Doorway To Your Ideal Life



10 page ebook on goal setting & success

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The Doorway to Your IDEAL LIFE!

An Introduction to Creating Your


The Doorway to Your Ideal LifeAn Introduction to Creating Your Ideal LifeVision

Why wait?

No, I’m not going to have you wait to join a tele-call (unless of course you want to, then go here for Tele-class calendar). Instead, right here in these pages, I’m going to share with you the 3 Key Ingredients to go from merely goal se!ing to goal accomplishing because . . .

I know you want to achieve and accomplish more in your life… and we both know you can do it… but you just don’t know exactly how.

I know you WANT income, better relationships, and genuine freedom in your life, but haven’t been able to make it real yet.

that passes for insight in most success coaching and tele-workshops out there.

But "rst, let’s set a li!le context around the di#erent ways that many of us have used to set goals and expand our “vision.”


Writing goals down in a notebook or journal

I don’t know about you, but for years, I would write my weak and nonspeci"c goals in a journal or notebook. Something like this:

Next, I would shove the paper into my desk drawer, rarely looking at it again. Al-though the process of writing down goals can be powerful, if the goals aren’t speci"c or reviewed on a regular basis, will they really be accomplished?

Vision Boards

It’s been said that a picture is worth a thou-sand words. But the question is . . . are they the “right words.” I have worked with many clients over the years that have used a Vision Board. And I would highly recommend using one. However, when looking at your vision board, you are only engaging 1 of your senses (your sight). In addition, what are the details of those speci"c pictures? What’s your emo-

tional connection to it? Why do you want it? How will it make you feel?

Does the picture of that incredibly “"t” person$who is NOT you$convey all the details of what you need to do to improve your own nutrition, health and exercise program? Probably not. %ere is a be!er way to making your vision boards more ef-fective.


Drawbacks of Affirmations

Once upon a time, I tried the world’s most popular a&rmation: “Money 'ows easily and e#ortlessly into my life.” But let me be blunt, honest and possibly controversial when I say . . . I’m not a big fan of a&rmations.

Why? Because they lack speci"city and personal connection, and therefore come up short as a clear intention.

A&rmations are general and typically quite generic. Most o(en they are single state-ments like the following:

%e typical implementation for a&rmations is that they are wri!en on cards or post-it notes and then sca!ered through out the house on mirrors, dashboards, refrigerators etc. %e idea is that you read them (aloud) every time you see them.

One of the biggest draw backs of a&rmations is that they aren’t speci"c enough to create a powerful vision that will compel you to action. With single sentence a&rma-tions, your mind (or imagination) isn’t given enough information to create an inner picture that conjures up the important aspects of goal accomplishment: emotion, motivation, visualization, & action plan.


I’ve been there myself . . .

. . . and I know how frustrating it can be when you’ve tried everything from a&r-mations and SMART Goals to vision boards and Finding Your Why, but still your dreams remain as exasperatingly out-of-reach as ever. Yes, I know what doesn’t work. But more importantly. I know what DOES work.

But not long a(er I created my "rst Ideal LifeVision, things dramatically turned around: I was running a multi-million dollar gourmet food business, raising 5 chil-dren (while homeschooling them all) in addition to reading books, racing in triath-lons, traveling the world, and dating my husband again, plus all the rest of the things on my top 10 list.

Hard to Believe?Watch this video to see how I turned it around . . .

Over the last 22 years, I’ve used this method and it’s at the core of the that I now teach to thousands of people, called Creating Your Ideal LifeVision. It’s just that now we don’t have old-school technology and I’ve re"ned it to contain state of the art technology . . . along with the process of imprinting YOUR VISION onto your sub-conscious to create massive results.


So . . . exactly what is a LifeVision?

A LifeVision is a minutely detailed personal mission statement, a declaration of in-tent, or manifestation that includes !e 5 Key Areas of Your Life.

Your LifeVision is "rst created by writing either on pa-per or a computer on each of these areas. It is then "ne-tuned until it feels complete and represents a genuine expression of your ideal life.

Your LifeVision is then recorded using your own voice; your own voice is your most believable voice. Speci"c music is added to the background. %e "nished record-ing is then downloaded onto your iPod or a CD. You then listen to your recorded LifeVision daily.

%e process of listening daily to the ideal life you are creating is incredibly powerful. It is a cause in motion that literally activates and a!racts the things you desire into your life. Your recorded LifeVision puts your ideal life on the front burner daily, thus integrating these dreams and aspirations into your life swi(ly and e&ciently.


By listening to what your ideal life looks and feels like daily, you begin taking steps in that direction immediately. Because of the unique recording method used with LifeVision even when daydreaming or not particularly listening to your LifeVision, your subconscious mind still hears it and responds. By listening each and every day you are focusing on what you want. %e gap between where you currently are and where you want to be will narrow. By listening daily to the person you are becoming, your be-liefs about yourself will begin to change. %ese

beliefs will in turn create habits; begin to give way to new beliefs, thus creating new habits. LifeVision is a tool that allows you to change your beliefs and actions result-ing in the creation of the life you desire.

When creating your LifeVision, there are important questions to answer to a!ract the best results:

What is your motive or the “Why” for the goal you want to achieve?

What is the “How” “Where” and “When” of speci!c goals?

What is the action plan?


Let’s give it a shot

%e following exercise will give you an ideal of what it’s like to create your Ideal LifeVision.

1. What is one goal that seems to have eluded you? Example:

2. Write down a few sentences of details that describe this goal. Example:

3. List 3–4 things that you could do today/this week as a !rst step to making this a reality in your life. Example:

4. Five reasons or motivations for this dream. Why do you want it? What will it give you? Example:

%is unique and revolutionary system is a combination of 3 Key Ingredients that will help you accomplish your goals and live your ideal life.


Were you able to pick out the 3 Key Ingredients that are necessary to accomplish your goals?

1. CLARITY: %e "rst obvious requirement to having what you want, is knowing what you want. Most people can give you a detailed list of what they DON’T want, but how many people actually articu-late in complete detail the things they desire in all areas of their life?

Ge!ing clear on the DETAILS of your goal is very important. Your goal should contain %e What, %e When, By When, Action Plan, Motivation (or Why)

and Emotional Connection. It’s this type of clarity that will take you from goal set-ting to goal accomplishing!

2. FOCUS: Each and every day you are FOCUSING on what you want and the gap between where you cur-rently are and where you want to be narrows. Because you record it with special music, your goals are literally being imprinted onto your subconscious. By listening daily to the type of person you are becoming, your be-liefs begin to change. And these new beliefs leads to our last Key Ingredient . . .

3. TAKING ACTION: By creating new beliefs, you will in turn start taking action and creating new habits. %is is literally a tool where you can change your beliefs and actions over a period of time thus reinventing yourself if you so desire.


But don’t just take my word for it . . .

%rough my private one-on-one coaching and my Intensive Workshops, my top stu-dents have discovered "rst-hand just how e#ective my Ideal LifeVision Program is. Watch to see how$by implementing the same simple formula and easy-to-follow steps that I reveal in Creating Your Ideal LifeVision$they have dramatically im-proved their lives.

Go here to read and watch dozens more Success Stories from using Ideal LifeVision.

It breaks my heart when I see so many capable and success-driven people who fail to grow and succeed because they just don’t know the best way to grab onto and start living their real dreams.

CLICK to hear sample IdealLife Vision


I invite you now to take the next step . . .

Laser VisionActivation Session

($150 Value),but my gift to you!

Then let’s jump on the phone!

801-274-0849 (o!ce)2060 Marrwood Dr., Holladay, UT 84124

CLICK HERE to grab a time
