread into other family members both vertically and horizontally.

Dr. Atiq’s direct Grandfather, Qazi Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Bhatti, was also a qualified Doctor of Homeopathy and within a short space of time became a master homeopath blessed with the ability to diagnose a patient’s illness through reading just the pulse at either the left or right wrist. The narrations within the family clearly indicate to the fact that he was a classical homeopath and used to obtain amazing results by dispensing just a few pills on occasions.

Again, Qazi Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Bhatti was also blessed with children, and from here the lineage of Homeopathy continued downwards to Dr. Atiq's father, Qazi Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Bhatti, who was a qualified Doctor of Homeopathy & Biochemic Medicine. He was famous for his in depth knowledge of the Homeopathic Materia Medica – so much so that he could advise his patients on what remedies to take just by observing them.

Dr. Atiq’s father truly loved the medical system of Homeopathy and would spend many hours a day studying and researching the various literatures, materia medica, and other information available on the subject.

Dr. Atiq’s uncle, Qazi Dr. Muzaffar Ahmad Bhatti, who has gained worldwide renown in his own right, runs an exceptionally busy practice to this day in East Africa. From there he is able to attend to and treat thousands of patients every year, reaching every corner of the wonderful world in which we live.

Qazi Dr. Muzaffar Ahmad Bhatti is an accomplished healer, and his knowledge and understanding of Homeopathy exceeds those around him, with a particularly in depth understanding of complex mixtures and their focus of healing.

Dr Atiq grew up with Homeopathy, at a very young age, watching his father prescribing and preparing Homeopathic remedies at a young age.Prior to qualifying in Homeopathy & Biochemic Medicine, Dr. Atiq studied

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

in the fields of Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Business Finance & Management. He holds an upper class Honours Degree in Business Management.

As it was destined by God Almighty, Dr. Atiq naturally became interested in Homeopathy at an early age. What interested him most was the fact that this system of medicine was 100% safe and free of all side effects. It was one of the most natural systems available to man – and dates back to 400BC in fact. Today, Dr. Atiq runs an exceptionally busy practice treating patients from all over the world. Dr. Atiq is grateful to God Almighty for bestowing upon him the opportunity to carry on his family’s tradition and destiny, i.e. to serve humanity in the field of natural healing.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

The Homeopathic & Biochemic

Medical Systems

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, January 2008

Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for all ages, from newborns, infants and babies, expecting mothers, and generally the young and old.

Homeopathy is called an holistic approach because it is a medical system teaching that the whole patient must be taken into consideration to effectively treat him/her for whatever he/she may be suffering from.

The word Homeopathy comes from Latin, homeo meaning ‘same’, pathos meaning ‘illness.’ It is a system that has been recognised for over 250 years now and is a method of stimulating the body to heal itself.

This teaching has in fact been around since the time of Hippocrates, also referred to as the father of medicine, and lived 400 years before Christ.

Many of Hippocrates discoveries are still being practiced in the world of medicine today – especially in the world of Homeopathy and Biochemic Medicine.

Hippocrates taught that diseases came from natural causes. He observed many patients and carefully recorded their symptoms and the

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

way their illnesses developed. He would look at the color of the skin, and how the eyes looked. He would look for fevers and chills.

He told his students to carefully observe their patients and to learn from the things they had observed. He said that the human body could heal itself and could return itself to good health.

Thus, in real terms, this system of medicine we know as Homeopathy has in actual fact been around for over 2,400 years, it’s nothing new, but it is now more highly refined and adjusted to fit into the illnesses and diseases of the 21st century.

Treatment in homeopathy has both a scientific and holistic approach. One has to consider everything that can possibly influence the individual, for example:

Detailed family history of illnesses and other influences, past personal history of the individual.

The causative factors – bad reactions to vaccinations and other illnesses, never been well since.

General history of disease as in medical practice and diagnoses after proper investigations.

Homeopathic history of individuals and individual variations of persons – mental, general and local, to determine the constitution of individual.

History and Development of Homeopathy

In 1789, a young physician in Europe named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann made a brilliant medical discovery on the possibility of treating disease by way of potentised remedies.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Dr. Hahnemann called this system of medicine Homeopathy, and although the principles date back to Hippocrates it was Dr. Hahnemann who has been credited with organizing it into a modern scientific and medical system.

