Double Page Spread Research


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Kerrang DPS – 4 different pictures on the page. Pictures are all in black and white. Facial expressions different in every photograph. Largest photo takes up half of the page. Main bold headlines written above the paragraphs of text. Main text isn’t too long, is much smaller on the page as if it is less important.

NME DPS – Once again, a half page of a photograph. This time it is in colour. The noticeable poster background typically represents the indie genre. The clear colour scheme of baby blue is shown in this issue. The size of the text is much smaller, with the expectation of the pull quote.

A combination of different texts, fonts, which fit in with the photograph gives this a simple look. The photograph is very clear, the same as the text which is plain.

NME DPS – The photograph in this issue takes up the entire double page spread. It is clearly edited and has various different lighting effects applied. The cover lines is a quote in a font that gives a ‘painted effect’.

One of my personal favourites. The picture takes up ¾ of the page which I think is a good amount. The photograph is edited to fit into the genre. The cover line is simply the name of the band which is placed above the main text. There is a simple ‘template graphic design’ scattered across the page which gives an interesting effect.

Split, half photograph. Half text. The cover line text is very unusual and noticeable. The font and size of the text seems to pull the user into the magazine. The text below which holds the information just seems to be there for users who read further than the cover line.

Quote in large bold text. Noticeable the important information is highlighted in another colour of text. Photograph is in black and white, with various use of lighting.