Domino Sugar Campaign



GDP 118 Fall 2011

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GDP118 Creative Thinking

Fall 2011

Domino Sugar Campaign Project

Top 4 Slogans and Visuals1. Domino Sugar, the sweetener that’s as pure and free flowing as water.

2. Withdominosugaryoucanpracticallysubstituteyoursaladwithcupcakes.

3. Domino Sugar, so pure you could snort it.

4. Domino Sugar, enjoy your sweetener the right way.




Ichosethisvisualbecauseofthepurefeelingithas.Itmakesyou feellikethesugarisactuallygoodfor.Itwasjustaverypositiveimagethatwentalongwiththeobjective.

Visual 1:slogan: “Got Pure”The image is a play on milk ads. The message is that sugar is na-ture product that we feed to our children as well as milk is. Since we don’t feed them fake milk, it is just as important that we don’t feed them fake sugar.

Visual 2:Slogan: “When choosing a sweetener.. Pure is the way to go.”The visual sends the message of the part of the slogan that says “way to go”. It is intended to compare choosing the right way to go with directions with choosing the right way to go with sweeteners.

Visual 3:Slogan: “When it comes to a recipe... there’s just no alternative”The message is that when sugar is an ingredi-ent in a recipe, it is very out of the ordinary to replace it with an artificial sugar. Therefore, using traditional sugar is necessary.

Visual 4:Slogan: “There are two choices when it comes to sweetener: artificial, and natural”

The visual displays artificial as toxic because the artificial sweeteners are made out of chemical. Real sugar is displayed with a sugar plant leaf and an organic look to appear safe and natural.


Make cake, make friends.(the calories from a teaspoon of sugar are burned during a 15 minute conversation)

The Domino Effect

play a green game with Sugar Cane

sustains the world
