Downtown Denver Commuter Survey Report 2011




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Downtown Denver Commuter Survey 2011


Downtown Denver Commuter Survey 2011 Report Executive Summary The commuting habits of Downtown Denver's 110,000 employees have a significant impact on Downtown, environmentally and functionally. As part of its goal to make Downtown Denver a vibrant enjoyable and sustainable place, the Downtown Denver Partnership conducts an annual commuter survey. Key findings show that Downtown Denver is a transit-friendly downtown, where commuters utilize active transportation (bicycling, walking, transit) at a much higher rate than at the city, metro, and national levels. Findings also show that providing transit incentives (partially or fully paid transit passes) will encourage transit use. Looking at the demographic trends in and around Downtown Denver, the area is poised to become increasingly attractive to the future workforce with its investment in transit. Highlighted Statistics: Downtown Denver: A Transit Friendly Downtown • Downtown Denver has significantly higher rates of transit use (36%) than the City of

Denver (6%), the Denver-Broomfield-Aurora Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (4%), and the nation as a whole (5%).

Downtown Denver commuters use Active Transportation • 46% of Downtown Denver commuters travel via active transportation, compared to just

12% in the City of Denver, 7% in the Denver MSA, and 8% in the nation. Active transportation is travel with activity involved (bicycling, walking, transit).

• Downtown Denver has a high bicycle mode share (6.3%) compared to the City of Denver’s 2.2% bicycle mode share.

• The number of those who bike and walk to work in Downtown Denver is up to over 10% and this number has been steadily increasing over the past three years. This compares to just 6% in the City of Denver, 3% in the Denver MSA, and 3% in the United States.


Highlighted Statistics Continued:

Transportation Benefits • Most Downtown Denver employees (66%) receive some type of transit pass from their


• The most valued transportation benefit is the Eco-Pass (62%). • When an employer pays for a transit pass, over half of the Downtown commuters

surveyed will take transit to work (53%) and driving alone dips down to 32%. However, when employers do not offer the incentive of paying for a transit pass, 53% drive alone to work.

Looking Ahead • America’s two largest demographic groups, the baby boomers and the millennials, are

moving in increasing numbers into dense, urban areas and are changing the nation’s transportation patterns. These groups are seeking “walkable and social environments,” where they do not necessarily need to own a car, and where they can “downsize” their lifestyle. Eighty percent of younger Americans would prefer to live in an urban environment (PUMA, 2011) and since 2000, the number of college-educated 25-34 year olds has increased twice as fast in the close-in neighborhoods of the nation’s largest cities as in the remainder of these metropolitan areas (CEOs for Cities, 2011). The City of Denver is a “top gainer” in terms of domestic migration from 25-34 year olds (Brookings, 2011), so Denver can expect to see the shifts in transportation habits continue.


Downtown Denver Commuter Survey 2011 The Downtown Denver Partnership OVERVIEW ____________________________________________________________ The Downtown Denver Commuter Survey is an annual survey administered by the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP) each fall to examine commuting trends and transportation habits of Downtown Denver commuters. The Downtown Denver Commuter Survey measures a sample of the Downtown Denver employee population to analyze commuting patterns, the attractiveness of transportation benefits, the value of transportation and the overall mode share distribution, or, in other words, how commuters are actually traveling to their jobs in Downtown Denver. Methodology The 2011 Downtown Denver Commuting Survey was entirely distributed electronically through e-newsletters, including the DDP Member Advisory, Urban Eye, Skylines, The Connector, social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, and direct emails to a sample of DDP members, requesting they forward the emails to their Downtown Denver offices during September and early October 2011. With the Downtown Denver employee population estimated at 110,000 employees, DDP attempts to get at least 1,100 “valid” responses (1%). A total of 2,203 valid responses were received (2%). A “valid response” is defined as coming from an individual working at least 20 hours a week in Downtown Denver, as defined in the Downtown Area Plan. This methodology differs from the 2007- 2010 commuter surveys in that in previous years, only respondents who indicated they worked in the 80202 zip code, an area representing roughly about 45-50% of the Downtown area, were included in the valid responses. This year, a check of street addresses allowed DDP to determine exactly who to include in the valid response field. This method increased the number of usable responses from 1,737 to 2,203, providing

Figure 1: Downtown Denver as defined in the Downtown Area Plan

Figure 2: Area for Zip Code 80202


DDP a larger sample in areas throughout Downtown Denver, outside of the central 80202 zip code area. DDP compared the results of the old and new methodologies to check for any major outliers. The only major difference was in the “drive alone” and “transit” mode share figures. The expanded downtown area includes more locations with less concentrated transit options, which may have influenced the shift in the results.

2011 Downtown Commuter Mode Share Comparisons by New and Old Methodologies Central Downtown Denver:

Old Methodology Expanded Downtown Denver: New Methodology

Bicycle 6.29% 6.34% Walk 3.97% 3.91% Carpool/Vanpool 5.03% 4.95% Drive Alone 36.73% 39.42% Moped/Scooter/Motorcycle 1.95% 1.83% Used Transit 39.14% 36.06% Did not work 5.16% 5.67% Work from home 1.73% 1.82%

Conditions The average mean temperature in Downtown Denver in September 2011 was 63 degrees Fahrenheit, with an average minimum temperature of 51 degrees F and an average maximum temperature of 76 degrees F. The actual highest temperature was 93 F and the lowest was 37 F. The average precipitation was 0.03 inches, with 0.91 inches of total precipitation. In September 2011, gas prices in Denver ranged from $3.40 to $3.51. Average gas prices in Denver were below the national average. Denver averaged $3.49 a gallon versus the national average of $3.58 a gallon.