As mentioned earlier, Homeopathy is based on the principle of the law of similars – or like treats like.

The law of similars tells us that any harmful substance in its crude/pure form that is capable of inducing varying symptoms or condition upon a healthy patient will, if diluted to an infinitesimal/minute dose, bring about a cure for those symptoms induced, thus reversing its properties from it being a harmful substance to a curative and healing substance.

If you wanted to understand this visually, take a colour photograph against a negative of that same image. The colour photograph would have all its detail without tarnish and look pleasing to the eye.

The negative contains only the reverse of that image so that it can be reproduced back to its original glory.

The Homeopathic principle is the same. The Homeopathic remedies can be taken to be the negative images of the original, thus removing the harmful toxicity or side effects but providing enough information to be able to restore the individual’s health through the law of similars.

Let me give you another example to explain this better.

We have a scenario where a child ingests certain poisons. In this case one may administer syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting from a conventional route of medicine.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Why? Well Ipecac is derived from the root of a South American plant called Ipecacuanha. The name, in the native language, means "the plant by the road which makes you throw up." Eating the plant thus causes vomiting.

However, from a Homeopathic system of medicine, Ipecac – because it induces vomiting in a healthy patient – given in cases of incessant morning sickness with nausea would allay the similar suffering.

In Dr. Hahnemann’s time, provings were carried out to ascertain the inducing effect of certain remedies as we know them today.

Thus for example let’s take a look at Atropa Belladonna – or deadly nightshade.

If taken in pure form – symptoms are characterised by redness and heat. The fever is high, the face is red, the pulse can be seen in the veins of the neck.

Given in a Homeopathic dilution, Belladonna can thus be used for the treatment of any of the above, such symptoms being caused by fever, teething of infants or an allergic response.

Dr. Hahnemann described this principle by using a Latin phrase: Similia Similibus Curentur, which translates: "Let likes cure likes."

The science of homeopathy differs from that of conventional medicine because it stimulates the body to recover itself. The remedies given are thus stimulants. Another way of looking at it is to class Homeopathy as a catalyst to health restoration. Homeopathy does not believe in suppression of the disease in any form whatsoever.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

It is important to note here that 60% of Homeopathic medicine is derived from natural plant sources, the remainder 40% being from mineral, animal and biological matter.

Homeopathy has been widely used throughout the world for more than 200 years. In 2000, the House of Lords’ Select Committee on Science & Technology cited homeopathy as one of the five Group One therapies, having “an individual diagnostic approach” along with osteopathy, chiropractic, herbal medicine and acupuncture. Homeopathy can be safely used alongside conventional medicines.

Homeopathic medicine is unique, potentised energy medicine, drawn from the plant, mineral and animal worlds. They are diluted to such a degree that not one molecule of the original substance can be detected (after the 12c potency, or 24x potency, past the Avogadro law – based on Amedeo Avogadro - 1776-1856). In essence all that is left is the blueprint of the substance that thus promotes healing, safely and 100% free of side effects.

The Preparation of Homeopathic Medicine

The process of making Homeopathic remedies is very distinct.

Homeopathic medicines are classified as potencies with either a decimal or centesimal extension. For example Calc Phos 6x is a Homeopathic dilution of Calcium Phosphate to a potency of 6x, a decimal potency.

Calc Phos 6c is a Homeopathic dilution of Calcium Phosphate to a potency of 6c, a centesimal potency.

For remedies derived from soluble substances, such as animal or plant extracts, the raw material is dissolved in an alcohol / water mixture that contains approximately 90% pure alcohol and 10% distilled water (ratio may vary depending on substance) this mixture is left to stand for 2-4 weeks, shaken occasionally and then strained through a press. The resulting liquid is known as the mother tincture.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

So for example, this would be how the Homeopathic mother tinctures of Craetegus and Syzgium are prepared.

Insoluble substances such as gold, calcium carbonate and graphite, must first be made soluble by a process known as trituration, in which they are ground continually until they become soluble substances. These are then given the same process as above of dissolving in a mixture of alcohol and water.

To produce different remedy potencies, the mother tincture is diluted in an alcohol/water mixture according to the two scales, and as mentioned, the decimal (x) and the centesimal (c). In the decimal scale the dilution factor is 1:10 and in the centesimal it is 1:100.

