Double page spread overview


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DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD OVERVIEWJust like the front cover and contents page overviews, I have used double page spreads from ‘Top of the Pops’ and ‘We Love Pop’. They all have many common features that I will be investigating. I have chosen these double page spreads as I found them most attractive and appealing. I hope to achieve more knowledge and understanding in the similarities between each double page spread.

One of the features that are frequent in each of the double page spreads shown on the previous slide is the use of bright and innocent colours that are used. In each one, the colour white is used which makes us think of purity, innocence and calmness. For instance, half of the double page spreads are on a plain white background. This is done as it is more professional and appealing. This links to the personality of pop as a whole and the personality of pop fans. Furthermore, it also makes the double page spread stand out and catch the readers eye. There are many bright colours used like yellow, red, pink etc and this is another way individuals are able to recognise these double page spreads are from a pop magazine.

Each of the artists facial expressions shown in the double page spreads are humorous, positive and happy. This is a common feature as the reader is aware they are bubbly, having fun and enjoying life to the full. This is attracting the target audience as they have a similar personality, making them have a bond with the artist/band. As the magazine itself has escapism, this links to them feeling happy and having a positive self-esteem due to the facial expressions and self-concept of the image on the double page spread. This is a common representation in the genre pop, which makes people aware these artists are a part of pop.

One of the conventions of a double page spread, is having a direct address main image. On each of the double page spreads presented, they all have a dominant image, making it the first thing the reader notices and catches their eye. This is to attract and fascinate the reader, and convince them to read the article. The images include popular, favourite artists/bands; is appealing to the reader. This is also done to show their beauty, style and make the reader aware of who the article is about.

Another common feature that is represented on the majority of the double page spreads are the use of small images. The small images break up the amount of text on the article. It makes the article more fun, enjoyable and less boring.

They all also have a bold and bright title which is also dominant and capturing the readers eye. Magazines do this to grab the audiences eye and lure them in. It is making the reader stop at that specific page, and take a glance to debate whether they are interested in reading it or not. The images also stand out, and persuades the target audience to want to read. For example, the reader is more likely to be put off with no images and lots of text. The text size of the article is in a readable and appropriate size which isn’t putting the reader off the magazine. They also use a fancy and fun font which is reminding the reader that pop is all about fun and having a good time. Furthermore, it is a double page spread convention that the text is presented in columns or boxes to make it easier for the reader and for the page to be more appealing. In each of the pop double page spreads shown, the text is presented in boxes or columns which is attracting the target audience to carry on reading.

Each of their body language are presented in a fun, bubbly way. This is also another way to bring out their personality, and to create a relationship with the reader. The girls body language is shown in a feminine and classy way. For instance, Cheryl Cole has both of her hands on her hip which brings out at sophisticated and feminine look.

On the majority of the double page spreads, the text is in columns or boxes, making the information sectioned to makes it easier for the reader and so they do not get bored. The reader will not be put off the magazine or article as the page is presents in an effective way. Though, if the writing was not in columns or boxes then the reader would be likely to flick through the page and ignore it.

A symbiotic link is noticeable from the front cover, contents page and double page spread. For instance, the same font is used to show there is a consist font in the magazine. Another convention of a double page spread is having a quote from the interview, presented as the headline. This is used on half of the double page spreads shown in the first slide. The quotes are controversial and giving the reader an inside of what the interview is about, persuading them to read the article.