Gas Price Chart for Denver and the United States

Survey Limitations While the Downtown Denver Commuter Survey aims to be as objective, reliable, and valid as possible, it is not a scientific survey. Limitations include the issue of self-reporting, reliance on only an online survey and the ability to reach a broad sample of downtown employees from a variety of organizations. Weather also serves as a variable that can affect commuters’ behavior, particularly walkers and bicyclists.


2011 Commuter Survey Findings

Means of Transportation to Work

• Over half (53%) of Downtown Denver employees use alternative modes of transportation,

including transit, bicycling, walking, carpooling, vanpooling, and telecommuting. The main modes of transportation to work for Downtown Denver commuters are driving alone (39%) and transit (36%). Means of Transportation to Work, Downtown Denver Commuters: 2011 Mode Monday-Friday Average Drove Alone 39.42% Used Transit 36.06% Bicycled 6.34% Carpooled 4.78% Walked 3.91% Drove Moped, Scooter, Motorcycle 1.83% Worked from Home (Telecommuted) 1.82% Vanpooled 0.17% Source: Downtown Denver Commuter Survey 2011, Responses do not equal 100 due to fields left out of above analysis such as “I did not work.”

• Active transportation involves any type of

transportation with physical activity included in it (bicycling, walking, and transit).

• 46% of Downtown Denver commuters travel via active transportation, compared to just 12.32% in the City of Denver, 6.81% in the Denver Metropolitan Statistical Area (Denver, Broomfield, and Aurora), and 8.2% in the nation as a whole.

• In 2011, Downtown Denver workers commuted an average of 12.69 miles one-way, or 25.38

miles roundtrip.

46% of Downtown Denver commuters travel via Active Transportation, or transportation with physical activity involved.


Changes in Commuting Patterns

• The majority of Downtown Denver commuters (49%) experienced no change in their commuting patterns over the past year; 10% of commuters changed commuting patterns due to a change of employer or residential location. The next major factor reported for a change in commuting patterns was the price of gas (10%).

Barriers to Alternative Transportation

• When asked what barriers prevent commuters from using alternative transportation, most responded that there are no barriers and they use alternative modes whenever they can. The main barriers that were listed were: too far to walk (11%), transit routes do not run at convenient times (10%), no convenient transit routes running near home or work (8%) and too far to bicycle (8%).

Non-work Trips to Downtown Denver

• When Downtown commuters make a separate trip to Downtown Denver, not associated with their regular commute, most drive alone (33%). This is followed by carpooling (31%), using transit (16%), bicycling (7%) and walking (5%). Six percent responded that they never come Downtown outside of work. Over the past three years, bicycling and walking non-work trips have steadily increased by approximately 5%.

Transportation Benefits

• Most Downtown Denver employees (66%) receive some type of transit pass from their employer, while smaller percentages receive partially or fully paid parking spaces (25%), B-cycle memberships (30%), bicycle parking (45%) or carshare membership (29%).

• The most popular type of transit pass received from one’s employer is the Eco Pass (79%). The

Eco Pass is also the second most valued transportation benefit rated by Downtown Denver commuters, with 82% of all commuters rating “valuable” and “very valuable.”


Valuation of Transportation Benefits Source: Downtown Denver Commuter Survey, 2011. Not valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very valuable Parking Space 12.81% 10.31% 19.77% 57.11% Eco Pass/Transit Pass 7.72% 10.66% 19.22% 62.40% B-cycle Membership and Usage Fees 45.89% 27.06% 16.11% 10.95% Carshare Membership and Usage Fees 56.21% 23.28% 13.35% 7.16% Preferred Parking for Car or Vanpools 52.02% 22.77% 16.06% 9.15% Secure Bicycle Parking 40.17% 15.05% 18.73% 26.04% Paid Bicycle Parking 52.08% 17.18% 15.96% 14.78% Flexible Work Hours 10.30% 5.79% 21.70% 62.20% Telework Options 16.41% 10.36% 20.25% 52.98%


• Teleworking, or working from home, is a valued benefit of Downtown Denver employees, yet only 34% of employers have teleworking policies in place. 48% of employers do not have telework policies in place, while 18% of employees are not sure if their employers offer this transportation benefit.


• Downtown Denver has a high bicycle mode share (6.3%) compared to the City of Denver, the Denver-Aurora-Broomfield Metropolitan Statistical Area, and the United States average. For more detailed information, see tables on page 11.

• 60% of Downtown Denver commuters have access to shower facilities through their employer (36%), their building (23%) or at their gym (12%).


Bicycle Mode Share Comparison Downtown Denver Mode Share: 2011; Most recent data for Denver City, MSA, and

USA Census Data are from 2010.


• 53% of Downtown Denver commuters are provided a secure location to park their bicycle either through their employer or their building. The largest share of these locations are located in an underground parking garage (28%). Approximately 90% of respondents say that their bicycle parking is free, while 10% pay for it.

• Bike sharing is another option available for Downtown Denver

commuters, yet most have not taken advantage of this system. 68% of Downtown Denver commuters are familiar with the Denver B-cycle bike sharing system, but have not tried it. Thirteen percent are members of Denver B-cycle and 19.85% have never heard of it.


• More than half of Denver commuters know what carsharing is but are not members of any carsharing organization (58%). Under 2% are members (with eGo Carshare as the most popular), while 40% do not know what carsharing is.

