Don’t judge a person by his appearance



Don’t judge a person by his appearance. Learn words about people’s appearances. Learn and practice sentence patterns. Apply sentence patterns to describe people. Lead-in. The Girl Next Door. candy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Don’t judge a person by his appearance.

Learn words about people’s appearances.

Learn and practice sentence patterns.

Apply sentence patterns to describe people.

Hey, girl next door with _____ eyes _____ eyes _____ eyes Tell me if now is good right time To your little heart Hey girl next door with _____ eyes _____ eyes You can‘t play cauz( 因为 ) the answers so bright You are I want, you can’t hide …

The Girl Next Door Lead-in

pigtailed 马尾辫的

bony 皮包骨的pig-tailed 马尾辫的rosy 红润的overweight 超重的slim 苗条的high-bridged 高鼻梁的pointed 尖的watery 水灵灵的curly 卷曲的straight 直的

pigtailed 马尾辫的

six feet 150 pounds straight watery medium tall short overweight slim pigtailed bony curly blond pointed rosy handsome bright big small round thin square fat strong plump long sexy good-lookingslim high-bridged 1.7 meters

Eyes:Height: Figure:Hair: Nose:Face:Mouth: Weight: skin:

Classify the following words.

I’d like to describe my friend, Angelina. She has above average height, because she is 170cm. Her weight is about 55kg, so she is very thin. Shape of her face is square(方形的 ) and skin is white. Her nose is long. She has got a large mouth and small eyes. She has red hair. In everyday life, she is often dressed in a leather coat.

Read the short passage about Angelina and underline the words used to describe her appearances.

Height:He is really a tall man, about 1.98 meters in height.He is of medium size.

Weight:Her weight is about 55 kg.

FaceHer face is square (方形的) in shape.He is a young man with a pair of brown eyes and a pointed ( 尖的 ) nose.

ClothesHe wears a red sweater. He is often casually-dressed in…

1.He is really a tall man, about 1.98 meters in height.2. He is of medium size.3. Her weight is about 55 kg.4. Her face is square (方形的) in shape.5. He is a young man with a pair of brown

eyes and a pointed ( 尖的 ) nose.6. He wears a red sweater. 7. He is often casually dressed in…

You may follow the description below: I’d like to describe my friend, ______. She/he is ______ cm in height. Her/his weight is about ____ kg. Shape of her/his face is _____ and skin is ____. Her/his nose is ___. She /he has got a ___ mouth and ____ eyes. She/he has____ hair. Now she/he is often dressed in _____.

Following this pattern is a way to begin your description.

Following this pattern is a way to begin your description.

Let’s come to Let’s come to Quick Writing.Quick Writing.

英文名: Eason ChanEason Chan 身高: 171cm体重: 160 磅

脸型:方形的 square肤色:红润的 rosy

鼻子:高鼻梁 high-bridgedhigh-bridged眼睛:梦幻般的 dreamydreamy头发:黑波浪式卷发 wavy wavy

hairhair 衣着:着装简单,黑衬衣

Try to use as many of these words as possible and include all the points.

英文名: Eason ChanEason Chan 身高: 171cm体重: 160 磅

脸型:方形的 square肤色:红润的 rosy

鼻子:高鼻梁 high-bridgedhigh-bridged眼睛:梦幻般的 dreamydreamy

头发:黑波浪式卷发 wavy wavy hairhair



1. What did we learn today?

2. Which group performs best?


1.Better your writing by yourself.2.Read and correct your partner’s writing.