It is important to point out here that between every stage of dilution the diluted tincture is succussed (shaken vigorously). One can refer to this as active agitation.

Active agitation, or succussion, the key to potency, is a system of specialized agitation during the production process and as such is a special part of the manufacture of homeopathic medicine

In allopathic medicine, when prescribing a drug, often the principle is based on the bigger the dose the greater the therapeutic effect.

Homeopathic prescribing adopts the opposing view: the smaller the drug dose, the more potent its effect.

It is thought that the process of succession excites the electrons of the active ingredient, allowing the molecules to, in effect, "rub shoulders" with the molecules of the base solution, which is water and alcohol.

In this way an exchange of molecular information occurs so that the entire mixture becomes potentiated with the strength and abilities of the original active ingredient. This process is made possible by the electromagnetic properties of homeopathy.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Homeopathy has a wide application, from acute fevers, sore throats and toothache, to chronic illnesses such as arthritis, eczema, asthma, anxiety, mild depression and chronic fatigue syndrome and more. There has been some very good research evidence to support this.

Some people ask, should I keep seeing my GP? Well of course the answer is yes. It is recommend that you should maintain your relationship with your GP who will be able to arrange any tests or X-rays you may need. Homeopathy has an alternative philosophy but by working in this way with your GP the two systems of health care can provide a complementary service, and a COMPLETE recovery.

Although homeopathy and herbology (herbal remedies) are often confused with each other, they are actually quite distinct from each other. Although some herbs are used in the preparation of homeopathic remedies the mechanisms by which they are meant to work are different. In fact, they are the opposite of each other.

The fact that many companies provide both herbal and homeopathic remedies under the same brand name only adds to this confusion.

Herbal medicine, sometimes referred to as Herbalism, Botanical medicine or Herbology, is the use of plants in a wide variety of forms for their therapeutic value. Herb plants produce and contain a variety of chemical compounds that act upon the body and are used to prevent or treat disease or promote health and well-being.

Humans, and even Neanderthals, have used plants to treat their ailments for at least tens of thousands of years; most likely even longer than that.

The first written accounts of the use of herbs in medication originate in China, although all other civilisations from the ancient world were using plants as natural remedies for their ailments. Western herbal medicine dates back to ancient Greece and its famous doctors like Hippocrates and Galen.

The 15th to 17th centuries were the most popular time for herbalism in Europe. Herbal remedies are still relatively popular today, mainly due to the fact that they are regarded as harmless because they are natural.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Herbal Medicine

As herbal treatments have been around for so long, and in so many cultures, there are numerous ways that they are believed to work. Many explanations lie in the mystical thinking of ancient cultures. Some believe that the appearance of the plant gives an indication of what it can be used to treat; this physical resemblance between the plant and the body part to be cured is known as the "'Doctrine of Signatures"; a heart shaped plant would be used to treat heart problems, for example.

From the middle ages on, many practitioners have tried to classify herbal remedies by observation of their effects. This is closer to the modern scientific approach of gathering evidence.

Eastern herbal medicine still adheres to the mystical approach in its theories whilst western herbalists tend to use herbs for the ingredients they contain; mixing and matching them in the way that conventional medicine does with modern drugs.

The three main branches of herbal medicine are:

The Western herbal tradition based on Greek, Roman and medieval sources; The Ayurvedic tradition of India; Chinese herbal medicine.

Remedies are produced by either taking the whole plant, or just the part of the plant required and often mixing it with other plants. They are usually boiled in water or alcohol, and made into: herbal teas; herbal decoctions; herbal syrup; herbal tincture; infused oils; salves & ointment/creams.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

In Closing

In 1815 Samuel Hahnemann wrote:

“Our art requires no political lever, no worldly decorations in order to become something. It grows gradually, at first unrecognized, surrounded as it were by all manner of weeds which luxuriate around it, from an insignificant acorn to a sapling, soon its summit will overtop the rank weeds. Patience! It is striking deep its roots into the earth, it is increasing in strength imperceptibly but all the more surely and will in its own time grow into an oak of God, which no longer is shaken by storms, spreads out its branches into all regions that suffering mankind may be healed under its beneficent shade.”

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Welcome to the World of Dr. Atiq’s HerbaFlora Skin Ointment

Skin diseases are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s ever changing fast and hectic society – from simple acne, pimples and blemishes to more serious conditions like eczema, psoriasis and the likes thereof.