Transportation Management Programs

• Over half (54%) of Downtown Denver commuters have one person in the office who can help them find answers to transportation- related questions, while 14% do not. 31% of commuters are not sure if they have such a person in their office.

• Over half (57%) of Downtown Denver commuters are not familiar with the Ride Arrangers

iCarpool program offered by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG). This program allows one to track trips, calculate money and CO2 emissions saved, and find carpooling and vanpooling “buddies” throughout the region. 40% have heard of the program, but have not logged in and used it, while just 3% have logged in.

• Prior to taking this survey, 67% of commuters were not aware that they could receive

information on transportation options from DDP. DDP is a transportation management association that provides transportation assistance to Downtown Denver businesses.

Carsharing allows users to rent a car for a short period of time. Cars are stationed throughout the city and users can reserve times to check out a car, often with just a click of a mouse online. This can be a convenient option for those without a car who may only need a car for certain trips.

Denver B-cycle is Denver’s bicycle sharing system and the first large-scale municipal bike sharing system in the United States. Designed for short, urban trips, B-cycle allows users to rent a bike for a quick trip around town.


Downtown Commuters: Where they Live Most Downtown commuters are from zip codes within the Denver area. The most popular suburbs are Littleton, Aurora, Lakewood, and Parker. The top ten zip codes of Downtown Denver commuters are:

• 80211: Highland • 80203: Capitol Hill/Downtown Denver • 80206: Congress Park • 80209: Washington Park • 80210: University • 80220: Park Hill • 80202: Downtown Denver • 80205: Whittier/Five Points • 80218: Capitol Hill/Uptown/Congress Park • 80231: Cherry Creek

Downtown Denver Commuters: When Employers Pay for a Transit Pass

• When employers pay for a transit pass, over half of the Downtown Denver commuters surveyed will take transit to work on most days of the week (53%) compared to just 18% when employers do not pay for the pass. When employers pay for a transit pass, driving alone dips down to 32% and bicycling remains relatively high at 6.75%. When employers do not pay for a transit pass, 53% drive alone to work.

Downtown Denver Drive Alone Commuters: The 39.42%

• Downtown Denver commuters who drive alone comprise 39.42% of all commuters and they travel an average of 13.13 miles one-way to work.

• These commuters value paid parking spaces (96%), flexible work hours (83%) and telework options (74%). The Eco- Pass was the next valued benefit, with 65% ranking it as valuable or very valuable. Drivers tended not to value paid bicycle parking, carsharing memberships, preferred parking for carpools or B-cycle memberships.

Downtown Denver Parking Rates: Garage Median Daily Max Rate: $15 Garage Median Monthly Rate: $175 Lot Median Daily Max Rate: $7 Lot Median Monthly Rate: $115 Source: Downtown Denver Partnership, Vehicular Parking Inventory, June 2011.


Downtown Denver Transit Commuters: The 36.06%

• Downtown Denver transit commuters comprise 36.06% of all commuters and they travel an average of 14.73 miles one-way to get to work.

• Transit riders value the Eco-Pass (98%), flexible work hours (84%), and telework options (73%). 83% of transit users have employers that pay for their transit pass and 88% of those individuals receive Eco-Passes. Transit riders value the Eco-Pass the most of all the commuters.

• Employers tend to not pay for a parking space (82%) or a B-cycle membership (68% replied “no” and 30% replied “not sure”).

Downtown Denver Bicycle Commuters: The 6.34%

• Downtown Denver bicycle commuters bicycle comprise 6.34% of all commuters and their average one-way commute is 3.57 miles. These commuters value secure bicycle parking (96%), flexible work hours (89%), and the Eco-Pass (85%). These commuters tend to not value paid parking spaces, preferred carpool or vanpool parking spaces, or carsharing programs.

• Bicycle commuters have access to shower facilities (61%), secure bicycle parking offered by

employers (83%), and transit passes offered by employers (65%). Transit passes allow bicyclists to combine bicycle and transit trips or to use transit as a back-up mode of transportation if conditions do not allow for bicycling.

• Employers of bicycle commuters offer secure bicycle parking and transit passes, but tend to not

offer parking spaces (88%) or B-cycle memberships (79%). Downtown Denver Carpooling and Vanpooling Commuters: The 4.78%

• Downtown Denver carpooling and vanpooling commuters comprise 4.78% of all commuters. Their average one-way trip is 14.2 miles.

• Carpoolers and vanpoolers value flexible work hours (66%), paid parking spaces (60%), and telework options (55%) the most. The next valued benefit was the Eco-Pass (47%). Interestingly, the preferred parking spaces for carpoolers and vanpoolers was ranked “not valuable” by 25%, “somewhat valuable” by 25%, “valuable” by 27%, and “very valuable” by 23%.


Downtown Denver Walking Commuters: The 3.91%

• Downtown Denver walking commuters comprise 3.91% of all commuters and walk an average of 1.84 miles one-way to get to work. This distance is relatively high compared to studies conducted by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and this figure may be flawed due to respondents not being able to entered fractional numbers in the suvey. This methodology will be addressed next year for a more accurate response.

• Downtown Denver walking commuters value flexible work hours (81%), the Eco-Pass (72%), telework options (68%) and secure bicycle parking (66%).

• Employers of walking commuters tend to not pay for parking spaces (82%), but 57% of their employers pay for transit passes.

