Doing Penance 2-6-15



Our session for 2-6-15 formatted for RPGGeek

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Schectady-Glenville Gamers Feb 2015

The Longest Day, Part II(Feb 6)I mentioned in the previous session that I wasn't here for this one, but this is the brief rundown I got to bring everybody back up to speed.

After depositing Hembrundt's body at his manor, and giving his majordomo explicit instructions to NOT divulge the fact that he actually died, the party took the thug (Ruffalo) that we had dragged along to the docks, which is where he indicated he had been recruited.

This lead to the party going down to the docks and beating some folk up, Ruffalo crying a bit that he wasn't getting rescued from us, and finding out that the wereshark's name was "Bob the Barker."

Somewhere along here Ivor decided that Ruffalo needed some direction in his life and sort of tried to make him his squire; I should also mention that there's a specific sort of personality that Ivor goes for (, and evidently part of Axel's gear for being an Entertainer was a costume, which was some sort of white-something-or-other... You may get the idea. (

Having gathered those bits of information, the party then returned to Hembrundt's manor, and they were visited by his spirit. He informed them from beyond the grave that:1) He has an heir (on the Isle of Elda, some islands away),2) The password to enter his vault ("coconut") and his permission to take from it as recompense for their work,3) Not all on the Lords 13 Council are bad (but not necessarily which ones could be trusted),4) And something about the "Angel of Death [word I can't read]" having brought the drow to the island, possibly as reincarnated...somethings.

His spirit departed, and as the party began to discuss whether or not to let it out that Hembrundt had been killed, a servant girl ran past the room screaming, her hair on fire.

The Longest Day Part III(Feb 13)

So began the next session I attended - and, I might add, the elapsing of perhaps 2 hours of in-game time since we started.

Axel ran to the right after the servant girl to put her out, and as Rafe started into the hallway, he turned the other way and saw one of these ( As Rafe engaged the smokey creature, it summoned 3 more of itself, and after briefly engaging the group things were abruptly ended once the original was dispatched.

The party then realized there was more smoke and fire (and screaming) coming from other parts of the manor, and so we quite literally went about to go put out fires.

We advanced through the manor until we came to the kitchen, where we found terrified cooks being directed by a magma mephit ( to put one of the serving boys into a boiling cauldron, presumably to make soup.

Axel informed the mephit that it was going about this all wrong and that it needed to use a much better cut of meat in order to have a creation worth anything, while Rafe used Awakened Mind to tell the cooks to start slowly backing away from the cauldron. We managed to successfully stall for some time, but eventually it came down to needing to dispatch the mephit to put a stop to it (as well as free up time to help with anyone else having problems). The fight went slightly poorly for us, with the mephit managing to drop Banan and Gâhm, but eventually it went down as well.Note: the fighters also had not made use of their Second Wind feature, and that was something I remembered after the fact and made a point remind them of it.

With some portion and paladin assisted HP recovery, Banan and Gâhm were brought back to fightin' strength and we continued through the manor. We eventually came to an outdoor pool (which was really just a manmade lagoon) where 3 steam mephits ( were playing keep-away with what appeared to be Hembrundt's small dog. The mephits had Blurred themselves, and thus posed a significant disadvantage to the party if actually engaged in battle.Axel was not going to abide by such animal abuse, and so he ran and leaped across the water, into the path of the dog as it was flung back and forth. He managed to get the dog out of the way, and as the mephits started to bicker about what to use next as a toy, Rafe contributed one of the floating pool chairs to the mix, throwing it toward two of them yelling, "Catch!" This seemed to keep the mephits busy, and as long as they weren't actively destroying anything the party decided that they were best to be avoided as there was still plenty of burning manor to try to save.

We managed to corral some servants and form somewhat of a bucket brigade from the pool to the house, and armed with several jugs of water continued further into the well-smoldering structure. We came upon several more mephits (I believe one was a fire and perhaps another smoke?) in Hembrundt's study, evidently attempting to access his vault. Axel issued the command word to the vault and opened it into one of the mephits, and they were soon dispatched without much more fuss.

With the building reasonably well on fire at this point, we needed to grab-and-go, and then remembered Hembrundt's body was still in the manor. Gâhm went to go retrieve the body but was overcome by smoke and unable to do so, however Banan was able to get the two of them more or less out unscathed.

The rest of the party managed to take a coin-filled chest as well as some other items of value (all randomly rolled):* A Potion of Greater Healing* Goggles of Night* A spell scroll (Cloud of Daggers)* A Potion of GrowthAdditionally, we managed to escape with a gem case full of seven opaque jasper gems (worth about 50 GP apiece), and coins to the tune of roughly 3800 CP, 1560 SP, and 100 GP.

Having lost the manor, it was decided to stash Hembrundt's body in one of ou beach houses until we could figure out either to alert folks that he had been killed, or try to put on a charade that he had just been grievously injured.

After some Insight rolls, it struck us that whoever was responsible for Mephit Mayhem probably also wasn't responsible for the attack by Bob the Barker; why go to the trouble of trying to make sure that Hembrundt was killed twice?

Gâhm also came across a large egg that was near some of the smoldering rubble, and it hatched into a baby pterodactyl (


TJ informed AN that there were two acceptable names for his new pet: Terrorsaur ( and Swoop (

The party then took a well deserved rest as the night began to turn to day, with our intended plans for the next day being:1) Go into town and visit Hembrundt's office, to recover anything that might be valuable there.1a) Gâhm also wanted to visit a smith to have various weapons silvered, which theoretically could also happen more or less at the same time.2) Obtain passage for Hembrundt on one of his ships to "recover" from his attack (basically getting him off the island and out of the way, but still theoretically alive to any of the Lords 13), and then also obtain passage for ourselves to the Isle of Elda to get his heir.3) Try to get in contact with drow (as it was very likely we wouldn't be leaving immediately) and see what their deal was and if we might help.

And thus ended the first day.

The Next Day, Surely Not as Long (Feb 27)