Skin is a vital organ, living and breathing, and we need to maintain and look after it for both cosmetic and health reasons. Skin is also an excellent signal mechanism that is able to tell us quickly if something is wrong – i.e. an allergic reaction, liver disorder, bites, infection etc. It really is a wonderful visual alarm bell.

For the past 7 years, Dr. Atiq has taken a keen interest in skin treatments, and has conducted his own personal research on the types of skin disease and their causes and how to eradicate them without distress or aggravation. The research has paid off by the Grace of God, and today Dr. Atiq is able to offer HerbaFlora – a simple ointment based on key natural oils in combination that have a remarkable guaranteed working mechanism – a mechanism that rids the body of skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis – always believed to be conditions that were incurable as such.

Nothing is incurable, it is whether man is open minded enough to accept the fact that cure is available, contrary to popular belief.

It may be relevant here to introduce the many different types of skin conditions that exist out there and causes and treatment.


Eczema (also called dermatitis) is a group of skin conditions that affects people of all ages. In the United Kingdom, up to a fifth of school children suffer from eczema. Eczema itself is a condition that varies from person to person, and as such, different symptoms can be present which include the skin being dry or broken, raw or bleeding. Itching seems to be a common factor amongst nearly all forms of eczema,

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

and this itching can many a time lead the patient into a frenzied attack of scratching in a bid to alleviate the itching, only to find the itching remains as it was, and the skin breaks and bleeds as a result of aggressive itching.

Remember that eczema is a skin condition, it is NOT contagious.

The causes of eczema are many and varied, and depend on the particular type of eczema that a person has. For example, Atopic eczema is thought to be a hereditary condition, being genetically linked. It is proposed that people with atopic eczema are sensitive to allergens in the environment which are harmless to others. In atopy there is an excessive reaction by the immune system producing inflamed, irritated and sore skin.

Of course there are many other types of eczema, and their causes include irritants such as chemicals and detergents, allergens such as metal, food allergies to dairy products or yeast etc.

Let’s take a look into the types of eczema:

Atopic eczema

Atopic eczema is by far the most common form of eczema and is also related to hayfever and asthma.

Atopic eczema affects both children and adults, and can usually be running in families. One of the most common symptoms of atopic eczema is its itchiness (or pruritis), which can be almost unbearable. Other symptoms include overall dryness of the skin, redness and inflammation. Constant scratching can also cause the skin to split, leaving it prone to infection. In infected eczema the skin may crack and weep (‘wet’ eczema).

Convetional treatments include emollients to maintain skin hydration and steroids to reduce inflammation. However, steroids cause immeasurable damage internally, thinning the skin, causing the eczema to attack organs and scarring the skin permanently.

Allergic contact dermatitis

This develops when the body’s immune system reacts against a substance in contact with the skin, hence the name allergic contact dermatitis, in fact allergic contact eczema is probably more appropriate.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

In allergic contact dermatitis, the allergic reaction often develops over a period of time through repeated contact with the substance. Many people may develop an allergy to metal which is found in earrings, buttons and so on. Some reactions can also occur after contact with substances such as perfumes and rubber or plastic.

Irritant contact dermatitis

Irritant contact dermatitis is a type of eczema caused by repeated contact with daily household substances, such as detergents and chemicals, which cause an irritation to the skin. It most commonly occurs on the hands of adults and can cause dryness and even cracking of the skin.

Infantile seborrhoeic eczema

This is a common condition affecting babies under one year old.

It is commonly referred to as cradle cap, and usually starts on the scalp or the nappy area and quickly spreads. Although this type of eczema looks unpleasant, it is not sore or itchy and does not cause the baby to feel uncomfortable or unwell.

Adult seborrhoeic eczema

The typical affection rate for adult seborrhoeic eczema is adults between the ages of 20 and 40. It is seen on the scalp as mild dandruff, but can spread to the face, ears and chest.

Varicose eczema

Varicose eczema affects the lower legs of those in their middle to late years, being caused by poor circulation. Commonly the skin around the ankles is affected, becoming speckled, itchy and inflamed.