Mode Share Comparisons by Location

• Downtown Denver commuters have much higher rates of walking, bicycling, and transit use than the City of Denver, the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) and the nation. See the chart on the next page for complete comparisons.

There are 35,424 daily pedestrians along the 16th Street Mall in Downtown Denver. Source: Downtown Denver Partnership Pedestrian Count Report, 2011.


Mode Share Comparisons 2007-2010: Downtown Denver, Denver City, Denver-Broomfield-Aurora Metropolitan Statistical Area and the United States

Downtown Denver Commuter Survey Data

Year Bicycle Walk Carpool/ vanpool Transit

Drive Alone Motorcycle

Did not work

Work- home

Bike and Walk Combined

2010 6.60% 4.30% 7.10% 43.30% 33.40% 1.70% 4.50% 1.20% 10.90% 2009 4.00% 2.40% 6.00% 41.40% 37.60% 2.10% 3.20% 5.90% 6.40% 2008 6.00% 3.80% 5.20% 42.70% 36.10% n/a 4.00% 2.00% 9.80% 2007 3.70% 3.00% 7.00% 36.50% 41.60% n/a 6.14% 1.22% 6.70%

Downtown Denver Commuter Survey Results 2007-2011

Denver City, Place Data

Year Bicycle Walk Carpool Transit Drive Alone Motorcycle

Did not work


Bike and Walk Combined

2010 2.20% 3.89% 10.06% 6.23% 70.33% 0.25% n/a 6.28% 6.09% 2009 1.81% 3.67% 10.37% 7.79% 69.43% 0.27% n/a 5.87% 5.48% 2008 1.59% 4.29% 11.65% 9.09% 66.74% 0.52% n/a 5.25% 5.89% 2007 1.60% 4.26% 9.60% 7.70% 70.15% 0.28% n/a 5.05% 5.86%

United States Census Data, ACS yearly estimates and 2010 Census data. Denver City as a Place. Note: 2011 Census Information Unavailable.

Denver-Broomfield-Aurora Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Census Data

Year Bicycle Walk Carpool Transit Drive Alone Motorcycle

Did not work

Work- home

Bike and Walk Combined

2010 0.79% 1.88% 9.62% 4.14% 76.31% 0.27% n/a 6.16% 2.67% 2009 0.72% 2.15% 9.46% 4.64% 75.60% 0.27% n/a 6.25% 2.87% 2008 0.76% 2.10% 10.52% 4.88% 74.60% 0.45% n/a 5.82% 2.86% 2007 0.72% 2.29% 9.81% 4.70% 75.57% 0.20% n/a 5.76% 3.01%

United States Census Data, ACS yearly estimates and 2010 Census data. Denver-Aurora-Broomfield MSA. Note: 2011 Census Information Unavailable.

United States Census Data

Year Bicycle Walk Carpool Transit Drive Alone Motorcycle

Did not work

Work- home

Bike and Walk Combined

2010 0.50% 2.80% 9.70% 4.90% 76.60% 1.20% n/a 4.30% 3.30% 2009 0.55% 2.86% 10.04% 4.99% 76.11% 0.21% n/a 4.27% 3.41% 2008 0.55% 2.82% 10.70% 5.01% 75.54% 0.28% n/a 4.10% 3.37% 2007 0.48% 2.84% 10.40% 4.88% 76.08% 0.20% n/a 4.08% 3.32%

United States Census Data, ACS yearly estimates and 2010 Census data. Note: 2011 Census Information Unavailable.


Downtown Denver Commuters: Trends 2007 to 2011 Downtown Denver Means of Transportation to Work

Year Bicycle Walk Carpool/ vanpool

Transit Drive Alone Moped/ Scooter/ Motorcycle

Worked from home

2011 6.34% 3.91% 4.95% 36.06% 39.42% 1.83% 1.82% 2010 6.60% 4.30% 7.10% 43.30% 33.40% 1.70% 1.20% 2009 4.00% 2.40% 6.00% 41.40% 37.60% 2.10% 5.90% 2008 6.00% 3.80% 5.20% 42.70% 36.10% n/a 2.00% 2007 3.70% 3.00% 7.00% 36.50% 41.60% n/a 1.22%

Downtown Denver Commuter Survey Results 2007-2011.

From 2007 to 2011, the primary modes of transportation for Downtown Denver commuters were transit and driving alone. Transit has seen a rather steady increase until this year. The slight decrease in 2011 may be due to expanding the survey to less centralized areas of Downtown Denver. Transit use in Downtown Denver is still much higher than other areas, as exemplified in the chart below.




Denver City Denver MSA United States

Public Transit Use Sources: Downtown Denver Commuter Survey 2007-2010, U.S. Census Means of

Transportation to Work 2007-2010.






Bicycling and Walking Combined Mode Share The number of Downtown Denver bicycling and walking commuters is increasing. For Downtown Denver commuters, the bicycling and walking combined mode share is up to over 10%. This is encouraging, as the BMC Public Health study (2011) found that those who travel by bus, train or car are more likely to have health complaints than people who walk or ride a bicycle to work.

Non-work bicycling and walking trips to Downtown Denver by Downtown Denver commuters have steadily increased over the past three years.


2009 2010 2011

Bicycling and Walking Non-Work Trips by Downtown Denver Commuters

Source: Downtown Denver Commuter Surveys 2007-2010.










2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Bike and Walk Combined Mode Share Means of Transportation to Work for Downtown Denver Commuters;

Downtown Denver Commuter Survey 2007-2011.


