Don't be afraid to learn to play guitar


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Don't Be Afraid To Learn To Play Guitar!

• Are you someone who plays music? Are you interested in learning the guitar? You can play guitar as long as you're willing to practice and use these tips. Read on to learn more about playing the guitar.

• It is not easy to learn to play the guitar. Therefore, it is very important to stay motivated. One way to stay motivated is by setting short-term goals which won't to take that long to achieve. Finding a guitar buddy with whom to practice is also a good motivational tool. Staying motivated is key to not giving up.

• Learn to play in time. This is essential to playing the guitar like a pro. You may have your fingering down, but you may have slight, almost inaudible pauses when you switch chords. This will greatly affect the sound of your music. Try using a metronome, a person, or a music CD. Start playing slowly and learning how to play fast as you get more comfortable with it.

• Playing the guitar is notoriously hard on the fingers. You may experience cramping or blisters, particularly if you play for long periods of time in the beginning. While it may sound silly, it is important to "work out" your fingers to strengthen them. You will notice a world of difference!

• If a piece of material is proving especially difficult, slow everything down. You may naturally feel inclined to play it fast, but that is only going to make things more difficult for you in the end. Get the hang of the passage at a slow speed, and then gradually up your pace. You will be surprised at how much easier the learning process becomes for you!

• To avoid getting bored, try to have some variety in your guitar playing routine. Without variety, practicing the guitar will become boring and will lead to you quitting. Try playing songs that you enjoy and sing along. Play with friends or play in a different location to change things up.

• Learning to play the guitar can be hard on your hands and fingers. You will probably have to endure a little pain while you build up calluses. Learn specific finger practice exercises and do them daily to build up the muscles in your hands. Otherwise, your hands may cramp up while you practice.

• If you want to learn to play the guitar and are thinking of buying one, consider buying a used one. A used guitar will give you more bang for your money and will save you breaking it in. If you don't have the money to buy one, you can rent one for a small monthly fee from a music store.

• Figuring out how to switch chords is a necessary skill. Focus on chord changes for at least a quarter of an hour every day. Easily moving between the different chords ensures you play crisp, quality music without pesky squeaky sounds.•

• Even if you only aspire to be a casual musician, only playing guitar as a hobby in front of friends and family, take the time necessary to learn a bit of music theory. If you have a thorough grounding in how music really works, you will be a far better player and will be able to expand your horizons as an artist down the road, should you so desire.

• You should plan for breaks and know when you should take them. Don't get burned out from playing! You must remain motivated. If you are practicing non-stop for days, put down the guitar, and take a short break. A well-timed break can revive your interest in playing. Just don't take these little breaks very often.

• Be sure to learn each song you attempt from start to finish. Sometime people just learn certain parts of a song, like the solo. That will get you in trouble, as you may never have the motivation to finish a song. Discipline yourself to learn and play the entire song. Try to keep your focus on playing a single song until you fully learn it.

• You can start playing the guitar after reading the information in this article. All you will need is effort, motivation and a lot of practice. Remember what you have learned when reading this article as you begin to start playing.

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