Discoid eczema

Is usually found in adults and appears suddenly as a few coin shaped areas of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. They become itchy and can weep fluid.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Conventional Treatment for Eczema

In the conventional system of medicine, doctors, dermatologists and specialists offer a number of ways to manage eczema, all of which begin with an effective skin care routine. Having access to accurate information is important as this allows the person with eczema, or their carer, to make informed choices when managing the condition. The following are the more commonly used treatments:

Using Emollients

Emollients are used to prevent the loss of water from the skin, thereby ‘technically’ preventing the dryness normally associated with eczema. By providing a seal or barrier, the skin is less dry, itchy and more comfortable.

Emollients are safe to use as often as is necessary and are available in various forms: ointments for very dry skin, creams and lotions for mild to moderate or ‘wet’ eczema. Some are applied directly to the skin, whilst others are used as soap substitutes or can be added to the bath.

Topical steroids

Conventional medicine also uses topical steroids to treat eczema.

In flare-ups, when the skin becomes inflamed, a steroid cream may be needed. Steroids essentially reduce inflammation and are used in most types of eczema. Topical steroids come in four different strengths, mild, moderately potent, potent and very potent. The strength of steroid cream that a doctor prescribes depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the condition and, the size of the area and part of the body to be treated.

Topical steroids are applied thinly to the affected area, as directed by the prescribing doctor. These can have possible side-effects and the doctor should ensure close monitoring when prescribed.

Oral steroids

Oral steroids - those taken by mouth – are the next stage of treatment for those suffering from severe cases of eczema. These can have possible side-effects and the doctor should ensure close monitoring when prescribed.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Other treatments

Other treatments that your doctor may discuss are anti-histamines to reduce inflammation and wet wrap bandaging to soothe dry itchy skin. Ultra Violet light treatment and stronger medication may be considered for very severe eczema.

Welcome to the world of HerbaFlora – the ointment that REALLY does remove the word incurable from the dictionary of skin conditions.

HerbaFlora is an ointment that has been developed through two facets of natural healing, both exceptionally powerful knowledge and healing institutions in their own right, and their amalgamation has resulted in the theory, concept, subsequent trials and continued efficacy in HerbaFlora as a treatment for all forms of eczema. By the Grace of God, HerbaFlora has a 100% success rate in all eczema cases and has been used has been developed and used for many many years in the Indian subcontinent as well as other places around the world. Not a single complaint has ever been received on its efficacy – as it always works – and to date, approximately 7,000 jars of the ointment have provided amazing, lasting and curative results for all its patients.

The two facets of natural healing specific to the formation of HerbaFlora Skin Ointment are Hikmat and Pharmacology. Hikmat (wisdom) is essentially the study of healing by what is known as Hakeems – who have practiced natural healing for many thousands of years. Dr. Atiq’s direct lineage has a history of over 700 years of Hakeems. This knowledge of natural substances that cure people of ailments combined with an understanding of pharmacology has resulted in development and subsequent usage of HerbaFlora. It seems this combined effort was destined to succeed, and most importantly, to provide man with relief from the conditions of eczema and other associated skin complaints, including psoriasis.

HerbaFlora contains a rich Vaseline base and essentials oils, including aloe vera, almond oil and juniper oils. When put together in certain combinations and ratios,

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

they have an extraordinary curative healing effect on the skin and not only moisturise, but rid the body over time of any skin complaint associated under eczema or psoriasis.

Dr. Atiq has always been looking for the curative effects of natural healing products, as his commitment is to enable a patient to get well and stay well. With HerbaFlora, this seems to have been achieved.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti


Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

DDrr.. AAttiiqq’’ss BBiioo--MM CCoommpplleexx ffoorrCCeelllluullaarr HHeeaalltthh

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, February 2008

The report is designed to familiarise a reader, in basic terms, on the function of the cells within the human body, and furthermore introduce Dr. Atiq’s Bio-M Complex preparation, a powerful complex based on homeopathic principles that provides cellular health and balance.

Disease is a process of degeneration of ones body organs, tissues or components that

manifests itself through symptoms, pathology or imbalances – both physical and emotional.

In the world of natural medicine, disease is referred to as ‘dis-ease’, whereby the complete human body with all its mental faculties and living heartbeat is taken as one living phenomenon.

Natural medicine (referred to as CAM, complementary & alternative medicine) is not a new concept to our world. In fact one may argue the point that for thousands of years man has treated himself for ailments and diseases through natural methods and only in the last (approximately) 250 years has conventional medicine gained prominence. This may therefore beg the question, “Whether the current system of medicine is complementary & alternative to the one that has existed for thousands of years?”