Reasons for Changes in Commuting Patterns Over time, Downtown Denver commuters have generally not seen a change in their commuting patterns. The price of gas (-12%) and environmental concerns (-6%) have decreased over the past four years, while health concerns have increased slightly (+1%).










Increasedtransit options

Price of Gas Change ofemployer or




No change incommutepattern

Reasons for Changes in Commuting Patterns Source: Downtown Denver Commuter Surveys 2008-2011.

Note: this comparison does not include the response, "other."






Type of transit pass received from employer The percentage of monthly transit passes received by Downtown Denver commuters has decreased over time, while the percentage of Eco-Passes has increased over time.

Telecommuting among Downtown Denver Commuters While telecommuting is valued by 84% of Downtown Denver commuters, only about one third of Downtown Denver employees has worked for an employer with a telework policy in place. In 2011, 34% of commuters work for employers with a telework policy.







2009 2010 2011

Transit Pass Received from Employer Source: Downtown Denver Commuter Surveys 2009-2011.

Monthly Pass

Eco Pass








2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Downtown Denver Employees with the Option to Telework

Source: Downtown Denver Commuter Surveys 2007-2011.



Not Sure


Outlook for 2012

• The Economy In 2012, a stabilizing economy may impact the commuting habits of Downtown Denver employees. In the coming years, the build out of FasTracks may significantly increase transit ridership and impact the region’s economy. In their “Top 10 Global Trends Affecting Downtowns,” Progressive Urban Management Associates (PUMA) stated, “America’s economic recovery is likely to be led by cities that choose to invest in regional transportation, education, and cultural facilities.” Denver’s transportation landscape is going to see such investment.

• Gas Prices Gas prices in Denver remained relatively low compared to previous years in Denver and to national averages. If gas prices go up in the next year, this may impact next year’s commuting patterns.

• Demographics America’s two largest demographic groups, the baby boomers and the millennials, are moving in increasing numbers into dense, urban areas and are changing the nation’s transportation patterns. These groups are seeking “walkable and social environments,” where they do not necessarily need to own a car, and where they can “downsize” their lifestyle. Eighty percent of younger Americans would prefer to live in an urban environment (PUMA, 2011) and since 2000, the number of college-educated 25-34 year olds has increased twice as fast in the close-in neighborhoods of the nation’s largest cities as in the remainder of these metropolitan areas (CEOs for Cities, 2011). The City of Denver is a “top gainer” in terms of domestic migration from 25-34 year olds (Brookings, 2011), so Denver can expect to see the shifts in transportation habits continue.

• Methodology 2011 marked the first year of expanding the responses beyond the 80202 zip code to include all street addresses within Downtown Denver. This new methodology will be used again in 2012, allowing for a more accurate comparison between data sets.


• Increased Funding The DDP received funding in 2011 for enhanced promotion of Downtown Denver transportation options. The impact of this increased funding will be able to be measured after one year of implementation in approximately October 2012.



The Downtown Denver Partnership would like to thank the following companies for promoting the survey to their employees. The DDP plans to provide individualized reports to these companies to help them measure the commuting patterns of their employees. If your company is interested in being included in next year’s commuter survey and receiving an individualized report, please contact Cole Judge at Thank you:

Accenture Anschutz Corporation The Beck Group BKD, LLP City and County of Denver CenturyLink CoBiz Financial Colorado Court of Appeals Colorado Judicial Department CresaPartners DaVita DDHS Denver County Court Denver District Attorney’s Office Denver Department of Human Services Denver Elections Division Denver Police Department Denver Public Library Denver Regional Council of Governments Denver Sheriff’s Department Denver Urban Renewal Authority Downtown Denver Partnership Exclusive Resorts Gates Corporation Grand Hyatt Denver Grant Thornton

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle Kentwood City Properties Kutak Rock, LLP McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP Metro State College of Denver Mortenson Construction National Trust for Historic Preservation Office of Economic Development Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti, PC Parsons Brickerhoff RedPeak Properties RNL Rothgerber, Johnson & Lyons, LLP State of Colorado Suncor Energy University of Colorado: Denver Xcel Energy

Appendix 1 2011 Full Results

Summary of 2011 Responses (N of 2203)

Median One Way Commute

10 miles

Average One Way Commute

12.69 miles

How did you get to work today?

Worked from Home 36 1.63%

Walked 84 3.81%

Vanpooled 4 0.18%

Used Transit 828 37.59%

I did not work 32 1.45%

Drove moped, scooter, or motorcycle30 1.36%

Drove alone 954 43.30%

Carpooled 110 4.99%

Bicycled 125 5.67%

N 2203

How do you get to work most days of the week?

Worked from Home 9 0.41%

Walked 96 4.36%

Vanpooled 5 0.23%

Used Transit 916 41.58%

I did not work 1 0.05%

Drove moped, scooter, or motorcycle27 1.23%

Drove alone 884 40.13%

Carpooled 114 5.17%

Bicycled 151 6.85%

N 2203

How did you get to work on…?

Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday SaturdayM-F Total M-F Average

Worked from Home 31 28 40 39 60 198 1.82%

Walked 82 81 89 91 83 426 3.91%

Vanpooled 5 5 3 3 3 19 0.17%

Used Transit 732 831 814 809 740 3926 36.06%

I did not work 241 79 61 76 160 617 5.67%

Drove moped, scooter, or motorcycle 43 42 41 33 40 199 1.83%

Drove alone 808 863 890 895 836 4292 39.42%

Carpooled 98 111 111 100 100 520 4.78%

Bicycled 134 149 135 137 135 690 6.34%

N 0 2174 2189 2184 2183 2157 0 10887

Based on chart above:

Walk and Bike 10.25%

Non-SOV, Alt Modes 54.91%

Increased transit options 120 4.41%

Decreased transit options 64 2.35%

Price of gas 268 9.84%

Change of employer or residential location285 10.46%

Environmental concerns 126 4.63%

Identify reasons for any changes to your commuting patterns in the last year. Mark all that


Note: One of the Mondays of the survey was the Monday over Labor Day Weekend, when many businesses were

closed and people left early for the weekend.

Health concerns 107 3.93%

Learned about a new transportation option 35 1.28%

No change in commute pattern 1345 49.38%

Other 374 13.73%

N 2724 100.00%

What barriers prevent you from using alternative transportation? Mark all that apply.

No convenient transit routes running near home or work316 8.28%

Transit conditions (too crowded, unclean, etc) 225 5.90%

Transit fare is too expensive 187 4.90%

Transit routes do not run at convenient times or frequencies397 10.40%

Difficult to find car/vanpool partners 122 3.20%

No safe bicycle routes 159 4.17%

Too far to bicycle 297 7.78%

Insufficient amenities at work (e.g. showers, lockers, bike storage, etc)145 3.80%

I don't know what my options are 54 1.42%

No barriers- I use alternative modes whenever I can 846 22.17%

Too far to walk 407 10.67%

Other 661 17.32%

Total N 3816

Drove moped, scooter, or motorcycle43 1.95%

Carpooled 675 30.64%

Bicycled (including B-cycle) 146 6.63%

Walked 113 5.13%

Use transit (bus and/or light rail)363 16.48%

Drove alone 735 33.36%

I never come Downtown outside of work128 5.81%

N 2203

Does your employer require you to have a car at work to complete your job functions?

Yes 227 10.35%

No 1967 89.65%

N 2194

Does your employer pay for a parking space for you in Downtown Denver?

Yes, fully 218 9.94%

Yes, partially 330 15.04%

No 1646 75.02%

N 2194

Does your employer pay for your B-cycle membership or usage fees?

Yes, fully 42 1.91%

Yes, partially 65 2.96%

No 1546 70.46%

Not sure 541 24.66%

N 2194

Does your employer pay for bicycle parking?

Yes, fully 341 15.54%

Yes, partially 18 0.82%

No 1207 55.01%

The last time you made a separate trip to Downtown, not associated with your regular

commute, how did you travel?

Not sure 628 28.62%

N 2194

Does your employer pay for your carshare membership or usage fees?

Yes, fully- for Hertz on Demand 1 0.05%

Yes, fully- for eGo Carshare 2 0.09%

Yes, fully- for Occasional Car 3 0.14%

Yes, partially- for Hertz on Demand 1 0.05%

Yes, partially- for eGo Carshare 3 0.14%

Yes, partially- for Occasional Car 2 0.09%

No 1562 71.19%

Not Sure 620 28.26%

N 2194

Does your employer pay for your transit pass?

Yes, fully 680 30.99%

Yes, partially 767 34.96%

No 747 34.05%

N 2194

What kind of pass do you receive from your employer?

Monthly Pass 136 9.38%

Flex Pass 31 2.14%

Eco Pass 1139 78.55%

FREX Tickets 1 0.07%

Other 143 9.86%

N 1450

Rate the value of transportation benefits, whether you receive these benefits or not.

Not valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very valuable N

Parking Space 272 12.81% 219 10.31% 420 19.77% ## 57.11% 2124

Eco Pass/Transit Pass 166 7.72% 229 10.66% 413 19.22% ## 62.40% 2149

B-cycle Membership and Usage Fees943 45.89% 556 27.06% 331 16.11% ## 10.95% 2055

Carshare Membership and Usage Fees1154 56.21% 478 23.28% 274 13.35% ## 7.16% 2053

Preferred Parking for Car or Vanpools1069 52.02% 468 22.77% 330 16.06% ## 9.15% 2055

Secure Bicycle Parking 830 40.17% 311 15.05% 387 18.73% ## 26.04% 2066

Paid Bicycle Parking 1064 52.08% 351 17.18% 326 15.96% ## 14.78% 2043

Flexible Work Hours 217 10.30% 122 5.79% 457 21.70% ## 62.20% 2106

Telework Options 342 16.41% 216 10.36% 422 20.25% ## 52.98% 2084

Yes 1182 54.39%

No 308 14.17%

Not sure 683 31.43%

N 2173

Yes- at my employer 559 25.72%

Yes- at my building 493 22.69%

Yes- at the gym (located in Downtown)260 11.97%

Do you have regular access to shower facilities either through your

employer, building or a Downtown gym membership? If you have

multiple shower options, please check the option that is most

convenient for you.

Is there one person in your office who can help you find

answers to your transportation-related questions

(parking, transit, etc.)?

No 762 35.07%

Other 99 4.56%

N 2173

Yes 732 33.69%

No 1037 47.72%

Not sure 404 18.59%

N 2173

Yes 1155 53.15%

No 389 17.90%

Not sure 629 28.95%

N 2173

Located in an above ground parking garage217 12.58%

Located in an underground parking garage475 27.54%

Located in a gated or caged area of a parking garage159 9.22%

Located inside the building, either below or above ground level226 13.10%

Located inside the building at ground level169 9.80%

Accessible via ramp you are allowed to ride on136 7.88%

Accessible via elevator (only) 53 3.07%

Accessible via stairs (only) 13 0.75%

Located in a secure storage area inside my employer's office63 3.65%

Bicycle parking is adjacent to changing area41 2.38%

Bicycle parking is adjacent to shower facilities51 2.96%

Other 122 7.07%

N 1725

How much does it cost for access to your secure bicycle parking area?