Natural medicine and natural therapy is varied and extensive in its nature, and includes the following well known branches:

1. Homeopathic Medicine

2. Homotoxicology

3. Ayurvedic Medicine

4. Unani Medicine

5. Herbal Medicine

6. Gem Therapy

7. Chinese Medicine

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

The list can continue as most cultures and countries have been fortunate in producing leaders in specific natural healing methods, from amongst the red Indians, the aborigines, the Chinese, the people from the Far East and eminent researchers from Germany.

It is worth mentioning briefly a few founders of some of the natural medicine systems listed above:

It was the German Doctor, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who discovered Homeopathy. As a result of this, many highly learned Doctors grasped the principles of Homeopathic Medicine and carried it to many other countries of the world, such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Hindustan.

The renowned pharmacologist Avicenna is author of the book ‘The Canon of Medicine’, thought to be the most important medical textbook ever written. Between 1400 and 1600 A.D., it was used as the core medical text in most of the European universities.

Ayurvedic Medicine, which literally means the "science of life," is a 5,000-year-old system of medicine originating in India that combines natural therapies with a highly personalized, holistic approach to the treatment of disease.

Hippocrates was a Greek physician born in 460 BC on the island of Cos, Greece. He is acknowledged as the founding father of medicine and regarded as the greatest physician of his time. He based his medical practice on observations and on the study of the human body and held the belief that illness had a physical and a rational explanation. Today Hippocrates is known as the "Father of Medicine”.

Natural Medicine practice understands, acknowledges and makes use of naturally

occurring healing properties of all substances that can be proven to be beneficial for a variety of diseased conditions. For example, Homeopaths use plants and minerals, Chinese Physicians use herbal preparations, and Gem Therapists use colour and gems. It really is a wonderful system of healing.

Dis-ease is a direct result of a variety of factors. These factors include:

1. Mental and Emotional Upsets2. Psychological Issues3. Toxicity – both Internal & External4. Heredity / Genetics5. Habits and Lifestyle6. Mitigating Factors

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Dis-ease needs to be treated promptly. If treatment is delayed, it will gain momentum to spread its path of destruction (on one’s health). If it is carelessly treated by routine conventional systems of medicine (without any thought or care as to the cause of suffering) it will no doubt become suppressed – and in real terms LEFT to lie dormant or be driven down inside, or even restricted in its path of manifestation. As such, if the disease is suppressed, the dis-ease spreads within, many a time manifesting after many years in an explosion of symptoms and pathology that is then too difficult to treat because of the wide area into which it has spread – organs, blood, mind and psyche.

If it is treatable, it becomes a constant routine of taking many pills or tablets from the Doctor and seeing consultants at clinics, and even resorting to invasive surgery, where is deemed essential. This is further made more difficult through the undue stress and/or anxiety it can cause. Of course, if one is suffering it is a basic rule that one consult ones own Doctor or healthcare professional.

But on the other hand, one must also try to understand dis-ease, and its causes. As a result, one has a better chance of dealing with it through natural medicine, treating it effectively and consequently, moving on with life in health and harmony.

Did you know that the human body is made up of about 10 trillion cells? Mind

boggling isn’t it? These cells are our basic building blocks. They are us, we are them!

At a microscopic level, we are all composed of cells. If you look at yourself in the mirror, what you see is about 10 trillion cells that are divided into approximately 200 different types.

Our skin is made of skin cells, our muscles are made of muscle cells, our kidneys are made of kidney cells, and then we have special cells that make for example the enamel on our teeth, our eyes, and hair. What a marvellous system we have in place, a phenomenon that makes us what we are.

It then makes sense that so many trillions of cells also require their health, and it is incumbent on us to take good care of them. We exercise to look after ourselves, our heart, lungs and our minds. We try to eat healthily to avoid high cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease, and stomach complaints. We brush our teeth twice daily to keep our teeth clean and white. Therefore, why should we not focus in maintaining the health of our cells?

Did you know that each cell is made of different components?