Nothing- bicycle parking is free 1033 89.83%

Approximately $1 - $10 per month 46 4.00%

Approximately $10 - $20 per month 31 2.70%

Approximately $20 - $30 per month 18 1.57%

More than $30 per month 22 1.91%

N 1150

Are you familiar with the B-cycle bicycle sharing program?

Yes, I am an annual member. 118 5.46%

Yes, I am not an annual member, but I have used the system.154 7.13%

Yes, but I have not tried the system.1460 67.56%

No, what is that? 429 19.85%

N 2161

Are you familiar with carsharing?

Yes, I am a member of eGo Carshare.22 1.02%

Yes, I am a member of Occasional Car.19 0.88%

Yes, I am a member of Hertz on Demand.2 0.09%

Yes, I know what carsharing is, but I am not a member of any program.1246 57.66%

Does your employer allow employees to work from home (telework) or have a telework

policy in place?

If you ride or wanted to ride your bicycle to work, does your employer or

building offer a secure location (other than sidewalk U-racks) where you can

park your bicycle?

Please describe the conditions of the secure bicycle parking that is available to you

through your employer or through your building (mark all that apply).

No, I do not know what carsharing is.872 40.35%

N 2161

Yes, I've logged in. 71 3.29%

Yes, but I haven't logged in. 859 39.75%

No. 1231 56.96%

N 2161

Yes 708 32.76%

No 1453 67.24%

N 2161

Prior to taking this survey, were you aware that you could receive information on

transportation options from the Downtown Denver Partnership?

Are you familiar with the Ride Arrangers iCarpool program offered by the Denver

Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)?

Appendix 2 Downtown Denver Commuter Survey Comparisons 2007-2011, Selected Questions

(Downtown Commuters) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Average Commute Distance One-Way (miles) 13.04 12.76 15.11 12.53 12.69 Average Commute Distance Roundtrip (miles) 26.08 25.52 30.22 25.06 25.38 How did you get to downtown work today?

Drove alone 36.9% 37.6% 41.4% 36.8% 43.30% Drove moped, scooter, motorcycle n/a n/a 0.9% 1.8% 1.36% Carpooled 6.7% 5.2% 6.9% 7.2% 5.0% Vanpooled 0.3% 0.5% 0.4% 0.6% 0.2% Bicycled 3.8% 5.9% 3.7% 6.9% 5.67% Walked 3.3% 3.3% 3.2% 5.7% 3.81% Transit 48.0% 45.5% 44.6% 44.7% 37.59% Worked from home 0.6% 1.2% 1.9% 0.7% 1.63% Did not work today 0.5% 0.9% 0.6% 0.8% 1.45% How do you get to work most days of week?

Drove alone 32.3% 34.30% 37.3% 31.7% 40.13% Drove moped, scooter, motorcycle n/a n/a 0.8% 1.2% 1.23% Carpooled 6.9% 5.20% 5.5% 6.5% 5.17% Vanpooled 0.3% 0.30% 0.5% 0.4% 0.23% Bicycled 3.8% 6.30% 4.6% 6.9% 6.85% Walked 3.3% 3.50% 2.9% 4.0% 4.36% Transit 48.0% 50.20% 48.1% 49.2% 41.58% Worked from home 0.6% 0.20% 0.2% 0.1% 0.41% I do not work 0.5% 0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.05% Reasons for changes in commuting patterns?

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Increased transit options n/a 6.7% 4.5% 5.3% 5.11%

Decreased transit options n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.72% Price of Gas n/a 23.5% 10.5% 10.4% 11.40% Change of employer or residental location n/a 14.8% 11.2% 13.4% 12.13% Environmental Concerns n/a 11.5% 6.5% 5.9% 5.36% Health Concerns n/a 3.8% 3.0% 4.4% 4.55% Learned about a new transportation option n/a n/a n/a 2.6% 1.49% No change in commute pattern 64.8% 61.8% 74.7% 71.4% 57.23% Note: changes in patterns do not include the "other" option. Barriers for use of alternative transportation?

No convenient transit routes near work or home n/a 13.7% 17.8% 13.4% 8.28% Transit conditions (crowded, unclean) n/a 11.1% 9.0% 10.6% 5.90% Fare is too expensive n/a 4.5% 8.0% 7.6% 4.90% Routes do not run at convenient times/frequencies n/a 21.6% 21.4% 18.3% 10.40% Difficult to find car/vanpool partners n/a 3.2% 5.3% 5.5% 3.20% No safe bicycle routes n/a 5.8% 8.5% 7.6% 4.17% Too far to bicycle n/a 9.6% 14.6% 13.8% 7.78% Insufficient amenities at work (showers, storage) n/a 8.4% 7.4% 6.5% 3.80% I don't know what my options are n/a 2.7% 1.5% 3.4% 1.42%

Too far to walk n/a n/a 20.2% 19.2% 10.67% No barriers- I use alternative modes whenver I can n/a 51.0% 47.7% 49.9% 22.17% Last trip to downtown, not commuting

Drove, moped, scooter, motorcycle n/a n/a 2.4% 1.9% 1.95% Carpooled n/a n/a 33.6% 30.8% 30.64% Bicycled n/a n/a 3.6% 5.5% 6.63% Walked n/a n/a 3.3% 4.2% 5.13% Transit n/a n/a 19.0% 20.3% 16.48% Drove alone n/a n/a 32.5% 33.2% 33.36% I never come Downtown outside of work n/a n/a 5.6% 4.0% 5.81% Employer require you to have a car?

Yes 12.9% 13.70% 12.4% 10.1% 10.35% No 87.1% 86.30% 87.6% 89.9% 89.65% Does employer pay for a parking space?

Yes, fully 7.4% 20.5% 17.4% 12.5% 9.94% Yes, partially 22.0% 17.7% 22.3% 14.4% 2.96% No 70.7% 74.5% 60.3% 73.1% 70.46% Does your employer pay for your B-cycle membership or usage fees?

Yes, fully n/a n/a n/a 0.4% 1.91% Yes, partially n/a n/a n/a 3.1% 2.96% No n/a n/a n/a 73.0% 70.46% Not sure n/a n/a n/a 23.5% 24.66% Does your employer pay for bicycle parking?

Yes, fully n/a n/a n/a n/a 15.54% Yes, partially n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.82% No n/a n/a n/a n/a 55.01% Not sure n/a n/a n/a n/a 28.62% Does your employer pay for your carshare membership or usage fees?

Yes, fully- for Hertz on Demand n/a n/a n/a 0% 0.05% Yes, fully- for eGo Carshare n/a n/a n/a 0% 0.09% Yes, fully- for Occasional Car n/a n/a n/a 1% 0.14% Yes, partially- for Hertz on Demand n/a n/a n/a 0% 0.05% Yes, partially- for eGo Carshare n/a n/a n/a 20% 0.14% Yes, partially- for Occasional Car n/a n/a n/a 10% 0.09% No n/a n/a n/a 78% 71.19% Not sure n/a n/a n/a 21% 28.26% Does employer pay for a transit pass?

Yes, fully 42.1% 27.7% 40.5% 36.2% 30.99% Yes, partially 35.9% 28.5% 39.4% 38.7% 34.96% No 22.1% 43.8% 20.2% 25.2% 34.05%

What kind of pass do you receive from your employer?

Monthly Pass

24.5% 10.6% 9.38% Annual ValuPass

12.5% 4.5% n/a

Eco Pass

49.1% 75.5% 78.55% FREX Tickets

0.6% 0.0% 0.07%

Flex Pass n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.14% Other

13.4% 9.5% 9.86%

Does employer provide an Eco-Pass?

Yes n/a 55.70% n/a n/a n/a No n/a 30.80% n/a n/a n/a I don't know n/a 13.50% n/a n/a n/a Employer offer a secure location to park bicycle?

Yes 50.5% 52.1% 58.0% 55.6% 53.15% No 15.5% 25.0% 12.4% 17.8% 17.90% Not Sure 34.0% 22.9% 29.6% 26.7% 28.95% Employer allows work from home, telecommute?

Yes 35.2% 34.8% 37.8% 33.9% 33.69% No 41.8% 48.6% 43.1% 44.6% 47.72% Not Sure 23.1% 22.9% 19.1% 21.5% 18.59% Person in Office to help with Transportation questions?

Yes 62.6% 75.9% 59.2% 58.3% 54.39% No 13.7% 9.6% 11.8% 14.3% 14.17% Not Sure 23.8% 14.6% 28.9% 27.4% 31.43% Pior to taking this survey, were you aware you could receive transportation options from the Downtown

Denver Partnership? Yes 27.8% 42.6% 45.8% 42.4% 32.76% No 72.2% 57.4% 54.2% 57.6% 67.42% Do you have access to shower facilities either through your employer, building, or downtown gym

membership? If you have multiple options, please check the one that is most convenient for you. Yes- at my employer n/a n/a n/a 30.9% 25.72% Yes- at my building n/a n/a n/a 20.7% 22.69% Yes- at my gym (located downtown) n/a n/a n/a 9.1% 11.97% No n/a n/a n/a 39.3% 35.07% Other n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.56%

Please describe the conditions of the secure bicycle parking that is available through your employer or building.

Above Ground Parking Garage n/a n/a n/a 12.0% 12.58% Underground Parking Garage n/a n/a n/a 62.2% 27.54% Gated or Caged Area of a Parking Garage n/a n/a n/a 15.5% 9.22% Inside the building, either below or above ground level n/a n/a n/a 20.8% 13.10% Inside the building, at ground level n/a n/a n/a 9.2% 9.80% Accessible via ramp you are allowed to ride on n/a n/a n/a 17.9% 7.88% Accessible via elevator (only) n/a n/a n/a 5.3% 3.07% Accessible via stairs (only) n/a n/a n/a 2.2% 0.75% Located in a secure storage area inside my employer's

office n/a n/a n/a 7.5% 3.65% Bicycle parking is adjacent to changing area n/a n/a n/a 2.5% 2.38% Bicycle parking is adjacent to shower facilities n/a n/a n/a 2.5% 2.96% Other n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.07% How much do you or would you pay for access to your secure bicycle parking?

Nothing- bicycle parking is free n/a n/a n/a 87.4% 89.83% Approximately $1-$10 per month n/a n/a n/a 8.9% 4.00% Approximately $10-$20 per month n/a n/a n/a 2.5% 2.70% Approximately $20-$30 per month n/a n/a n/a 0.7% 1.57% More than $30 per month n/a n/a n/a 0.5% 1.91%