As stated earlier, the body is made up of cells.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Different kinds of cells build up the different tissues and organs of the body. The difference in the cells is largely determined by the kind of trace elements which enter into their composition and are a part of the cytoplasm. These trace elements are the tissue-builders and both the structure and vitality of the body depend upon their proper quantity and distribution in every cell.

Each cell in our wonderful body is made up of three materials, namely, water, organic substances and inorganic substances. These ingredients as such, are in their own correct proportion. It is the inorganic elements that enable the correct functioning of each cell, and these inorganic elements are a key number of trace elements that each cell of the human body consists of, and if these trace elements are insufficient then, according to a well known theory, dis-ease prevails.

Health is a state of the body when all the various tissues are in equilibrium. These

tissues remain at this state of health when they receive the correct quantity of needful trace elements that are necessary for the building up of different tissues.

Dis-ease is thus a faulty state of the cell, created by an irregularity in the supply of trace elements to such cells. This results in incorrect cell action, and thus diseased tissues and organs follow, and the symptoms and pathology of disease develops.

Did you know that by making up the nutritional deficiency of these trace elements

you would in fact be providing health to each and every cell of your body? And if the cells are healthy, dis-ease can be avoided?

This is nothing new – if we look at the field of agriculture, soil is often tested to see if nutrients are lacking, and if so, fertilizers are applied to make up the deficiency. In the same way, the body consists of matter, trace elements and organic matter in the proportion of 14:1:5. The trace elements – although a minority here – are the important vital elements to balance – not just human beings, but also animals and plants.

Many people around the world take regular health supplements for healthy skin, bones, joints and general wellbeing. One must remember that the body must first have the correct minerals (trace elements in this instance) to be able to assimilate and make use of VITAMINS/SUPPLEMENTS regardless of the source. It’s a fine balance.

One must have the correct foundation from which all other things are formed. The cells need to be ‘healthy’ so that they can carry on their tasks of water balance, digestion, removing toxins, elasticity, oxygenation, nutrition, and sodium/potassium balance.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

The use of these trace elements is beneficial for all bodily functions. The list is large, but I feel it’s important to detail a few of them:

1. Bone and dental health

2. Skin healing

3. Correct growth of the body

4. Healthy dental enamel

5. Healthy veins

6. Correct functioning and health of the glands

7. Mental/Emotional wellbeing

8. Nerve functioning and memory

9. Correct digestion and functioning of the intestinal tract

10. Correct balancing of fluids and water in the body

11. Correct functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, stomach and digestive system

12. Build the immune system and maintain the correct health of the central nervous system

13. Maintain muscle elasticity and functioning

14. Maintain healthy hair and nails

As you can see, the benefits are numerous, but the principle is simple: maintain the health of the cells, and cells maintain your health.

Bio-M Complex -- YYoouurr CCeellllss DDeeppeenndd OOnn IItt!!Bio-M Complex is a formulation of trace elements, which are prepared by applying principles of homeopathic preparation and potency.

After research in this area, Dr. Atiq has been able to formulate Bio-M Complex into a Homeopathic product that allows not only cellular health, but also balances the Chakras as well as opens the vibration channels that we are all receptive to. As a result, Bio-M Complex is now available to everybody, with the aim that it forms a powerful healing platform for every individual, from infant to child to adult. Bio-M is a complex that provides harmony on an individualistic level.

Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 2008. COPYRIGHT �

This document is the sole property of Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti. No changes, editing, copying or modification is permitted or allowed.

Bio-M Complex is prepared (by hand) and is unique in its composition and its purity. Bio-M Complex has been formulated through the use of a varying degree of laws of natural medicine, thus allowing it to be purer by energising the core of its therapeutic properties or value. As soon as a tablet is dissolved on the tongue, each and every cell becomes a recipient of its properties, providing health, removing dis-ease, and restoring and maintaining overall health.

Remember, just as in the world of computers, if we get a virus in our computer we use anti virus software to eradicate and remove the virus, thus restoring the functional integrity of the computer to carry on. Bio-M Complex does the same for our cells – each and every single one of them. It removes danger, viruses and dis-ease that may have penetrated the core of the cells, thus allowing their health to bekept at an optimum level in a world full of toxicity, viruses, bacterial and fungal infections, suppression by antibiotics and damage caused by living habits.

Bio-M Complex is a product that everyone can take for the basic health need –keeping the cells that make who we are, healthy and alive with energy.

A wonderful world – the world of Health.

